17 Totally Amazing & Awe Inspiring European Churches

This is a video documentary of Nathan giving a guided tour through some of Europe’s most amazing and awe-inspiring churches including the smallest church, the largest church, the tallest church, a fortress church, a church that took 400 years to build, another that is still being constructed after 1,000 years, a neo-Gothic art deco church, the most famous Gothic cathedral, one that has been the site of the crowning of the English monarchs for 1,000 years and more. These are my videos, photos and commentary. Please enjoy!


3 Types of Christians: In Name Only, A Lukewarm Customer & A Sold Out Disciple—Which Are YOU?

This is another hard hitting video that’s not for the snowflake believer in Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah! For those who want to go to the next level in their Christian walk, this challenging message is a dose of loving reality, a spiritual tonic for you. For the rest of you, switch channels and go back to sleep in your stinky pew of complacent and lukewarm churchianity! (I wonder what Yeshua the Messiah thinks of your spiritual state? Not sure? I dare you to read Revelation 3:15–16!)

This and other videos by Nathan are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple podcast under “Hoshana Rabbah.”

If this message has been a blessing to you, please consider showing your appreciation by making a donation to Hoshana Rabbah at  https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=YCJXxwIs9WC97bc29kBAHtSF7IzMXXKfpWZYifh1QeReOYLLTGrU0jNzOwv8oSPl6xicUH6u7FHzwapN. Thank you!


From Abraham to Messiah—The Power of Covenantal Relationship (Pt 2)

In this video, Nathan demolishes the false Christian theological concept that the Abrahamic and Sinaitic or Mosaic covenants and hence YHVH’s Torah-law have bee done away with in some or all aspects. The Bible is clear. What the mainstream church teaches in this regard not only could not be further from the the divinely revealed Truth of the Bible, but it blasphemously impugns the very holy character of YHVH Elohim, and those who believe such are walking in satanic deception whether they realize it or not. It is time for YHVH’s people to wake up spiritually and to exit the confusing hodgepodge and spiritual Babylon of men’s traditions that make of none effect the Word and Truth of Elohim! This is a tough, but enlightening and freeing message!

This and other videos by Nathan are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple podcast under “Hoshana Rabbah.”

If this message has been a blessing to you, please consider showing your appreciation by making a donation to Hoshana Rabbah at https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=YCJXxwIs9WC97bc29kBAHtSF7IzMXXKfpWZYifh1QeReOYLLTGrU0jNzOwv8oSPl6xicUH6u7FHzwapN. Thank you!


How Do You Know You Can Trust Your Bible Teachers?

These days, anyone can go online for next to nothing and becoming a talking head, so-called Bible teacher. To get a large following, all you need is your smart phone, a laptop a nice looking backdrop, a glib tongue and some fancy editing software whether you know what you’re talking about or not. You may be a false teacher, a person of bad moral character, a shameless merchandiser and know little or nothing about the Bible, but this doesn’t stop people from preaching and teaching—and peddling their slickly packaged merchadise. So how do you know if you can trust the talking head blabbering from your screen or headphones? The Bible gives us some excellent guidelines on how to separate the wheat from the chaff in this dicey and landmine infested arena of information overload.

This and other videos by Nathan are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple podcast under “Hoshana Rabbah.”

If this message has been a blessing to you, please consider showing your appreciation by making a donation to Hoshana Rabbah at https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=YCJXxwIs9WC97bc29kBAHtSF7IzMXXKfpWZYifh1QeReOYLLTGrU0jNzOwv8oSPl6xicUH6u7FHzwapN. Thank you!


Secular Humanism (Pt 2)—Its Origin, Development, Modern Manifestations and How to Defeat It

The Development of Humanism in the Bible

Satan Was the First Humanist

Satan was the first one to rebel against YHVH and his laws.His end game was to kick YHVH off his throne and to exalt himself to that place of authority and honor (note the five “I wills” of Isaiah 14:12–14).

How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of El: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

The rebellious ideas expressed by the devil as recorded in Isaiah are part and parcel with those spouted by modern secular humanists. There is nothing new under the sun. The devil has continued to repeat the same old lies in his efforts to seduce man to his side in rebellious defiance against YHVH Elohim.

Humanism Started in the Garden of Eden and Will End With the New World Order—Babylon the Great

Having seduced man in the Garden of Eden to rebel against the Creator, it was ultimately Satan’s aim for man to worship him instead of Elohim. Scripture recognizes this satanic notion when it calls Satan the “god of this world” (2 Cor 4:4).

As Satan successfully subverted the first Adam to follow him, in essence to worship him, likewise he attempted to seduce Yeshua, the Second Adam, to fall down and worship him (Matt 4:1–10).

Just prior to the second coming, Satan will attempt to rule this world as the Antimessiah with men worshipping him (Rev 13:2, 4, 12–13, 15).

Those who worship the devil will receive his mark on their foreheads and hands signifying that their thoughts and actions are in accord with the Lucifer or Satan (Rev. 13:14–16; 14:9). Similarly yet conversely, those who worship YHVH in Spirit and truth will have his “mark” in, not on their foreheads. They will, as his bond servants, be sealed with his name in their foreheads (Rev 7:3; 9:4 cp. Exod 13:9, 16; Deut 6:8; 11:18). Those who have YHVH’s “mark” or seal will be spared from many of the plagues of the Great Tribulation (Rev 7:34; 9:4 cp. Ezek 9:4, 6). Scripture indicates that this seal is his name (i.e., his character, reputations, power and authority) written in their hearts and minds (Rev 22:4).

