Battling a Kundalini or Serpent Spirit in a Loved One

I just got a email from a bereaved wife whose husband has come under the kundalini spirit.  He was a believer in Yeshua, even following the Torah, to one degree or another, but has now turned to Eastern, new-age and Hindu practices including trying to awaken the kundalini (or coiled snake) spirit in himself through Hindu practice (such as meditation and breathing exercises) in order to experience spiritual enlightenment. The wife pleaded for advice on what to do. She is a Messianic, Torah-believing saint and is at wit’s end on what to do. Below was my response to her. Perhaps this will help someone who is in a similar situation. I would also appreciate any thoughts and insights (based on the Scriptures) some of you may have who have dealt with this demon spirit.  Natan
The kundalini or serpent spirit (in Greek, puthon or python;  see Acts 16:16) is a demon or fallen spirit that is trying to inhabit a human body. It goes back to the worship of Baal in Canaan and the religion of the nephilim. That’s another discussion. Elohim was so opposed to Baal worship that he instructed the Israelites to perform genocide on the Baal worshipers in the Promised Land. This is a very rebellious, wicked and perverse spirit.
I suspect that spiritual doorways were opened sometime in the past for this evil spirit to come into your husband, and he either never really repented of them or never knew about them. They can hide undetected for a long time and become “a familiar spirit,” since they meld in with the person’s personality.
This evil spirit could have been generationally passed on down due to ancestral sin, or his own sins (dabbling in the occult, etc. when young), or it could have been picked up somewhere along the way in his Pentecostal church experience. Now I’m not against the Pentecostal or Charismatic movements in the church. I spent time there and was greatly blessed. I was baptized in the Spirit in my living room in 1990 and then received a fuller immersion in the Spirit at a Foursquare church in 1992. I was in several P. and C. churches between ’92 and ’98 and experienced a lot—including the good, the bad and the ugly. For example, some of the things  going on in Toronto in the early to mid-‘90s was very new age. Same with the so-called revivals in Florida a little later. I was in some meetings where men were trying to “make things happen” instead of letting the Spirit lead along biblical lines. This is very dangerous and can lead to spiritual witchcraft. I even saw videos of Copeland and Hagen come under some sort of bizarre spirit and they both slide out of their chairs like snakes and with their tongues doing the snake thing. Do I need to mention the bizarre and demonic manifestations at some Todd Bently meetings? I could go on. My research shows that the focus of these meetings was more on manifestations and not on the genuine work of the Ruach including repentance, holiness/righteousness, and obedience to Yeshua and his commands. Perhaps you husband picked something up in that arena.
Whatever the case, your husband is under the great delusion of lying spirits.
The kundalini spirit or any other evil spirit is difficult to deal with, since we don’t have the authority to go against a person’s will; i.e., if they want the spirit in them it makes it difficult to cast it out. We can cast it out against their will in Yeshua’s name by the Spirit, but it will only come back in stronger later, since the person didn’t fill the spiritual void left in them when the demon was cast out with Yeshua (Matt 12:25–30 and 43–45; Luke 11:14–26).
This is where prayer and fasting come in—to determine the will and battle strategies of Elohim on how to combat this evil in your spouse.
When praying, cover your prayers in the blood of Yeshua (Rev 12:11), so the enemy won’t hear the plans, and thus be able to mount a defense against them.
Do intercessionary repentance for your husband as Daniel and Nehemiah did for the Jews. YHVH heard and answered them. Pray that YHVH will give him the gift of repentance. Pray and do spiritual warfare against the lying and deluding spirits that are deceiving him.
Also, you can remit his past sins as Yeshua gave his disciples (and us) the authority to do in John 20:22. What is the purpose of this? As I understand it, we can remit the past sins of someone so that their sins are no longer holding the person down such that they can’t even help themselves spiritually since they are so burdened down due to guilt, shame, fear, rejection, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, delusion or whatever. This will potentially enable them to be able to see the true reality of their situation and come to repentance and faith in Yeshua.
As I study the Scriptures on spiritual warfare, I see Yeshua and the disciples only openly rebuking demonic spirits that are actually manifesting at that moment. Everything else was done by prayer in the name of Yeshua, not on the battlefield, but before the throne of Elohim through Yeshua our Great High Priest there in heaven’s courtroom. The reason I mention this is that I see many spiritual warfare advocates literally shouting and yelling at the devi, which isn’t a scriptural thing to dol. Where is this in the Bible? Yes, when on the battlefield, and when confronting a demon, Yeshua gave us the authority over all of Satan’s powers (Luke 9:1; 10:19; Mark 16:17). But when not actually on the battlefield, but in prayer, we must go to the the courtroom of heaven and appeal to the Father as the Righteous Judge through Yeshua, our Advocate or spiritual attorney or Great High Priest. These distinctions and perimeters are important to know, so that we follow heaven’s protocols thus insuring greater success in our battles against the evil one.
Finally, despite all of our best efforts, if the person we’re interceding for and spiritually warring over does not want to leave their sin, repent and turn to Yeshua, there is little or nothing we can do, since they have free will to make their choices including rejecting Yeshua and following Satan/Baal straight into the lake of fire. That being said, we need to pray for ourselves, so that we will know what to do. If it’s a spouse, Yah will either give us the his strength and grace to endure the situation, or, if it gets too bad so that person becomes abusive and begins to persecute us, it may be necessary to depart the marriuage for good. These are all difficult choices that must be made through much prayer, fasting and seeking the will, the heart and the leading of the Father through his Set-Apart Spirit.

