Mystery Babylon and the Rise of Neo-Baalism in the End Times

A  Normalcy Bias

For those of us living in prosperous and relatively stable societies, it’s easy to forget the words of  Yeshua’s apostle in 2 Peter 3:1–18,

1 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Master and Savior, 3 knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of Elohim the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water.

7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with YHVH one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?

13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

14 Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; 15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Master is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, 16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.

17 You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Master and Savior Yeshua the Messiah. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amein.

It’s only natural for each of us to think that we’re pretty okay spiritually. This is our normal mental default mode. So did the Laodiceans in Rev 3. But what really matters is what YHVH thinks about us. He’s the Lawgiver and the Righteous Judge. That’s the  most important thing, since he’s the one to whom every knee will ultimately bow. He’s the only one who can grant eternal life.

The prophecies of the Bible will come to pass…sometime. There will be a generation that will see them fulfilled. This includes all the less popular prophecies! It’s safe to say that when these prophecies begin to come to pass, most people will be so caught up in the day to day affairs of life that they will be oblivious to them. This is the normal state of things. In the days of Noah, it was life as usual, until the flood came and washed them all away. The same thing will happen in the last days (Luke 17:26). Most people will be blind to what is really happening spiritually around them. This is because their time is consumed with raising their families, building their careers, preparing for retirement or their next vacation. The saints, on the other hand, are called to be children of the light, not darkness (1 Thess 5:1–9). Light is a biblical metaphor for YHVH’s divinely revealed truth including his Torah instructions in righteousness and following and obeying Yeshua who is the Living Torah Word of Elohim and the spiritual light of the world.

Because most people are living in spiritual darkness, the Mystery Babylon the Great world-ruling system is currently coming upon them unawares. This is why the Bible calls a mystery. It’s hidden, yet at the same time it’s in plain sight. Only those who eyes are spiritually open will see it. This global antichrist system will rise up slowly, imperceptibly and Continue reading


18 Attributes of a Demonic Spirit


Mark 5:1–20, The Gadarene demoniac. This encounter between Yeshua and this demon-possessed individual teaches us about the characteristics of one who is tormented or even possessed by an evil, unclean spirit.

  1. One with an unclean spirit is “unclean in thought and life” (Mark 5:2).
  2. Such an individual may have a pre-occupation with things relating to death and dying (Mark 5:3).
  3. They may possess superhuman strength thanks to the aid of the demon in him (Mark 5:4).
  4. They may act wild, and unable to be restrained (Mark 5:4).
  5. They may be prone to fits of shouting loudly (Mark 5:5), shrieking or making a shrill cry (Mark 9:18).
  6. They may cut themselves, or resort to other acts of self-mutilation (Mark 5:5) or self destruction (e.g. burning oneself by fire, Matt 17:15; Mark 9:22), or attempts at drowning (Mark 9:22).
  7. The demoniac may possess supernatural knowledge (Mark 5:7).
  8. The demon can speak through the demonized person (Mark 5:7), or cry out (Mark 9:26).
  9. A demonic spirit wants to possess or inhabit something; if not a human, then an animal (Mark 5:12), or a house, an objects like idols or books (Acts 19:19).
  10. They may be clothed improperly or scantily (Mark 5:15).
  11. They will not a possess a “right [sound, self-controlled, sober]” mind (Mark 5:15).
  12. A demonic or an unclean spirit may cause convulsions or spasmodic contractions, bodily contortions within a person, or cause a person to be hurled to the ground (Mark 1:25; 9:18, 20), wallowing or rolling around on the ground (Mark 9:20).
  13. Epileptic-type seizures or madness can be some symptoms of demon possession (Matt 17:15).
  14. A demoniac may foam at the mouth (Mark 9:18, 20).
  15. A demoniac may grind or gnash of the teeth (Mark 9:18)
  16. A demonic spirit can cause one’s body to waste away, dry up or become rigid (Mark 9:18).
  17. Demonic spirits can accompany people as they come into the congregation of YHVH (Mark 1:23; Luke 4:33).
  18. A demonic spirit can make one to be mute or unable to speak (Mark 9:17).

Korah — A Malcontent, a Rebel and a Secular Humanist

The Spirit of Korah

The spirit of Korah is currently alive and well on planet earth. The righteous must discern, identify and then oppose this evil spirit. Everywhere in every way, this demonic spirit of rebellion is attempting to destroy the work of YHVH Elohim on earth.

The spirit of Korah is the spirit of rebellion against YHVH and his divine authority and biblical truth. In our society, it is manifested in the philosophies of secular humanism, atheism, the New Age Movement, radical environmentalism, earth worship, progressivism, socialism, Marxism, evolution, which are all aspects of the Babylon the Great, New World Order political-religious system that will oppose the saints of Yeshua and Yeshua himself at this second coming. We also see this spirit at work, supported and encouraged in international politics, in our own government, in our educational systems, in the media, in the false religions of the world, and in the apostate church where foundational Judeo-Christian biblical values are being rejected and even demonized.

The spirit Korah, the rebel, has even worked its way into the modern church system where it is attempting to subvert and pervert the truth of Elohim as revealed in the Bible, and to undermine legitimate, YHVH-ordained authority. Every man becomes his own spiritual leader, refuses the accountability afforded by authentic godly spiritual leadership, and basically chooses to do what is right in his own eyes. Many modern Continue reading


Satan can work miracles, but only to a certain point…

Exodus 8:18, But they could not. The Egyptian magicians were able to replicate in some similitude the first two plagues, but not the third plague, or any more from this point on. This teaches us two things. Satan’s is able to imitate YHVH’s miracles only to a point. Beyond that, his powers are limited.


