After 35 years, this is Nathan’s first ever teaching on marriage and how it is YHVH’s classroom and cauldron of refinement to prepare us to be the bride of Yeshua the Messiah. This message will take you to the next and higher level of how to view your marriage and to rise above the difficulties and challenges that it inevitably presents.
This and other videos by Nathan are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple podcast under “Hoshana Rabbah.”
Contrary to popular belief, obedience to YHVH’s Torah—his instructions in righteousness—will bless and improve your life in countless ways. Both the Written and Living Torah Word of Elohim will also keep you on the straight and narrow path that leads to our Father in heaven. Moreover, it will guard and protect your life from evil and sin and the consequences thereof as this teaching reveals.
Luke 17:5–10, Increase our faith. Explaining the correlation between faithfulness and miraculous faith. As is often the case in the Gospels, Yeshua’s answers to his to the disciples’ questions is a bit of an enigmatic head scratcher. How does his answer relate to their question in Luke 17:56–10 about how to increase one’s faith? Let us explore the connection between miracles of faith and faithfulness.
In this passage of Scripture, Yeshua initially answers his disciples’ question by tersely stating that a small amount of faith produces great, even miraculous, results. He launches into a discussion about faithful attendance to duty, and ends the discussion there. What do these seemingly discordant statements have to do with each other? Upon reflection, the answer becomes evident. He is saying that faith resulting in miracles comes as a result of a servant being faithful by doing the will of his master—in this case, YHVH Elohim.
As an example of the connection between faith and faithfulness, let’s consider Yeshua’s command to his disciples to preach the gospel to all nations. Referred to as “The Great Commission,” Yeshua promised that certain miraculous signs and wonders would follow his disciples when they faithfully fulfill this command (Mark 16:15–18). One often hears Christians wondering why they do not see many miraculous signs and wonders happening today. Maybe it is because they are not being faithful to their Master’s command to preach the gospel to the whole world—or at least to share the gospel boldly with those around them. The preaching of the gospel is just one example of miracles of faith following obedience.
Let us dig deeper and demystify the connection between faith and faithfulness. Consider this. What is the relationship between faith and faithfulness? When one is faithful to his master’s will and is faithfully executing his responsibilities, what happens? By immersing oneself in the will of one’s master with one’s whole heart, one will be totally in tune with the master. That is, one will know the heart, mind and will of their master. He will know the desires of the master, how the master thinks and what the master wants him to do, and what the master wants him to do next. On this basis and from this spiritual launch pad, the servant can extend his faith and predict the will of the master—what the master wants him to do next, and then the servant can step out in faith and accomplish it, even if it requires a miracle to do so.
An example of stepping out in faith from the launch pad of faithfulness based on fulfilling Yeshua the Master’s will for his redeemed believers to expand the kingdom of heaven by sharing the gospel with others. In so doing, one will be walking hand-in-hand with the Master’s will to reverse the effects of the kingdom of darkness by healing the sick and casting demons out of oppressed people (Mark 16:15–18). In this manner, the kingdom of heaven is expanded one life at a time as per the heart and will of Yeshua. The preacher of the gospel should understand this correlation between faithfulness and miraculous faith, which is why after sharing the gospel with others, one can expect to heal the sick and cast demons out of the oppressed.
It is really that simple; it is a matter of cause and effect. Faith-based miracles is the natural consequence of faithfulness to execute the Master’s will. If one does not see miracles in one’s life, perhaps it is because one is not being obedient to the will of their Master!
Boy reading from a gevil parchment scroll. This one is written on goat skin.
A New Way of Life
Coming to an understanding of YHVH Elohim’s Torah-laws and then adopting a Torah-compliant lifestyle coupled with viewing the Bible through a Hebraic perspective and context has numerous positive benefits in one’s life. A pro-Torah approach to one’s life is more than just…
Changing which day you go to church on.
Changing your eating habits.
Celebrating different holidays.
And, if you’re really into it, growing a beard and wearing blue fringes or tassels.
Pursuing a Torah-centric lifestyle will not only change some aspects of your lifestyle, but will also change how you view the Bible, how you view Yeshua or Jesus, Elohim or God, yourself, the Jews, the land of Israel as well as your thinking about a lot of other things, and how you view yourself and your fellow Christians. It will also vastly deepen and broaden your understanding of the Bible in ways you could never imagine. Let’s briefly explore a few of these areas.
The Main Lifestyle Changes Include
Observing the seventh day Sabbath
Celebrating the biblical feasts
Adopting a biblically kosher diet
But as we are about to learn, this is only the beginning.
A New Perspective on the Bible
A pro-Torah and Hebraic view of the Bible opens up multiple new vistas in one’s understanding of the Bible. Here a few of them:
A more traditional Greco-Roman, Western, caricaturized view of Jesus gives way to a more accurate Hebraic or Jewish and Middle Eastern view of the real and authentic Yeshua.
One learns that Yeshua in his pre-incarnate state was the God of the Old Testament and the one who interacted with the patriarchs, Moses, the children of Israel and the prophets. As such, he is the One, as the Word of Elohim who would eventually became flesh, who gave the ancient Hebrews his Torah-law.
