Secular Humanism (Pt 1)—Exploring the Root Causes of America’s Current Civil War

Post Election Analysis

The once United States of America has just emerged from a presidential election where we are anything but united. We are united in name only, but, in reality, it is now the Divided States of America. How did we get here and who are the main players in this giant kabuki theatrical act? What is the source and origin of this division where the two sides are squared off against each other in pitched formation with muskets and cannon perpetually ready to fire?  Who is to blame? Even though the more traditionalist, conservative and patriotic side has won the current battle, the culture war still rages on. What can we learn from this and where do we go from here?

America may not be in a literal or hot civil war where one side is firing muskets and cannons at each other, but, to be sure we are in a cold, cultural and spiritual civil war. The one side that calls itself democratic is using every possible means—after all, don’t you that the ends justify the means—to destroy its opponents. Their weapons du jour? Censure free speech and attack one’s opponents in every possible with shoot to kill orders. This involves viciously attacking their enemies politically and judicially, the use of lawfare to destroy one’s reputation and finances, Stalinist-like show trials where one imprison one’s opponents for little or no reason, the destruction of the businesses and economic opportunities of one’s enemies, the use the governmental security and intelligence agencies to spy on and persecute one’s opponents, the use the media to vilify one’s opponents through unverified accusations and by stating lies as facts and by accusing one’s opponent of what one is guilty of oneself (in psychological terms called projectionism). Other means employed to vilify one’s enemies included ad hominem or character assassination tactics. Names were used such as deplorables, garbage, stupid, fascist, Nazis, Hittlers, white supremicists, racists, misogynists and much more. A generation ago, who would have remotely guessed that the terms “American” or “patriot” would become pejorative bywords in America itself? 

The America haters even attacked the populace through so-called pandemics. What could have been more telling than the imposition of face masks to symbolically and suggestively gagged the public thus curtailing the freedom to speak out against such anti-U.S. Constitution tyranny? If that was not enough, many more constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties were either abridged or outright suspended such as the right to gather, to speak freely, to move about freely, and to publish freely one’s opinions. Generally speaking, the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness including the freedom of operate one’s business and occupational pursuits in order to support oneself and one’s family were limited or made illegal. Since when are illegal mandates suddenly legal? Another Amerika has emerged out of the confusion and dystopic disorder. Can we come out of this? Only time will tell. 

Currently the New America is not America anymore. Gone are the days when the two political parties were both overtly patriotic and loved their country, and even though they may have had different visions of how to make America better, they still respected each other enough to agree to disagree without being disagreeable. They worked things out through respectful discourse leading to compromise. Now for the leftist, so-called progressive side, it is my way or the highway. If you disagree with me, you are scum and deserve to die figuratively if not literally. If they fail to get their way, the are the first either to murder you with their words, destroy your reputation and business, declare you to be an enemy of the state, label as mentally ill, imprison you on trumped up charges, or even try to assassinate you. Does the former Soviet Union, communist China or Castro’s Cuba ring anyone’s bell? To this point, more and more people who fled those tyrannical, totalitarian regimes for freedom in America are now sounding the alarm that the land of the free and the home of the brave is heading in the same direction as these failed experiments in secular humanistic idealism that promised a utopia for the masses but instead delivered a hell on earth dystopia, which is why they fled those countries often at great personal risk for America. Do we humans never learn from the lessons of history? 

Thankfully, a majority of Americans resoundingly said, “NO!” to the demonic agendas of the “progressive leftists” by voting out the current regime. Enough Americans searched their soul and realized that something was amiss with the status quo, normative narrative. There is a glimmer of hope for us. So what will we do now with what heaven has given us? 

Now that the U.S. presidential election is history, and Providence has mercifully given America another reprieve from the severe judgments that we deserve for largely turning away from the Almighty Creator Elohim, it is time to reflect on a few things. In this epic battle, who is the real enemy? Is it the “progressive, leftist Democratic Party” and their acolytes, or is it something greater and way beyond that? As always and as truth seekers, we must attempt to dig deeply into the soil from which movements ideologies spring up to discover the real source and origin of such things. The noxious weed above the ground is merely the surface manifestations of its roots that go deep. Nature and common sense teaches us that first there is a seed, then the roots, then a sprout, then the plant and then more seeds and the cycle repeats itself again and again down through the cyclical course of human history. History repeats itself again and again. There is nothing new under the sun. The world is a giant and ongoing theatrical play. The story line and plot are always the same; only the actors and costumes change.

