Reunited Israel in Goshen — A Prophetic Picture of the Millennium?

Genesis 46:1–7, The reuniting of Jacobs family — the twelve tribes of Israel. These verses recount the move of Jacob and his family to Egypt where they were reunited with Joseph and his family.

This prophetically foreshadows a time in the future, which the Jewish sages call the final redemption, which is to occur just prior to and at the coming of Messiah Son of David as he comes to establish the Messianic Era (Millennium).

The Jewish sages teach that part of that final redemption includes the reunification of the two houses of Israel (i.e. the Messiah-loving Jews and Torah-loving Christians) into one kingdom under Messiah Son of David. Where do we find this prophesied in the Scriptures? (Read Ezek 37:15–28, which interestingly enough is this week’s Haftorah portion!) This speaks of the family reunification or ­reconciliation of Judah and Ephraim at Messiah’s return. (Hos 5:15–6:4; 1:11; Acts 3:21; Ezek 37:25). This will be a supernatural work of the Ruach haKodesh (Set-Apart Spirit) of Elohim (Ezek 36:19–32).

After the reunification of the divided family, where did the reunited and reconciled family move to? (Read Gen 46:34.) Goshen was in the Nile River delta area and was, and to this day is, the prime farm land of Egypt. It was a veritable promised land compared to the arid regions of Canaan. Could Goshen be a tiny shadow-picture of the Millennium?

The Jewish sages have a sense that history for the people of Israel is continually repeating itself, over and over again in cyclical patterns as YHVH works his purposes out among his people. He is continually endeavoring to reveal his plan of redemption and reconciliation to those who have eyes to see, and continually reaching out the loving hand of reconciliation to the next generations of Israelites. This is but one more picture of the cyclical pattern of redemption that we see YHVH working out in the pages of Scripture all pointing toward a final climax at the end of the age where all of the children of Israel will worship YHVH in spirit and in truth (John 4:23) under the rulership of King Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Joseph/David.


Genesis 42–46 Two Brothers and the Two Houses of Israel in End-Time Prophecy (Pt 3)

Judah Approaches Joseph (Gen 44:18)

Judah came near to Joseph willing to lay down his life for his younger brother (Gen 44:18–34). This is another prophetic picture of the future Messiah who would come to this earth in willingness to give his life as a ransom to save his brothers. The Scriptures call Yeshua the “Lion of the tribe of Judah” (Rev 5:5) who initiated the process in seeking to save his brothers who were spiritually lost (Rom 5:8; Luke 19:10; Matt 18:11; ), and who Yeshua referred to as the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matt 10:6; 15:24).

Joseph Had to Reveal Himself (Gen 45)

The brothers didn’t recognize Joseph because he resembled an Egyptian; he had to reveal himself to them. Today, Christians (the descendants of Joseph according to Gen 48:16, 18 and Rom 9:24–27 and the descendants of Abraham according Eph 2:11–19; Gal 3:7, 14, 28, 29), are revealing themselves to their brother Judah through several ways:

  • Through donating money to Jewish relief agencies.
  • Through Christian tourism of Israel.
  • Through Christian interfaith organizations (Bridges for Peace, Christians United for Israel, Christian Friends of Israel, etc.).
  • Through the Messianic Jewish Movement
  • Through the Messianic Israel Movement.
  • Through America’s (and Britain’s) military, political and economic support of the nation of Israel.

Two Messiahs in One Story

Judah and his brothers didn’t recognize Joseph; he had to reveal himself to them (Gen 45:1–4). They were “blinded” to who Joseph was. Most of Judah has spiritual blindness to this day (Rom 11:25). They are largely blind to Yeshua the Messiah, son of Joseph, and to the fact that Christians (many of whom are the descendants of Abraham through Joseph) are their long lost brothers. So in our story, Judah plays a dual role: that of spiritually blind Judah and that of the Messiah, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. His former role is prophetically emblematic of the Jewish nation including the modern Jews who have been largely blind to their Messiah (the Son of Joseph), and in the latter role as Yeshua the Messiah who was willing to lay down his life to save his brothers.

