Woke-ism, Progressivism, the Great Reset, CRT, ESG, AI, LGBTQ+ Unmasked

The serpent-headed Greek mythological monster called the Hydra

The Manifestations of the Spirit of Antichrist


Like the mythical Greek Medusa monster, the hair of whose head was comprised of numerous serpents, or the Hydra monster who had a body with multiple serpent heads, the Babylon the Great, Antichrist system of the New World Order has numerous manifestations that all stem from the same source—Satan the devil, YHVH Elohim’s chief adversary. If we focus on the grotesque, individual manifestations of this evil spirit (e.g., Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Big Pharma, the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ESG, AI, the WEC, Progressivism, Leftism et al), the pieces of this puzzle can appear disparate and confusing. However, when we realize who and what the source behind it all is, then the picture comes into clear focus. This is simply the Babylon the Great, global Satanic, Leviathan system that the Bible prophesied long ago would control the earth in the end times and that the Warrior-King Yeshua the Messiah will destroy at his soon coming return. This short article helps tie all of the pieces together into one, simple cohesive, Bible-based picture.

Below is a glossary of terms that are labels for current demonic societal trends, movements and ideologies that are working synergistically under Satan’s authority to promote the destruction of whatever moral and spiritual biblical Judeo-Christian values remain in our formerly Western, Christian culture and to replace it with devil worship or Luciferiansim. 

Antifa—This is merely locally-based movement of criminal malcontents that promotes anarchy, God-hating leftist, communist and Marxist ideologies as well as the abolishment of law and order through street violence, vandalism, intimidation and thuggery. They are, in fact, what they claim to be against—fascists.

Big (Tyrannical) Government—This is the opposite of the idea of small or limited government. Big government or the concept of Statism, often referred to colloquially as “Big Brother” or the “Nanny State” occurs when governments attempt to control many aspects (e.g., political, economic, sociological, philosophical, moral and sometimes even spiritual) of people’s lives, which usually occurs at the expense of civil liberties, personal freedoms, free choice and individualism.

Big Pharma—The major pharmaceutical companies are a mixed bag situation. True, they produce some drugs that help people, but they also produce many drugs that have serious deleterious side-effects. Of the greatest concern to Bible believers is a troubling prophetic passage in the Book of Revelation that seems to speak condemningly of drug or pharmaceutical companies in the last days. This is an end times prophecy concerning international business leaders controlling or socially engineering earth’s population through pharmaceutical drugs for their own malevolent purposes in a similar manner as witch doctors, shamans, witches and sorcerers endeavor to control people through their herbal often mind-altering concoctions and potions (Rev 18:23). This scripture indicates that these drug pushers are an aspect of Babylon the Great’s efforts to enslave and control earth’s population (Rev 18:11–13), which is something that YHVH detests and will destroy at his second coming.

Black Lives Matter—This is merely a less violent, community-organizing movement (than Antifa) that promotes leftist, communist or Marxist ideologies through street demonstrations, looting, vandalism and intimidation of those who disagree with them.

Cancel Culture—This is a leftist, “progressive” (actually regressive) concept where those people, businesses, institutions or organizations that do not go along with the prevailing ideas of leftism, “progressivism” or wokism must be boycotted, discriminated against, resisted through violence and ultimately destroyed. 

Climate Change—Climate change has been occurring as long as the earth has been in existence whether that is for thousands, millions or billions of years. Who know? The earth and its inhabitants (plant, animal and human) have been adapting to the vicissitudes of the climatological, astronomic (i.e., sunspot) and geological cycles of nature during this time. Now all of a sudden, the earth is threatened with destruction because of so-called man-caused global climate change. The critical and knowledgable thinker can hardly swallow this theory. No. Climate change is a politically motivated agenda by the globalists to bring the world’s inhabitants under the control of global governance. These global power brokers care nothing about the environment as they leave their huge carbon footprints jetting and yachting around from one mansion to another preaching the religion of environmentalism. It is all about money, power, control and world domination for satanic purposes pure and simple. 

Critical Race Theory—This is nothing more than a form of revisionist history that promotes racism against white people. Any serious and well-educated student of history can plainly see this.

Diseases and Pandemics—The recent “pandemics” whether real or constructed emergencies are tools by the globalists where the masses through fear and government control can forcefully be brought into alignment with New World Order ideologies. The so-called “vaccine passports” that are required to travel, buy and sell, and to engage in certain social privileges are nothing more than preparatory social engineering for the purpose of conditioning the masses to accept the mark of the beast.

