Tag Archives: Babylon the Great
Book of Revelation, Babylon the Great New World Order Update
Every so often it is good to step back and to evaluate world events in light of Bible prophecy in order to ascertain where we might be in the order of end time events. In this video, Nathan reviews some prophecies in the Book of Revelation and shares what he sees coming in the near future like the proverbial watchman on the wall of biblical times. Those who have ears to hear will wake up, prepare and be ready.
Book of Revelation, Babylon the Great, New Weird Order Update
Like a bad nightmare, a worldwide system that the biblical Book of Revelation refers to as Mystery Babylon the Great is arising that will exercise power and dominion over every tribe, tongue and nation on earth (Rev 13:8; 18:3). This system is mysterious because it is hiding in plain sight, and is visible only to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear this warning message (Rev 13:9). Even though we can only see through the biblical prophetic lens darkly, the general outline or blueprint of end time events is still apparent (1 Cor 13:12). After all, didn’t Yeshua promise his disciples that the Holy Spirit would reveal to them (and us too) things to come (John 16:13)?
Do you have eyes to see? The Bible declares that YHVH’s elect saints are to be children of the light, of the day, and not of the darkness or night, especially as the coming of Yeshua draws near (1 Thess 5:1–8). Based on this, we can be assured that our Father in heaven will give his saints unique insights and revelation pertaining to end time events. Not only that, Scripture instruct us not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Cor 2:11). As the old adgae goes, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Since the mid-1970s, I have been keeping my thumb on the pulse of this slowly emerging, end times global Antichrist system. Both my Bible-believing father and late grandfather also kept a keen eye on world events going back to 1950s and the 1940s respectively, and they passed this interest on to me. Based on this background and what I see in the Book of Revelation, here is my best understanding to date of what I see coming toward us with regard to the Babylon the Great global Antichrist system.
The Book of Revelation draws a distinct line between those who will acquiesce to this Satanic system versus those who will resist it. The line in the proverbial sand is marked by blood: those who will shed blood countless millions to impose this system on the world (for them, the ends justify the means) versus those who are under the blood of Yeshua the Messiah and who will be victorious over evil. Those whose names have been written in “Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world” will neither submit to nor worship this evil beast system. Most people will though, for they will be forced to go along to get along in order to survive (Rev 13:8).
The Bible tells us that the vast majority of the earth’s population will worship (i.e., literally fawn like a dog or crouch before, prostrate oneself; Rev 13:8) the spiritual powers behind this evil Antichrist system for three-and-one-half years (Rev 13:5). Both the books of Daniel and Revelations liken this global system to an evil, ugly, power-hungry, Elohim-hating, fearsome demonic monster beast. The so-called global elites or leftist globalists refer to this system as the New World Order (I refer to it as “the New Weird Order”), the Great Reset, the Liberal World Order, the Fourth Turning, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution to name a few.
This emerging global system that will tyrannically control the earth’s masses will be a merger of political, economic and religious powers through technological means (read Revelation chapter 13). Futurists and science fiction writers have been predicting this for nearly 100 years in books like Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984. This system will be an oligarchic technocracy.
How will the global “elite” power brokers and controllers impose this system on earth’s populace? These demoniacs will impose their (dystopian) vision of a so-called utopian New World Order system over earth’s population primarily not by military force, but rather by technological control. Limited military or police actions may occur to enforce their agendas and edicts upon rogue entities, but all-out war or global conflicts is unlikely except as necessary to impose this system upon the world’s masses. The Book of Revelation does not seem to indicate a large, global massive military conflict. Why not? This is because global financiers and power brokers have invested trillions of dollars much energy and resources into developing a worldwide system and with a vast, interconnected infrastructure by which they hope to engineer the world’s population into compliance with their world-domination objectives and then to manage people from that point forward.
Many people are certain that we are heading toward a global system that follows a Marxist-Leninist model. Again, the Book of Revelation does not indicate this to be the case. Rather the global elites are endeavoring to morph the world’s economic system into a blend of capitalism and communism—a system similar to what we now see occurring in the Peoples Republic of China. The end goal is a neo-feudalist system where the oligarchic international capitalists are conspiring with the world’s political powers to create a serf class of compliant workers for their factories and fields. This is exactly what the Book of Revelation predicted would occur nearly 2,000 years ago (Revelation chapters 13 and 18). The overlord elites will keep people dumbed down, drugged up, entertained and unarmed, thus making resistance by the masses unlikely, difficult and virtually impossible. The Book of Revelation clearly and tersely states this,
Continue reading“Come out of Babylon my people!” HOW??