Even as Judah was a prophetic antitype of the Jewish people and the Jewish Messiah, likewise Joseph also fulfilled an antitypical role of the Messiah. He too was the spiritual father of his people—Ephraim and Manasseh—the dominate tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel who went into apostasy and become as “lost sheep” among the nations of the world (Hos 7:8; 8:8; Ezek 34:16 and numerous other scriptures). Therefore, Joseph prophetically represents the “lost sheep of the House of Israel” and the Messiah who would come and seek out those sheep.

The Jewish sages have seen a prophetic picture of the coming Messiah Son of Joseph, the Suffering Servant in the story of Joseph. They have written about the Suffering Servant, a Messiah Son of Joseph figure, who they felt would be a descendant of Ephraim and who would come to redeem the lost sheep or exiles of the House of Israel in preparation for a second Messiah to come. They refer to him as the Conquering King or Messiah the Son of David. Although I have found no instances where they also identify Judah with the coming Messiah, it is not hard to see some allusions to this in the interplay between Joseph and Judah. Let’s note what the sages write about Joseph as well as the descendants of his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Notice the striking similarities between modern Christians and those the Jewish sages viewed would be the followers of Messiah Son of Joseph?

What kind of blessing was this prediction that one day [Jacob’s] descendants—the Ten Tribes—would be scattered among the nations? R. Munk explains: while it is true that the dispersion was caused by the unfaithfulness and sinfulness of Ephraim’s descendants (Hos 7:8ff), Jacob’s blessing was not in vain for “they will return to God” and will have their share in the world to come ([Talmud] Sanhedrin 110b). And R. Eliezer adds: ‘Even the darkness in which the Ten Tribes were lost will one day become as radiant as the day’ (according to the version of Avos d’Rabbi Nosson 36). And in the perspective of history, did not these exiled children of the Patriarchs enlighten the nations among whom they were scattered? They did so by teaching their conquerors the fundamental ideas of the knowledge and love of God, ideals they had never forsaken. Hence they too have a messianic vocation and their Messiah the … Messiah son of Joseph (Succah 52a), also called Messiah son of Ephraim (Targum Yonasan on Exodus 40:11), will play an essential role in humanity’s redemption, for he will be the precursor of the … Messiah Son of David…. (emphasis added, note bolded part).


A Constitutional Monarchy — A Biblical Form of Government

1 Samuel 12:1ff, A king over you. The establishment of Saul as king in Israel was a constitutional or limited monarchy, unlike the kings of other Eastern nations of the time where the king had total, unlimited and absolute power. Their kings ruled by whim and fancy, while Israel’s would be subservient to the Torah; their kings placed their self-aggrandizement above the national interest, while Israel’s king was charged with upholding and safeguarding the nation’s righteousness, and with guiding Israel as the bearer of [Elohim’s]—not the king’s—majesty (The ArtScroll Stone Edition Chumash, p. 1187). “The Jewish king was bound to respect the liberty, honour, and the property of his subjects, and his powers were strictly limited by the fundamental laws of the Torah (Deut 17:14–20). Prophets, psalmists, and sages all conceived of the king as a shepherd of his people, whose scepter should be a scepter of peace, pity, and righteousness” (The Soncino Pentateuch, p. 649). This is the basis of a republican form of government, which, in theory, is the basis for American government. As you become more familiar with YHVH’s laws it will become evident that certain aspects of the American legal code derive from the Torah. This truth underscores the fact that our society has deep Judeo-Christian roots.


The Descendants of Esau Are Ephraim and Judah’s Arch-Enemy in the End Times

I’ve posted this study before, but I’m doing so again, since the information contained therein is more relevant than every before. We are watching biblical prophecy being fulfilled like never before, and the roots of current events are to be found in the pages of the Bible.

Understanding history is the key to understanding present and future events! 

Edom has been a perpetual enemy of Israel (currently, the Jews and Christians) from very early times. Esau (Edom) hated Jacob and wanted to kill him. The Amalakites who attacked Israel when they were coming out of Egypt were Edomites. Likely Balaam was an Edomite. Haman was an Edomite as was King Herod. I’ve probably forgotten a few along the way. Jumping forward, we have Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, Islamic State, Hezbollah, Al-Kaida, and Islam et al in general displaying Edomite characteristics. Edom is on the rise in traditional Christian nations including America, and they have made it clear that they want to take over and dominate those nations. They’re currently attempting to do so through terrorist intimidation and immigration invasion and population proliferation. 

