Secular Humanism (Pt 2)—Its Origin, Development, Modern Manifestations and How to Defeat It

The Development of Humanism in the Bible

Satan Was the First Humanist

Satan was the first one to rebel against YHVH and his laws.His end game was to kick YHVH off his throne and to exalt himself to that place of authority and honor (note the five “I wills” of Isaiah 14:12–14).

How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of El: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

The rebellious ideas expressed by the devil as recorded in Isaiah are part and parcel with those spouted by modern secular humanists. There is nothing new under the sun. The devil has continued to repeat the same old lies in his efforts to seduce man to his side in rebellious defiance against YHVH Elohim.

Humanism Started in the Garden of Eden and Will End With the New World Order—Babylon the Great

Having seduced man in the Garden of Eden to rebel against the Creator, it was ultimately Satan’s aim for man to worship him instead of Elohim. Scripture recognizes this satanic notion when it calls Satan the “god of this world” (2 Cor 4:4).

As Satan successfully subverted the first Adam to follow him, in essence to worship him, likewise he attempted to seduce Yeshua, the Second Adam, to fall down and worship him (Matt 4:1–10).

Just prior to the second coming, Satan will attempt to rule this world as the Antimessiah with men worshipping him (Rev 13:2, 4, 12–13, 15).

Those who worship the devil will receive his mark on their foreheads and hands signifying that their thoughts and actions are in accord with the Lucifer or Satan (Rev. 13:14–16; 14:9). Similarly yet conversely, those who worship YHVH in Spirit and truth will have his “mark” in, not on their foreheads. They will, as his bond servants, be sealed with his name in their foreheads (Rev 7:3; 9:4 cp. Exod 13:9, 16; Deut 6:8; 11:18). Those who have YHVH’s “mark” or seal will be spared from many of the plagues of the Great Tribulation (Rev 7:34; 9:4 cp. Ezek 9:4, 6). Scripture indicates that this seal is his name (i.e., his character, reputations, power and authority) written in their hearts and minds (Rev 22:4).

What will cause people to take Satan’s mark on their foreheads? Will there be many who will literally run to get this mark since it will be popular to do so? For example, how popular were the recently published Harry Potter books? When a new one came out it was breaking news. Tens of millions were sold instantly with people waiting in line for hours to buy the books. What is the mark that the fictional teenage sorcerer Harry Potter wears on his forehead? It is a lightning bolt. Yeshua said that he saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven (Luke 10:18 cp. Rev 12:9). Is Harry Potter’s lightning bolt preparing people to literally run to take the mark of the beast because it will be the “in thing” to do? 

Satan Founded the First Religion Called Humanism

Satan was the founder of the world’s first anti-Elohim religion. This religion was based on man pulling himself up by his own bootstraps, so to speak, without YHVH’s help (i.e., he was the creator of the first works and legalistic-based religious system). Humanism believes that man can save himself through his own efforts without outside help or intervention from a deity. All the false religious systems of the world have bought into and purvey this anti-biblical notion.

Satan’s religion gives humans what they want—it caters to the base sin nature of men. All the false religions of the world spring from Satan’s religion of humanism; all are works-based and give the flesh what it wants and gratify the mind and ego’s quest for “gnosis” without have to deal with man’s fallen nature and make recompense to Elohim for his sin

All the religions of the world, except that which is founded solely on the undiluted truth of the Bible, are based on rebellion to YHVH’s revealed truth and the need for man to be redeemed for the death penalty of sin by way of the cross of Yeshua the Messiah.

The Time Between the Garden of Eden and Babylon the Great

Satan is attempting to sway, deceive and seduce men to his side in his rebellion against Elohim (including, if possible, the very elect saints) through doctrines of demons. Scripture speaks of this: “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron” (1 Tim 4:1–2).

Other Manifestations of Humanism In Scripture

Nimrod Was a Humanist

Nimrod was the first collectivist or communist in that he formed cities and founded the first empire. He was a mighty hunter “before” (in front of, in the face of or against) YHVH (Gen 10:9); he was the first savior of the world, the first to collectivize people into cities, the first emperor, the first tyrant. He was the first human to raise his fist in defiance against and in the face of Elohim when he built the Tower of Babel.

