The 33 Benefits of Being Filled With the Spirit of Elohim

Luke 24:49, Endued with power from on high. 

May the Force (of Elohim) Be With YOU in 33 Ways!

What is the most powerful Force in the Universe? It is Holy Spirit of YHVH Elohim—the Almighty Creator God of the Bible! 

By the force of Spirit and Word of Elohim, the universe and earth were created. With his hands, Elohim shaped man out of earth and by the Force of the breath of his Spirit, he breathed life into that lump of earth and man became a living being. That same spiritual Force impregnated the womb of the virgin Mary and Yeshua the Messiah, the Son of Elohim, was clothed in humanity and became the Elohim-Man and Savior and Redeemer of humanity. 

Yeshua the Messiah promised to send that same Force of the Spirit of Elohim to live inside of all those who seek him and put their trusting faith in him and choose to follow and obey him as he leads them on the path of righteous living leading to a life of immortality in Elohim’s kingdom of heaven on earth. This same Force has the power to resurrect the dead from their graves. So how can this Force help you? 

Here’s are 33 ways the Force, which is the of the Spirit of Elohim, can empower you:

  • The Force of Elohim is a free gift to those who ask for it (Luke 11:13).
  • The Force of Elohim will lead you where to go and what to do (Matt 4:1; Mark 13:11).
  • The Force of Elohim will speak through you, that is, put words in your mouth and tell you what to say when you’re in a difficult, potentially life-threatening, situation (Matt 10:20; Luke 12:12).
  • The Force of Elohim will give you power over the evil forces of Satan the devil (Matt 12:28). 
  • The Force of Elohim will reveal to you things that are to come in the future (Luke 2:25–27; John 16:13).
  • The Force of Elohim will give you supernatural and miraculous powers (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; Rom 15:19; Heb 2:4).
  • The Force of Elohim will bring spiritual and immortal life (John 6:63; Gal 6:8; 1 Pet 3:18).
  • The Force of Elohim will fill you up and make a river of life to flow from you (John 7:38–39).
  • The Force of Elohim will live inside of you (John 14:17; 1 Cor 3:16).
  • The Force of Elohim will teach you about all divine things and help you to remember things (John 14:26).
  • The Force of Elohim will point you to Yeshua the Messiah, the Savior of the world (Jon 15:26).
  • The Force of Elohim will convict you of sin and help bring you to righteousness (John 16:8).
  • The Force of Elohim will bring judgment against the world because of sin (John 16:8).
  • The Force of Elohim will bring judgment against Satan the devil who is the evil ruler of this world (John 16:11).
  • The Force of Elohim will guide you into all truth (John 16:13).
  • The Force of Elohim will reveal spiritual mysteries to you (John 16:14).
  • The Force of Elohim will give you boldness in difficult situations (Acts 4:31).
  • The Force of Elohim will bring comfort to your life (Acts 9:31).
  • The Force of Elohim will impart many supernatural gifts and abilities to you (1 Cor 12:3–11).
  • The Force of Elohim will fill you with joy (Acts 13:52; Rom 14:17).
  • The Force of Elohim will raise the righteous dead from their graves (Rom 8:11; 1 Pet 3:18).
  • The Force of Elohim in you confirms that you are a child of Elohim (Rom 8:14–17).
  • The Force of Elohim helps you in your times of weakness (Rom 8:26).
  • The Force of Elohim will give you hope (Rom 15:13).
  • The Force of Elohim will produce wonderful fruits of love in your life (Gal 5:22–25).
  • The Force of Elohim will give you wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Elohim (Eph 2:12–14).
  • The Force of Elohim will give you a great inner strength (Eph 3:16).
  • The Force of Elohim will protect you from your enemies (Isa 59:19).
  • The Force of Elohim will anoint you to preach the gospel (Isa 61:1; Luke 4:16–18).
  • The Force of Elohim will help you to walk in Elohim’s paths of righteousness (Ezek 36:27).
  • The Force of Elohim will cause you to have dreams, visions and to prophesy (Joel 2:28–29).
  • The Force of Elohim will help you to do mighty things for Elohim (Zech 4:6).
  • The Force of Elohim will write the Torah-laws of Elohim on your heart (Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10; 10:15–16).

May the Force Be With YOU in 32 Ways!

Luke 24:49, Endued with power from on high. What is the most powerful Force in the Universe? It is Holy Spirit of YHVH Elohim — the Almighty Creator God of the Bible! 

By the force of Spirit and Word of Elohim, the universe and earth were created. With his hands, Elohim shaped man out of earth and by the Force of the breath of his Spirit, he breathed life into that lump of earth and man became a living being. That same spiritual Force impregnated the womb of the virgin Mary and Yeshua the Messiah, the Son of Elohim, was clothed in humanity and became the Elohim-Man and Savior and Redeemer of humanity. 

Yeshua the Messiah promised to send that same Force of the Spirit of Elohim to live inside Continue reading


How to Determine What Is the Source of Your Thoughts

James 3:13–18, Who is wise. In this passage, James discusses heavenly versus demonic wisdom. Did you ever wonder how to tell the difference between the voice of Elohim speaking to you, and the voice the world, the flesh and the devil? This passage gives us some guidelines on how to differentiate between the four voices that are trying to influence our minds and hearts.

