Shabbat Shalom from My Garden of Eden to You

May these photos of flowers from my garden brighten you Shabbat day! Praise YHVH Elohim the Creator for the beauty of his creation, which is a love-gift to us. As he has made this earth beautiful for our enjoyment and  blessing, may we be a river of life to those around us as we brighten their days with YHVH’s love and beauty!

Multi-colored pansies in a pot at the door to my office.

Multi-colored pansies in a pot at the door to my office.




Oregon grape—Oregon's state flower

Oregon grape—Oregon’s state flower



Pieris Japonica or lilly of the valley shrub (also known as andromeda)

Pieris Japonica or lilly of the valley shrub (also known as andromeda)



Another variety of pieris Japonica

Another variety of pieris Japonica

What's a spring garden without a daffodil?

What’s a spring garden without a daffodil?


Heal-all is a wild edible and medicinal plant.

Heal-all is a wild edible and medicinal plant.





Skimmia Japonica

Skimmia Japonica

Hardy cyclamen

Hardy cyclamen

Wild mustard

Wild mustard

Dandelion—even the flowering weeds are gorgeous. One man's weed is another man's ornamental flower.

Dandelion—even the flowering weeds are gorgeous. One man’s weed is another man’s ornamental flower.

Marsh marigold

Marsh marigold


To some people, marsh marigold is a noxious weed, but if planted in the right spot, it makes a wonderful addition to the garden. This teaches us that each person (who in YHVH’s sight is like a flower) if planted in the right place can become a blessing to YHVH’s creation. Each person has his own place to grow and bloom in YHVH’s kingdom.


Do you fear and respect the Presence of Elohim?

Numbers 17:13, Whoever comes near the tabernacle of YHVH must die. YHVH doesn’t allow sinful and rebellious man to come near his Presence. After the Israelites had rebelled against YHVH multiple times, the fear of YHVH,which they were lacking, had to be re-established. Here YHVH is teaching the Israelites these important lessons by establishing boundaries around the tabernacle

When men have a proper fear and respect for YHVH Elohim and his human structures of authority, they are less likely to step out of line and sin against Elohim and against their fellow man. There must be a separation between YHVH’s Presence and man. That separation must be maintained and enforced to keep men in line spiritually and knowing their place before the Almighty.

On the fear of YHVH Elohim, review the following scriptures: Deuteronomy 10:12; Psalms 2:11; 33:8; 34:7; 96:4,9; 111;10; 2 Corinthians 5:11; 7:1; Hebrews 12:28.

On the transcendence of YHVH Elohim, review the following scriptures: 1 Chronicles 29:11–12; Psalms 89:6; 96:4–5; 97:9; 135:5; Isaiah 40:12–28; Ephesians 1:21; 4:6.