Surprise! surprise! Hundreds of years ago, the human agents of Satan the devil told us what their game plan was, more or less, and their sinister antichrist plans are coming to pass in fulfillment of 2,000 year old prophecies in the biblical Book of Revelation. Christian apostasy, world wars, Marxism leading to Luciferianism and invasions of criminal elements to disrupt our Western societies are all coming or are here already as predicted. Get ready!
Category Archives: End Times
Prophetic Implications of the Second Exodus, Rapture, Bride of Yeshua & Eternal Rewards
In this video, Nathan shares insights about the timing of second exodus, who will be raptured (that is, resurrected at the last trumpet to meet Yeshua in the air), what happens to the saints after the first resurrection or rapture, the timing of the second coming, who will be the bride of Yeshua, and how this all relates to the defeat of Antichrist and Babylon the Great and marriage of the Yeshua. Buckle your seat belts and hang on tightly. This is a fast moving aerial view of many end time Bible prophecies!
WW3, the NWO & Babylon the Great Bible Prophecy Update
Leviticus 19 Kedoshim—Transhumanism & Biblical Science “Fiction”
This is a gospel-oriented Torah study. Our goal is to connect the good news of Yeshua the Messiah (the gospel message) to its Hebraic, pro-Torah roots or foundations. The information given here is more than head knowledge. Understanding and wisdom (the right application of knowledge that is based on truth) is taught thus making biblical truth practical, relevant and applicable to your daily life. The truths of the Bible not only have the power to transform your life here and now for the better, but eventually to take you past the veil of death and into eternity.
This Torah study is subdivided in sections by topic in a magazine format thus making it easy to watch at several sittings. May you be blessed as you watch this video.
For a free, printable adult and youth Torah study guide on this Torah portion (parashah), please go to
Nathan on Prepping in Place at Home
Nathan and his family have been physically prepping at home and in place for the past 100 years. His great grandparents started the family farm 100 years ago where prepping was a way of life. Nathan is also a Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout where the motto is “Be Prepared.” Nathan talks about how to prep or “bug out” in place at home and discusses his approach to “camping at home in place.” We are called to be victorious, not to be victims during tough times, so be prepared for what may come as you go forward in faith trusting in Elohim, walking with Yeshua and learning to hear from the Spirit of Elohim all the while storing up food, water, precious metals, ammo, meds and other emergency supplies.
The Real Truth of Being a Prophetic Intercessor & Standing in the Gap
YHVH Elohim is currently raising up real, Bible-Truth based prophetic intercessors in the perilous times of these last days, who will stand in the gap for those around them. These people are coming in the spirit Elijah and the John the Baptist as prophetic watchmen and prayer warriors as voices crying in the wilderness urging people to repent of sin and to prepare for the second of Yeshua the Messiah. What does it really mean “to stand in the gap”?
Many well-meaning people claim to be doing this, but don’t have an idea of what it means based on an ancient and Hebraic biblical context. What is the gap or breach that the Bible talks about, where is it, and how is the gap filled, and why is this necessary? Moreover, Who is the ultimate Repairer of the Breach and how can we also be repairers of the breach to prepare ourselves and other people for the coming Messiah?
The answers to these questions and more are revealed in this video.
The Bible on Hamas, the Palestinians, & Islam Vs. Israel
Yes, this is another long video by Bible expert, Nathan Lawrence, but this is a complex, multi-faceted subject with many contextual and historical threads. So if you want to understand what the Bible has to say about the current war between the Jews and the Palestinians (Hamas et al), then you will want to watch this. Nathan tags a lot of bases in this video explaining the 4,000 year old roots of this conflict, who Edom is in Bible history and prophecy and how that relates to Jews and Christians, as well as to Islam and Hamas. You will also learn what the Bible prophesies will happen in the future to all of these people groups and how this conflict will be resolved. You will not hear any of this in the current news reports, but this understanding will help you to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.