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Video: Woke-ism, Progressivism, the Great Reset—The Spirit of Antichrist Unmasked

Medusa—the ancient mythical Greek monster whose hair was comprised of serpents.
Hydra, the mythical Greek monster that had multiple snake heads.

Like the mythical Greek Medusa monster, the hair of whose head was comprised of numerous serpents, or the Hydra monster who had a body with multiple serpent heads, the Babylon the Great, Antichrist system of the New World Order has numerous manifestations that all stem from the same source—Satan the devil, YHVH Elohim’s chief adversary. If we focus on the grotesque, individual manifestations of this evil spirit (e.g., Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Big Pharma, the Global Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ESG, AI, the WEC, Progressivism, Leftism et al), the pieces of this puzzle can appear disparate and confusing. However, when we realize who and what the source behind it all is, then the picture comes into clear focus. This is simply the Babylon the Great, global Satanic, Leviathan system that the Bible prophesied long ago would control the earth in the end times and that the Warrior-King Yeshua the Messiah will destroy at his soon coming return. This short video helps tie all of the pieces together into one, simple cohesive, Bible-based picture.

To watch this video on Nathan’s Rumble channel, go to https://rumble.com/v1o20n4-wokism-progressivism-the-global-resetthe-spirit-of-antichrist-unmasked.html



Biblical Reasons NOT to Get the COVID Shot

This was my first video that the devil-worshipping God and Bible-haters at YouTube banned. I outwitted them by simply rewording the title and then reposting it where it remains on my YouTube channel to this day to YouTube’s shame. You can view this video on my new Rumble channel at the link below. My Rumble channel, for now, will be reserved for my more non-woke, hard-hitting against the mainstream narrative, calling a spade-a-spade concerning the Babylon the Great New World Order videos.

It’s curious (not really—I say this tongue-in-cheek) to me how YouTube cares not a wit when I take aim at the greedy Christian pastors and profits, blast the unbiblical traditions of men in the Christian church that make of none effect the Word of Elohim. They’ll let me do that all day long. But when I attack the devil, they fight back with a vengeance. Rather telling, wouldn’t you say?

Their banning videos like mine is the first step in the institution of what has already come to pass in communist China and is know as the social credit score. I’m sure most of you are already savvy to this diabolical attempt to fascistically force people to act, think and speak only those things that the ruling elite scumbags deem acceptable. This is a form of social engineering to brainwash the masses into being good little plebeians—modern feudalists serfs for the factories of the global oligarchs. And they’ll keep everyone happy by keeping them drugged up (e.g., don’t close the borders so the illegal drugs can come in, force everyone to get a jab with who knows what kind of side effects, drug our kids for non-existent psycho-emotional disorders, and legalize drugs starting with pot). Moreover they openly tell us, “You will own nothing and love it, so they tell us.” In other words, you will be told what to think, where to go or not go, what to say or not, what to believe—and whether you can buy or sell (translated to mean, “Do what we tell you are you will starve to death in the dark cold.”). Is Europe getting a taste of this now as they enter the winter months energy deprived? The Swiss government is already telling their people, “Keep your thermostats down or your get fined or go to prison.” Switzerland is a cold and mountainous country. I know. I spent a year there.

So YouTube banning the Bible-based Truth of my videos speaks volumes about whose side of good and evil, light and darkness, heaven and hell that Google and its subsidiaries and minions are on.

Needless to say, and this is no news flash to the children of the light, the righteous saints of YHVH Elohim and Yeshua our Lord and Savior are in a furious spiritual battle for dominion of this world. Those of us who have faith in the Most High Creator of all things continually renew our hope and joy in knowing who will ultimately win this war that started in Eden. This is because we are standing on the rock of Truth—the Word of Elohim.

So watch this video and be strengthened spiritually in your resolve to withstand the evil one as he attempts to kill, steal and destroy those who were made in the Creator’s image to rule this planet along with King Yeshua while he suffers for eternity in the lake of fire.

If you can, forward this information to those around you.

Amein b’shem Yeshua.