Nathan explains how to come of the end times world ruling system the Bible calls Babylon the Great as per Elohim’s command to his people in Revelation 18:4.
Woke-ism, Progressivism, the Great Reset, CRT, ESG, AI, LGBTQ+ Unmasked
The Manifestations of the Spirit of Antichrist
Like the mythical Greek Medusa monster, the hair of whose head was comprised of numerous serpents, or the Hydra monster who had a body with multiple serpent heads, the Babylon the Great, Antichrist system of the New World Order has numerous manifestations that all stem from the same source—Satan the devil, YHVH Elohim’s chief adversary. If we focus on the grotesque, individual manifestations of this evil spirit (e.g., Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Big Pharma, the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ESG, AI, the WEC, Progressivism, Leftism et al), the pieces of this puzzle can appear disparate and confusing. However, when we realize who and what the source behind it all is, then the picture comes into clear focus. This is simply the Babylon the Great, global Satanic, Leviathan system that the Bible prophesied long ago would control the earth in the end times and that the Warrior-King Yeshua the Messiah will destroy at his soon coming return. This short article helps tie all of the pieces together into one, simple cohesive, Bible-based picture.
Below is a glossary of terms that are labels for current demonic societal trends, movements and ideologies that are working synergistically under Satan’s authority to promote the destruction of whatever moral and spiritual biblical Judeo-Christian values remain in our formerly Western, Christian culture and to replace it with devil worship or Luciferiansim.
Antifa—This is merely locally-based movement of criminal malcontents that promotes anarchy, God-hating leftist, communist and Marxist ideologies as well as the abolishment of law and order through street violence, vandalism, intimidation and thuggery. They are, in fact, what they claim to be against—fascists.
Big (Tyrannical) Government—This is the opposite of the idea of small or limited government. Big government or the concept of Statism, often referred to colloquially as “Big Brother” or the “Nanny State” occurs when governments attempt to control many aspects (e.g., political, economic, sociological, philosophical, moral and sometimes even spiritual) of people’s lives, which usually occurs at the expense of civil liberties, personal freedoms, free choice and individualism.
Big Pharma—The major pharmaceutical companies are a mixed bag situation. True, they produce some drugs that help people, but they also produce many drugs that have serious deleterious side-effects. Of the greatest concern to Bible believers is a troubling prophetic passage in the Book of Revelation that seems to speak condemningly of drug or pharmaceutical companies in the last days. This is an end times prophecy concerning international business leaders controlling or socially engineering earth’s population through pharmaceutical drugs for their own malevolent purposes in a similar manner as witch doctors, shamans, witches and sorcerers endeavor to control people through their herbal often mind-altering concoctions and potions (Rev 18:23). This scripture indicates that these drug pushers are an aspect of Babylon the Great’s efforts to enslave and control earth’s population (Rev 18:11–13), which is something that YHVH detests and will destroy at his second coming.
Black Lives Matter—This is merely a less violent, community-organizing movement (than Antifa) that promotes leftist, communist or Marxist ideologies through street demonstrations, looting, vandalism and intimidation of those who disagree with them.
Cancel Culture—This is a leftist, “progressive” (actually regressive) concept where those people, businesses, institutions or organizations that do not go along with the prevailing ideas of leftism, “progressivism” or wokism must be boycotted, discriminated against, resisted through violence and ultimately destroyed.
Climate Change—Climate change has been occurring as long as the earth has been in existence whether that is for thousands, millions or billions of years. Who know? The earth and its inhabitants (plant, animal and human) have been adapting to the vicissitudes of the climatological, astronomic (i.e., sunspot) and geological cycles of nature during this time. Now all of a sudden, the earth is threatened with destruction because of so-called man-caused global climate change. The critical and knowledgable thinker can hardly swallow this theory. No. Climate change is a politically motivated agenda by the globalists to bring the world’s inhabitants under the control of global governance. These global power brokers care nothing about the environment as they leave their huge carbon footprints jetting and yachting around from one mansion to another preaching the religion of environmentalism. It is all about money, power, control and world domination for satanic purposes pure and simple.
