The Book of Job—A New Perspective on Life!

Written on January 12, 2024 in Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctica

What are the main themes and takeaway lessons from the seldom read book Book of Job? There are several. But recently while cruising in the waters of the Antarctic Peninsula with my Bible open to the end of this interesting book about a man who lost everything and was trying to figure it all out, I experienced a eureka moment in my understanding as to the deeper meaning of this somewhat enigmatic book.  

 While viewing the unspeakably beautiful and endless whiteness of that spectacularly majestic continent just a few feet outside my stateroom balcony door, my heart and mind were transported to another place not only physically but also spiritually. From that vantage point in time and space against that backdrop of this seemingly infinite and mysterious landmass, I suddenly viewed Job in a new light. He was a man searching for answers to the perennial conundrums of life that have perplexed humans from day one. How did the Antarctic trigger this spiritual connection? As a finite being myself briefly travelling through the Antarctic, while trying to take in sights I had never seen before and comprehend the infinite whiteness unfolding before me, it came to me that I was in a similar place as that of Job and his three friends thousands of years trying to comprehend things that were beyond their ability to do so. Who are we in this vast cosmos on a spaceship called earth, and where to we fit in to the big scheme of things?

It is clear from reading this book that Job is trying to understand the ways of Elohim and answer the unanswerable questions that have perplexed and plagued men’s hearts and minds from the beginning. These perennial conundrums that most thinking humans attempt to answer are:  What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is the significance of good versus evil and where does man figure into this paradigm? Why do bad things happen to ostensibly good people? If there is a good God, then why is there suffering and evil in the world? With man’s intellect, Job and his “friends” attempt but fail to answer these enigmatic questions. The answer comes from two unexpected sources.

After Job and his three friends have exhausted themselves arguing back and forth trying to answer these perplexing questions, Elihu, a young man who may be short on years but is long in wisdom and understanding, enters the scene. He takes the discussion in a different direction and to a higher level and leaves the others behind to wallow in the dust of the futility of their supposed intellect and self righteousness. He asserts the righteousness and superior intellect and wisdom of the Creator. Elihu’s input sets the stage for what happens next.

Suddenly and without warning or man’s permission, the Sovereign Creator of the universe and all that is therein unexpectedly manifests himself in the physical realm in a whirlwind. This whirling windstorm can either be interpreted literally, or it can be viewed as a poetic metaphor symbolizing the whirlwind of human emotions and mental circumambulations. Perhaps both interpretations are correct. Certainly the Creator could have used a literal tornado to punctuate the situation and to demonstrate his power. He used a similar but opposite demonstration later on with Elijah in the cave on Mount Sinai. Whatever the case, what message was YHVH Elohim in this most demonstrative manner attempting to convey to Job and his friends?

One things is evident from YHVH Elohim’s uninvited intervention into the affairs of men. After capturing and then demanding man’s attention, he asks a series of questions. Through this, he is signaling to man an important message. He is telling his human clay creations that “I need neither man’s invitation nor his permission to do anything anywhere to anyone whenever it pleases me or suites my sovereign and mysterious purposes to do so.” Then for four chapters Yehovah Elohim commences to give his earthlings an instructive lesson that is intended to squelch all human reasonings and debates proffered thus far in the Book of Job pertaining to the ways, whys and wherefores of the Creator. 

During the Almighty’s monologue, interestingly YHVH totally ignores Job’s three foolish friends as if to say your comments are not even worthy of my time. “The reasonings and theological philosophies of men are foolishness to me, so off with you!” Then in Job chapter 42, YHVH gives these three men a quick nod by demanding that they repent of their sin of misrepresenting the Creator through their pretend wise, yet foolish words. 

