Ezekiel 40–48
Ezekiel’s vision of a temple is enigmatic. Few passages in the entire Bible are more difficult to understand than chapters 40 to 48 of the Book of Ezekiel where the prophet describes in detail a temple—a habitation for YHVH himself—that he saw in a vision. Ezekiel’s temple is similar to the Tabernacle of Moses and Solomon’s Temple, but different and grander.
Is this temple to be actually built during the Messianic Era or Millennium (which is the most common interpretation of this prophetic passage)? Or is this temple not a literal temple that will be built, but only figurative and spiritual in nature containing some hidden spiritual message? Bible commentators are uncertain. The Christian commentator Matthew Henry brushes off the vision with a scant commentary giving the following reasoning why: “Here is a vision … which is justly looked upon to be one of the most difficult portions in all the book of God. When we despair to be satisfied as to any difficulty we meet with, let us bless God that our salvation does not depend upon it, but that things necessary are plain enough; and let us wait till God shall reveal even this unto us.” Not content to leave this issue on Matthew Henry’s spiritual back burner, this author has assembled a series of insightful quotes from scholars who have studied Ezekiel’s Temple in depth and have some thought-provoking ideas as to its spiritual significance that may well spur the reader to examine this subject more thoroughly for himself.
Next, we present some excerpts from some Jewish and Christian commentaries on the subject of Ezekiel’s temple.
The Soncino Pentateuch sees this vision describing a temple that will be built in the New Jerusalem after the return of the exiled Israelites, which occurs when Messiah comes to establish his kingdom on earth. “This new temple was … to symbolize and embody in concrete form the teachings of Holiness and Purity preached by the Prophet in the preceding 39 chapters of his book.… The real hope of the future for Ezekiel lies in perfect and willing obedience to the Law” (p. 350).
The ArtScroll Chumash notes that at the beginning of the Book of Ezekiel the prophet is shown the glory of YHVH departing the Temple in Jerusalem because of all the abominations done therein (Ezek 9 and 10). That Temple became but an empty shell destined for soon destruction at the hands of the Babylonians. “But [Elohim] removes his Presence from places, not from his people. Throughout Ezekiel’s sad task of warning the nation of the consequences of its waywardness, [Elohim] told him that Israel would remain his people, that he would share their exile, and that he would bring them home again. In the concluding chapters of the book, Ezekiel saw the vision, the architecture, the dimensions, the laws of the Third Temple. Finally, he saw the vision of the Shechinah’s [YHVH’s glorious Presence] return—the same Shechinah whose departure he had tearfully witnessed twenty years earlier” (pp. 1158–1159).
The essence of the nine chapters devoted to describing this temple is found in 48:35 where the name of the city is given: YHVH Is There/YHVH Shama (vnÑ vuvh), according to the ArtScroll Tanch Series Ezekiel Commentary. The focus of the New Jerusalem is that it is the resting place of the Divine Presence. “[Elohim] wills that there be a New Jerusalem only because he wills that there be a place of welcome for the Divine Presence.… This Temple is to become the throne and footstool for the Divine Presence (43:7) and, in contrast to the two previous Temples which became defiled—and subsequently destroyed—through Israel’s sins, this one is to stand inviolate. [Elohim] is to dwell in it, never to depart (43:7)” (p. 605).
Adam Clarke in his commentary sees a direct correlation between the layout of Ezekiel’s temple and the message of the cross. “The tabernacle and temple were types of the incarnation of [Yeshua the Messiah]: ‘Destroy this temple, and after three days I will raise it up;—but this he spoke of the temple of his body’ (John 2:19,21). And in that Temple ‘dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.’ Into this immaculate humanity did the glory of the Supreme [Elohim] enter; and thus, ‘[Elohim] was in [Messiah] reconciling the world to himself.’ And this [Yeshua] is Immanuel, [El] with us” (Clarke’s Commentary, vol. 4, p. 540).
E.W. Bullinger in his noted Companion Bible says of Ezekiel’s Temple or Sanctuary, that it is the palace or habitation of the Messiah in connection with “the city of the great King” (Ps 48:2; Matt 5:35) (Appendix 88, p. 126).
