Category Archives: Evangelism
Be Salt & Light—Biblical Reasons to Vote
Biblical Reasons to Vote

If you are serious about being a salt and light Christian in this world, then you will vote!
For many Christians the Great Commission has become the Great Omission. For many Bible believers their Christian walk involves sitting back, living a quiet Christian life, going to church, work, school and engaging in the society around them in little meaningful ways when it comes to spreading the gospel or by being salt and light. Is this what Yeshua called his disciples to do? Or did he call them to bury their talent, to hide their light under a basket or be warriors who would confront the world around them with the message of the gospel and the truth of the Bible? Voting is one small way to help spread some light and salt in a spiritually dark and putrid world.
A question. Did YHVH lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land for them to then wall themselves off from other nations and just sit in the corner and sing Kumbayah for the next one thousand years? If so, then why did he geographically place Israel where several of the ancient world’s main trade routes intersected with each other, and then called the Israelites to be a light to the nations? No. They were called to be a light to the world (Deut 4:5–8). What’s more, it is true that Yeshua told his disciple that though they were in the world, they were not of this world. But was this a mandate for Christians piously to sit on the sidelines as the world around them goes to hell figuratively and literally? Is this what Yeshua’s disciples understood him mean? You know the answer! So then why do so few Christians who live in democratic nations fail to vote when their vote might make the difference between good and evil?
Let’s face it. Interacting with this world is a dirty job! It requires putting on your rubber hip boots and mucking through the barnyard of a pagan and godless society. It is impossible to be salt and light in this world, and to win the lost without getting a little dirty. Yeshua is our example to follow in this. First he came from heaven to an earth full of filthy sinners like you and me. On top of this, the self-righteous religious establishment of his day castigated him for hanging out with the unwashed masses of common people, tax collectors, sinners and adulterers. In this, Yeshua set us an example, which his disciples followed throughout the Book of Acts and beyond to “go ye therefore into all the world, preach repentance from sin, the good news of the kingdom of Elohim, and to make disciples” who would then go and do the same. Wash, rinse and repeat!
So another question. What are you doing to be faithful to your Master’s command to be salt and light in this world? True, not everyone is called to be a street preaching evangelist, a missionary to Africa or a Mother Theresa, but everyone can do something! The cook in the galley or the janitor in the restrooms on a battleship is just as vital as the one who fires the 16 inch guns at the enemy, or even the captain of the ship, for the ship could not function without any of them. Whether you are doing little or a lot to help advance the kingdom of Elohim here on this earth, one thing is certain. We are all soldiers in YHVH’s spiritual army and being AWOL or absent without leave is not an option. Such a servant will, at the very least, be given little or no reward in the world to come, or at the most, he will be beaten with many stripes (Matt 25:24–30; Luke 12:47). Voting is one small thing that Christians can do to be salt and light in this world.
Many Christians do not vote for a variety of reasons. Some reasons may be valid, others may not be. Although democracy, as we know it, did not exist in Bible lands when the Bible was written, and thus the Scriptures do not specifically address this issue, interesting, the Bible does provide Christians with some compelling reasons why voting is a civil right that can actually help to expand biblical values to one degree on this earth. Moreover, the strong case can be made that if more Christians voted, the political and moral climate in one’s country would be better.
Some Christians stay home on voting day because they feel that they are always voting for the lesser of two evils. This is likely true, but will there ever be a perfect candidate who checks all the boxes and meets all the criteria for being biblically righteous? Again, you know the answer. Are you perfect? Is their anyone who is? Has there ever been a perfect human—ever? Only one Person, and you know who that was!
Other Christians refuse to vote because they believe that the elections are rigged and so their vote is pointless. This may be true, but maybe it is not always the case. Who knows for sure? If it is in our power to do good, shouldn’t we exercise that power as best we can (Jas 4:17)?
For my part, I was raised to believe that Christians should not vote since we are not citizens of any earthly kingdom, but part of the kingdom of Elohim. For me, this mentality had unintended and negative if not destructive consequences. It tended to take me out of the spiritual battle that is occurring on this earth between the forces of light and darkness, good and evil versus the antichrist spirit of this age. I found myself largely on the sidelines of the work that Yeshua the Messiah was doing on this earth. However, when I was an in my mid to late 20s that all changed. One day I changed my view of voting and went against the teachings of my church. My town was raising taxes and, at that time, I was hard pressed financially as I was starting a new business. Shouldn’t I have a say on how much money the politicians extracted from me? In answer to my own question, I registered to vote and have done so ever since.
