With the recent COVID pandemic and the advent of the so-called “COVID Passport” that was required in some regions and nations, and now with the imminent emergence of the central bank digital currency (CBDC) possibly connected to one’s social credit score and implemented via digital biometric data with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and super computers, it appears that the mark of the beast system, as predicted in the Bible (Revelation 13:16–17), is right around the corner. No one knows whether we have one year, five years or 50 years until this occurs, but make no mistake, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled or else the YHVH Elohim, the Creator of the Universe, is a liar!
Those who refuse to take the mark will be excluded from the global monetary system. In brief, they will not be able to function or survive within modern society. Where will they go? How will they survive if they cannot buy or sell? Pay their rent or mortgage, hold a job, have a bank account, pay for gas, food, clothes, be able to travel and buy insurance, pay their taxes, buy or sell anything at all? It is time to start asking oneself these questions, and then preparing ourselves for the inevitable.
Don’t forget what the Bible says: those who take the mark cannot be saved—they will permanently cut themselves off from Elohim and will be thrown into the lake of fire at the last judgment.
To be sure, the end times will be an adventure for everyone and period of great testing and faith building for the saints of Elohim. It will also be a time to spread the gospel message resulting in much revival according to the Book of Revelation. Now is the time to prepare physically and, most importantly, spiritually.
Nathan discusses these things and more in this video.
In this video, Nathan answers the following emailed question:
I’m asking this tough question for myself but also on behalf others out there. The world ID and money system, or at least part of it, has already been launched and is growing fast.
Q: Which point of view should we have, A or B?
a) It is staunchly against Elohim to take part in this, because it’s the front door to or an early stage of the mark of the beast system and all its surveillance and eventual tyrannical control. We should instead get out of Babylon and trust in YHVH and refuse to sign up for a system that represents evil globalist tyrants and their world government system which will be used to enslave us,
b) This is not the mark of the beast per se. No under the skin mark is presently a requirement of joining or being able to buy or sell using the system. Until that’s the case, there’s no moral or biblical prohibition against signing up for or partaking of the new WorldID system, giving an iris scan, etc. YHVH understands if sooner or later we sign up and become involved in this WorldID/money system. If regular fiat currencies become worthless, we will still have to eat, pay the rent, and buy the necessities of life.
Every so often it is good to step back and to evaluate world events in light of Bible prophecy in order to ascertain where we might be in the order of end time events. In this video, Nathan reviews some prophecies in the Book of Revelation and shares what he sees coming in the near future like the proverbial watchman on the wall of biblical times. Those who have ears to hear will wake up, prepare and be ready.
Like a bad nightmare, a worldwide system that the biblical Book of Revelation refers to as Mystery Babylon the Great is arising that will exercise power and dominion over every tribe, tongue and nation on earth (Rev 13:8; 18:3). This system is mysterious because it is hiding in plain sight, and is visible only to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear this warning message (Rev 13:9). Even though we can only see through the biblical prophetic lens darkly, the general outline or blueprint of end time events is still apparent (1 Cor 13:12). After all, didn’t Yeshua promise his disciples that the Holy Spirit would reveal to them (and us too) things to come (John 16:13)?
Do you have eyes to see? The Bible declares that YHVH’s elect saints are to be children of the light, of the day, and not of the darkness or night, especially as the coming of Yeshua draws near (1 Thess 5:1–8). Based on this, we can be assured that our Father in heaven will give his saints unique insights and revelation pertaining to end time events. Not only that, Scripture instruct us not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Cor 2:11). As the old adgae goes, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Since the mid-1970s, I have been keeping my thumb on the pulse of this slowly emerging, end times global Antichrist system. Both my Bible-believing father and late grandfather also kept a keen eye on world events going back to 1950s and the 1940s respectively, and they passed this interest on to me. Based on this background and what I see in the Book of Revelation, here is my best understanding to date of what I see coming toward us with regard to the Babylon the Great global Antichrist system.
The Book of Revelation draws a distinct line between those who will acquiesce to this Satanic system versus those who will resist it. The line in the proverbial sand is marked by blood: those who will shed blood countless millions to impose this system on the world (for them, the ends justify the means) versus those who are under the blood of Yeshua the Messiah and who will be victorious over evil. Those whose names have been written in “Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world” will neither submit to nor worship this evil beast system. Most people will though, for they will be forced to go along to get along in order to survive (Rev 13:8).
