Shame on Target…Time to Boycott!

First Target insulted us by forbidding people to exercise their constitutional rights to defend themselves by carrying concealed weapons on their property, and now this. We have a Target store  in our town, five minutes away. There’s nothing that Target has that I can’t buy somewhere else. 

These mega-corporations are so arrogant that they think they can ignore the silent majority who are morally straight and pander to a fraction of a percent of the population who are sexual deviants, let’s  show them who they really need to be taking into consideration when formulating policies!

Natan Lawrence

Target Faces Mass Boycott Over Policy Allowing Men in Women’s Bathrooms

April 22, 2016|11:10 am



Employees work at a Target store at St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, January 15, 2015.

After Target announced this week that its stores will allow men to use women’s bathrooms and dressing rooms, over 160,000 people have already signed onto a boycott of the popular retailer in just two days.

The American Family Association’s boycott was launched Wednesday and as of Friday morning more than 164,000 people have signed on to it.

In a statement posted earlier this week, the AFA argued that Target’s new bathroom policy threatens the safety of women and children.

“Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?” stated AFA.

“Clearly, Target’s dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. We think many customers will agree. And we think the average Target customer is willing to pledge to boycott Target stores until it makes protecting women and children a priority.”

gender-neutral bathroom(Photo: Reuters/Lucy Nicholson)A gender-neutral bathroom is seen at the University of California, Irvine in Irvine, California, September 30, 2014. The University of California will designate gender-neutral restrooms at its 10 campuses to accommodate transgender students — a move that may be the first of its kind for a system of colleges in the United States.

As a compromise, the AFA also stated that Target could provide a unisex bathroom for transgender customers.

“Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the trans community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex option should be provided,” continued AFA.

Earlier this week the corporate leadership of Target announced they would allow customers and employees to use the bathrooms of their choice.

The move came in response to the recent national headlines regarding debates over laws such as North Carolina’s bathroom bill that requires people to use the bathrooms, locker rooms and shower facilities that match their sex, not their gender identity. The law, however, gives private businesses the power to make their own policies on whether to allow men who identify as female to go into women’s facilities.

“Most relevant for the conversations currently underway, we welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity,” stated Target on Tuesday.

“Given the specific questions these legislative proposals raised about how we manage our fitting rooms and restrooms, we felt it was important to state our position. Everyone deserves to feel like they belong. And you’ll always be accepted, respected and welcomed at Target.”

The comments section for the Target announcement had over 300 posts, most of them expressing opposition to the announcement and vowing to stop shopping at the chain.

As of Friday morning, the top comments listed on the announcement were all opposed to the decision, with each post getting between 500 and 1,500 likes.

“Well … I won’t be shopping at Target anymore – was one of my favorite stores. So make sure you ‘include’ everyone because you just excluded me,” said one person, whose post got more than 900 likes.

“There is nothing that I buy at Target that I can’t buy elsewhere. So long. Farewell,” said another, getting over 1,300 likes.


A Psalm: The Flowers in My Garden


 By Natan Lawrence

The uglier the world becomes, the more I plant flowers in my garden.

The deeper and darker the pit society falls into, the brighter and more colorful are those flowers.

The more vile, crass, ungodly, evil and profane people become, the more my garden resembles the sublimity and idyllicism of Eden.

The greater the degradation of the surrounding culture as it gleefully parades its descent into hell, the more my garden reflects heaven on earth.

Yehovah, I love you, praise you and find my hope and joy in you through the flowers in my garden!


Shabbat Shalom from My Garden of Eden to You

May these photos of flowers from my garden brighten you Shabbat day! Praise YHVH Elohim the Creator for the beauty of his creation, which is a love-gift to us. As he has made this earth beautiful for our enjoyment and  blessing, may we be a river of life to those around us as we brighten their days with YHVH’s love and beauty!

Multi-colored pansies in a pot at the door to my office.

Multi-colored pansies in a pot at the door to my office.




Oregon grape—Oregon's state flower

Oregon grape—Oregon’s state flower



Pieris Japonica or lilly of the valley shrub (also known as andromeda)

Pieris Japonica or lilly of the valley shrub (also known as andromeda)



Another variety of pieris Japonica

Another variety of pieris Japonica

What's a spring garden without a daffodil?

What’s a spring garden without a daffodil?


Heal-all is a wild edible and medicinal plant.

Heal-all is a wild edible and medicinal plant.





Skimmia Japonica

Skimmia Japonica

Hardy cyclamen

Hardy cyclamen

Wild mustard

Wild mustard

Dandelion—even the flowering weeds are gorgeous. One man's weed is another man's ornamental flower.

Dandelion—even the flowering weeds are gorgeous. One man’s weed is another man’s ornamental flower.

Marsh marigold

Marsh marigold


To some people, marsh marigold is a noxious weed, but if planted in the right spot, it makes a wonderful addition to the garden. This teaches us that each person (who in YHVH’s sight is like a flower) if planted in the right place can become a blessing to YHVH’s creation. Each person has his own place to grow and bloom in YHVH’s kingdom.


Donald Trump the Hammer? Like a Samson??