So what are the roots of the current spiritual, sociological and cultural hell on earth in which we currently find ourselves? To find a solution to a problem, one must identify the causes. There is never a political or economic solution to a spiritual problem.

Secular Humanism: The Devil’s Original Lie and the Religion of the New World Order

We are presently watching unfolding before us an epic and cosmic struggle between the forces of evil and good. The world system or cosmos of the devil is pitted against the unalterable and immutable plans, purposes and Word of the sovereign Creator of the universe, YHVH Elohim. Ultimately, it boils down to the epic and perennial battle between the spirit of antichrist versus YHVH-Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ).

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Kitty Werthmann recounts her childhood during the rise of Hitler

Is the U.S. heading incrementally, gradually, to one degree or another, in the direction of totalitarianism thanks to the political agendas of the socialistic, progressives who are trying to take control of this country? Listen to the testimony of this woman, make the comparisons between the socialists who seized control of Germany under Hitler and what’s happening in America, then decide for yourself. The U.S. may be one economic and political crisis away from this happening in the fuller sense. Selah.

“When a people fear their government, that’s tyranny. But when the government fears the people, that’s liberty. An armed populace is a free populace and one that cannot be tyrannized.”

“I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history.

If you remember the plot of the Sound of Music, the Von Trapp family escaped over the Alps rather than submit to the Nazis. Kitty wasn’t so lucky. Her family chose to stay in her native Austria. She was 10 years old, but bright and aware. And she was watching.

“We elected him by a landslide – 98 percent of the vote,” she recalls.

She wasn’t old enough to vote in 1938 – approaching her 11th birthday. But she remembers.

“Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.”

No so.

Hitler is welcomed to Austria

“In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25 percent inflation and 25 percent bank loan interest rates.

Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn’t want to work; there simply weren’t any jobs.

“My mother was a Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people – about 30 daily.’

“We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany, where Hitler had been in power since Continue reading


Is the US Shifting in the Right Direction?

For a long time, I’ve been praying for spiritual revival in the US and around the world. Only Yeshua and biblical values can cure the problems that face this nation—and the whole world, for that matter. That’s why I was excited to read this article. Make of it what you will, but it’s some good news, and seems to be a step in  the right direction, at least.

We’re all constantly being inundated and bombarded with a never-ending tidal wave of boisterous, shrill and fascistic leftist (so-called “progressive”) lies and propaganda coming at us from every direction high and low against the traditional Judeo-Christian, biblical values that bring life, liberty, blessing, prosperity, righteousness and moral and spiritual structure and order to society. In light of this leftist putch to overthrow and transform our society, my constant prayer has been that Elohim will take the proverbial lid off of the leftist garbage can to reveal to the common people really what’s inside.

Under this gilded leftist lid is a stinking and putrid mess that destroys everything good that it touches. Leftism brings tyranny, loss of personal freedom, fascistic government control the many be an elite few, religious persecution, poverty, and oft times torture and death. The nations of the world are full of examples of how leftism has brought ruination and destruction.  (Think the French Revolution, Marxism, the Soviet Union, Red China, North Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Cuba, many African nations, Venezuela, etc., etc. and to a lesser degree the so-called social democracies of western Europe).

 I could wax eloquent on this point, but I’d likely be preaching to the choir—at least to those who know their history and understand the history of political economical experimentation, and who have a biblical worldview baseline against which to critically analyze everything.

Anyway, my prayer has been that enough people will see the true evils of leftism and being aghast at the sight of it will begin to return to traditional, Judeo-Christian values. I don’t know if this poll is a reflections of a trend in this direction or not—only time will tell, but it’s seems to be a small step in the right direction (double entendre intended). HalleluYah!

As I see it, there are only two directions: right (right) and left (wrong)! — Natan

From World Net Daily at


Liberals outnumber conservatives in only six states, according to the latest Gallup survey.

That’s a drop of 30 percent from the previous survey, which found nine states where liberals have the edge, the Washington Examiner reported.

The six states are Massachusetts, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington, New York and New Hampshire.

Additionally, in California conservatives and liberals split 29 percent to 29 percent.

Nationwide, Gallup said, those who identify themselves conservative hold a nine-point lead.

Gallup noted, however, conservatives previously had a 21 point lead, and some state figures fall within the margin of error.

Gallup said that in 25 states, the conservative advantage is significantly greater than the national average.

And in 19 “highly conservative” states, conservatives outnumber liberals by at least 20 percentage points.