Critical Race Theory—This is nothing more than a form of revisionist history that promotes racism against white people. Any serious and well-educated student of history can plainly see this.
Diseases and Pandemics—The recent “pandemics” whether real or constructed emergencies are tools by the globalists where the masses through fear and government control can forcefully be brought into alignment with New World Order ideologies. The so-called “vaccine passports” that are required to travel, buy and sell, and to engage in certain social privileges are nothing more than preparatory social engineering for the purpose of conditioning the masses to accept the mark of the beast.
Continue readingVideo: Woke-ism, Progressivism, the Great Reset—The Spirit of Antichrist Unmasked
Like the mythical Greek Medusa monster, the hair of whose head was comprised of numerous serpents, or the Hydra monster who had a body with multiple serpent heads, the Babylon the Great, Antichrist system of the New World Order has numerous manifestations that all stem from the same source—Satan the devil, YHVH Elohim’s chief adversary. If we focus on the grotesque, individual manifestations of this evil spirit (e.g., Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Big Pharma, the Global Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ESG, AI, the WEC, Progressivism, Leftism et al), the pieces of this puzzle can appear disparate and confusing. However, when we realize who and what the source behind it all is, then the picture comes into clear focus. This is simply the Babylon the Great, global Satanic, Leviathan system that the Bible prophesied long ago would control the earth in the end times and that the Warrior-King Yeshua the Messiah will destroy at his soon coming return. This short video helps tie all of the pieces together into one, simple cohesive, Bible-based picture.
To watch this video on Nathan’s Rumble channel, go to https://rumble.com/v1o20n4-wokism-progressivism-the-global-resetthe-spirit-of-antichrist-unmasked.html
Daniel 2 and the New World Order
Daniel Chapter Two Overview
In this chapter, YHVH arranges circumstances for Daniel to be introduced to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, through the revelation and interpretation of dreams. A similar event occurred with Joseph to the Pharaoh of Egypt.
At the same time, Daniel is revealed to be a superior counselor to the king over his pagan advisors, magicians, astrologers, sorcerers and Chaldean priests.
Through Daniel’s interpretation of the king’s dream, a future history is revealed of the kingdoms that will rule in Europe and the Near East until the end of the age, when Yeshua will return and establish his world-ruling millennial kingdom. This historical overview begins the Neo-Babylonian kingdom and empire under Nebuchanezzar II and ends with what is revealed in the book of Revelation to be a world ruling geopolitical, economic and religious system which it refers to as Mystery Babylon the Great.
Daniel 2:1, In the second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. Shortly after arriving in Babylon, YHVH opened the door for Daniel’s divine mission.
Daniel 2:2, Chaldeans. These were the “Levitical” priests of Babylon.
Daniel 2:28, In the latter days. The latter days of what? Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, the kingdom of Babylon or the latter days of as in the end times when Yeshua will return? As we proceed, we see that Daniel interpretation of the king’s dream, spans a period from that time until the second coming of Yeshua.
Daniel 2:31–35, A great image. The head of gold is Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian Empire. Daniel says this. The chest and arms of silver were the Persian Empire that succeeded Babylon and which Daniel records occurred. After that, are the belly and thighs of bronze which was the Greek Empire under Alexander the Great. Following that were the two legs of iron and clay or the Roman Empire, which eventually subdivided into two empires: the eastern and western empires. Out of the remnants of this grow ten subdivisions, which will exist when Yeshua—the Stone that was cut without hands—will utterly destroy this system that had its roots in ancient Babylon and in the end times is referred to in the book of Revelation as Mystery Babylon the Great. After this, Yehsua will establish his millennial kingdom and will rule over all the earth (Rev 20:2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
Daniel 2:34, Struck the image. This event is recorded in Revelation chapter 18. How the destruction of the end times Babylon the Great occurs is recorded in Revelation 19 culminating in the commonly-called Battle of Armageddon, when King Yeshua and his heavenly army will destroy once and for all the military arm of this world ruling Satanic system (Rev 19:17–21).
Daniel 2:35, A great mountain. In biblical prophecy, a mountain is often a poetic Hebraism for a government.