The Bible tells us that the vast majority of the earth’s population will worship (i.e., literally fawn like a dog or crouch before, prostrate oneself; Rev 13:8) the spiritual powers behind this evil Antichrist system for three-and-one-half years (Rev 13:5). Both the books of Daniel and Revelations liken this global system to an evil, ugly, power-hungry, Elohim-hating, fearsome demonic monster beast. The so-called global elites or leftist globalists refer to this system as the New World Order (I refer to it as “the New Weird Order”), the Great Reset, the Liberal World Order, the Fourth Turning, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution to name a few.
This emerging global system that will tyrannically control the earth’s masses will be a merger of political, economic and religious powers through technological means (read Revelation chapter 13). Futurists and science fiction writers have been predicting this for nearly 100 years in books like Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984. This system will be an oligarchic technocracy.
How will the global “elite” power brokers and controllers impose this system on earth’s populace? These demoniacs will impose their (dystopian) vision of a so-called utopian New World Order system over earth’s population primarily not by military force, but rather by technological control. Limited military or police actions may occur to enforce their agendas and edicts upon rogue entities, but all-out war or global conflicts is unlikely except as necessary to impose this system upon the world’s masses. The Book of Revelation does not seem to indicate a large, global massive military conflict. Why not? This is because global financiers and power brokers have invested trillions of dollars much energy and resources into developing a worldwide system and with a vast, interconnected infrastructure by which they hope to engineer the world’s population into compliance with their world-domination objectives and then to manage people from that point forward.
Many people are certain that we are heading toward a global system that follows a Marxist-Leninist model. Again, the Book of Revelation does not indicate this to be the case. Rather the global elites are endeavoring to morph the world’s economic system into a blend of capitalism and communism—a system similar to what we now see occurring in the Peoples Republic of China. The end goal is a neo-feudalist system where the oligarchic international capitalists are conspiring with the world’s political powers to create a serf class of compliant workers for their factories and fields. This is exactly what the Book of Revelation predicted would occur nearly 2,000 years ago (Revelation chapters 13 and 18). The overlord elites will keep people dumbed down, drugged up, entertained and unarmed, thus making resistance by the masses unlikely, difficult and virtually impossible. The Book of Revelation clearly and tersely states this,
Under this new digital currency, any transfer of funds to family, friends, charities, or clients would be able to be tracked by the nation’s central bank that issued this virtual money. Big Brother will be in your wallet every hour or every day. You will not be able to buy a stick of gum without a Federal Reserve computer knowing where, when, and to whom you just put down a buck.
We should be rightfully concerned about inflation, energy independence, aggressor nations armed with nuclear weapons, and woke public policies that denigrate the very foundation of this great country. But these are jabs compared to the enormous destructive power of a digital currency “option” slipped into Executive Order 14067.
When I was a sparring partner for professional boxers many, many years ago, I was taught to be wary of the jab. It is a tactic used to distract an opponent while setting him up for a devastating power punch that takes him down for the count.
Biden is throwing jabs.
The power punch is a little noticed Executive Order with the innocuous number 14067 and its title, “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets.”
In a 21st Century world where cryptocurrency and cybercrime are now embedded threats to our collective financial security, this Executive Order would seem to address these issues. That is the jab.
In fact, this order includes language that allows the Federal Reserve System to “explore” the possibility of introducing digital currency into the United States. This means that your cash becomes so much colored paper. That would not be the only catastrophic impact on our society and the nation’s economy. Under this new digital currency, any transfer of funds to family, friends, charities, or clients would be able to be tracked by the nation’s central bank that issued this virtual money. Big Brother will be in your wallet every hour or every day. You will not be able to buy a stick of gum without a Federal Reserve computer knowing where, when, and to whom you just put down a buck.
Like any jab, its starts with a feint.
“At this stage, the Fed is just introducing the subject into the public debate and is weighing the options,” according to Eswar Prasad, a Cornell University economics professor who was interviewed by the Associated Press in an Aug. 24 story.
Apologists for the White House insist that the Executive Order does not implement digital currency or give Washington the power to control it. Assuming that is true, what it does accomplish is to introduce the possibility of even considering a currency move so radical, so profound, and so disruptive that it make George Orwell’s “1984” nightmare novel a day in the park?
We should be rightfully concerned about inflation, energy independence, aggressor nations armed with nuclear weapons, and woke public policies that denigrate the very foundation of this great country. But these are jabs compared to the enormous destructive power of a digital currency “option” slipped into Executive Order 14067. Nations have risen and fallen far from the battlefield, their destinies determined by their economic policies. We should bring our collective outrage to confront even the idea of introducing digital currency in America’s future: if it becomes reality, we will not recognize our democracy.
Lawrence Kadish serves on the Board of Governors of Gatestone Institute.