As far has YHVH’s response to Job is concerned, to our Western logic-based mindset where four must irrevocably follow the question, “What is two plus two?” it seems aloof and appears to miss the mark of man’s inquiry as to the meaning of life and the perennially nagging and unanswered questions that have plagued men forever. So what is the deciphered  meaning of YHVH’s non-answer answer to righteous Job who is the undisputed apple of his eye above all other humans on earth? Simply this: Your finite mind is incapable of understanding the Infinite, so stop attempting to do so with your foolish, pea brains. Moreover, in an indirect way that often befuddles our Western syllogistically based logic, YHVH is telling Job that if you cannot even answer the most basic questions about the animals of my creation, how do you expect to answer the complex questions pertaining to the higher life forms called humans. And if you cannot answer these questions, then how can you even begin to comprehend the Infinite Creator of it all? Therefor, put your hand over your mouth (translated: “Shut up!”), stop trying to quantify the unquantifiable and label that which can neither be described nor put into neat labeled boxes by humans. If humans can put Elohim into a box, it simply means that they can then label that box, package it with a colorful and attractive wrapping and then market it to other humans for their own profit and glory. The Creator says, “Away with this nonsense!”, for he refuses to play these silly sandbox mind games invented by his puny and ridiculous children, who are trying to play god to other humans for their own selfish ends! 

This, I humbly submit, is one the greater messages of the Book of Job which I ascertained while observing the endless, seeming infinite, and majestic white expanses of the Antarctic contrasted with my own finiteness, limitations and lack of understanding of much about this continent and life in general. Viewing such extraterrestrial and surreal scenes while studying the Bible tends to transports one to a different place spiritually as it opens up new perspectives and vistas. One quickly sees how small man is and how great the creation of this earth is and, by extension, how great the Creator is. Can I understand the mysteries of the Antarctic such as how the ice that is sometimes miles thick was formed, how old the ice is whether thousands or millions of years old, the movement of glaciers, the death-defying coldness of that region, or how the sea life survives in such an inhospitable environment? No. So like Job, since I cannot even answer some of the most basic question about how life works on this earth, much less the ways of YHVH Elohim, I humbly put my hand over my mouth and just trust that my Father in heaven has it all figured out and that things will work out for me for my ultimate good and betterment, as they did for Job. I have faith that YHVH loves me and that he is all powerful. What more is needed?   


Why Does a Good God Allow Evil to Exist & “Good” People to Suffer?

“I’m a good person…just ask me!”

Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist on the Earth?

The following is a step-by-step logical answer to this questions.

YHVH Elohim (the LORD God, the God of the Bible) is pure love and he is holy (sinlessness), which is the opposite of evil and sin. He can have no communion or intimate relationship with that which is contrary to his character.

The Bible reveals that YHVH Elohim is love, and love cannot be self-focused (that is egotism, self worship, selfishness and pride, which is sin and the opposite of love and holiness), and it must be outward flowing. This is why YHVH made man in his own image as a recipient of his love. It was his intent to build a family to be comprised of those who will be like Elohim who is loving and holy (sinless).

Elohim could produce robots or automatons to fawn before and worship him, but true love can’t be generated mechanically. It has to proceed from the heart out of free will choice. Love that is mechanistic or mandated legalistically isn’t love. 

So instead of creating Adam and Eve as robots to “love” YHVH mechanistically or robotically and artificially, YHVH gave the first humans a heart and mind and the free will to exercise choice—whether to love him or not.

Since Elohim is love, all that proceeds from him is love. He is the definition of love, and all that he does is love. He gave man the definition of love in written form. It is called the Torah-word of Elohim and is found in the Bible. The Torah shows man how to love Elohim with all his heart, soul and might, and his neighbor as himself.

YHVH gave the first man and woman a couple of simple Torah-instructions to follow (see the Book of Genesis chapter two). All Adam and Eve had to do was to love Elohim by obeying these instructions or commandments, which would have put them not only on the path to having a loving and intimate relationship with Elohim, but between humans as well. 

YHVH put man to the test to see if they would choose to love him by obeying him, or to hate him by disobeying him. When Adam and Eve listened to the rebellious lies of the serpent (see Genesis chapter three), and chose to disobey the word of Elohim, they chose the path of sin, rebellion and disobedience.

Continue reading

Do you live in a “God” bubble or a fortress of Self?

How to Create Your Own “God” Bubble to Deal With Life’s Attacks


May everyone reading this take careful note and pay close attention to the following: Creating a “God”-space bubble around you is a biblical strategy to protect yourself from the attacks of our spiritual enemy. Without it, you may not survive theses attacks.