The Rise of Secular Humanism—The Devil’s Religion

The Devil’s Original Lie and the Religion of the New World Order

We are presently watching unfolding before us an epic and cosmic struggle between the forces of evil and good. The world system or cosmos of the devil is pitted against the unalterable and immutable plans, purposes and Word of the sovereign Creator of the universe, YHVH Elohim.

At the center of this battle is man. He was created in the image of Elohim and destined to become a son of Elohim. The Adversary, on the other hand, wants to make man into his image—a son of perdition. Man has to choose whom he will follow. To sit on the sidelines, ignore the battle and not to choose is, by default, to choose the side of the devil. Man must carefully choose his course of action, for the consequences are eternal. Inaction—not to choose—is to ignore the battle and by default to choose the side of the devil.

That battle will reach its nexus at the end of the age, just prior to the return of the Messiah. Will man fall for the lies of the counterfeit Messiah, or remain faithful to the Truth and Word of the real Messiah? To resist the deceiver and not fall for his lies one must know the face of his enemy: his tactics, game plan and the nature of his deception. The lies he will use in the end times to woo the multitudes to his side are not new. The tactics and game plan are the same, for it has never changed from the beginning. What are the lies he will use to seduce man to his side of this struggle? When did the deceiver first ply his trade? The answers are in the Book of Life.

The Big Lie and Its Origin—The Scriptures Speak of a “Lie”

There are those who turn from the revealed truth of Elohim and turn to believing a lie as Romans 1:24–25 states:

Wherefore Elohim also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of Elohim into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen

The Man of Sin/Lawlessness will cause many to turn from YHVH’s truth and believe a lie as 2 Thessalonians 2:7–12 states:

For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now restrains will do so, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom YHVH shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause Elohim shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Outside of the New Jerusalem will be those wicked ones who believe a lie as the Book of Revelation states:

And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defiles, neither whatsoever works abomination, or makes a lie, but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life. (Rev 21:27)

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie. (Rev 22:14–15)

The primary meaning of these passages is referring to those who have exchanged the truth of YHVH for a lie. But what lie? Who did Yeshua say was the father of lies (John 8:44)? The devil is, of course. So, ultimately all lies that humans believe had to have originate from those lies the devil through the serpent told the first humans in the Garden of Eden.

What Was This “Big Lie”?

Fundamentally, all big lies against the truth of YHVH actually originate from several big lies with which the serpent seduced Adam and Eve at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen 3:1–5). The serpent told the following lies: Continue reading