One learns that the thesis-antithesis paradigm of the Old Testament Torah-law or law of Moses model versus the New Testament grace model is a false and church-invented construct, and that the concepts of law and grace are not antithetical as the mainstream church teaches but are complimentary and indivisible issues, and are, in reality, two sides of the same coin.
One gains a deeper understanding of who and what the church is. The church was neither birthed nor spontaneously combusted on the day of Pentecost. Rather the church is a long term continuation of YHVH’s relationship with his people going back for thousands of years and continues to this day and involves all of the saints.
A new and greater holistic view of the Bible emerges versus only seeing the Scriptures in a seemingly disparate, disjointed and unrelated parts and pieces. The pieces of this vast puzzle finally begin to fall into place and a much more glorious and expansive picture than ever imagined emerges.
A Hebraic or Eastern view of the Bible replaces a limited and somewhat cartoon Greco-Roman and Western Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant view.
One begins to understand the Bible through Hebraic block logic rather than Greek step or syllogistic logic.
One gains a deeper understanding of the rules of biblical interpretation including understanding Scripture in its whole Bible, linguistic, historical and cultural context. One also learns about the four levels of understanding the Bible known as the PaRDeS method (i.e., the simple, hinted at, allegorical and mystical levels). One also gains an understanding of and an appreciation for the concept of exegesis over eisegesis when correctly interpreting or rightly dividing the Word of Elohim.
A better understanding of biblical history and future events including the Hebraic understanding of cycles emerges.
One gains a new understanding of Paul and the real issues facing the New Testament church. The controversial issue that Paul was dealing with was not the law versus grace and whether or not YHVH’s Torah-law was relevant to Christians. Rather, the issue was about a works-based salvation versus salvation by grace through faith. In Paul’s writings, the validity of the Torah-law was never the issue contrary to what mainstream Christianity has falsely taught over the millennia.
One gains a whole new perspective and understanding of Old Testament Bible prophecies as one learns who the ancient players were and who their modern descendants are and how that relates to end times Bible prophecy.
One learns who the two houses of Israel were and who their modern descendants are and how that relates to each of us regarding our future destiny as it relates to the establishment YHVH’s kingdom on earth.
A New Perspective About Yourself
As one embraces the Torah and the Hebrew roots of one’s faith…
A new and fuller perspective on the biblical definition of sin emerges. One learns that YHVH’s Torah-law defines sin, not church traditions and the rules of men. This is both liberating and sets one’s life on a more solid spiritual foundation based on the Truth of the Bible as opposed to the unbiblical traditions of men.
One gains a new and fuller perspective and understanding on who you are as a grafted-in Israelite. You are no longer a Gentile who is without God and without hope, but are part of the commonwealth, nation, citizenship and covenants of Israel. You are a redeemed Israelite and the literal offspring of Abraham and you are part of YHVH’s chosen people along with our Jewish brothers. This is an enormously empowering concept!
One obtains a new and fuller understanding of what holiness is and how to become holy. The Bible defines what people, things, practices or times are holy, not men.
Your physical diet improves. This is because one becomes a label reader and discovers that one has not only been eating biblical non-kosher foods, but a lot of unhealthy junk and chemical ingredients as well. By eliminating these toxic substances from one’s diet, one’s health will improve because one stops eating physical junk food.
One’s spiritual diet will improve. One becomes a spiritual label reader and begins to compare what the mainstream church is teaching or not teaching compared to what the Bible really says. As a result, one stops feeding from the toxic mixture of truth and lies that are emanating from the pulpit, which is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and one starts feeding from the whole Truth of the Bible, which is the tree of life. Thus, one’s spiritual health improves as one stops eating spiritual junk food.
One gains a deeper understanding of what it is to be the temple of the Holy Spirit and what it means to live a sanctified and holy life.
A New Perspective on Some Other Things
One gains…
A new love for the land of Israel.
A new love for the Jewish people.
A new love for YHVH’s lost and scattered sheep of the house of Israel.
An expanded and deeper understanding of the gospel message including Yeshua’s remarriage to his Israelite bride and why he had to die on the cross to pay the sin price for his adulterous wife.
A fuller understanding on what it is to be the bride of Yeshua and how to prepare for and qualify to be his glorious and immortalized bride.
An understanding of the heavenly and temporal rewards that one will receive as a result Torah obedience versus not obeying YHVH’s Torah.
The subject of generational curses can be a controversial topic—especially among those who refuse to believe that they may be the unwitting victim of such a thing. Moreover, many Christians deny the existence of generational curses because, after all, when you come to Christ, isn’t every sin from here on out forgiven, and all curse automatically nullified? Doesn’t every decision for Jesus card come with an exclusive insurance policy guaranteeing protection from all dark forces as well as the consequences of the sins of one’s ancestors? And from now on, it’s peace on earth and good will toward men, because Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life, so what could go wrong? Until the rapture bus takes us to heaven, it’s a bed of roses. The problem is that even roses have thorns!