The Children of Israel Were Plagued With Humanists and Humanistic Influence

  • The golden calf incident (Exod 32) was an attempt to syncretize the worship of YHVH with a pagan religion of Egypt (Exod 32:5). This was an early interfaith movement on the part of Israelite humanists.
  • Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron the High Priest, offered up strange fire to YHVH and were struck dead for their rebelliousness (Lev 10:1–7). This was a case of man not following YHVH’s clear procedural instructions on how to offer incense and of Nadab and Abihu approaching YHVH by doing it “their way” and not his way. This is a classic humanistic characteristic: each man doing what is right in his own eyes. 
  • The twelve Israelite spies’ evil report of the Promised Land (Num 13) is another example humanism. They had no faith in YHVH’s promises and Word. To them he was a liar. They preferred to stay where they were (in the wilderness of their present world) with the attitude of eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die, rather than having faith in future rewards for present obedience and faith.
  • Korah was a humanist who rebelled against YHVH’s divine order and authority as represented by Moses. He promoted revolution and the overthrow of legitimate government. Had Karl Marx been alive at the time, Korah would have made a good member of the Communist Party as he attempted to overthrow divinely mandated authority. In Numbers 16:1–3, we see that he separated himself from the rest of Israel to form his own opposing political party, and, in the spirit of democracy, community organizing and activism, he gathered like-minded malcontents to his side, rose up against Moses who was YHVH’s authority figure on earth, and accused Moses of wrong-doing. This was Satan’s pattern in the Eden—that is, to divide and conquer, form an opposition party, rebel against authority, and then subversively accuse the other side of what he was guilt of himself.
  • Balaam was a humanist and tried to seduce Israel to untie or syncretizing with the heathens through sexual liaisons (Rev 2:14). 
  • Phineas opposed humanism (immorality and syncretism) when he killed Zimri and Cozbi (Num 25:1ff).
  • The tribes of Reuben and Gad fell under the sway of humanistic ideas when they sought their own well being at the rest of Israel’s expense, sought materialism ahead of obedience to YHVH to go into the Promised Land, and when they stopped short of the Promised Land to enjoy “a humanist heaven” on the wrong side of the Jordan River (Num 32). Humanists do not want to go all the way in obeying YHVH. This is falling under the influence of the “big lie.” You can have it your way with one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom of heaven.
  • Every time the Israelites murmured against YHVH, they demonstrated a lack of faith by not believing his Word or promises. This was a spirit of humanism. In essence, they viewed YHVH as a liar and trusted in themselves rather than in his word and promises. Whenever they rebelled against YHVH or Moses they were acting as humanists. Idolatry, lust, ungratefulness, dishonor of parents are all aspects of secular humanism.
  • When the Israelites turned from obedience to Torah to following the religious practices of the nations around them Scripture says that “every man did that which was right in his own eyes (Deut 12:8; Judg 17:6; 21:25). This is the same old humanist mantra of if it feels good, do it, or do what thou wilt.
  • King Saul become a humanist when he refused to obey YHVH’s instructions. The end result of rejection of divine authority was his turning to witchcraft (1 Sam 15:23).

Rabbinic Judaism and Humanism

Rabbinic Judaism went humanist at Yavneh after the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70, when rabbinical authority replaced YHVH-ordained Levitical authority. It was there, under the influences of certain Jewish religious leaders and later Akiba ben Joseph, that Judaism rejected divine authority and established the rabbinical system, which exists to this day. Some say this was necessary to insure the survival of Judaism in the wake of the destruction of the temple and removal of Jews from Jerusalem and environs by the Romans after A.D. 135. But this does not explain why or how so many Jewish traditions supplanted the truth of the Bible that they held to before this time. Rabbinic authority often supplanted the Word of Elohim. “The Jewish Encyclopedia defines ‘Rabbinical Authority’ as ‘The power or right of deciding the Law, in dubious cases, or of interpreting, modifying, or amplifying, and occasionally of abrogating it, as vested in the Rabbis as its teachers and expounders’” (Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah, Daniel Gruber, p. 82). Some examples of this are as follow:

  • The concept of the “Oral Torah or Law” came into being sometime in the second-century A.D. as being on a par with or greater than the Written Torah (Gruber, pp. 60, 76–77). This led to the traditions of the elders which were eventually codified in the Mishanah and Talmud.
  • The notion that YHVH is subject to rabbinic halachic (legal) rulings (ibid., pp. 76–77).
  • There are many rabbinic decrees and rulings which supplant biblical law. This was especially the case after the destruction of the temple, when the Jewish religious leaders practically reinvented their religion (ibid., p. 78). Examples of this are:
  • Alternative means of atonement for sin. Now, the Jews decided, the shedding of blood is no longer necessary; rather, atonement is achieved through prayer [tefilim], charitable deeds [mitzvot] and charitable giving [tzedakah]) along with the study of the Torah, being circumcised and giving to the rabbis (ibid.). Rabbinic Judaism has become a works-based where one is “saved” of granted eternal life on the basis of one’s meritorious works. Thus, Judaism has become secular humanistic religion that circumvents the biblical requirement to shed blood to make atonement for one’s soul (Lev 17:11) and the need for a heaven-sent Redeemer (Isa 53:1ff). 
  • In Matthew 23 (along with Matt 15:3–9 and Mark 7:7–13) Yeshua rebukes the Jewish leaders of his day for replacing YHVH’s Torah with numerous man-made traditions.
  • The rabbinic Jews were allowed to make pronouncements from “Moses Seat” in the synagogue or by beit din (rabbinic) ruling (called takanot and ma’asim), which totally annulled the Torah (Gruber, pp. 80–81; Gordon, pp. 47–53). Later these rulings were codified into the Talumd (The Hebrew Yeshua Versus the Greek Jesus, Nehemiah Gordon, p. 52).
  • The rabbinic Jews have the right to change and control the calendar. The modern rabbinic or traditional Hebrew calendar dates to A.D. 360 (“The Biblical Calendar and the New Moon” by Nathan Lawrence, For example, many times, according to the rabbinic calendar rosh chodesh (the new moon) does not fall on the actual day the new moon is sighted, and Yom Teruah (the Day of the Blowing of Trumpets), which Torah states must fall on the first day of the seventh month (i.e., the rosh chodesh of that month), does not actually occur on rosh chodesh.
  • One of the months on the Jewish calendar is named after a pagan deity (Tamuz) when the Torah specifically states that Israelites are not to take the name of pagan deities on their lips.
  • Rabbinic law allows a divorced and remarried woman to remarry her first husband, something Torah forbids (Gruber, p. 81).
  • The rabbinic laws of postponement, which says that YHVH feasts cannot fall on certain days, and therefore have to be postponed.
  • Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), a leavening agent, is permissible to eat during the Days of Unleavened Bread when Torah demands that we abstain from all bread containing leavening agents.
  • The wearing of white tzitzits (fringes) have replaced the Torah law that commands that tzitzits be blue.
  • Torah says that Israelite lineage is determined by one’s father. Modern rabbinic law says that it is determined by one’s mother.
  • The ineffable name doctrine, which states that using the Hebrew names of God (e.g., YHVH, Adonai, Elohim, etc.) are prohibited, even though Scripture commands that we use them and not forget them.
  • Singing and playing of musical instruments is prohibited under rabbinic law at religious services (Sabbath and holy days), yet the Torah commands that the shofar be blown on these days, and the Psalms speak of it occurring, and the biblical record states that music and singing were a big part of the levitical priesthood system in the Temple (Jewish Book of Why, Alfred J. Kolatch, p. 143).
  • The shofar is never blown on the Sabbath, even when the Day of Trumpets falls on a Sabbath, even though Torah commands us to do it (Kolatch, p. 228).
  • The anti-missionary movement within Judaism is the outgrowth of humanist philosophy, for it attempts to destroy the deity of Yeshua and rejects the authority and divine inspiration of the Renewed Covenant Scriptures.