Babylon the Great/New World Order Bible Prophecy Update

Shalom Hoshana Rabbah blog family and lovers of Yeshua and his Torah. YouTube just banned another video of mine—the second one so far. The one below may be next. So proactively, I have started a parallel channel on Rumble. The link to my new Rumble channel is https://rumble.com/c/c-1884731. Please subscribe. I will still use YouTube as my main channel, but I will also post controversial videos that go against the globalist agenda on my Rumble channel. You gotta stay one step ahead of these Elohim-hating demoniacs!

When the Satan-loving leftists ban your video, you know that you’re over the target! By the grace of Yah, we’re going to keep giving the devil a black eye as we expose the works of darkness and lift up the name of Yeshua.

Anyway, here’s a video I posted recently on YouTube. I put it here as a test of my new channel. Tomorrow, I will post the video that YouTube banned. So stay tuned.

In this video Nathan Lawrence of www.HoshanaRabbah.org discusses the globalist agenda to take over the world for Antichrist and how this ties into the biblical Book of Revelation. The MAGA movement, as good as it may be, is not the answer to America’s spiritual problem: Yeshua/Jesus and the preaching of the Torah-based gospel message is the answer, however, leading to repentance of sin resulting in spiritual revival. Nathan also discusses the COVID plandemic and how the so-called passport is preparing people to take the mark of the beast and to accept the coming digital currency and much more. The powers that be hate the light of truth presented here because we’re over the target, and we are dropping truth bombs on their pointed little godless numbskulls! Watch this video and see for yourself. Grace and peace…



What the Bible Teaches Us About Emergency Preparedness (or Prepping)

Nathan’s Eagle Scout medal. Notice the Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared.

Spiritual preparedness should be the first order of business in our lives. When we are prepared spiritually, then everything else will fall into place after that including mental and emotional preparedness, and finally physical preparedness. The main focus of the Hoshana Rabbah for more than 20 years has been on spiritual preparedness. That end we have written and published thousands of articles and made nearly 600 videos. Today, however, we want to focus briefly on physical preparedness. What can we learn from the Bible about “prepping”?

The foundation of preparing for lean times goes back to the beginning of the human experience. Hunter-gatherer civilization spent much of their time preparing for the coming winter season when food was scarce. Those who grew up on farms, like me, know all about gathering in the harvest and preserving it and then storing it up for the coming winter months and into the next year while waiting for the new harvest of fruits and vegetables to come in. Even the Boy Scouts, which has been around for more than a hundred years and has been preparing boys to become self-sufficient and capable men, has as its motto: Be Prepared. More recently, in America, the U.S. Homeland Security Department, the American Red Cross, many local state and city governments along with local utility companies have been urging people to be prepared and to have at least 36 hours or even 72 hours of food, water and other supplies in case of an emergency. This is old news. However, what happens if the whole economy collapses, or the power grid goes down, or law and order breaks down, or there is a war? Then what will people do?

As we are about to learn, the concept of preparing for the coming season or for hard times is a principle that is found throughout the Bible, with numerous passages dedicated to preparedness planning and survival. 


Noah was prepper for hard times—by Elohim’s command. He did not wait for the rains to start before building the ark. Needless to say, Noah did not run to the grocery store at the last minute to buy food nor did he run to the local boat dealer to buy an ark as the rain was starting  to fall. He prepared for 120 years! Those who people around Noah who were unprepared physically and spiritually were wiped out.

Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch. And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten, and you shall gather it to yourself; and it shall be food for you and for them.” Thus Noah did; according to all that God commanded him, so he did. (Gen 6:14, 21–22 cp. 6:3)

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The Bible and Nathan on Prepping for Economic Hard Times

Since 1998 our whole ministry has been dutifully and passionately devoted to preparing the disciples of Yeshua/Jesus for the end times leading up to his long-awaited second coming. Will YOU be the kind of person that King Yeshua wants to live with for eternity?

In the mean time and before that happens, the Bible predicts that hard times are coming both physically and spiritually—a type of refinement fire for every human. This will involve physical and economic privation that all of earth’s inhabitants will go through. Just read Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation.

So, what can you do to prepare physically for these economic woes that will affect everyone to one degree or another? This video gives you the biblical premise for “prepping” for hard times, and then some practical things YOU can do to prepare for them so that you will not be overturned spiritually OR physically by what the Bible prophesies is about to come upon earth and it’s inhabitants.

Never forget: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind,” (2 Timothy 1:7). “And we are more than conquerors through him who loved us,” (Romans 7:37). “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 7:31). But, at the same time, “If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than in unbeliever,” (1 Timothy 5:8).