Let’s first establish the fact that Yeshua wants to talk to his spiritual sheep. In John chapter four, Yeshua declares that he is the Good Shepherd, and that his sheep hear and know his voice, that he calls them by name, and that he leads them spiritually and they follow him (John 10:3–4). At the same time, someone else is vying for his sheep’s attention—the thief. Yes, the thief wants to lead Yeshua’s sheep astray, for his intention is to kill, steal and to destroy (John 10:1, 8, 10), while the Good Shepherd wants to save and protect the sheep (John 10:9, 11, 14).

Throughout the pages of the Bible we read the record of YHVH Elohim speaking to his servants and leading them. Yeshua makes it clear that he is still speaking to and leading his sheep, and the Book of Acts and the Epistles confirm this.

So how does this passage in James help us to hear and to follow the voice of YHVH-Yeshua, the Good Shepherd? When we get thoughts and impressions that we think are the leading of Elohim’s Set-Apart Spirit, we must first determine their origin by putting them to the spiritual test. Is what we are hearing wisdom or knowledge that is from above, or is it wisdom or knowledge is from below—that is earthly (of this world), sensual (from the carnal mind of man) or devilish (from the demonic realm, James 3:13–15)? How do we know its origin? James tells us. The wisdom that is from below is envious, selfish or self-seeking, engenders confusion, and produces evil, while that which is from above is pure, peaceable, gentle,willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and hypocrisy, and it produces righteousness (James 3:16–18).


More Prophetic Allusions to Yeshua and the Ruach

Genesis 24:4, Take a wife for my son Isaac. Some Bible students see in Abraham’s sending Eliezer his servant an allegory of our Heavenly Father choosing a bride for Yeshua, his Son with the help of the Set-Apart Spirit or Ruach haKadosh.

The analogy goes like this: When speaking to Abraham, YHVH refers to Isaac as “your only son…whom you love” (Gen 22:2). In this statement, it’s hard to miss the similarity with the well-known John 3:16 passage where Yeshua refers to himself as the only begotten Son whom his Father in heaven loves. Isaac is an obvious prophetic picture of Yeshua in that Abraham sacrificed a ram in place of his only son whom he loved on the very spot where, one thousand years later, the Temple of Solomon would be built and where sacrifices were made to atone for men’s sin. This is the same spot later on where Yeshua himself was condemned to death and not far from there became the Lamb of Elohim who was sacrificed to atone for men’s sins.

In addition, the name Eliezer means “my El helps,” which many see as an allusion to the Set-Apart Spirit who helps or comforts us, and to which Yeshua refers to as the Comforter or Helper (e.g. John 14:16). It is the Set-Apart Spirit that is choosing and preparing a bride from among called and redeemed Israelites for Yeshua the Messiah, the Son of Elohim.


Kundalini Spirit Vs. the Set-Apart (Holy) Spirit

Several people have written me expressing concern about whether they received a kundalini spirit when they received the baptism of the Spirit in their church years ago, instead of the genuine gifts of the Spirit as outlined in 1 Cor 12. Here is my answer to this important question.   Natan

This is a good question and the very same one I asked myself some 20 years ago when I first learned about the Hindu kundalini spirit. YHVH was gracious enough to give me the answer to the question at that time, and I have been going strong and operating in the gifts of the Spirit ever since without fear.

Remember this. Satan has counterfeited nearly everything that is biblical in his demonic false religions including the gifts of the Spirit. Because of this, some people have walked away from the gifts of the Spirit and have taken what’s called a cessationist viewpoint in that they believe the gifts of the Spirit are no longer for us today. This is a reactionary view that is not supported scripturally. It’s a spiritual cop-out. I used to believe this until I got so hungry for more of Yeshua and so sick of dead religion that as I was crying out for him that  one night while worshipping and praising Yeshua, he baptized me in his Ruach 27 years ago. I was in my living room when it happened and had never been in a Spirit-filled (Pentecostal or Charismatic) church in my lift up to that point.

Yeshua told us to judge with righteous judgment (John 7:24). How do we do this? By examining the fruits (Matt 7:15–20) of our actions and insuring that everything lines up with the Word of Elohim. When operating in the gifts of the Spirit including the gift of speaking in tongues, what are the fruits? Are they the fruit of the Spirit as outlined in Gal 5:22–25 and not the works of the flesh (Gal 5:19–21)? Does it bring you closer to Yeshua? Does it result in praise, worship and the glorification of Elohim? Does it edify and build us up in our spirit man? Does it promote holiness and righteousness? If yes, then this it is a good thing. If not, then it’s from another source. Satan isn’t going to give us anything that expands the kingdom of Elohim at his expense and promotes our spiritual well-being before YHVH.

Twenty years ago YHVH told me that if I loved Yeshua by walking faithfully in his Torah commandments that this would keep me on the straight and narrow path and that I wouldn’t be deceived or led into some spiritual counterfeit. You see, Torah is both a fence and a guardrail. It’s a fence that protects us by keeping the spiritual predators out, but it’s also a guardrail that keep us on the road of life and prevents us from going off the edge and over the cliff spiritually.

I suspect that some in the church world have picked up a kundalini spirit not because they were seeking Yeshua with all their hearts, but because they were seeking an experience. This is idolatry. When we seek anything other than Yeshua, especially supernatural experiences, we’ll get it, for sure, but it won’t be from the Ruach! When, on the other hand, we’re seeking Yeshua with all our heart to love and serve him as it says in Luke 11:9-13, he won’t give us a serpent or a stone (i.e. demonic counterfeit), but will give us good gifts. You can trust YHVH on this!!!!

For more on the kundalini spirit and what Yeshua and the Bible has to say about it, go to