This post on the comments page from Handmaiden4Him has given me great pause for consideration! Therefore, I decided to publish it on the blog. I would value your  comments. I think we’re all trying to figure some things out—what is the Father up to for America?  Natan

From from Handmaiden4Him:

I was voting for Marco Rubio, and I saw Donald Trump winning…then I began to ask the Lord about him. I felt like the Lord was confirming to me that “the Donald” (my quotes) would win. I asked the Lord, “Why?” I began to remember the story of Samson…FOR NO REASON. I remembered how Samson had the nazarite calling and how he was kind of like “the world is my oyster” kind of a guy. If he saw something he liked, he TOOK it. He taunted the Philistines, enemies of Israel, and they were afraid of him. He was also strong and attracted women—also women that were going to use him like Delilah, who represents the beauty of the “enemy,” and who would steal his strength She finally got a very independent man to reveal the source of his strength—his hair. I thought, “wow.” I saw a picture in my mind of Donald Trump. Hmmm…

32257192 Now Trump is no saint, that’s for sure. But Elohim anointed King Cyrus. Was he a believer? No. So I began to consider Trump and wonder why Elohim would not appoint a strong believer like Cruz or Rubio. I felt like He was saying,”they don’t stand a chance.” That would make people even sadder if they got into office and their hands were tied. Trump’s name, in German is Trumpf. It’s the German spelling. It doesn’t mean “trumpet” like you think. It means “hammer.” Jeremiah 23:29 “Is not my word like fire,” declares YHVH, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?”
I felt like what Elohim was saying that things need to be broken before they can be fixed again. So knowing what I feel that Elohim has in mind, I’ve been praying for several weeks and am committed to praying for Trump(f) until the day he walks into the oval office.
I could be wrong, and I’ve missed Elohim before, but I don’t take elections likely, even though we are not invested in this country like we are in the kingdom of Elohim, but i know that Elohim does guide and direct our steps desires for us to prosper in the place in which we live and has a destiny for country. I flew to Washington, DC, by myself, to attend a rally to defund planned parenthood, and prayed while I was there.

Father, protect Donald Trump from greed, manipulation, corruption, and allow him to smash strongholds and stiff necks that block all efforts to restore this country to greatness again—greatness that comes from the kingdom of Elohim in men and women that live in her—in Yeshua’s name. Amein.

Donald Trump being like a Samson…a very interesting analogy that seems to ring true to me, even though I’m no great fan of the man. How about Balaam’s ass (or Jonah’s fish, for that matter)? YHVH sometimes uses very unlikely creatures for his purposes! I’m going to post your comment on the main blog (after I’ve corrected some typos). Thank you very much for these insights!  Natan


Chains of Tyranny: The Lies of the Socialists and Progressives


One of the main lies of big government socialism and so-called progressivism is that it buys people off by  promising to take care of and protect them. This results in the loss of people’s freedom.

The problem is that to take care of the people, the government has to steal the people’s money and resources in obvious and subversive ways to pay for it.

Furthermore, in the process, socialism and progressivism makes the people dependent on government hand-outs, so the people are no longer self-dependent and self-sufficient. In this way, the power of the people has been transferred to their government overlords thus making it almost impossible for the people to cast off the chains of government tyranny and control without biting the hand that feeds them thus imperiling their own existence and security. This is one of the main lies of big government socialism and so-called progressivism.

Do you not think that the moneyed elite power brokers and social planners don’t know how to use the lure of government hands to ensnare the people into their grasp? Do you not think they don’t use the promise of government handouts (thus preying on people’s natural tendency toward laziness and wanting something for free, while not having to work for it)  to enslave the people in a supine position, while insuring their own power-positions and financial security (at the people’s expense) as the people’s permanent overlords? Yet, sadly, the people are too blind and stupid to see this, and they keep voting in those who would package the chains that would enslave them in little boxes neatly wrapped in bright colors, ribbons and bows.

Gift 19982532

Many in the younger generation who don’t know their history and who have lost their moral and spiritual compass have fallen prey to the lies of socialism and progressivism. That’s why they’ll vote for people like Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and pro big government Republicans et al.




Beware of Donald Trump!

Written by Jon Alexander, one of this blog’s readers. (Reprinted with permission.)

Prior to WWII, Germany was reeling for various reasons (mostly economic collapse due to the Versailles treaty). Numerous factions were running for power within the very volatile environment; the social democrats, the socialists, and the Nazis were the big three parties.

The social democrats were not the same as we have today, but supportive of the Weimar Republic which was a semi-presidential representative federal republic. Eventually the republic failed the people so much that they became enraged. Strong personalities got attention and factions that had been less popular years before gained political traction.

Out of this socialists, the anti-democrats, the National socialists (Nazis), and others struggled for power. Hindenburg won the election of 1932, but was forced to give Hitler the chancellorship for political reasons. Eventually Hindenburg died and, due to other political moves and outcomes, Hitler was able to set up his dictatorship.

I write this because I feel that we are missing something. America has become very split and volatile. We just got done electing a near socialist twice in Obama. He was elected largely due to frustration with our system. Now the other side is frustrated and, so far, supporting someone who has tyrannical language as his platform. Sadly, people actually view this as an asset. I fear Trump more than I do Bernie. While I loathe socialism, I also loathe tyrants. I am not calling Trump a Hitler in the sense that he is willing to extinguish people and push atrocities; but I am in the sense that he is riding the populist anger and his platform is “I will fix this” and little more. Policy isn’t ever central to his personal provocation; but singular power. How do we fix immigration? Elect Trump-he will force Mexico to build a wall. How do we fix healthcare? Elect Trump, he will get it done. How do we create jobs? Elect Trump, he knows how to create jobs.

The problem is that these solutions aren’t within the framework of our Constitution (and perhaps reality). We are a Constitutional Republic that is specifically put in place so that an individual can’t fix things or ruin things alone. It requires policy and non-independent work. Trump supporters openly admit to wanting someone who insults and conquers opponents. They want someone who will punish their opposition, not realizing that under such a system, you may become the opposition.

We have become like the Israelites who, frustrated with their godly system, looked for a king. How long before we abandon our liberty for the ease of a tyrant?