“These closing chapters [Ezek 40 through 48] describe the new temple and a new order of worship for Israel. Most important they conclude with the name of the city, [YHVH] Is There. This is the key for understanding this whole vision of Ezekiel, which is paralleled by Revelation 21:1–22:15. As John has an angel guide to show him around his New Jerusalem, so Ezekiel has an angel to explain to him his temple vision. Though scholars vary in their interpretation, the temple is best interpreted symbolically, representing the worshiping community of the Messiah, during the church age, the Millennium, and climaxing in the world to come” (Spirit Filled Life Bible, notes on Ezek 40:1).
So what is the bottom line here? Will Ezekiel’s Temple literally be built or is it merely metaphorical symbology or both?
Ezekiel’s Temple—A Literal Millennial Temple
There are solid biblical reasons to believe that Ezekiel’s temple vision foretells a literal temple that will be built in the future. In Messiah’s Coming Temple—Ezekiel’s Prophetic Vision of the Future Temple, by John W. Schmitt and J. Carl Laney, the authors make a compelling case for this being a description of a literal millennial temple. “Taken literally, Ezekiel 40–48 describes a temple that will exist during the kingdom (millennial age). Also Ezekiel is not alone in his prediction regarding a future temple; other prophets confirm the view that there will be a literal temple in the future kingdom (Isa 2:3; 60:13; Jer 33:18; Joel 3:18; Mic 4:2; Hag 2:7–9; Zech 6:12–15; 14:16, 20–21)” (ibid. p. 81). Moreover, if we are to believe John’s account of the New Jerusalem’s river of life lined with trees of life (Rev 22:1–2), then we must believe that Ezekiel’s similar account is literal as well (Ezek 47:1, 7, 12).
Those who believe that Ezekiel’s Temple is an allegorical representation of this present church age “introducers unwarranted allegorization and tends to read ideas into the passage rather than drawing out the t ruth that is there. Furthermore, thee is very little that corresponds to the church in Ezekiel’s vision” (ibid., p. 81).
God’s temple s not the circus (church)
Sadly, too many modern churches have became entertainment centers and no longer gospel Truth preaching and repentance centers, so they may as well identify with their namesake and refer to themselves as circuses, since, as you obviously know, the word church has the same Latin root as the word circus, and that root refers to the circular sun disk/god.
Hello Natan Lawrence. I am surprised to find someone who has been moved to research this word ‘church’. Tyndale was killed because he didn’t like it. I don’t like it either.
The root to circus and church aside… too often the Christian church repaints Israel as if Israel has been replaced by the church, which is false. The church is a grafted in branch by the mercy of G0D given to non Jews for salvation. The temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices will be held and G0D’s presence will be in the temple. Ezekiel 39
The TLDR version:
Hebrews 10 refutes the claims that God will institute animal sacrifice in a new Ezekiels temple in Jerusalem when He returns.
My reasoning is a follows:
Let’s assume that by church, we simply mean followers of Jesus Christ. When Peter preached on the day of Pentecost, the church was born, and the first believers were Jewish, not Gentiles. Only really after Paul was converted, by encountering Jesus in the road to Damascus, did the Gospel go to the Gentiles.
And this is because as a whole, national Israel rejected their Messiah. The righteous Jews accepted Jesus, but the “religious” hypocrites and non-believers did not, as they could not understand a “spiritual” Messiah. See Jesus parables about the King who gave a feast, and when those who were invited didn’t come, He then invited anyone in the streets and byways, a clear example of the unbelief of Israel, being a benefit to the Gentiles.
It’s true that Israelites who believe God, were the natural branches in the Olive tree, and the Gentile believers in Jesus were the wild olive branches grafted in. But the root of the tree is Jesus. That means, today there is NO distinction between Jew and Gentile in God’s eyes. Any distinction we see is man made. Paul affirms this Romans. This is the Israel of God, both Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus, which today we know as the universal church body, no any specific denomination.
There is only one way to salvation, only one way to God, and that is Jesus Christ.
St. Paul makes it clear in in 1 Cor 1:18-25 that both Jew and Greek are saved through the crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is NO separate way for Jews to be saved. Though the unbelieving ones would like you to believe that, and in fact have convinced many Christians that this is, or may be true.
And for those who imply that Jesus Christ Himself will not only allow, but implement animal sacrifice in a new “Ezekiel’s” temple, are completely ignoring Hebrews 10, where the author makes clear that the Laws animal sacrifices were not enduring or made anyone perfect. Only Jesus sacrifice makes us perfect, and it was done and accomplished once for all. No more animal sacrifices will ever be needed.