Genesis 47:13–26, The economic results of famine. Severe food shortages likely brought on by drought resulted in the Egyptian people becoming dependent on the government for food and survival. This is because the people had failed to prepare for such an event.
Because of famine resulting in people starving, the Egyptian government was able to step in and literally take control of the people’s lives, their land and material possessions. The government then collectivized them by moving them into cities where it could “take care of” or control the people. In the process, the government became the master and the people became its serfs, if not slaves.
This all happened in large part because during prosperous times the people failed to make preparations for hard times and thus became unwitting victims of natural circumstances and their own careless lifestyles.
The more a person prepares for hard times such as famine, natural disasters or economic collapse, and the closer they are to the land thus giving them the ability to raise their own food, the less dependent upon the state they will be, the more freedom they will have, and the less likely the government will be able to control their lives. Spiritual freedom is tied to physical independence as well.
In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies a time coming when the end times Babylon the Great New World Order world ruling economic, political and religious system will exclude earth’s inhabitants from being able to buy and sell food and other life-sustaining essentials unless they take a subcutaneous “mark” on their bodies famously called “the mark of the beast.”
Most people will take this mark resulting in their eternal spiritual damnation, while a few people will refuse to take it.
Hunger and privation, whether man-caused or naturally occurring, can be the means by which an evil governmental system can control its people simply because humans will do and accept virtually anything to feed their starving bodies.
The more Elohim’s saints do now to prepare, especially spiritually, but also physically, for the horrifically hard times the Bible prophesies will occur globally in the end times, the more likely they will be not to deny their faith and to survive the end times spiritually intact and ready to meet King Yeshua the Messiah in the air as his glorified, triumphant bride!
Genesis 47:15, The money has failed. This was a collapse of Egypt’s economic system brought on by a widespread famine. When there is no food to buy, money is worthless, since people cannot eat money. The people were now totally dependent upon the government for their survival, and were willing to sell themselves into bond servitude or slavery to the government just to eat. The Bible in the Book of Revelation indicates that widespread famine will occur in the last days prior to the second coming of Yeshua. We read,
When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Rev 6:5–6)
Sometime after this, the mark of the beast will be forced on earth’s population (Rev 13:16–17), where no one will be able to buy or sell anything, including food, without this biometric mark. Since the Bible prophesies that a famine will encompass the whole earth in those days, it seems unlikely that this will be the result of a global drought. More likely, this famine will be bought on due to failed economic policies, disease pandemics, war, fuel shortages and supply chain issues. We have already begun seeing the harbingers of this in recent times. This is all the more reason for YHVH’s people who are not ignorant of the times and seasons in which they are living (1 Thess 5:1–11) to prepare themselves most importantly spiritually but also physically.
YHVH went ahead of Jacob and his family and placed them in the grass-covered, well-watered land of Goshen located in the Nile River delta area of northern Egypt where they were likely somewhat isolated from the famine. Similarly, during the hard times of the end days, YHVH promises to protect his saints as well (Rev 12:14).
Genesis 47:21, Moved them into the cities. Collectivization of a nation’s people into cities has often been the goal of oppressive governments. This was true in ancient times and is true today, and will be the case in the end times as the Bible prophesies.
For example, Marxist economic philosophy has always been about collectivizing people under government control by taking control of manufacturing, housing, education and health care and placing it in the hands of the government, or the elites of the ruling party. This idea is put out or sold to the people as a form of security where a nanny state, big government will take care of you from cradle to grave. The problem is that in so doing, one gives up their personal freedom, independence and civil liberties in exchange for security. Since the government now has management over a collectivized population, it can, to one degree or another (at least in pure communist society), control where you go, what you do, where you work, when and what you eat, how you spend your money, how your are educated, whether you receive health care or not, and what you think and say.
Such a system may not be completely the place in many Western nations yet, but what student of history cannot see us moving in that direction? Who cannot see the trajectory of the social, political and economic path that we have been on in the last 60 to 100 or more years as little by little or freedoms and social liberties are being slowly eroded away in favor of more big government control—for people’s good and well-being, of course.
Needless to say, big government never wants an independent populace that is self-sufficient, can feed itself, educate and think for itself, express its own ideas and speak freely, travel freely, or defend itself (against government tyranny and over-reach). Such is the enemy of big-government control and the wealthy elite who control the politicians.
The control and collectivization of people along with big government control is the end times world-ruling system that we see in place just before Yeshua’s return as prophesied in Revelation chapters 13, 17 and 18.
Nathan explains how to come of the end times world ruling system the Bible calls Babylon the Great as per Elohim’s command to his people in Revelation 18:4.