The Bible Speaks Out on So-Called “Conspiracy Theories”

In the modern mainstream media, one can hardly go a day without hearing the term conspiracy theory as a label applied to anything that does not fit the government-media complex politically correct narrative. What should be the saint’s view of the concept of so-called ­conspiracy theories? Actually, the Bible, the Word of Elohim and the foundation of all knowledge, has much to say about secret and evil plots by wicked cabals of like-minded individuals to thwart the plans and purposes of Elohim. As in all things, the saints of the Most High Elohim are advised to let Scripture inform them on everything they think, say and do, and this is true when it comes to “conspiracies theories” as well.

Even though the phrase conspiracy theory was apparently coined during the American Civil War, it was introduced into modern parlance in 1964 after criticisms surfaced concerning the Warren Report that “officially” explained how U.S. President John Kennedy was assassinated1. More recently, the phrase has been typically and cavalierly lobbed at anyone who suggests a narrative that explains the whys and wherefores of current political and economic events that diverges from that of the major government-media complex narrative, or what one might call “the party line”. The problem with this is that the use of such knee-jerk pejorative labels or epithets tends to shut down any questioning about, critical thinking concerning and discussion of a subject that is not “politically correct”. However, the greater problem with labeling any and every idea that one disagrees with is that this mentality ignores a key biblical truth which instructs the saints to “prove all things and hold fast to that which is good” (1 Thess 5:21). Moreover, it ignores the fact that from the beginning of time, there have always been nefarious schemes by evil people, who hate YHVH Elohim (and his saints), and to undermine and subvert the plans and purposes of the Creator. In fact, the Bible chronicles this from the beginning to the end including and even until the very return of Yeshua the Messiah as we shall see below. 

By dictionary definition, a conspiracy theory is,

A theory seeking to explain a disputed case or matter as a plot by a secret group or alliance rather than an individual or isolated act. A hypothesis alleging that the members of a coordinated group are, and/or were, secretly working together to commit illegal or wrongful actions including attempting to hide the existence of the group and its activities. In notable cases the hypothesis contradicts the mainstream explanation for historical or current events. Hypothetical speculation that is untrue or outlandish.2 

On the surface, this definition seems logical and almost incontrovertible, but upon closer examination, it reveals some serious flaws and begs some fair-minded critical analysis. The main and most obvious flaw in this definition is that it assumes that if we cannot see something in front of our eyes this means it does not exist. This is like saying that when we are in a boat on the ocean that if we cannot see the marine life below the waves’ surface, it must not exist. Of course, to any rational person, this is a foolish and ignorant proposition. Therefore, the typical definition of “conspiracy theory” is a non sequitur or a fallacious and illogical one.

The common and accepted definition of conspiracy theory is further flawed because it assumes that business, political and religious cabals do not exist or have never existed that have secret, ulterior and even subversive motives to gain control, power and wealth over other people. Anyone who has even a cursory understanding of history and current events knows that this assumption is patently false. If this were the case, then why do governments have secret spy and intelligent agencies such as the American CIA and FBI, the British MI6, the Israeli Mosad, or the former Soviet KJB now the FSB to name a few?

Further fallacies in the common definition of the term conspiracy theory reveal themselves like a flashing neon sign. For example, in Wikipedia’s article entitled “New World Order”, the title is followed by the parenthetical phrase “(conspiracy theory)”3. The lead paragraph in the article reads,

The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.

The glaring fallacious lie in this article is that high profile people (such as U.S. President George Bush) have publicly used this term New World Order as early as the late 1980s and early 1990s in reference to the very thing that Wikipedia denies exists. More recently, the so-called global elite political and economic power-brokers are using phrases like “a global reset” or “a liberal world order.” On the one hand, we are told that a new world order does not exist, and on the other hand, we are told that it is coming whether one likes it or not, and will impose upon humanity such things as a global tax, a digital global currency and cashless society, global social credit scores, a global initiatives to deal with climate change, global biometric tracking of humans, and the list goes on. The United Nations has even publicly documented such agendas in its Agenda 2021 report on the Earth Summit on “Sustainable Developments” and its similar Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals5. These publicly stated agendas by those who control the direction of affairs on planet earth are not conspiracy theories, but stated and undeniable facts that are being implemented and imposed on the human population as we speak!

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