Why would you even want them again, as they were at best a temporary band-aid? It’s like someone who is on crutches for a year, until they get their leg surgery, and then completely recover, their leg is like new. And yet, even though they can walk and run well, they decide to start using crutches again. That’s simply illogical.
For anyone to say that Jesus will allow/approve/implement animal sacrifices when Jesus returns, ignore or does not understand what Jesus did. It’s almost like that person want’s to bring LAW keeping back into existence (it brings to mind Paul’s Judiazer references in Romans).
As we know, God (through the Romans) completely destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in AD 70. Israel had 40 years to believe in Jesus, a probationary period, similar to the 40 years in the desert. The Jews of Jesus’ generation were there for God’s visitation, but either did not perceive and/or rejected it.
They preferred their “works” of religion, of animal sacrifices, and religious temple rituals, to actually believing in a spiritual Messiah. They thought they were “good with God” because they were Abrahams descendants and part of national Israel. They did not understand that the Temple, and it’s rituals, and the law were simply shadows of a spiritual reality that Jesus accomplished for us. Once the 40 years were up, God closed that chapter in OT history, and brought the Levitical temple religion to a close.
They also did NOT understand, that simply being part of national Israel was no guarantee of salvation. As it’s been throughout history, only a small group of people in the world are righteous before God. Those who truly trust and believe God. Not those who simply perform outward rituals. Salvation has ALWAYS been by faith, as Paul says that Abraham believed, and was justified.
Look at Hebrews 11, the OT hall of fame, which talk OT God believers, and what they endured. 39, And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, 40 God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.
The promise of God was that through Jesus, both Jew and Gentile would be united in one group, one body, with the Lord Jesus as the head, the first among many brethern. This was not possible until Jesus came as a man, though fully God.
Excerpt from 1 Cor 1:18-25
Christ the Power and Wisdom of God
18For the [g]message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written:
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”
For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; 23but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a [i]stumbling block and to the [j]Greeks foolishness, 24but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
Hebrews 10:1
In your rather long-winded answer, you fail to mention one important thing, which in no way invalidates the message of the writer of Hebrews. The millennial sacrifices will be for memorial and illustrative purposes only, and not for salvational or atonement purposes. Even as the Levitical sacrificial system of old in no way invalidated Yeshua’s atoning death on the cross but only pointed forward to it, so the millennial sacrifices will do the same except they will point back to the cross. This is not a heretical view, but a totally scriptural one. Why is this necessary? Because during the Millennium the earth will be populated with many physical humans who will need to be evangelized with the gospel. A literal sacrificial system will in a most dramatic way illustrate to them the gravity and costliness of their sin and how only the death of Yeshua on the cross could have atoned for their sin. Thus, the sacrificial system will be a pathway for them to salvation and to faith in Messiah’s death on the cross. It’s really that simple.
Why will sacrifices be held?
Sacrifices will be held in the millennial temple only for commemorative and memorial, not atonement, purposes. Even as the Levtical sacrificial system pointed forward to the cross, the millennial sacrifices will point backward to the cross.
I have always been challenged by Ezekiel’s temple. If it is literal, it must be around during the millennium, before the City which comes from heaven in Revelation 21. Also, and here’s my biggest issue; the sacrificial system is obsolete based on Yeshua’s sacrifice. To go back to sacrifices as the modern sanhedrin wants to today is an abomination!! That is hard to reconcile.
Shalom to All.
A couple of ponders….
If the Feasts are permitted to be shadows, why not a New Temple where the glory of Elohim resides prior to the New Jerusalem when all things are completed.
Perhaps in this way Abba prepares all those who were not taken up into the air at Christ’s return who have made it through the great Tribulations into the Holy Ways of Covenant?
Let’s face it there will only be a fraction of humanity standing and a great clean up after the wrath that will be visited upon the wicked unrepentant and the unprepared virgins.
May we have our names written in the Book of Life.
Praise our righteous and merciful King. FJ
I am not so much concerned about the ideas of the modern Sanhedrin, but I am wondering about Ezekiel 43:18-27; there, it talks about the new temple and sacrificing of animals. That passage is probably the one that gives the idea of sacrificing animals to the modern Sanhedrin.
Natan, do you have any thoughts on this passage? Maybe, the people who never had faith in the Cleansing Blood of Yeshua, or those who didn’t have the opportunity to hear about Him need to resort to animal sacrifices for a while, until they (who are still alive during the millennium) and the people who will come up for the second resurrection (after the millennium) have been judged?
