Are you a Baal worshiper? Think twice before you answer.

In this brief study, we will examine the characteristics of a society that is spiritually backslidden. Jeremiah the biblical prophet more than 2500 years ago talked about such society (Jer 2:19) that had forsaken YHVH Elohim, the God of the Bible (Jer 1:16; 2:3, 19), and turned, from one degree or another, to Baal worship (Jer 1:16; 2:8, 23, 28; 5:19; 7:8, 17; 9:14; 11:13, 17; 12:16; 23:13). What does this have to with those living in the twenty-first century and what can we learn from this?

Though the prophet Jeremiah is specifically addressing societal conditions of ancient Israel who had turned away from fully following YHVH Elohim, the main issues still apply to any society, ancient or modern, that forsakes biblical spiritual values for secular and materialistic ones. Down through the ages humans are still driven by the same fleshly passions. Although the theater, costumes and actors may have changed, it is still the same play. Human nature has never changed! When a society fails to learn the lessons of history, it will repeat the same mistakes of the past again and again.

While the name Baal — one of the gods of the ancient biblical Canaanites — may mean nothing to modern people, the Hebrew word baal simply means “lord” or “master.” In modern terms, whatever mores, principles or ideals a society has given itself over to and therefore dominates that society become de facto the lord, master (or Baal) or god of that society.

Human history tends to repeat itself over and over again. What has happened before will happen again, because human nature remains the same. We can learn many valuable lessons from mistakes of those who have preceded us. If we don’t, we will make the same mistakes and suffer the same consequences (judgments) as our forefathers.

YHVH Elohim is every-loving and gracious and he constantly warned his people in biblical times to repent of their sins and turn back to him. He is doing the same thing in our day if we will admit our stubborn pride, humble ourselves, and turn back to obeying his ways that bring healing, peace and eternal life.

In the past, the ancients worshiped concrete images that represented the depraved and dark side of man where physical idols represented the ideas behind Baal worship. Today’s Baal worshipers are more sophisticated. They don’t need the physical idols. They have simply bypassed the idols representing the ideas, and worship the ideas themselves. Just because the concrete images (or literal idols) may have gone by the wayside doesn’t mean the concepts don’t still exist.

Baal worship simply represents the dark and depraved side of human nature. For example, Baal Peor was the god of sexual license, and represented the sexually depraved inclinations of man’s nature. Molech was the Baal of child sacrifice. There’s a Baal for every depravity of man. In America, the sexualization of everything, including the premature sexualization of children, which leads to the act of child sacrifice called abortion is an aspect of Baal Peor, which is perhaps the grossest aspect of society’s bent toward the dark side and depraved side of human nature.

Following Baal is very tempting and seductive, since it appeals to the baser inclinations of men’s depraved nature. Men are naturally attracted to Baal worship. This is why the Bible warns us against it.

What is the appeal of Baal worship? Simply this, it takes a lot of energy to move upward, against the force of gravity. Conversely, it takes no effort to slide downward, since gravity naturally pulls us downward. Baal is like a spiritual gravity that pulls us downward effortlessly. Baal is like descending into the dark and dingy basement of a high-rise apartment building, while the penthouse in the same building is like following the path of God, which leads men upwards. It takes more effort to ascend upward than to descend. In fact, descending requires no effort. One doesn’t have to do anything to descend into the darker abysses of man’s baser nature. It takes a lot of energy, however, to move upward to a place of light and hope. In the Bible, Elohim is leading men upward against his base nature. The worship of Baal is everything that leads men downward against his better nature to fulfill his bodily appetites.

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If YOU abort you baby, you’re tipping your hat to Moloch/Baal (Satan)

Deuteronomy 18:10, One who causes his son or daughter to pass through the fire. This was done in honor of the Canaanite deity Moloch (see Lev 18:21 and 20:1–6). The name moloch/lKNin Hebrew means “king”with the root of the word meaning “to rule or reign.” Child sacrifice (the ancient form of modern abortion or infanticide) though a pagan practice that YHVH abhorred, was practiced by both houses or kingdoms of Israel as they drifted into syncretism with the heathen cultures around them (see 1 Kgs 11:7; 2 Kgs 16:3; 21:6; 23:10,13; Jer 7:31; 19:5; Ezek 16:20; 23:37). 

Baal appears to be a synonym of Molach or Moloch (see Jer 19:5 and the Ency. Britan. eleventh edit., vol. 18, p. 676).  After the children were sacrificed to this demon entity, the dead bodies were thrown into the garbage dump of the Valley of Hinnom or Tophet just below the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Jer 7:31; 19:5–6). Apparently, the children were not burned alive, but were slain (by knife) like any other sacrifice before being thrown into the fire and then into the garbage dump (ibid.). The ancients sacrificed their children to appease their bloodthirsty gods of prosperity, sensuality and fertility (The Story of Civilization, vol. 1, by Will Durant, pp. 66–67, 297). 