Christianity and Humanism

To the degree that Christianity has rejected YHVH’s Torah, replacing it with men’s traditions, is the degree that it has become a humanistic religion, and it is becoming more humanistic as time goes on. That is why modern-day “prophets” like Francis Schaeffer attempted to warn the Church about the perils of secular humanism. Here are some areas where the modern church has succumbed to the influences of the philosophy of secular humanism:

  • The Catholic Church making pronouncements ex cathedra (from the chair) to establish doctrines and traditions which are contrary to Scripture. 
  • Establishment of pagan-based Christian holidays that have replaced YHVH’s biblical feasts—a manifestation of the ecumenical or interfaith movement and syncretism between the world’s religions.
  • Sunday replaces the Sabbath as a day of formal gatherings and worship (another example of interfaithism and syncretism with world religions).
  • Other examples of syncretism with idolatrous pagan concepts: steeples on churches, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, Easter hams and bunnies, 40 days of Lent, Mardi Gras, Valentines Day, Halloween to name a few.
  • Humanistic Christian doctrines include the false law versus grace paradigm, dispensational or dual covenant theology, New Testament/Covenant superceding, supplanting thus abolishing the legal prescriptions of the Old Testament/Covenant. This idea came from Marcion, the second century Greek Gnostic heretic.
  • Seeker sensitive churches; becoming like the world to win the world to Christ (adopting the world’s dress and hair styles, music, entertainment, mores, unbiblical sexual standards, etc.).
  • The positivization of the gospel message; that is, a de-emphasis on sin, judgment and repentance. 
  • Peaching a social gospel such as sermons or often pop-psychology messages to build up one’s self-esteem.
  • Changes in biblical terms to make the Bible more “politically correct,” “seeker sensitive.”  These include terms such “the unchurched,” instead of “pagans” or “heathens,” and emphasis on forgiveness over repentance, puppet shows, skits and dramas replace hard Bible-centered preaching and teaching, and sin is referred to “wrong thoughts” and the like.
  • The so-called word of faith movement or prosperity gospel with its emphasis on health and wealth (prosperity), materialism and selfish gratification of the lust of the flesh for enjoyment in the here and now.
  • Christian (Charismatic) “divination” or “witchcraft” where believers take the legitimate gifts (especially the gift of prophecy) of the Spirit of Elohim, and (a) use them to control or manipulate other people for unrighteous purposes, (b) operate in counterfeit gifts of the Spirit (either out of their psyches or souls—i.e., their mind, will and emotions, or under demonic influence) to control, manipulate or subvert others for unrighteous purposes, or (c) attempt to ascertain the future through means other than direct revelation of the Spirit of Elohim, as he wills to make the future known to human vessels (1 Cor 12:11).
  • Idolatry of formulas, programs and methodologies that are unbiblical (e.g., saying Sinners Prayer to be saved, the Four Spiritual Laws are the guaranteed path to salvation, the concept of giving (tithe)-to-get, the obtaining of Christian academic degrees as proof of spiritual legitimacy, the use of labels, and the receipt of the accolades of men as proof of the key to spiritual success and giftedness.

Secular Humanism (or Cosmic Humanism) in the End Times

A New Age outgrowth of secular humanism might be called cosmic humanism. “In its broadest sense, New Age thinking can be characterized as a form of utopianism, the desire to create a better society, a ‘New Age’ in which humanity lives in harmony with itself, nature, and the cosmos” (Understanding the Times, David Noebel, p. 850). 

Cosmic humanists “deny the preeminence of any purported special revelation over any other” and treat all religious books as equal with one another. The cosmic humanist sees Christ’s life as important only in the sense that it showed man to be capable of achieving perfection, even godhood. The significance of the incarnation and resurrection is not that Jesus was a human like us, rather that we are gods like him—or at least have the potential to be. Christ is the principle of divinity or perfection that lies within each person. The bottom line is that each man kneels to his own self, and honors and worships his own being. Thus God dwells within you as You (ibid., pp. 851–852). This is self-worship.

Can you see Satan’s grand scheme playing out here? At the beginning of time, as YHVH’s arch-rebel, he wanted to “kick” Elohim off of his throne, usurp divine authority and become God himself. At the Garden of Eden, Satan attempted to enlist man in this act of rebellion. If Satan can convince man that man can be “like Elohim” (see Gen 3:5) or that he is Elohim then what does that make Satan? He becomes the supreme Elohim himself (at least in his own mind and in that of humans) in the place of the real Elohim.