Shalom, Sonja
It seems we can only speculate at best. One thing is for sure. Going back to the sacrificial system as is being planned and rehearsed now is an abomination! These plans which are backed by many evangelical groups are anti Messiah! If sacrifices are sanctioned in the Millennium, it will be by YHVH and not men. We will likely have to wait till then.
If Ezekie’s temple is a literal millennial one, then the sacrifices will be occurring simply for illustrative purposes to point to one’s need to receive Yeshua as the ultimate sin sacrifice. Even as the sacrifices prior to the cross pointed forward to Yeshua, so these sacrifices will point back to the cross thus helping people in that time to see how Yeshua’s death paid for their sins and their need to receive him as their Redeemer.
Not all sacrifices are for sin. There are many sacrifices that are not for sin. Yeshua’s death, once for all, will not be repeated in the sacrifice of animals, but the sacrifice of animals can be made for thanks and offerings.
The New Jerusalem has no temple. Revelation 21:22 I saw no temple in the city, for Adonai, God of Heaven’s armies, is its Temple, as is the Lamb.
True, but there may be a physical temple on earth during the millennium. I guess we’ll have to wait until we get there to find out.
Revelation 7 would indicate this to be so.
Blessings, John
What verse/s in Rev 7 are you referring to?
Revelation 7:15
Love this conversation. I’m just finishing up Ezekiel and have been confused as to the reason for the temple. I take the Bible literally and can’t go along with many commentaries out there that try to disregard a literal temple. I feel it’s a cop out. Your conversation here have has been so helpful.
I agree with you, a lot of “speculation” going on out there, I have heard so much misinformation it’s unreal, one has to “learn” how to interpret the bible, the bible interprets itself, you just have to cross reference the passages with others, and I have learned how to do that. My wife and I are also in Ezekiel as well, and were kind of stumped as to ALL the measurements etc., (chapter 40-43) but we both feel it will yet be built, because of how things are worded. It’s a bit tricky..BUT fascinating, because there doesn’t seem to be any description that this temple was destroyed at any time, at least not that we are aware of, and just the measurements alone are not described anywhere about such a temple that was ALREADY built, I stand to be corrected…
Hi. Something I noticed recently. In the new Millennium Jesus is there, priests are there but God the Father is not mentioned and sin would still be able to exist. This would explain why there would need to be a temple in a way. People would still need to understand how to come before God the Father, Holiness extra. There is also no high priest in Ezekiel’s Temple because Jesus is the new high priest.
In the new heaven and the new earth death and hades is done away with and all those that have not chosen Jesus have been judged and sent to there place and all that is left is Gods now sinless people. Now God the Father can dwell with His people but not in a temple because we are pure now. Isn’t it beautiful. The Father can finally be present with His children like in the Garden of Eden.
….. in my fathers house are many mansion…
highway from earth to glory…
Excellent commentary my brother, but for those of ”us” who do not understand bible prophesy and eschatology, much of the bible will not make sense, therefore if a person does not understand how to connect the dots, he/she will be lost ( not eternally, but scripturally speaking) ,therefore some people’s comments don’t make sense if they don’t study scripture, and thus they comment on things they either don’t know or misinterpret…Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth…..The key here is RIGHTLY dividing. I realize it’s impossible to get everything right, so sometimes one must guess, or speculate about certain things, BUT when a person firmly says this is what is meant by this or that passage, it removes credibility for that person, because NO MAN knows every detail about the bible…I believe God chose not to revel every detail to us, because we would get bored if we knew everything, this way we keep coming back for more. The way I see it…God bless
The literalness of Ezekiel’s Temple is apparent by the amount of specific detail of measurement and ritual. The key of knowledge is thrown away if we confidently assert that revival of animal sacrifices would be an abomination, usually based on “there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins” Heb. 10:26. The context of that chapter of Hebrews is the Day of Atonement, and Ezekiel excludes the Day of Atonement from future feasts. Those that will remain are the Passover/Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Tabernacles.
Moreover, the burnt offering, peace offering and meal offering have nothing to do with sins. Future sacrifices will be memorial in character, offered with full spiritual intelligence as to how they speak of Messiah, and under the New Covenant (not the Old, which has been abolished). Divinely-sanctioned animal sacrifices predated the Old Covenant.
Ezekiel 44:25-27 mentions about sin offering still required for priest. So, I think, if it describes a literal future temple with same activities as the old, it is inconsistent to the finished sacrifice of Christ. But thanks brethren for the insightful discussions. I am about to finish also my gradual reading of Ezekiel and got stirred by the temple significance.