Let’s face it. We have Edom in the White House! He supports Edomite/Islamic causes and kowtows to Islam at every turn to the detriment of Christians and this nation’s traditional allies. 

So take a look at this study and discover for yourself how relevant ancient biblical history really is to us today. The wheel keeps turning. There is nothing new under the sun. Cycles keep repeating themselves. If you understand these cycles, you’ll have a better grasp of current and future event.



A Study of Genesis 35

The Ancestry of Modern Arabs

Esau and his army stood in the way preventing Jacob from returning to his homeland. This event is prophetic of what will happen in the end times.


We have already identified who the sons of Jacob are, how they were divided into two camps, or two houses, and two kingdoms (the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Israel). But who are the descendants of Esau?

Many, if not most of the modern Moslems (especially the Arabs) trace their lineage back if not biologically then spiritually to Ishmael, the son of Abraham by Hagar. Islam in its holy book, the Koran, claims that it was Abraham and Ishmael who founded the religion of Continue reading


On Laban and His Modern-Day Babylon the Great Counterparts

Genesis 31:19, Household idols. Heb. teraphim, from rapha meaning “to heal, make healthful.” The ancient pagans viewed these idols superstitiously as good luck charm for good health and prosperity.

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But there is more. In ancient Babylon, each family had a shrine where it worshipped its household gods, which were in the shape of clay figurines. These family gods served as guardian angels of the home, and would be left to the eldest son, who, acting as the family high priest, would perpetuate the family’s idol worship after the father’s death. The theft of these household idols left Laban in a very agitated state in that he was willing to pursue Jacob to retrieve them, by force, if necessary.

The reason is that these gods conferred the right of primogeniture (to the firstborn son), and acted as a title deed to the father’s inheritance. Thus, Rachel must have stolen her brother’s inheritance thereby making Jacob the legal heir of Laban’s estate (Manners and Customs of Bible Lands, pp. 119–120, by Fred H. Wight; TWOT, p. 980).

Genesis 31:43, These daughters are my daughters. Laban claims that Jacob’s wives and children belonged to him. Laban was also steeped in the idolatry of Babylon having in his possession idols or images called teraphim (Gen 31:19, 34–35). Is there a modern counterpart to this? Does modern Babylon want to control and possess the wives and children of redeemed Israel, indoctrinate them in its pagan religious system and then keep Jacob’s modern descendants from returning to their spiritual and physical homeland and birthright inheritance, and from returning to the Torah-faith of their fathers?

Idol - Money 20329954

Are governmental systems (e.g., public education and Child Protective Services, social welfare programs, various government regulations that have greatly diminished or eliminated many of our personal freedoms), socio-political organizations (e.g. ACLU, UN) and greedy corporate systems (banking systems that enslave people through debt, corrupters of our food supplies that destroy people’s health, pharmaceutical companies and the mainstream medical establishment that enslaves people’s minds and bodies through drugs) modern-day Labans who want to kill, steal and destroy for the benefit of money and power?

Revelation 18:13 says that Babylon the Great traffics in the souls of men. This speaks at Continue reading


My Personal Account of Being in a Gaza Rocket Attack in Israel

Have you ever been in a rocket attack in Israel? I have!  It is a day I will never forget for the rest of my life. The following is an entry from my journal of the trip Sandi, my wife, and I made to Israel in the spring of 2008. On this day I was only about a mile from the Gaza Strip when suddenly the sirens went off I found myself fleeing for a bomb shelter as the rockets were flying overhead from the Philistines in Gaza.


Friday, March 7, 2008

Yesterday the search team looked for aviv barley in the area west of the Gaza Strip.  We checked numerous fields and found no barley any closer than a month or six weeks to aviv.  Much of it hadn’t even headed yet, while that which was the most mature was only in the flowering stage with the kernel itself in the “cotton” stage and not even to the “worm” stage.  So after searching the majority of the land of Israel and not having found a single stock of truly aviv barley, it can be safely declared that the barley will not be aviv and that we will declare an Adar Bet month.

The region we searched in and around Ofain, Sderot, and Asheklon is basically quite flat with a few rolling hills.  It is used totally for agriculture with fields of grain, fruits, and vegetables as far as the eye can see.  Small farming communities are sprinkled throughout with hub towns here and there.  The area is reminiscent of Illinois.  The largest tree fruit crop is citrus.  It is clear, in light of the countless orange (and lemon and grapefruit) groves I have seen throughout Israel why this nation is number one exporter of oranges to Europe.