If we now connect the concept of the deity of the individual with that of the cosmic consciousness the result is each individual “gods” supposedly getting in sync with the cosmic (humanistic) consciousness within themselves that, in turn, is linked to that of every other person and to the Universe (with a capital U). If everyone can unite with the Universe, it is reasoned, then all can unite with each other and achieve peace and harmony on earth since “all is one.” This is the ultimate spirit and idea behind ecumenicalism, interfaithism, New Age spirituality and eventually the driving force behind the end times one-world religion to which all people will be expected to swear allegiance if they are to survive on this earth as part of the New World Order that is destined and even prophesied to make its debut on planet earth just prior to the coming Messiah Yeshua (Rev 13:16–17).

In New Age thought, it is believed that the soul of each individual was present in other material forms earlier in time, the cosmic humanist reasons, and that it will manifest itself in still other forms after its present body dies (called reincarnation or transmigration of souls). The body may pass away, but the soul will continue its quest for godhood or Christ-consciousness in other bodies. This is the basic concept behind reincarnation (Noebel, p. 852). This concept is a perpetuation of one of the grand, original lies that the serpent conned the first humans in the garden to believe—that man’s soul is immortal (Gen 3:4). Indeed, there is nothing new under the sun, as the Bible declares, and that what has happened before will happen again. Furthermore, the concepts behind the New Age Movement are not new nor did they originate in our current epoch. The Greek philosophers taught a similar religious ideology, which became known as dualism. In fact, we even see many aspects of dualism in all the false religions of the world, including mainstream Christianity (i.e., the immortality of the soul) and the mystical aspects of Orthodox rabbinic Judaism. Clearly the taint of the serpent’s lies are to be found in every religious ideology known to man.

Since for the cosmic humanist “all is god” and “god is all,” then Elohim becomes indistinguishable from his creation. As a result, New Age proponents end up worshiping their own bodies, each other (self indulgent hedonism), the trees, stars, dolphins, whales, the earth etc. in order to help them commune with the creative forces of the universe. We see this described in Romans chapter one where people turn away from divinely revealed truth and the worship of the Creator and turn to worshiping the creation and themselves resulting in extreme sexual licentiousness and perversions, which in turn leads to divine judgment. The results of humans turning away from YHVH Elohim are invariable and predictable: hedonism, debauchery, lawlessness resulting in tyranny and enslavement leading to a miserable dystopian hell on earth.

Cosmic humanists worship the creator and created at the same time. For them there is no difference. This is pantheism—god is in everything and everything is god (Noebel, pp. 852–853). Again, this is the very scenario Paul paints in Romans chapter one, and is the result of men rejecting the truth of a supreme Elohim, who is transcendent to his creation, is the source of revealed truth, and is the Righteous Judge of the universe to whom all humans are eventually accountable. These are concepts that humanists hate and despise. Why? Because it puts the brakes on their hedonistic behavior, as well as their lust for power and money, and it makes them ultimately accountable to a Supreme Being for such illicit behavior! Though divine judgment may tarry, for a while it is inevitable. It is written!

So what are the ultimate ethical implications of cosmic humanism? If each person is a god, then all final authority resides within oneself, and this being the case, each individual has the freedom to act in accordance with their own inner truth. The sacred nature of individual autonomy is the only ethical absolute promoted by the New Age movement. This autonomy places the authority for judging values solely within the soul (mind, will and emotions) of each human being. One practical application of this philosophy would be total sexual freedom. It is believed that the external boundaries of moral restraint, such as the Ten Commandments, inhibit the flow of spiritual energy and keep one from achieving one’s full godhood potential. Such ethics can be referred to as “boundless ethical relativism.” This idea can be expressed in another ways as well. An example would be for each person to create their own reality according to what feels right for them, no matter how immoral it is as long as no one is hurt (ibid., pp. 855–856). Notice the emphasis on the subjectivity personal feelings, not on absolute moral or spiritual absolute values or truth which is based on objectivity? In secular humanist lingo, subjective-based reality rather than objective-based truth is known as situational ethics or moral relativism. In other words, one makes up the rules and standards as one goes along based on one’s subjective feeling. That is to say, if it feels good, do it. Or stated otherwise stated, do what thou wilt. There are few if any moral boundaries or standards to restrain from doing what one wants. The problem is that one who adheres to such a philosophy seldom considers the ultimate and long term consequences of their actions. They are living for the moment. 