The mentality of non-involvement with this world by refusing to vote caused me to overlook Yeshua’s clear command to his disciples and to us to occupy until he comes, to be salt and light, to do the great commission by preaching the gospel and making disciples. There are many implications and ramifications to this command, but one thing is certain: it does not mean for us to sit in the corner and do nothing—to be AWOL (i.e., absent without leave) from the spiritual battle to which YHVH has called us. We are to be active movers and shakers in helping to defeat the god of this world, to come against his minions, to stand against darkness and to help advance the kingdom of Elohim. Voting is one small way to occupy until Yeshua returns, to stand for righteousness and to help advance the kingdom of Elohim. Yes, ultimately, our battle is a spiritual one (2 Cor 10:4–5; Eph 6:10–18), but this battle is fought not only in the spiritual realm but also on the physical realm of which we are a part. If it were not, then why does Yeshua command us to preach the gospel and make disciples?
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of Elohim, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of Elohim, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of Elohim; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints (Eph 6:10–18)
YHVH is looking for human instruments who will do his work and rise up against evildoers and the workers of iniquity.
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Ps 94:16)
But this beg a question. Is YHVH so impotent that he really needs man’s help? No. But he chooses to work through humans to accomplish his purposes on earth. But humans can only do this was they are helped or empowered by heaven. They are YHVH’s tools that he uses to accomplish his purposes on earth.
Unless YHVH had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence. (Ps 94:17)
Thus opposing evil is a cooperative effort between YHVH in heaven and his servant on earth.
Through Elohim we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies. (Ps 108:13).
So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. (Ezek 22:30)
Biblical Reasons to Vote
Continue reading“Increase Our Faith” How?

Luke 17:5–10, Increase our faith. Explaining the correlation between faithfulness and miraculous faith. As is often the case in the Gospels, Yeshua’s answers to his to the disciples’ questions is a bit of an enigmatic head scratcher. How does his answer relate to their question in Luke 17:56–10 about how to increase one’s faith? Let us explore the connection between miracles of faith and faithfulness.
In this passage of Scripture, Yeshua initially answers his disciples’ question by tersely stating that a small amount of faith produces great, even miraculous, results. He launches into a discussion about faithful attendance to duty, and ends the discussion there. What do these seemingly discordant statements have to do with each other? Upon reflection, the answer becomes evident. He is saying that faith resulting in miracles comes as a result of a servant being faithful by doing the will of his master—in this case, YHVH Elohim.
As an example of the connection between faith and faithfulness, let’s consider Yeshua’s command to his disciples to preach the gospel to all nations. Referred to as “The Great Commission,” Yeshua promised that certain miraculous signs and wonders would follow his disciples when they faithfully fulfill this command (Mark 16:15–18). One often hears Christians wondering why they do not see many miraculous signs and wonders happening today. Maybe it is because they are not being faithful to their Master’s command to preach the gospel to the whole world—or at least to share the gospel boldly with those around them. The preaching of the gospel is just one example of miracles of faith following obedience.
Let us dig deeper and demystify the connection between faith and faithfulness. Consider this. What is the relationship between faith and faithfulness? When one is faithful to his master’s will and is faithfully executing his responsibilities, what happens? By immersing oneself in the will of one’s master with one’s whole heart, one will be totally in tune with the master. That is, one will know the heart, mind and will of their master. He will know the desires of the master, how the master thinks and what the master wants him to do, and what the master wants him to do next. On this basis and from this spiritual launch pad, the servant can extend his faith and predict the will of the master—what the master wants him to do next, and then the servant can step out in faith and accomplish it, even if it requires a miracle to do so.
An example of stepping out in faith from the launch pad of faithfulness based on fulfilling Yeshua the Master’s will for his redeemed believers to expand the kingdom of heaven by sharing the gospel with others. In so doing, one will be walking hand-in-hand with the Master’s will to reverse the effects of the kingdom of darkness by healing the sick and casting demons out of oppressed people (Mark 16:15–18). In this manner, the kingdom of heaven is expanded one life at a time as per the heart and will of Yeshua. The preacher of the gospel should understand this correlation between faithfulness and miraculous faith, which is why after sharing the gospel with others, one can expect to heal the sick and cast demons out of the oppressed.
It is really that simple; it is a matter of cause and effect. Faith-based miracles is the natural consequence of faithfulness to execute the Master’s will. If one does not see miracles in one’s life, perhaps it is because one is not being obedient to the will of their Master!
Elohim Shows Up in Lahaina—a Man Called Fish and an Unburned Church
Even in the worst disasters such as the fiery destruction of Lahaina, Maui in Hawaii, the God of the Bible (Yehovah Elohim) raises up his humble and often unlikely servants to be his spiritual light and to offer hope to those caught in the middle of horrific tragedies. Elohim is always there if you just open your eyes and will see him. Yes, we may lose everything in fires, floods, winds, wars and the like, but Yeshua (Jesus) is always there, and no one can take that away from us, and our faith in him does make a huge difference in this life and in the next life!