What can we learn from these random pieces of historical information concerning the ancient practice of child sacrifice? It was done in honor of their deity; in other words, their idol was the king that ruled their lives. What is the chief deity in modern America and most everywhere else in the world? Money and wealth? Sex and pleasure? Fun and entertainment? In ancient times, children were killed by a knife, thrown into the fire and then into the garbage dump. Today, what happens in America and many other countries with unwanted children? Parents abort their babies or have them murdered while being born (partial birth abortion) by using burning solutions to kill the baby in the womb and scalpels and scissors to hack the baby to pieces to aid in its extraction. Afterwards the dead baby is tossed into a dumpster or body parts are sold for “medical” purposes.

What reasons do parents give for killing their children? “It will cost too much to raise them and it’s too much trouble” (greed, hedonism and selfishness). “It will interfere with my career” (greed). “I want to have pleasure ­without ­responsibility” (hedonism and greed). Regardless of the excuses, the reasons today are the same as those of the ancients: prosperity, greed, hedonism and so on. Are we any different or any more “civilized” than the ancients? YHVH called abortion an abomination (which means “disgusting, abominable,abhorrent, detestable or loathsome,” Deut 18:12). 

Make no mistake about it. The modern practice of abortion is still the worship of the ancient murderous demon-god Moloch or Baal whether those practicing abortion know it or not. The reason for engaging in this abominable practice are still the same, and the evil spirit motivating people to do it is still the same. Humans are no different today than they were thousands of years ago. Only the actors and costumes have changed. The actions and evil heart of man remains the same without transforming power of Word and Spirit of Elohim at work to convert sinful humans from the kingdom of darkness and the worship of and obedience to Baal (Satan) to the kingdom of light and the worship of and obedience to YHVH Elohim.

Do you abhor that which YHVH calls an abomination? In Scripture, does YHVH call children and fertility a curse … or a blessing? (See Deut 28:11, Ps 127:3–5.)


Abortion is the worship of Baal

Deuteronomy 18:10, One who causes his son or daughter to pass through the fire. This was done in honor of the Canaanite deity Moloch (see Lev 18:21 and 20:1–6). The name moloch/lKNin Hebrew means “king”with the root of the word meaning “to rule or reign.” Child sacrifice (the ancient form of modern abortion or infanticide) though a pagan practice that YHVH abhorred, was practiced by both houses or kingdoms of Israel as they drifted into syncretism with the heathen cultures around them (see 1 Kgs 11:7; 2 Kgs 16:3; 21:6; 23:10,13; Jer 7:31; 19:5; Ezek 16:20; 23:37). 

Baal appears to be a synonym of Molach or Moloch (see Jer 19:5 and the Ency. Britan. eleventh edit., vol. 18, p. 676).  After the children were sacrificed to this demon entity, the dead bodies were thrown into the garbage dump of the Valley of Hinnom or Tophet just below the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Jer 7:31; 19:5–6). Apparently, the children were not burned alive, but were slain (by knife) like any other sacrifice before being thrown into the fire and then into the garbage dump (ibid.). The ancients sacrificed their children to appease their bloodthirsty gods of prosperity, sensuality and fertility (The Story of Civilization, vol. 1, by Will Durant, pp. 66–67, 297). 

What can we learn from these random pieces of information concerning the ancient practice of child sacrifice? It was done in honor of their deity; in other words, their idol was the king that ruled their lives. What is the chief deity in modern America and most everywhere else in the world? Money and wealth? Sex and pleasure? Fun and entertainment? In ancient times, children were killed by a knife, thrown into the fire and then into the garbage dump. Today, what happens in America? Parents abort their babies or have them murdered while being born (partial birth abortion) by using burning solutions to kill the baby in the womb and scalpels and scissors to hack the baby to pieces to aid in its extraction. Afterwards the dead baby is placed in a dumpster.

What reasons do parents give for killing their children? “It will cost too much to raise them and it’s too much trouble” (greed, hedonism and selfishness). “It will interfere with my career” (greed). “I want to have pleasure ­without ­responsibility” (hedonism and greed). Regardless of the excuses, the reasons today are the same as those of the ancients: prosperity, greed, hedonism and so on. Are we any different or any more “civilized” than the ancients? YHVH called abortion an abomination (which means “disgusting, abominable,abhorrent, detestable or loathsome,” Deut 18:12). 