Cosmic humanists also embrace the evolutionary theory because evolution provides the best mechanism for ushering in a New Age. They comfort themselves in reassurance that progress will occur because of their belief that mankind is moving upward toward an age of higher consciousness. The “science” of evolution provides the guarantee that all humanity will on day achieve this consciousness (ibid., p. 858).

The cosmic humanist is not content just to live hedonistically; they want to destroy the old world order as well with its traditions and ethical values. They point to marriage and family as examples of outdated, unenlightened institutions. Both marriage and family, in their traditional Judeo-Christian forms, are regarded as too limiting and too hopelessly blind to universal sacredness to be useful in achieving full enlightenment, or god-consciousness. Thus, the concept that an unmarried person of either sex should have to remain childless will seem far-fetched. People who divorce, instead of feeling guilty that they have somehow failed will view their marriage as a total success, since it has helped each person to grow to the point where they no longer need this old form of traditionalism, including each other. According to this viewpoint, it is counter-evolutionary to attempt to maintain the institutions of marriage and the family in the traditional sense (ibid., p. 863).

On the political level, many cosmic humanists believe that national governments must be restructured to be merged to form world government, which they see as the next evolutionary step toward collective consciousness, godhood and utopia (ibid., p. 864). Indeed, two thousand years ago the Book of Revelation foresaw such a development occurring on the world stage.

Economically, many cosmic humanists have begun calling for a universal system of exchange, a universal currency and a world central bank (currently, the Bank of International Settlements et al). They see the merits of both capitalism and socialism, but cannot agree as to which system is best (ibid., pp. 867–868). Indeed, when we see what Scripture says the economic system of the New World Order (or Babylon the Great) will be like, we see that it is monopolistic or oligarchic capitalism or fascistic system—a cross between socialism and capitalism (Rev 13 and 18).

What Is the Only Way That the Antichrist Spirit of Secular Humanism Can Be Defeated?

In the end times, the Bible reveals man of sin will be the arch-humanist and promoter of the spirit of antichrist (2 Thess 2:1–12; Rev 13:1–18). Religious ecumenicalism and interfaithism along with arrival of on the scene of a one-world government will be the ultimate expression of secular humanism.

The current trend among some Christians to return to a more Hebraic, Torah-oriented, holistic approach to the Bible is the arch-enemy of and is antithetical in every way to the tenets of secular humanists and the New World Order. If enough people return to the basics of the Bible and stay true to its ideals of restoring believers to their biblical Hebrew roots as delineated solely in the pages of YHVH’s Word (Scripture) to the exclusion of all traditions of men that have to one degree or another nullified YHVH’s Word, they will be in the unique position of being the only organism on earth to oppose the demonic secular humanist New World Order Babylon the Great system. For example, those who keep YHVH’s Torah commandments and who have the faith or testimony of Yeshua (Rev 12:17 and Rev 14:12) will be unlike any one else on planet earth in that they alone: 

  • Believe in a Creator. His name is YHVH Elohim.
  • Believe in and live their lives in accordance with moral absolutes and divinely revealed truth, which govern all aspects of their lives and teaches against all the tenets of secular humanism. It is the Torah-Word of Elohim along with the rest of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
  • Believe in the innate sinfulness of man.
  • Believe that Yeshua the Messiah is the arm of YHVH (Isa 53:1), and is therefore YHVH who came to this earth, manifested himself in flesh form to become the Savior and Redeemer of mankind through his substitutionary death on the cross, and that through his salvific work there are men who repent of their sins (i.e. violating YHVH’s Torah-law, 1 John 3:4) and place their trust in him may have eternal life.
  • Believe in a future judgment where the actions of men will be rewarded or punished.
  • Believe in an afterlife.
  • Believe that YHVH will establish his one world government upon this earth to the exclusion of all else.

Those who are returning to the unpolluted and undiluted, non-humanistic foundations of the Bible recognizes that the tenets of the secular humanistic or a socialist new world order is nothing more than a dressed up version of Satan’s original lie by which he seduced Adam and Eve to sin, and as such is antithetical to the plans and purposes of YHVH Elohim. Satan is the arch-enemy of YHVH and is a lawless rebel, the arch-malcontent and ultimate egotist. Modern humanism is the same devil-inspired philosophy only dressed in the modern lingo of politically correct speech.