Who is the enemy of our soul that is hell-bent on turning each of us into a spiritual casualty and a notch in his gun belt? Who is the one who is inexorably determined to pull you off the straight and narrow path that leads to Yeshua and his eternal kingdom? Who works tirelessly to pull your spiritual focus off Yeshua and his Word? Actually, the Bible reveals that the disciple of Yeshua the Messiah has three such enemies: the world, the flesh and the devil.

How do we deal with such rabidly determined enemies? There is the natural way and the supernatural way.

Most people choose the natural way to deal with adversity. It’s the default mode that, because of man’s fallen sin nature, one automatically and involuntarily chooses. It’s the way of self and flesh. The natural reactive tendency of humans when attacked is to create around themselves a fortress of pride, self-justification, self-righteousness where they blame others and seek pity as a form of defensive protection. The focus of this self-defensive strategy is on self and simply yields to path of least resistance dictated by one’s sinful nature. It is merely a natural, automatic and thoughtless default response of man’s fallen sin nature. If we don’t catch ourselves, we will automatically find ourselves doing this.

When attacked, instead of creating a defensive fortification where a focus on self forms the foundation stones in our defensive fortress wall, we need to run to the Rock of our Salvation who is our High Tower in times of trouble. David, a man after Elohium’s heart, writes about this many times in his psalms. David shows us to make YHVH and not self the focus when our enemies attack us, and how to  find refuge in our personal “God” bubble. A bubble seems a fragile, an almost invisible thing with a very thin wall—something that pops easily. So get that image out of your mind. Instead, think of an invisible force-field that can easily repel any incoming projectile no matter its size, speed or destructive capabilities.

Such a bubble or force field will shield and protect us from any of our enemy’s attacks. It will insure that we weather the ferocious storms of life that blow against us. In that place, we are relying on the unlimited power and wisdom of YHVH to aid us in our time of need instead of the weak, faulty and deceptive arm of the flesh. The former leads to light and life; the latter leads to darkness and death. The former brings healing and strength; the latter glosses over pain and is merely weakness feigning as strength.

Since each person is different, each one will furnish their “God” bubble differently depending their spiritual orientation and makeup, tastes and interests. In my times of trouble, I take put up a spiritual force field and take refuge in my won spiritual bubble. This involves turning to the Scriptures for guidance, wisdom and encouragement. Prayer—talking to Elohim—is a vital component of my spiritual bubble or force field. Often I visualize myself either at the foot of Yeshua’ cross or at the before the throne of my Heavenly Father. Often I will myself involve hard physical work (to settle my emotions and to help clear my mind, which helps to destress and get my mind off the problem, so I can think and pray clearly). Many times, I listen to beautiful and spiritually uplifting music, which again helps me to elevate my spiritual focus. Often I find a Garden of Eden in nature where I can imbibe in the beauty of nature. There I can talk with the Creator and find healing. To accomplish this, often I will work in my garden. Sometimes I write Elohim-centered psalms and poetry. David wrote many of his psalms in times of distress—even when his life was in danger. This helped him to get his mind off of his circumstances and onto YHVH, who was is salvation and deliverer. Whatever I do, in all cases, I try to get my mind off myself and onto Elohim who is my source of wisdom, hope and guidance, and my ultimate Savior and Deliverer. Often, I imagine myself falling down at the foot of the cross where I find my strength at the feet of Yeshua. I tell myself that if he endured that for me, then I can endure this for him.

This is what my “God” bubble looks like and what helps me to deal with spiritual attacks. What does your “God” bubble look like?

If you don’t have a “God” bubble, how about making one to help you deal with the pain, stressors and attacks of life?


New Video: 19 Tips to Surviving Evil’s Onslaught Against Us in the End Times

The world and the devil are in an all out battle to the death against Bible believers. This was prophesied to occur in the last days before the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah. This video gives tips on how to survive this onslaught of evil against the saints of YHVH Elohim.


New Video: How Can a Good God Allow Evil & Suffering?

