New World Order Bible Prophecy Update—What I See Coming

In this video, Nathan takes you on a journey over the past 170 years of world history with a special focus on U.S. history as it relates to end time Bible prophecy leading to the formation of the globalists’ Babylon the Great world-ruling, Satanic, Antichrist system that will have the world in its grip just prior to the Second Coming. We take a look at the broad sweep and trajectory of recent world history and events to project how they are coming together to fulfill the prophecies of the Book of Revelation chapters 13, 17 and 18. Saints, the pieces of the puzzle of the biblical prophecies made 2,000 years ago are falling neatly into place. Look up, for your redemption (that is, the redemption and glorification of your physical bodies at the resurrection of the righteous) draweth nigh! Are you getting ready? YHVH, by his grace, is revealing these truths to the weak and foolish things of the world, who follow his Torah-Word, to the consternation and confounding of the so-called wise of this world (including the so-called “wise” teachers and leaders in the mainstream church system.)


Covid Confusion Vs. the Wisdom from Above—Who Are YOU Listening to?

Are you fed up with the conflicting and contradictory news and information coming out about the Covid “pandemic?” So am I, and here’s what you can do about it.

Two thousand years ago, Yeshua our Messiah made two interesting prophetic predictions about conditions on this earth just prior to his second coming: 

But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. (Matt 24:37)

So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. (Rev 12:15)

What did he mean by these predictions, and what do they have to do with the Covid pandemic that is currently sweeping across the world bringing confusion, fear and destruction in its wake? Let’s now explore this interesting question to find out what our reaction needs to be in light of the flood of words that is spewing forth from countless sources related to this pestilence. 

We live in the so-called information age. We receive news and information from many sources. When I was growing up, news and information about world events that were occurring primarily came through only three limited sources: the printed word (newspapers and magazines), radio and television. Now we have many sources, and all of these sources are instantly accessible from our hand-held electronic devices.

When I was a kid, every morning my dad would get up at 5 AM and immediately turn on the radio news. I’d hear the sounds of it wafting up form the kitchen just below my attic bedroom of our old farmhouse. At noon I’d listen to the legendary Paul Harvey give his  new report, and then at 5 PM I’d listen to Lowell Thomas’ World News Round Up. Then every evening, like a religion, we’d gather around the black and white television and watch Uncle Walter Cronkite and the CBS evening news. Of course, our local daily newspaper, the Oregonian, was always in our paperbox by about 5 AM every morning. I read the news every day along with the comics (which we called the funnies) of which I was a fanatical and avid follower. Eventually I even became a writer for the Portland Oregonian newspaper.

Now I no longer have a television set and I never listen to the radio anymore (I can’t stand the advertisements!), but I’m still a news addict. Even now, every morning and evening I still check my internet news sources (about 30), and I still listen to talk radio news podcasts while I’m at work almost every day to keep up with the latest news and views.

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Standing Like a Rock in the End Times—Nineteen Tips to Surviving Evil’s Onslaught Against Us

 In light of Yeshua’s last days warnings in his Matthew 24 discourse, what should we do? Below are some suggestions that will help you not to only survive, but to thrive in these end times as we await the second coming.

In these increasingly dark and evil days in which we are now living where evil is made to appear to be good, down is up and black is white, and where YHVH’s people are being increasingly marginalized, persecuted and even killed, what should we be doing in the face of evil’s onslaught against us? The following list provides some answers from the Scriptures.