Those who are returning to the foundational roots of the Christian faith, in fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy that in the last days the hearts of the children will be turned back to the fathers of their faith (Mal 4:1–6), are advocating a return to biblical fundamentalism. They are returning to the Hebrew Torah-based roots of the Christian faith as exemplified by the life and teachings of Yeshua the Messiah and the early first-century apostolic believers. This is a fist punch in the eye of the devil and his secular humanistic minions and sycophantic acolytes. It is an acknowledgement that YHVH Elohim is the sovereign ruler of the universe, that man is sinful, and needs to come into alignment with the immutable truths of the Bible—a concept the secular humanists hate and despise!

Moreover, those who are returning to the biblical roots of their faith recognize the mortal dangers of secular humanism and that the Man of Sin (the Antichrist) of 1 Thessalonians 2 will attempt to establish a counterfeit one-world, new age (or cosmic humanistic), anti-Torah ­government upon this earth in attempts to thwart the establishment of Yeshua the Messiah’s one world Torah-based government at his second coming. Yeshua will destroy this new world order (called Babylon the Great) at his return, according to the prophecies in the Book of Revelation.

As such, those saints in the last days who have the faith of Yeshua and who keep his Torah commandments (Rev 12:17; 14:12) recognize that Yeshua is returning to defeat Satan and his secular humanistic forces and to rule the world, and that it is their spiritual destiny to be kings and priests in Yeshua’s one world government to the exclusion of secular humanists, and the devil himself, who will be bound in the bottomless pit during the 1000-year long Messianic Age or Millennium.


Since Marxist socialism or communism is secular humanistic in nature and since many of the founders and thinkers of the philosophy of modern secular humanism were avowed communists or Marxist sympathizers viewing Karl Marx as a great humanist philosopher we thought it appropriate to list here the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto as found in Marx’s book by the same name, which was first published in 1848. Note how many of these planks are to one degree or another a reality in America, not to mention the rest of the world having been instituted in our society in the twentieth century (decades after Marx’s book was first published).

The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto

 1 Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.

The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school and property taxes. Also the Bureau of Land Management

 2 A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State “income” taxes. We call it “paying your fair share”.

 3 Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

We call it Federal and State estate Tax (1916); or reformed Probate Laws, and limited inheritance via arbitrary inheritance tax statutes.

 4 Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

We call it government seizures, tax liens, Public “law” 99-570 (1986); Executive order 11490, sections 1205, 2002 which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of “terrorists” and those who speak out or write against the “government” (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process.

 5 Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

We call it the Federal Reserve which is a credit/debt system nationally organized by the Federal Reserve act of 1913. All local banks are members of the Fed system, and are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). This private bank has an exclusive monopoly in money creation which in reality has ended the need for revenue from taxes. So why do they tax? To fool you into thinking they need them.

 6 Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State.

We call it the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Department of Transportation (DOT) mandated through the ICC act of 1887, the Commissions Act of 1934, The Interstate Commerce Commission established in 1938, The Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Executive orders 11490, 10999, as well as State mandated driver’s licenses and Department of Transportation regulations. There is also the postal monopoly, AMTRAK and CONRAIL

 7 Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

We call it corporate capacity, The Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture. As well as the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Evironmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of business through corporate regulations.

 8 Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture. 

We call it the Social Security Administration and The Department of Labor. The National debt and inflation caused by the communal bank has caused the need for a two “income” family. Woman in the workplace since the 1920’s, the 19th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, assorted Socialist Unions, affirmative action, the Federal Public Works Program and of course Executive order 11000. And I almost forgot… The Equal Rights Amendment means that women should do all work that men do including the military and since passage it would make women subject to the draft.

 9 Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

We call it the Planning Reorganization act of 1949, zoning (Title 17 1910-1990) and Super Corporate Farms, as well as Executive orders 11647, 11731 (ten regions) and Public “law” 89-136. 

10 Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.

People are being taxed to support what we call ‘public’ schools, which train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome Based “Education”.


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