Make no mistake about it. The modern practice of abortion is still the worship of the ancient murderous demon-god Moloch or Baal whether those practicing abortion know it or not. The reason for engaging in this abominable practice are still the same, and the evil spirit motivating people to do it is still the same. Humans are no different today than they were thousands of years ago. Only the actors and costumes have changed. The actions and evil heart of man remains the same without transforming power of Word and Spirit of Elohim at work to convert sinful humans from the kingdom of darkness and the worship of and obedience to Baal (Satan) to the kingdom of light and the worship of and obedience to YHVH Elohim.

Do you abhor that which YHVH calls an abomination? In Scripture, does YHVH call children and fertility a curse … or a blessing? (See Deut 28:11, Ps 127:3–5.)


Dear Natan: Who are the 7,000 who haven’t bowed the knee to Baal?

The Christian tradition of kneeling before the Baal tree…

In the comments section of this blog, in reference to 1 Kings 19:18 and Elijah and the 7,000 saints who hadn’t bowed the knee to Baal, John S. writes:

7000 that haven’t bowed their knees to the Baals.
The 3 zeros are 3 covenants, so we have 7 attached to 3 covenants.
The 7 Messianic congregations of Revelation.
And those who have not bent their knees to the Baals are the overcomers.
This is my understanding of the numerology involved. It is prophetic.

Natan comments in response to John’s revelatory insight:

Very interesting insight!

The three covenants are the Abrahamic, Mosaic and Renewed Covenants. Paul mentions “covenants of promise” (plural) in Eph 2:12 of which the ex-Genitles are now a part when they come to Messiah and become the one new man (v. 15), the seed or offspring of Abraham (Gal 3:29), part of the olive tree of Israel (Rom 11:11–32) and the Israel of Elohim (Gal 6:16). The mainstream church focuses only on “the New Covenant,” while omitting and rejecting the first two covenants. Obviously, the exclusion of the first two covenants wasn’t in Paul’s thinking or else he would have said “covenant” not “covenants.” This is because the Word of Elohim never changes; his laws and standards are immutable. Therefore, each succeeding covenant is built upon the foundational truth of the previous covenant and is an expansion of the previous one (e.g. Isa 42:21).
Those who are walking in accordance with Elohim’s entire word including all three of his covenant are those that John describes as keeping the law and having the testimony or faith of Yeshua (i.e. they walk in accordance with the OT and NT covenants; Rev 12:17; 14:12).
It follows, therefore, that these saints are those who haven’t bent the knee to Baal (i.e. they’re not following the downward, gravitational pull of the carnal or evil inclination by following the world, the flesh and devil as does the world around them, and, for the those in churchianity, this includes all forms of Torahlessness, following Christo-pagan traditions, and whitewashed church doctrines of men by which the word of Elohim has been made of none effect). Hence, 7,000 who haven’t bowed the knee to Baal has the following metaphorical or drash-level biblical meaning: seven is the biblical number of perfection, and the three zeros are the three covenants YHVH Elohim made with Israel to bring them into a relationship with them potentially ultimately leading to them becoming his glorified sons and daughters in his everlasting heavenly kingdom.

Prophetic indeed… You got me going there John and triggered me in a good way!


The Cosmic Struggle Between Elohim and elohim as It Relates to the Saint (Pt 1)

For YHVH your God/Elohim is God/Elohim of gods/elohim and Lord of lords, the great God/El, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe. (Deut 10:17)

For even if there are so-called gods/elohim, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods/ elohim and many lords… (1 Cor 8:5)

A cosmic struggle is occurring in the heavenlies between YHVH Elohim, the Mighty One, and the elohim or mighty ones on this earth who are under the control of the Prince of the Power of the Air—the Adversary and Accuser of the Brethren. The control of this earth and its people is the object of this struggle, and the redeemed saints of YHVH Elohim are at its epicenter and in the cross hairs of the demon-elohim who view them as their chief obstacle to world domination. Until the saints recognize this, they will not be able to identify their enemy, much less know how to resist him and to protect themselves from its evil onslaught.  The purpose of this work is to better understand who Elohim is, and who his (and our) enemy—the false demonic elohim—is, so that we can take our resolute position along side of Elohim—who is on the winning side of this struggle—and come out victorious in the end.

First, we must identify the key player or protagonists in this cosmic struggle.

Who is like You, O YHVH, among the gods/elohim? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? (Exod 15:11)

For YHVH is the great El, And the great King above all gods/elohim. (Ps 95:3)

Who are these gods or elohim? The Bible reveals that there is the one true and supreme Elohim (or Yehovah/YHVH Elohim), who created the heavens and the earth (Gen 1:1). But who are other elohim or gods over whom Elohim stands out and above in glory and holiness? Truly, as these scriptures above tell us, these other elohim are incapable of the wondrous feats of the glorious and holy Elohim who parted the sea, allowed Israel to escape, and destroyed her enemies all at the same time.