Moreover, the magicians were able to bring two plagues on, but they were not able to reverse the plagues. Only YHVH through Moses and Aaron were able to accomplish this feat.

There comes a point that even the enemies of Elohim have to admit that “this is the finger of Elohim” (v. 19). When YHVH involves himself in the affairs of men, there is no doubt about it. It becomes evident even to his enemies.



May the Force Be With YOU in 32 Ways!

There’s a new Star Wars movie craze going on with the release of, I think, number seven. In reality, Star Wars is about a civil war between demonic, ungodly forces. There’s nothing righteous or spiritually redeeming about it except maybe simply for entertainment value. The underlying thematic paradigm is one of white magic versus black magic. The Bible condemns all magic and Satan, who is the source of both.

In the Star Wars movie, there is a thing called “the Force,”  which has a good side and a bad side. The Star Wars greeting is: “May the Force be with you.” This is supposed to be a blessing, but it’s really a curse. It’s saying, “May Satan be with you.” How is this?


YHVH Elohim isn’t the Power behind this satanic force, because YHVH has no dark or evil side to himself like the force in the movie. Everything Elohim does is good, light, loving and truth. His is the tree of life. On the other side is Satan the Devil who comes as an angel of light to deceive the whole world. In reality, the Bible reveals that the devil is the evil prince of darkness — the god of this world who is opposed to Elohim in every way. Satan’s tree is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree has both good and evil. It has just enough good to sucker man into eating from it, but once in, it’s all pure evil! It brings spiritual damnation to men. This is what the Star Wars movies are all about. The Force has good and evil in it. This is Satan’s tree, not Elohim’s tree, which has all life in it.

So there are two forces in the universe: and evil one and a good one. They’re completely separate from each other. They aren’t two sides of the same coin as the movie likes to portray it. This is new age, Eastern religious philosophy.

In this brief study below, we’d like to show you how the only good, true Force from Elohim (not the counterfeit demonic force in the movie) can empower you more than any lying counterfeit force from the enemy ever could. Don’t settle for a cheap imitation from Satan who’s an arrogant, sulking, sorry loser and an evil chump. As you will see, the real Force from Elohim has so much more to offer!  —Natan

What is the most powerful Force in the Universe? It is Holy Spirit of YHVH Elohim — the Almighty Creator God of the Bible!

By the force of Spirit and Word of Elohim, the universe and earth were created. With his hands, Elohim shaped man out of earth and by the Force of the breath of his Spirit, he breathed life into that lump of earth and man became a living being. That same spiritual Force impregnated the womb of the virgin Mary and Yeshua the Messiah, the Son of Elohim, was clothed in humanity and became the Elohim-Man and Savior and Redeemer of humanity.

Yeshua the Messiah promised to send that same Force of the Spirit of Elohim to live inside of all those who seek him and put their trusting faith in him and choose to follow and obey him as he leads them on the path of righteous living leading to a life of immortality in Elohim’s kingdom of heaven on earth. This same Force has the power to resurrect the dead from their graves. So how can this Force help you?

Here’s are 32 ways the Force, which is the of the Spirit of Elohim, can empower you: Continue reading


Manifestations of Demonic Activity in a Person

Mark 5:1–20, The Gadarene demoniac. This encounter between Yeshua and this demon-possessed individual teaches us about the characteristics of one who is tormented or even possessed by an evil, unclean spirit.

Demon 20046214

  • One with an unclean spirit is “unclean in thought and life” (Mark 5:2).
  • Such an individual may have a pre-occupation with things relating to death and dying (Mark 5:3).
  • They may possess superhuman strength (thanks to the aid of the demon in him, Mark 5:4).
  • They may act wild, and unable to be restrained (Mark 5:4).
  • They may be given to fits of shouting loudly (Mark 5:5), shrieking or making a shrill cry (Mark 9:18).
  • They may cut themselves, or resort to other acts of self-mutilation (Mark 5:5) or self destruction (e.g., burning oneself by fire, Matt 17:15; Mark 9:22), drowning (Mark 9:22).
  • The demoniac may possess supernatural knowledge (Mark 5:7).
  • The demon can speak through the demonized person (Mark 5:7), or cry out (Mark 9:26).
  • A demonic spirit wants to possess or inhabit something; if not a human, then an animal (Mark 5:12), or a house, an objects like idols or books (Acts 19:19).
  • They may be clothed improperly or scantily (Mark 5:15).
  • They will not a possess a “right [sound, self-controlled, sober]” mind (Mark 5:15).
  • A demonic or an unclean spirit may cause convulsions or spasmodic contractions, bodily contortions within a person, or cause a person to be hurled to the ground (Mark 1:25; 9:18, 20), wallowing or rolling around on the ground (Mark 9:20).
  • Epileptic-type seizures or madness can be some symptoms of demon possession (Matt 17:15).
  • A demoniac may foam at the mouth (Mark 9:18, 20).
  • A demoniac may grind or gnash of the teeth (Mark 9:18)
  • A demonic spirit can cause one’s body to waste away, dry up or become rigid (Mark 9:18).
  • Demonic spirits can accompany people as they come into the congregation of YHVH (Mark 1:23; Luke 4:33).
  • A demonic spirit can make one to be mute or unable to speak (Mark 9:17).