Daniel 2 and the New World Order

Daniel Chapter Two Overview

Photo Credit: http://www.davidegalliani.com/2014/10/il-regime-satanico-parte-ii-il-sogno-di.html

In this chapter, YHVH arranges circumstances for Daniel to be introduced to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, through the revelation and interpretation of dreams. A similar event occurred with Joseph to the Pharaoh of Egypt.

At the same time, Daniel is revealed to be a superior counselor to the king over his pagan advisors, magicians, astrologers, sorcerers and Chaldean priests.

Through Daniel’s interpretation of the king’s dream, a future history is revealed of the kingdoms that will rule in Europe and the Near East until the end of the age, when Yeshua will return and establish his world-ruling millennial kingdom. This historical overview begins the Neo-Babylonian kingdom and empire under Nebuchanezzar II and ends with what is revealed in the book of Revelation to be a world ruling geopolitical, economic and religious system which it refers to as Mystery Babylon the Great.

Daniel 2:1, In the second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. Shortly after arriving in Babylon, YHVH opened the door for Daniel’s divine mission. 

Daniel 2:2, Chaldeans. These were the “Levitical” priests of Babylon.

Daniel 2:28, In the latter days. The latter days of what? Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, the kingdom of Babylon or the latter days of as in the end times when Yeshua will return? As we proceed, we see that Daniel interpretation of the king’s dream, spans a period from that time until the second coming of Yeshua.

Daniel 2:31–35, A great image. The head of gold is Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian Empire. Daniel says this. The chest and arms of silver were the Persian Empire that succeeded Babylon and which Daniel records occurred. After that, are the belly and thighs of bronze which was the Greek Empire under Alexander the Great. Following that were the two legs of iron and clay or the Roman Empire, which eventually subdivided into two empires: the eastern and western empires. Out of the remnants of this grow ten subdivisions, which will exist when Yeshua—the Stone that was cut without hands—will utterly destroy this system that had its roots in ancient Babylon and in the end times is referred to in the book of Revelation as Mystery Babylon the Great. After this, Yehsua will establish his millennial kingdom and will rule over all the earth (Rev 20:2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Daniel 2:34, Struck the image. This event is recorded in Revelation chapter 18. How the destruction of the end times Babylon the Great occurs is recorded in Revelation 19 culminating in the commonly-called Battle of Armageddon, when King Yeshua and his heavenly army will destroy once and for all the military arm of this world ruling Satanic system (Rev 19:17–21).

Daniel 2:35, A great mountain. In biblical prophecy, a mountain is often a poetic Hebraism for a government.

Daniel 2:41, Toes. If the legs are the Roman Empire the western leg of which fell in A.D. 456 and the eastern leg of which fell in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople to the Muslims, then the ten toes must somehow originate out of the two legs of the Roman Empire. The western or Rome-based leg continued to rule as a  politico-religious entity under the Roman Catholic Church and it Holy Roman Empire exercising influence over Europe and its colonies for hundreds of years after the fall of Rome in the fifth century. Meanwhile, after 1453, Islam ruled most of the lands of the ancient Roman Empire in the east. 

Two Legs (one possible understanding of the metaphorical meaning). Until recently, the idea that somehow the “Christian” western leg of the old Roman Empire would in some way unite with the eastern Muslim leg of the old Roman Empire seemed impossible and ludicrous. However, this is no longer the case. West and east began coming together through their mutual economic interests in oil along with advent of the petrodollar. After that, the Roman Catholic Church has began making ecumenical overtures to Muslim world over the past few decades. Finally, with the hordes of Muslim refugees fleeing into Europe, it is projected that in some countries in a decades the demographics will switch to a Muslim majority as native European birth rates continue to decline steadily. Already, more and more Muslims are assuming the reigns of political leadership in various European countries (e.g. the current mayor of London).

In light of these recent developments, it is not surprising to see the two legs of the ancient Roman Empire cooperating, yet remaining separate (iron and clay). Each has its own goals of world domination, yet each is united in its hatred of Israel and the Jews, and of fundamental Christianity. The current pope, for example, has blatant Marxist leanings and is openly pushing a globalist, Antichrist agenda at many levels. Similarly, Islam is akin to Marxism in its fascistic approach to governance and its Antichrist beliefs. In fact, Islam more than any other religious system on earth best fits the John’s five criteria that define the spirit of Antichrist in his first and second epistles.