If generational curses is a moot point, does this mean that the saint can carelessly turn a blind eye to invisible forces behind the scenes, to the laws of cause and effect, or to the principle of reaping what you sow? How about to ripple effects on the opposite shore of the proverbial stone that has been dropped into the pond?
Perhaps it would be wise to carefully examine what the Bible says about blessings and curses as well as the consequences of sin and how it affects a person’s life—and even those of his descendants.
As we are about to discover from Scripture and from life examples, there is such a thing as generational curses, generational blessings, as well, the consequences of both one’s sins and righteous living upon our children. The Bible speaks to each of these separate but similar, often interrelated and sometimes conflated concepts. One thing is certain. Generational sin often results in generational consequences which may lead to generational curses. Below we will discuss how each of these affect our spiritual growth or the lack thereof, and what can the disciple of Yeshua can do to both break the curse as well as mitigate the consequences.
The Fall of Man and the Curses and Consequences of Being Cut Off From the Creator
Every human is under the general generational curse of original sin brought on the world by Adam and Eve. That curse is the result of being cut off from an intimate relationship with Elohim, man’s Heavenly Father, and as, a result, coming under the negative influences of a fallen sin nature as well as the world and the devil (which are both cut of from a relationship with Elohim), and then suffering the wages or consequences of one’s sin which is death.
The cleavage in the relationship between the first humans and their Creator occurred when these rebellious children chose to eat of the forbidden fruit resulting in man’s first sin. Now cut off from their Heavenly Father, Adam and Eve bequeathed to their future offspring the generational curse of a “fallen” sin nature and innate tendency to acquiesce to the sinful pulls of the world, the flesh and the devil. This is the nascence of man’s struggle against sin to this day.
The consequences and curses of all sin that is unrepented of whether it be ours or that of our forefathers can negatively affect us. We can repent of our own sin, and that of our forefathers (as Daniel and Nehemiah did), and pray that YHVH will forgive us and our forebears, and then lift the curses of that sin off of us. But curses and consequences may be different. Daniel, for example, prayed for forgiveness for his sins and that of his forefathers that resulted in the destruction of Judah and the deportation of many Jews to Babylon including himself. YHVH may have forgiven Daniel for his sins (disobedience to YHVH’s commandments), but he still bore the consequences of the sins of his fathers and himself, that is, he was still exiled in Babylon—a heathen nation where he died. This is like one’s parents divorcing because of marital infidelity, yet the children having to live with negative consequences of that sin and subsequent divorce long afterwards.
The Curse of Original Sin
The Bible addresses the issue of this generational curse that Adam bequeathed to his children. The ultimate generational curse was the sin of Adam, which is death, that passed on to all of his human descendants. Similarly, through the blessing of one man’s righteousness, forgiveness of sin and eternal life has passed on to all who accept Yeshua.
Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned—(for until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come. But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man’s offense many died, much more the grace of Elohim and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Yeshua the Messiah, abounded to many. And the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned. For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification. For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Yeshua the Messiah.) Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous. Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Yeshua the Messiah our Lord. (Rom 5:12–21)
Generational Consequences
Even though all humans who accept Yeshua as their redeemer are set free from the curse of Adam’s sin and their own personal sins, for which they have repented, the consequences of that original sin have been passed on from one generation to the next. For example, woman still have pain in child birth, and men have to wrest a living from the earth by the sweat of their brow.
To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.” Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’: “Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.” (Gen 3:16–19)
These consequences of sin come on everyone because we live in a fallen world.
Curses for Disobedience to YHVH’s Commandments
We have just discussed the universal curses and consequences of Adam’s sin. Now let’s learn about the curses of an individual’s sin that can affect one’s family and even future generations. These curses are the cause-and-effect consequences of violating YHVH’s commandments or sin.
[Y]ou shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, YHVH your Elohim, am a jealous Elohim, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. (Exod 20:5–6)
And YHVH passed before him and proclaimed, “YHVH, YHVH Elohim, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.” (Exod 34:6–7)
And if the people of the land should in any way hide their eyes from the man, when he gives some of his descendants to Molech, and they do not kill him, then I will set My face against that man and against his family; and I will cut him off from his people, and all who prostitute themselves with him to commit harlotry with Molech. (Lev 20:4–5)
You shall perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up. And those of you who are left shall waste away in their iniquity in your enemies’ lands; also in their fathers’ iniquities, which are with them, they shall waste away. (Lev 26:38–39)
In the Exodus 20 passage above, please note that conditional phrases “those who hate me” and “those who love me.” The implication is that curses will fall on those who hate YHVH by disobeying him and not fall on those who love him. We will discuss this further below.
Under the New Covenant and through our relationship with Yeshua, we can receive the Father’s forgiveness from many curses that affect our spiritual and eternal life. However, if our forefathers’ sins have resulted in our living in a cursed environment, a cursed nation, or cursed life situation, if we are saved, we can expect YHVH’s grace in that situation, but we may or may not be totally delivered from all the consequences of the past sins of our forefathers. Again, we can use the example of a parents’ divorce because of the sin of infidelity. The breakup of a family can potentially have negative consequences for generations to come.
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