Elohim Shows Up in Lahaina—a Man Called Fish and an Unburned Church

Even in the worst disasters such as the fiery destruction of Lahaina, Maui in Hawaii, the God of the Bible (Yehovah Elohim) raises up his humble and often unlikely servants to be his spiritual light and to offer hope to those caught in the middle of horrific tragedies. Elohim is always there if you just open your eyes and will see him. Yes, we may lose everything in fires, floods, winds, wars and the like, but Yeshua (Jesus) is always there, and no one can take that away from us, and our faith in him does make a huge difference in this life and in the next life!


6 thoughts on “Elohim Shows Up in Lahaina—a Man Called Fish and an Unburned Church

  1. Interesting. After watching and listening to this teaching, I went to YouTube and found Fish and the realtor that is recording what he’s seeing in the Lahaina fire zone. He’s got several more since recording Fish.

    As far as different pronunciations of The Name, יהוה, it’s interesting that each letter has the possibility of being either a vowel or a consonant. The “yud” could be pronounced like either of the letter “Y’s” in the word “yellowy”. The first is a “ya” sound and the second is an “ee” sound. The letter “hay” can be like “ha or hay” or “awe or eh”. The vav can be a hard “V” sound or and “oo” or an “oh” sound. If someone was to pronounce The Name using one of the vowel sounds for the “vav” followed by a vowel sound for the final “hay”, it could make a “w” sound. For instance Yah hoo eh, or Yah ho eh, if you say it smoothly and rather fast, it sounds like Yahu way or Yaho way. Just an observation. I do know those that believed the “vav” used to have a “waw” sound, but nobody really knows since we don’t have recordings of Moshe or anyone else in Scripture to listen to.

    Thanks for you teachings. Always a pleasure.

    • I’m not sure about the hey being a vowel. Never heard that before. Aleph and ayin are technically silent letters and can act as consonants or vowels depending on where they land in the word. Yud and vav are also technically consonants but can also be read as vowels. Hey is a consonant, but according to one Hebrew grammar book in my library entitled “Biblical Hebrew—A Beginning Grammar” by Fuller and Choi, it’s not a vowel. So what am I missing here?

  2. A “ה” “hay” can be a consonant or vowel. It can hav a “haw” or “hay” or “heh” sound or “awe” “a”. There are many times that the letter “ה” is vowel and usually it would be at the end of a word. For instance “אתה” “atta” or “you” in the masculine singular, the “ה” is a vowel pronounced “awe”. Even the shortened Name “יה” “Yah” is a “ה” that doesn’t sound like a “H”, but sounds like “awe”. I don’t know why Fuller and Choi don’t believe that letter can be a vowel.

    • Can you give us a reference for your information? I would like to look this up and learn more about it. I may be wrong, but I’m thinking that the letter hay is an aspirate sound (like the letter h in English) and thus a consonant rather than a vowel (again like our letter h). When combined with the ah sound, it hey appears to be a vowel, but is not really one. The aspirate hay from what I have read represents the breath of life which is from YHVH.

      • In my first Hebrew Primer from 2002 called “עברית אלפון” by Bella Bergman, Lois Rothblum & Ora Band…. On page 1 it says about “ה” sounds like “H”, and silent (vowel) at the end of a word. So when I mentioned the shortened form of the Tetragrammaton, “יה” or “Yah”, the letter “ה” is not an “H” sound, but and “awe” sound, like a vowel. The second “ה” in the Tetragrammaton likewise could be either an “A” sound or an “awe” sound. There are exceptions to the rules, but normally a masculine word ending in the letter “ה” is a long “a” sound or an “eh” sound. Not usually an “awe” sound in the masculine, but it would be most of the time in the feminine. I hope this helps.

      • Thanks for the info. As usual, the experts don’t agree, which makes it more difficult for us little people to figure things out. Three Jews and four opinions, as the saying goes. Oy vey!

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