Two Legs (another possible understanding of the metaphorical meaning). The two legs are one single kingdom (vv. 40, 41, 42) with two subdivisions reprented y the two legs which are still one in that they are joined at the hip. The two legs are the two subdivisions of the ancient Roman Empire into east and west as described above. The one leg represents the West, most notably, Europe and North America and its traditional allies, while the other leg is East, most notably the Islamo-fascist countries along with Russia and China. Even though each leg appears to be separate, they are still connected at the hip (economically). In a sense, they represent the yin and yang of the New World Order by which the globalist exercise dominion over the earth through controlled opposition. Both sides are economically tied, so behind the scenes they need each other, while on the surface and in public view, they are in open opposition to and even, at times, at war with each other. It is a fragile alliance that is held together through a somewhat tennuous global technocracy.

Ten toes. This is likely the subdivision of the nations of the earth into ten semi-autonomous regions under the control of a world-ruling government, and which is something that the United Nations has publicly proposed in the past. 

Daniel 2:41–43, Iron mixed with ceramic clay…mingled with the seed of men. The understanding that has come to me as to the meaning of the enigmatic symbols of the iron and clay in Daniel 2:43 follows. If I am correct, the meaning of this prophetic passage written nearly 2,500 years ago will a have profound impact on our every day lives very soon.

This prophetic passage reads,

Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. (Dan 2:41–43)

Iron is an obvious metaphor for machines, technology and ultimately a global technocracy that will attempt to totally control all humans. Clay seems to be a less obvious metaphor for humanity who, we are told, the Creator made from the earth or clay. After all, the first man was named Adam, which is a Hebrew wordmeaning “red or ruddy” and is a cognate of the Hebrew word adama meaning “earth.” All humans innately yearn to be free and will resist being controlled or even superceded by robotic machines, technology and artificial intelligence. Let me explain.

The iron appears to be a symbol of machines (which are largely metallic in composition) that will be used not only to control, but in many cases, to replace man with a technocracy (a governmental system that involves controlling humans through technology) involving robots, artificial intelligence, biometric data tracking, the internet of things and transhumanism, which will be the globalists’ attempt to fascistically impose their will on the human population, through governmental control, for the purposes of the acquisition of total power and all of the earth’s wealth. The more machines replace or are melded generically with humans (to create a race of super humans, see Dan 2:42 cp. Gen 6:2–4), the fewer humans (or non-genetically engineered humans) will be needed to perform normal work-a-day tasks in the factories of the global puppet masters. Therefore, the reduction of the human population has been the long-proposed goal of the Malthusian-inspired globalists. What better way to do this then to force humans to take a pharmaceutical injection that ostensibly purports to be for the betterment of their health, but in reality and in many cases often maims or kills them—especially the weaker, less useful, members of the human species?

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How many people are on the brink of insanity…like King Nebuchadnezzar?

Terrified Businessman

Daniel 4:28–33, King Nebuchadnezzar. For all of his great power and accomplishments, the king was on the verge of emotional and mental instability (or insanity). Hearing the voice and judgment from heaven evidently was the tipping point that drove him toward the side of insanity.

This illustrates the fact that for all of their greatness, many notable world leaders live their lives on the ragged edge between sanity and insanity, between mental and emotional stability and instability. Likely, these individuals are so compromised in their souls in that they have had to perform so many dastardly deeds to rise to the positions of power that they hold that they have become tormented deep inside. In reality, this can be the case with any human who has  turned his back on his Creator.

Guilt, shame and a sullied conscience due to sin are irrepressible and cannot be expunged from a man’s heart. Such people can hardly live with themselves; they are trapped and can’t get out of their minds and bodies. Their deep inner guilt and shame perpetually keeps them at the brink of mental breakdown and madness.

Only the truth can set them free—the truth of redemption of sin through the preaching of the gospel message, through the love and forgiveness or Yeshua the Messiah and the supernatural transforming work of the Spirit of Elohim in one’s heart. For this reason, the servants of the Most High must keep preaching the gospel and holding sinners accountable for their sins against the Almighty.