The Feast Days in the Messianic Age/Millennium

The following is a list of the scriptures that prophesy that YHVH’s people would observe the weekly Sabbath and biblical feasts during the church age and into the Millennium or Messianic Age. Ezek 45:17 — The Sabbaths (plural, includes the … Continue reading

Understanding the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot)

Shavuot is the third of the seven festivals (after Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread) of YHVH and occurs in the late spring of the year. Passover pictures coming out of one’s spiritual Egypt or the world, putting faith … Continue reading

The Leaven of the Early Church Fathers Exposed—From Biblical Truth to Church Tradition

Were the Pharisees the Only Purveyors of Spiritual Leaven? One of the most well-known biblical metaphors is leaven—the chemical agent that makes bread dough to rise. It is a descriptive biblical symbol of sin in one’s life that, like yeast … Continue reading

How Do We Know When to Declare the Month to Be Aviv or Not?

Quite often at the beginning of the biblical new year there is confusion as to whether the barley in the land of Israel is aviv (or abib) or not. After searching the land of Israel for aviv barley in the … Continue reading

UPDATED: Yom Teruah—The Historical Roots of Our Faith, Present Relevance for Believers & Prophetic End-Time Implications

By Ya’acov Natan LawrenceHoshana Rabbah Biblical Resources This will be one of the most comprehensive articles you have ever read on this subject and contains revelation you will read nowhere else. Hopefully it will help to light your spiritual fires!— … Continue reading

What Is Its Spiritual Prophetic Significance of the Counting of the Omer? (updated)

There are 49 days between First Fruits Day, which occurs during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot or Pentecost). Why does YHVH in the Torah command his pepole to count the seven weeks or 49 … Continue reading