What will cause people to take Satan’s mark on their foreheads? Will there be many who will literally run to get this mark since it will be popular to do so? For example, how popular were the recently published Harry Potter books? When a new one came out it was breaking news. Tens of millions were sold instantly with people waiting in line for hours to buy the books. What is the mark that the fictional teenage sorcerer Harry Potter wears on his forehead? It is a lightning bolt. Yeshua said that he saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven (Luke 10:18 cp. Rev 12:9). Is Harry Potter’s lightning bolt preparing people to literally run to take the mark of the beast because it will be the “in thing” to do? 

Satan Founded the First Religion Called Humanism

Satan was the founder of the world’s first anti-Elohim religion. This religion was based on man pulling himself up by his own bootstraps, so to speak, without YHVH’s help (i.e., he was the creator of the first works and legalistic-based religious system). Humanism believes that man can save himself through his own efforts without outside help or intervention from a deity. All the false religious systems of the world have bought into and purvey this anti-biblical notion.

Satan’s religion gives humans what they want—it caters to the base sin nature of men. All the false religions of the world spring from Satan’s religion of humanism; all are works-based and give the flesh what it wants and gratify the mind and ego’s quest for “gnosis” without have to deal with man’s fallen nature and make recompense to Elohim for his sin

All the religions of the world, except that which is founded solely on the undiluted truth of the Bible, are based on rebellion to YHVH’s revealed truth and the need for man to be redeemed for the death penalty of sin by way of the cross of Yeshua the Messiah.

The Time Between the Garden of Eden and Babylon the Great

Satan is attempting to sway, deceive and seduce men to his side in his rebellion against Elohim (including, if possible, the very elect saints) through doctrines of demons. Scripture speaks of this: “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron” (1 Tim 4:1–2).

Other Manifestations of Humanism In Scripture

Nimrod Was a Humanist

Nimrod was the first collectivist or communist in that he formed cities and founded the first empire. He was a mighty hunter “before” (in front of, in the face of or against) YHVH (Gen 10:9); he was the first savior of the world, the first to collectivize people into cities, the first emperor, the first tyrant. He was the first human to raise his fist in defiance against and in the face of Elohim when he built the Tower of Babel.

The Children of Israel Were Plagued With Humanists and Humanistic Influence

  • The golden calf incident (Exod 32) was an attempt to syncretize the worship of YHVH with a pagan religion of Egypt (Exod 32:5). This was an early interfaith movement on the part of Israelite humanists.
  • Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron the High Priest, offered up strange fire to YHVH and were struck dead for their rebelliousness (Lev 10:1–7). This was a case of man not following YHVH’s clear procedural instructions on how to offer incense and of Nadab and Abihu approaching YHVH by doing it “their way” and not his way. This is a classic humanistic characteristic: each man doing what is right in his own eyes. 
  • The twelve Israelite spies’ evil report of the Promised Land (Num 13) is another example humanism. They had no faith in YHVH’s promises and Word. To them he was a liar. They preferred to stay where they were (in the wilderness of their present world) with the attitude of eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die, rather than having faith in future rewards for present obedience and faith.
  • Korah was a humanist who rebelled against YHVH’s divine order and authority as represented by Moses. He promoted revolution and the overthrow of legitimate government. Had Karl Marx been alive at the time, Korah would have made a good member of the Communist Party as he attempted to overthrow divinely mandated authority. In Numbers 16:1–3, we see that he separated himself from the rest of Israel to form his own opposing political party, and, in the spirit of democracy, community organizing and activism, he gathered like-minded malcontents to his side, rose up against Moses who was YHVH’s authority figure on earth, and accused Moses of wrong-doing. This was Satan’s pattern in the Eden—that is, to divide and conquer, form an opposition party, rebel against authority, and then subversively accuse the other side of what he was guilt of himself.
  • Balaam was a humanist and tried to seduce Israel to untie or syncretizing with the heathens through sexual liaisons (Rev 2:14). 
  • Phineas opposed humanism (immorality and syncretism) when he killed Zimri and Cozbi (Num 25:1ff).
  • The tribes of Reuben and Gad fell under the sway of humanistic ideas when they sought their own well being at the rest of Israel’s expense, sought materialism ahead of obedience to YHVH to go into the Promised Land, and when they stopped short of the Promised Land to enjoy “a humanist heaven” on the wrong side of the Jordan River (Num 32). Humanists do not want to go all the way in obeying YHVH. This is falling under the influence of the “big lie.” You can have it your way with one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom of heaven.
  • Every time the Israelites murmured against YHVH, they demonstrated a lack of faith by not believing his Word or promises. This was a spirit of humanism. In essence, they viewed YHVH as a liar and trusted in themselves rather than in his word and promises. Whenever they rebelled against YHVH or Moses they were acting as humanists. Idolatry, lust, ungratefulness, dishonor of parents are all aspects of secular humanism.
  • When the Israelites turned from obedience to Torah to following the religious practices of the nations around them Scripture says that “every man did that which was right in his own eyes (Deut 12:8; Judg 17:6; 21:25). This is the same old humanist mantra of if it feels good, do it, or do what thou wilt.
  • King Saul become a humanist when he refused to obey YHVH’s instructions. The end result of rejection of divine authority was his turning to witchcraft (1 Sam 15:23).

Rabbinic Judaism and Humanism

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Secular Humanism (Pt. 3) Exposing It & Defeating It

In part 3 of this video series on secular humanism, we trace the rise of this religious, satanic philosophy through the Bible and how it has even infected mainstream Christianity in the post-apostolic era as well as modern rabbinic Judaism. But we don’t stop there merely identifying the problem. No! Now that we have taken two previous videos to identify the problem including secular humanism’s source and origin and modern manifestations, we know reveal the solution to stopping this satanic, unbiblical religious philosophy and what YOU can do about it in YOUR own life. This is critical intel to have in order to be a wise and effective foot soldier in Yeshua’s end time spiritual army that is preparing the way for his second coming!