What is the author’s purpose in these two passages of contrasting Elohim with these other elohim? If Elohim is the sole Elohim, then there would be no point for the Scriptures to mention other elohim. But this is not the case, and the Bible clearly sets Elohim above and, at times, in contrast with, and even in direct conflict with these other elohim. What does this have to do with us and how does this directly affect us in our struggles as end-times saints? Keep reading.

Let’s first define some terms and the scope of this work. Quantifying the term elohim as used in the Scriptures is a larger subject and beyond the scope of this brief study. The biblical lexicons tell us that the Hebrew word elohim can refer to God, gods, human judges and angels. What is of primary concern to us in this study is (a) Elohim (i.e. the Godhead), which the Scriptures reveal as the Father, the Son and the Spirit (Matt 28:19), as well as (b) the demon-gods/elohim or idols of the heathen nations, and how these affect YHVH Elohim and his  people.

The first written witness in this cosmic struggle between Elohim and the elohim that we want to examine is one of the most important passages in the Bible in that it sets the monotheistic religion of the Bible squarely at odds with the polytheistic religions of the heathen nations.

Hear, O Israel: YHVH our Elohim, YHVH is one! (Deut 6:4)

The actual text of this passage in the Torah emphasizes the monotheism of the Bible and the oneness of Elohim (in contrast to the polytheism of the heathens) when it enlarges the last letter of the Hebrew word echad (אחד) translated in this text as “one.” Why is this? The Jewish sages teach us that this is to emphasize the fact that the word echad ends in the letter dalet (ד) and not the letter resh (ר)—two letters that closely resemble each other. This is an important distinction to make, since were one to read this word with a resh instead of a dalet, it would spell the word echar (אחר) meaning “another” instead of “one” (The Kestenbaum Edition Tikkun, commentary on Deut 6:4). So instead of this verse reading “YHVH is one” (validating the truth of monotheism), it would read “YHVH is another” thus validating polytheism.

Echad can mean “one, first, head among many with an emphasis on unity or being joined together.” Although this statement in Deuteronomy 6:4—commonly known as the Shema Passage—has become a creedal statement among the Jews affirming the monotheistic nature of the Godhead, it, in fact, is ambiguously monotheistic because of the expansive meaning of the word echad. On this passage, The Theological Wordbook of the OT  notes that “the question of diversity within unity has theological implications. Some scholars have felt that, though ‘one’ is singular, the usage of the word [at the same time] allows for the doctrine of the Trinity. While it is true that this doctrine is foreshadowed in the OT, the verse concentrates on the fact that there is one God and that Israel owes its exclusive loyalty to him (Deut 5:9; 6:5” (vol 1, p. 30).

This same commentator goes on to note that Deut 6:4 could as easily be translated as “The LORD/YHVH is our God/Elohim, the LORD/YHVH alone”—a translation that is copacetic to the passage’s immediate as well as broader context as well as the broader context of the book, and the whole Bible as well.

On the same passage, Keil and Delitzsch in their commentary, note that this passage affirms that YHVH is the one absolute God or Elohim, and that he requires that humans love him with their all. Due to the Hebrew grammar, they note, that this passage does not mean that YHVH is the only Elohim, but that he is the only YHVH.

The Bible clearly teaches that there is more than one Elohim, but that YHVH is the true Elohim, and that Elohim has chosen to reveal himself to humans in the mode of YHVH, and that he is the absolute Elohim to whom no other elohim can be compared. He is the King over all the earth (Zech 14:9) and presumably over any other competing elohim. The Zechariah passage, not only precludes polytheism, but syncretism, as well, thus reducing Elohim to the national deity of Israel as opposed to the demon-god Baal (Hos 2:17) and every other form of deism (ibid.).

Even though YHVH is the name of the one true Elohim, within the idea of YHVH itself there is a compound unity as the word echad relates to YHVH in Deut 6:4. Additionally, the choice of the strict singularity of the meaning of the word echad is further mitigated against by the occurrence of the word Elohim (God) in the same sentence, which is commonly accepted linguistically as the plural form of El or Eloah (also translated in our Bibles as God). So within the same passage, we find two uni-plural nouns—echad and elohim. It’s as if this scripture, at the same time, is attempting to emphasize both the singularity and the plurality of the Godhead.  This is who Elohim is: the Father, the Son and the Set-Apart Spirit (Matt 28:19). But who are these other elohim or gods that the Scriptures contrast Elohim against?

To be continued in Part 2


New Video: Halloween Message — Combatting a Culture of Death

We are living in a culture that is preoccupeid with death. Halloween is the devil’s high holy day that celebrates and promotes death and destruction. This culture of death is out to destroy marriages, childhood innocence, our economy, our churches, our biblical and our historical heritage, our preborn babies, our youth, God and anything else that is good and righteous. This video is not only about standing firm but also combating this culture of death with the light and hope of biblical truth.