Many people don’t want to love and follow God because of the suffering and evil that exists on the earth. After all, how could an all powerful and loving God allow this to continue? They also wonder why such a God can allow bad things to happen to “good” people. Knowing the answers to these questions could radically change your life for the better. This short video offers a logical explanation.


Why Does a Good God Allow Evil & “Good” People to Suffer?

Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist on the Earth?

The following is a step-by-step logical answer to this questions.

YHVH Elohim (the LORD God, the God of the Bible) is pure love and he is holy (sinlessness), which is the opposite of evil and sin. He can have no communion or intimate relationship with that which is contrary to his character.

YHVH Elohim is love, and love can’t be self-focused (that’s egotism, self worship, selfishness and pride, which is sin and the opposite of love and holiness), and it must be outward flowing. This is why YHVH made man in his own image as a recipient of his love. It was his intent to build a family to be comprised of those who will be like Elohim who is loving and holy (sinless).

Elohim could produce robots or automatons to fawn before and worship him, but true love can’t be generated mechanically. It has to proceed from the heart out of free will choice. Love that is mechanistic or mandated legalistically isn’t love.

So instead of creating Adam and Eve as robots to “love” YHVH mechanistically or robotically and artificially, YHVH gave the first humans a heart and mind and the free will to exercise choice — whether to love him or not.

Evil 16953364

Since Elohim is love, all that proceeds from him is love. He is the definition of love, and all that he does is love. He gave man the definition of love in written form. It is called the Torah-word of Elohim and is found in the Bible. The Torah shows man how to love Elohim with all his heart, soul and might, and his neighbor as himself.

YHVH gave the first man and woman a couple of simple Torah-instructions to follow (see the Book of Genesis chapter two). All Adam and Eve had to do was to love Elohim by obeying these instructions or commandments, which would have put them not only on the path to having a loving and intimate relationship with Elohim, but between humans as well.  Continue reading


No Pain, No Gain

Deuteronomy 8:2–3, 6ff, YHVH afflicted/humbled you. Does the concept of YHVH afflicting his people bother you? Perhaps he will do this to us if and when we need it? The word afflict/anah (Strong’s H6031) literally means “to become low, depressed, put down or stoop.” (Note some other places where anah is used: Pss 55:19; 88:7; 90:15; 119:71, 75.) Scripture says that Israel exited Egypt with “a high hand/upraised arm” (Exod 14:8 and Num 33:3). The word high/upraised can connote haughtiness or arrogance, or it can mean that the children left Egypt triumphantly and in jubilation waving banners (The ArtScroll Stone Edition Chumash, p. 369). What do you think? Did they leave Egypt in a spirit of contrition or arrogance? If the former, then why would they need humbling?

Are we any different? Do we need to be humbled? Down through the ages, YHVH has allowed his servants to suffer, but it was for their spiritual growth and benefit. What did Paul say about his thorn in the flesh? (See 2 Cor 12:7.) Why did Job experience what he did? (Read Job 42.) The process of humbling us so that we might have a higher view of YHVH results in greater contrition on the part of humans. When this happens, the blessings, power, anointing and provision of YHVH are able to flow into our lives more readily.

How has YHVH been trying to humble your flesh that he might bring you to a deeper level spiritually? The ArtScroll Chumash comments, “It is true that Elohim subjected the people to some hardships in the wilderness, but even that was for their good; just as a father may chastise his child to prepare him for the future” (p. 983). Discuss this issue in light of the sufferings of YHVH’s servants while they were faithfully awaiting their spiritual inheritance as recorded in Hebrews 11. (Compare this with Jas 1:12–17 and 1 Cor  3:13.) Discuss the two types of judgments of YHVH as recorded in Scripture: his judgments unto repentance and his judgments unto death. What are some examples of each? Do YHVH’s saints have to go through the latter type of judgment? (Examples: Noah and the flood; Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah; the Israelites in the plagues on Egypt; the saints and the tribulation, the great tribulation versus the wrath of Elohim periods at the end of the age [these are three separate periods/events]; see also Heb 12:3–11).