  • Watch and pray (Matt 26:41; Mark 13:33; 14:38; Luke 21:36).
  • Pray that you might be counted worthy to escape YHVH’s judgments that will be coming on the earth because of wickedness (Luke 21:36).
  • Endure to the end (Matt 24:13; Mark 13:13).
  • Keep your eyes on Yeshua the Lamb and follow him wherever he goes (Rev 14:4).
  • Occupy until Yeshua comes (Luke 19:13). Be busy doing what Yeshua has called you to do.
  • Engage in intercessory prayer, though at this time, it may not do much good, since biblical prophecy has to be fulfilled as end time events occur. This means that things will be getting worse and worse until Yeshua returns and destroys Babylon the Great New World Order.
  • Be an overcomer in every way possible. Be not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21). Those who overcome spiritual evil will experience great rewards (Rev 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21)
  • Be prepared to engage in civil disobedience as a last resort, if necessary. If civil laws violate YHVH’s laws, the Bible tells us to obey YHVH’s laws over men’s laws (Acts 4:19; 5:29; Ps 94:16).
  • Be prepared to help persecuted brothers and sisters in any way possible. You might be next the next one to be persecuted!
  • Continue to be salt and light to those around you in every way possible (Matt 5:13–16).
  • Don’t expect things on earth to get better. Yeshua never said it would get better, but only darker before his return. He’s coming at the midnight hour when evil will be the most pervasive and rampant on the earth.
  • Expect intense persecution of Bible believers (2 Tim 3:12; Matt 5:10–12; 10:22–25; 23:34; Mark 10:30; John 15:19–21; 16:2, 33; 17:14; 1 Thess 3:3–4; 1 Pet 4:12–16; Rev 7:14). Yeshua and the book of Revelation prophesy this will occur in the end times.
  • Be wise as serpents (Matt 10:16). Find ingenious ways to circumvent Caesar’s evil and unbiblical mandates without getting caught, while at the same time being obedient to YHVH’s higher laws.
  • Love not your lives unto death (Rev 12:11). Be willing to lose some or all of yourself for Yeshua including your material possessions. Greater rewards await you for your faithful obedience to Yeshua (Matt 10:39; 16:25).
  • Be inspired by the great faith heros of the Bible and the Christianity (Heb 11).
  • Come out of Babylon more completely (Rev 18:4) starting with the spiritual aspects of this evil and ungodly worldwide system. Eventually, this may mean leaving the cities and going into communal situations into the wilderness with other like-minded believers. Some of the Roman Catholic monasteries were started by those fleeing the corruption of Rome.
  • The more evil intensifies against you, love the light of YHVH’s truth, love Yeshua more and run to and hold on to him—the Rock of your salvation—more tightly.
  • Love your enemies, do good to those who despitefully use you and pray for them (Matt 5:44).


Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love (1 Cor 16:13). Let the following scriptures admonish you:

Put on the whole armor of Elohim, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of Elohim, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of Elohim; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints… (Eph 6:11–18)

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in Elohim for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Messiah, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. (2 Cor 10:3–6)


Jacob’s End Times Prophecies

Genesis 47:28–49:28, Jacob’s end times prophecy. The Jewish sages recognize that this final portion of Genesis chronicles Jacob’s wish to reveal to his sons some prophetic understandings pertaining to Israel’s long and numerous exiles, culminating in “the Final Redemption” or “the Second Exodus” (i.e. the return of Israel [all twelve tribes, not just the Jews] from her exile in “Babylon” at the end of the age just prior to and after the return of Messiah at which time the two houses of Israel will be reunited under Messiah Son of David).

Jacob states the timing of his prophecies regarding his sons in Genesis 49:1 when he predicts what will befall them “in the last days.”

The Jewish sages believe that prior to the establishment of the Messianic Age (or Millennium), all Israel will go into a time of darkness, gloom and exile.

The sages deduct the timing and tenor of this prophecy from the fact that the Torah scroll fails to place the customary nine spaces between the last word of the previous parashah (or Torah portion), which ends in verse 27 and the next parashah, which begins in verse 28. There is only a one space gap in the Hebrew letters between these two Torah portions, which predicts the “closing in” of Israel as they go into exile and captivity in Egypt.

The sages believe that these prophecies not only predicted Israel’s first exile into  and redemption from Egypt but also a latter, end times one as well because biblical history often repeats itself. This is evident by the fact that some of these prophecies weren’t fulfilled until Messiah came the first time and afterwards. More on this latter, so stay tuned.


Are you prepared physically and spiritually for the end times?

Genesis 47:13–26, The economic results of famine. Severe food shortages led to the people’s dependence on the government for food and survival. This is because the people had failed to prepare for such an event. 

Because of famine resulting in people starving, the Egyptian government was able to step in and literally take control of the people’s lives, their land and material possessions. The government then collectivized them by moving them into cities where it could “take care of” or control the people. In the process, the government became the master and the people became its serfs, if not slaves. 

This all happened in large part because during prosperous times the people failed to make preparations for hard times and thus became unwitting victims of natural circumstances and their own careless lifestyles. 

The more a person prepares for hard times such as famine, natural disasters or economic collapse, and the closer they are to the land thus giving them the ability to raise their own food, the less dependent upon the state they will be, the more freedom they will have, and the less likely the government will be able to control their lives. Spiritual freedom is tied to physical independence as well. 

In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies a time coming when the end times Babylon the Great New World Order world ruling economic, political and religious system will exclude earth’s inhabitants from being able to buy and sell food and other life-sustaining essentials unless they take a subcutaneous “mark” on their bodies famously called “the mark of the beast.” 

Most people will take this mark resulting in their eternal spiritual damnation, while a few people will refuse to take it. 

Hunger and privation, whether man-caused or naturally occurring, can be means by which an evil governmental system can control its people simply because humans will do and accept virtually anything to feed their starving bodies. 

The more Elohim’s saints do now to prepare, especially spiritually, but also physically, for the horrifically hard times the Bible prophesies will occur globally in the end times, the more likely they will be to not deny their faith and to survive to meet King Yeshua the Messiah in the air as his glorified, triumphant bride!