Of Frail Men and a Faithful Elohim—The Torah Roots of Your Salvation

Can I let you in on a little secret that will empower you spiritually? Typically YHVH Elohim overlooks the great, mighty, rich and successful people of the world to accomplish his plans and purposes in favor of the weak, the failures, the down-trodden, the rejected and those who have made a lot of mistakes. Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses were such people. He established a covenantal relationship with them out of which came a nation and eventually the Messiah that has subsequently touched the world with the gospel message.

If YHVH can use adulterers (Abraham), lying thieves (Jacob), ex-convicts (Joseph), murderers (Moses) a long the weak, ignoble, and foolish people (1 Cor 1:26–27) to save the world, then maybe he can use you and me (if we have a little faith and willingness) to help expand his kingdom.

This is an encouraging and uplifting message that calls us all to step out of our comfort zones of discouragement and complacency and in faith trust YHVH to use us for his glory to help expand his kingdom with the message of salvation that is rooted in the Torah!

This and other videos by Nathan are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple podcast under “Hoshana Rabbah.”

If this message has been a blessing to you, please consider showing your appreciation by making a donation to Hoshana Rabbah at https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=Y…. Thank you!


From Abraham to Messiah—The Power of Covenantal Relationship (Pt 2)

In this video, Nathan demolishes the false Christian theological concept that the Abrahamic and Sinaitic or Mosaic covenants and hence YHVH’s Torah-law have bee done away with in some or all aspects. The Bible is clear. What the mainstream church teaches in this regard not only could not be further from the the divinely revealed Truth of the Bible, but it blasphemously impugns the very holy character of YHVH Elohim, and those who believe such are walking in satanic deception whether they realize it or not. It is time for YHVH’s people to wake up spiritually and to exit the confusing hodgepodge and spiritual Babylon of men’s traditions that make of none effect the Word and Truth of Elohim! This is a tough, but enlightening and freeing message!

This and other videos by Nathan are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple podcast under “Hoshana Rabbah.”

If this message has been a blessing to you, please consider showing your appreciation by making a donation to Hoshana Rabbah at https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=YCJXxwIs9WC97bc29kBAHtSF7IzMXXKfpWZYifh1QeReOYLLTGrU0jNzOwv8oSPl6xicUH6u7FHzwapN. Thank you!


From Abraham to Messiah—The Power of Covenantal Relationship Pt 1

Biblical covenants. A boring subject? Not at all! Rather, it is a key, fundamental aspect of the reconciliation process between God/YHVH Elohim and man, as well as the salvation path YHVH has laid out in the Bible starting with Abraham and ending with Yeshua the Messiah. An understanding of covenantal relationship will gain you a fuller comprehension of the character of the YHVH Elohim, his integrity and unconditional love for people plus a deeper love for him and his word including Yeshua, the Word of Elohim who was made flesh.


Yeshua’s Warrior Bride and the Kingdom of Elohim/Heaven

In this video, Nathan discusses two subjects that are hardly talked about in the mainstream church: namely the warrior bride of Yeshua and what is the kingdom of Elohim. These fundamental aspects of the gospel message are typically overlooked in churchianity, even though they figure prominently in end times biblical prophecy and the future destiny of serious Bible believing Christians and followers of Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah. This is an encouraging and uplifting message that will light your fire!