Daniel 2:41, Toes. If the legs are the Roman Empire the western leg of which fell in A.D. 456 and the eastern leg of which fell in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople to the Muslims, then the ten toes must somehow originate out of the two legs of the Roman Empire. The western or Rome-based leg continued to rule as a politico-religious entity under the Roman Catholic Church and it Holy Roman Empire exercising influence over Europe and its colonies for hundreds of years after the fall of Rome in the fifth century. Meanwhile, after 1453, Islam ruled most of the lands of the ancient Roman Empire in the east.
Two Legs (one possible understanding of the metaphorical meaning). Until recently, the idea that somehow the “Christian” western leg of the old Roman Empire would in some way unite with the eastern Muslim leg of the old Roman Empire seemed impossible and ludicrous. However, this is no longer the case. West and east began coming together through their mutual economic interests in oil along with advent of the petrodollar. After that, the Roman Catholic Church has began making ecumenical overtures to Muslim world over the past few decades. Finally, with the hordes of Muslim refugees fleeing into Europe, it is projected that in some countries in a decades the demographics will switch to a Muslim majority as native European birth rates continue to decline steadily. Already, more and more Muslims are assuming the reigns of political leadership in various European countries (e.g. the current mayor of London).
In light of these recent developments, it is not surprising to see the two legs of the ancient Roman Empire cooperating, yet remaining separate (iron and clay). Each has its own goals of world domination, yet each is united in its hatred of Israel and the Jews, and of fundamental Christianity. The current pope, for example, has blatant Marxist leanings and is openly pushing a globalist, Antichrist agenda at many levels. Similarly, Islam is akin to Marxism in its fascistic approach to governance and its Antichrist beliefs. In fact, Islam more than any other religious system on earth best fits the John’s five criteria that define the spirit of Antichrist in his first and second epistles.
Two Legs (another possible understanding of the metaphorical meaning). The two legs are one single kingdom (vv. 40, 41, 42) with two subdivisions reprented y the two legs which are still one in that they are joined at the hip. The two legs are the two subdivisions of the ancient Roman Empire into east and west as described above. The one leg represents the West, most notably, Europe and North America and its traditional allies, while the other leg is East, most notably the Islamo-fascist countries along with Russia and China. Even though each leg appears to be separate, they are still connected at the hip (economically). In a sense, they represent the yin and yang of the New World Order by which the globalist exercise dominion over the earth through controlled opposition. Both sides are economically tied, so behind the scenes they need each other, while on the surface and in public view, they are in open opposition to and even, at times, at war with each other. It is a fragile alliance that is held together through a somewhat tennuous global technocracy.
Ten toes. This is likely the subdivision of the nations of the earth into ten semi-autonomous regions under the control of a world-ruling government, and which is something that the United Nations has publicly proposed in the past.
Daniel 2:41–43, Iron mixed with ceramic clay…mingled with the seed of men. The understanding that has come to me as to the meaning of the enigmatic symbols of the iron and clay in Daniel 2:43 follows. If I am correct, the meaning of this prophetic passage written nearly 2,500 years ago will a have profound impact on our every day lives very soon.
This prophetic passage reads,
Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. (Dan 2:41–43)
Iron is an obvious metaphor for machines, technology and ultimately a global technocracy that will attempt to totally control all humans. Clay seems to be a less obvious metaphor for humanity who, we are told, the Creator made from the earth or clay. After all, the first man was named Adam, which is a Hebrew wordmeaning “red or ruddy” and is a cognate of the Hebrew word adama meaning “earth.” All humans innately yearn to be free and will resist being controlled or even superceded by robotic machines, technology and artificial intelligence. Let me explain.
The iron appears to be a symbol of machines (which are largely metallic in composition) that will be used not only to control, but in many cases, to replace man with a technocracy (a governmental system that involves controlling humans through technology) involving robots, artificial intelligence, biometric data tracking, the internet of things and transhumanism, which will be the globalists’ attempt to fascistically impose their will on the human population, through governmental control, for the purposes of the acquisition of total power and all of the earth’s wealth. The more machines replace or are melded generically with humans (to create a race of super humans, see Dan 2:42 cp. Gen 6:2–4), the fewer humans (or non-genetically engineered humans) will be needed to perform normal work-a-day tasks in the factories of the global puppet masters. Therefore, the reduction of the human population has been the long-proposed goal of the Malthusian-inspired globalists. What better way to do this then to force humans to take a pharmaceutical injection that ostensibly purports to be for the betterment of their health, but in reality and in many cases often maims or kills them—especially the weaker, less useful, members of the human species?
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