Where are YOU on the political spectrum? Conservative Vs. Progressive

Generally speaking, social conservatives tend to act on the basis of principles—what is morally right or wrong. On the other hand, leftists, “progressives,” socialists, Marxists or fascists tend to act on the basis of whatever is politically expedient at the moment and justify their actions on the basis of their particular feelings, or what is politically correct at the moment. They act on the basis of “group think” and tend to favor mob rule—as long as their mob is ruling. What is morally right or wrong has little if any bearing on what they think or do. It’s whatever feels right to them at that moment.

Another way to characterize the actions of those who lean toward the left or “progressive” side politically is that for them “the (political) ends justify the means,” which is one step away from the satanic motto of “Do what thou wilt,” which is another way of saying, “If it feels good, do it.” This is nothing more than situational ethics or moral relativism. This is the religion of secular humanism where the rule of YHVH Elohim is rejected in favor of self-rule. In reality, this is nothing more than embracing the lie of the devil serpent at the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, when he questioned the Creator’s rule of law. When the first humans fell for Satan’s lie, this resulted in the introduction of sin and rebellion and destruction and death and man being separated from Elohim.

Broadly speaking, the political conservative tends to act more on the basis of universal and unchanging principles of right and wrong that are ultimately based on the divinely revealed truth of the laws found in the Bible. On the other hand, the political socialist acts on the basis of feelings and what man (not Elohim) thinks is right and wrong. We know what the Bible says about this:

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Prov 14:12)

The conservative, by contrast, believes in self-rule and limited government because they don’t need big government to regulate every aspect of their lives by telling them what is right and wrong: They have God/Elohim and his word, the Bible, to do that and they realize that they are ultimately answerable to the Creator for their actions, and not to government. They walk in the fear of Elohim, not man. This makes them wise and knowledgeable, for the Bible says the fear of Elohim is the beginning of both knowledge and wisdom. This understanding keeps them on the moral straight and narrow path. Because they base their thoughts and actions on the firm foundation of divinely revealed biblical truth, they find that the constantly shifting moral standards of leftist “progressives”  to be illogical, foolish and impossible to understand. To the conservative right is always right and wrong is always wrong, and these definitions don’t change over time. Not so with the leftist “progressive.”

The social progressive leftist wants government (the bigger the better) to legislate their view of morality, which changes from generation to generation, hence the term “situational ethics” or “moral relativism.” They then turn their view of “morality” into an ideology and then into a political agenda, which they then they demand that the government enforce by the rule of law and cram down the throats of those who disagree with them. This is a form of fascism or government mandated authoritarianism. Extreme socialism is fascism. (The Nazis were fascists. Remember that the word Nazis was merely an acronym for Nationalsozialist or National Socialist.)

The ideology of government determining what is right and wrong becomes the socialist’s religion and is based on what the socialist feels (based on politically correct group-think) is best for society (i.e. their politically driven agendas). The state becomes the de facto god of the nation to enact and to enforce the socialist ideology. In the leftist socialists’ mind, this will lead to their version of a utopia or heaven on earth, which is a godless replacement for the paradise regained of the Garden of Eden heaven on earth, which the Bible refers to as the New Jerusalem, which Elohim promises to all those who embrace the biblical gospel message by trusting in and obeying Yeshua the Messiah.

The conservative loves Elohim as their God and is happy to follow his divinely revealed principles of the Bible, while the leftist socialist “progressives” are either ambivalent, apathetic or downright hateful toward Elohim and the Bible, and instead follow their feelings, which is usually based on politically correct group-think, which is the political system called democracy—or social democracy (i.e. socialism plus democracy). This is in opposition to the republican form of government which rules on the basis of principles that define what is right and wrong. These principle are often codified in a document like a constitution upon which all of society’s laws are based and which all members of society must follow. Most socialists disdain if not hate the U.S. Constitution, since it constrains them from fulfilling their unconstitutional agendas. By contrasts, a republican form of government, ideally, is based on a unchanging principles, while a democracy is based on the vicissitudinous feelings of the masses (beliefs that change over time).

In the United States, those who believe in a republican form of government believe in limited government and tend to be more biblically based, while those who believe in a more democratic form of government tend to reject the Bible and Christianity and want the state, without overtly admitting it, to be their god (to tell people what to do). This is ultimately rebellion against and a rejection of God and the Bible.

The Bible has a several terse statements for the secular humanist who prefers government over God/Elohim, and wants man to decide what is morally right and wrong instead of the Creator.

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. (Prov 12:15)

He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered. (Prov 28:26)

Wisdom is too high for a fool: he openeth not his mouth in the gate. (Prov 24:7)

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. (Prov 14:1)

For those who have ears to hear and a heart and mind to understand, I leave you with this:

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Ps 11:3)