Finally, someone who has an idea concernin the sacrifices that will remain… those that remain will not be for sin. I had about given up on Christian understanding of the Feasts in Ezekiel minus those for sin from future feasts. As you wrote, “Those that will remain are the Passover, Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Tabernacles.” Though related Passover and the Feast of unleavened bread are not the exact same thing.
It is my understanding that the Jews have never accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Thus after this temple is built ,they will again begin the same sacrifices as before, with the Antichrist being accepted for 3 1/2 years , when at that time they will reject him after he profanes the temple.
“Ezekiel’s” temple is really a misnomer. It is JESUS’ temple….I have thought to myself that each saint in the First Resurrection brings a building block to help construct HIS temple. Non-the-less it is still JESUS who builds it, & HE who rules in it. I believe David will sit in this temple, possibly on the east side in a rebuilt tabernacle ruling Israel under JESUS. Sacrifices will be offered on a daily basis to worship GOD & to feed the human priests & the
immortal gods, sons of GOD. David’s tabernacle MUST be restored first so these sacrifices can be cooked; & to excavate the true temple Mt. Zion – the
city of David!!! I pray you hear GOD & believe (obey).
In Jesus’ Name, Clifford Catton – Dec. 14, 2022.
There is a reasonable test to be applied as to whether Ezekiel’s temple vision is to be a literal one or a figurative one. To wit: It is literal UNLESS the sense of it forces a contradiction or forces an absurdity, or forces an impossibility. If the mosiac system is to be returned to after Christ’s sacrifice then all 3 conditions of the test are then applied.. (Hebrews 8-9-10)
During the millennial kingdom Christ will rule buy law, which requires a temple and animal sacrifice.
All nations go up to Jerusalem to worship in the c millennial age. Zechariah 14. Eziekle’s Temple is in the
millennium 1000 year reign of Christ and with the resurrected Saints 1 Cor 15 ( first resurrection) The Temple of Revelation 21 is beyond the millennium and the start of the age when “God is all in all”, after the 2nd resurrection (Revelation 20) which has removed death totally and worldwide. The New Jerusalem (Revelation 22) is totally given in symbolic language of priceless gems is the Spirit explaining the beauty of immortal men and women, death removed, notice no shittim wood mentioned, just incorruptible gems. Paul speaks of men and women being the Temple of the living God, lively stones by Peter, so here we have a Temple (Revelation 21) coming down from heaven, ie. men and women immortalised begotten from above. The “Olahm and the Add” namely the hidden period or third heaven mentioned by Paul has begun a “New Heavens and Earth” ie. A new worldwide order has begun, Yahweh has redeemed man so the words “I will fill this earth with my glory…” is a reality. Christ hands the Throne unto the Father 1Corinthians 15, This is at least 1000 years away. Firstly Christ has to return and the worlds madness testifies that his appearance his imminent.
Imagine you are living at the time of Ezekiel. What would this prophecy mean to you, at that time? The 2nd Temple had not yet been built. Anyone reading Ezekiel would see this as a plan for the 2nd Temple.
Remember that Ezekiel was given this vision before the 2nd Temple was built. “Ezekiel’s Temple” (as it is called) was the plan for the 2nd Temple (Ezek 43:10-12.) This is why the prince (the High Priest) was to offer a sin sacrifice for himself and the people (Ezek 45:22). This makes it clear the prince is not Yeshua HaMashiach, but is instead a son of Zadok (Ezek 44:15).
But the plan was never completed. The 2nd Temple was incomplete. Because the people rebelled against YHWH, the incomplete 2nd Temple was destroyed.
Ezekiel also has prophecies of the Millenium, such as chapter 47.
During the Millenium, there will be a literal Temple (Zech 14:20-21). There will be sacrifices. People will eat the sacrifices. Burnt offerings are not eaten. But freewill offerings and thanksgiving offerings are eaten.
In summary, parts of Ezekiel were for the 2nd Temple, and parts are for the Millenial Temple.
Very interesting. You may be on to something.
Shalom Alechem my dear brothers and sisters.
Thank you for your many comments that have been helpful. I was studying the Temple all day yesterday….
And there’s always a purpose to why the Holy Spirit guides us towards these studies.
Have you had any revelations in your studies after reading these chapters? I will pray for this. And trust that the Lord will help us as he is the one that teaches and reveals us all scriptures ♥️Be Blessed