As we were passing by Sderot in search of barley, the braver (or more foolhardy—depending on your perspective) part of our group as led by Nehemia, decided to go into Sderot to get a feel for what the Israelis in that town are experiencing from the daily barrage of rockets raining down on them from the Gazan Palestinian terrorists on the other side of a fence only a mile away.

Before entering this red flag warning area, Nehemia warned us that if we should just happen to hear the sirens go off warning of an approaching rocket attack, or we should see people suddenly running for cover, that we would have 15 seconds to get out of our cars and flee for cover.  All we were hoping to see was a bomb shelter.

We entered Sderot and turned into a very modern looking college campus called Sapir College.  It looked like one of our American community colleges.  We went through a checkpoint and entered the campus in our cars.  We drove in a ways and came to a parking lot area near a complex of building when suddenly we saw students running quickly toward the buildings.  My first impression was that they were all late to class and that the tardy bell had gone off.  It had slipped my mind that this was a college and not a grade school.  Suddenly, Nehemia stopped his car, jumped out yelling to those of us in the other two cars that this was a real rocket attack and to head for a nearby concrete bomb shelter pill box looking affair approximately 10 foot square in size.  I quickly stopped the car, everyone got out, and in my haste I forgot to set the car in park and it started coasting.  I got back in, changed the gear and grabbed my movie camera.  I was the last one into the bomb shelter, which was about 75-100 feet away.  There were about 15-20 of us (members of our search team and students) standing shoulder to shoulder (like being in a crowded elevator) in there.  A couple of minutes passed, the scare was over, everyone got out, and quickly the cell phones came out and people were making phone calls—I suppose to let friends and loved ones know that they were safe.  After that, everyone went on his way, business as usual.

I witnessed first-hand the panic of people fleeing for their lives to the safety of the bomb shelter.  I personally experienced the feelings of fear of knowing that a rocket was coming from somewhere that could land anywhere.  Chances were that it wouldn’t land near me, much less on me.  BUT WHO KNOWS?!  And it is that “who knows” part that is really scary!  I face fear for my life on a regular basis as a professional tree climber and arborist.  But this fear was different.  This is a war zone.  In our searching for aviv barley in this area, we saw 15 or more lowboy semi-trucks going by carrying huge battle tanks.  We saw even more armored troop carriers on lowboys.  Soldiers are everywhere—many carrying automatic weapons.  THIS  WAS/IS A WAR ZONE! We were in the middle of it.  It was life and death and there was an enemy over there who wanted to kill me—not with words—but literally.  That was a totally new experience for me.  I now have a small taste of what the Israelis at Sderot are going through every day.

We later heard on the news that two Qasam rockets from the wicked demons in Gaza landed in Sderot yesterday.

When we left the bomb shelter, we all walked about 200 feet to the sidewalk in front of the school buildings.  There we saw a memorial and wreath with photos of an Israeli father of four who had been killed by a rocket the past week at that exact spot!  I filmed the small nearby crater in the sidewalk made by the rocket that killed the man.  The bloody paramedic glove was still in the 12” deep by 18” wide crater.  That spot was 150 feet or so from the bomb shelter in which I took refuge and was only 75-100 feet from where I parked my car!  Richard Bay from Vancouver, WA was in my car and saw it all.

We left Sderot and the college and met up with the rest of our team at a small eatery where many Israelis gather to enjoy food at an outdoor café.  Some in our group got beers (it was about 85 degrees outside), others got a coke and I got ice cream.  The whole thing was too surreal for me.  One minute I’m fleeing for my life, the next I’m feeding my face relaxing in an outdoor café.  But this is how our brothers and sisters in Israel live their lives.  Though they never know when a bomb might go off, a rocket might hit or whatever, life goes on.

Several days ago, a rocket landed in a neighborhood of southern Jerusalem fired from the West Bank.   In Tiberias where we just were, some Arabs were demonstrating.  Yesterday in an Arab section in Jerusalem some angry Arabs tried to kill a couple of garbage workers.  Last night Arabs broke into a Yeshiva and shot and killed four Jews.  Secretary Rice is in Jerusalem right now trying to help find a solution to this mess by talking, talking and more talking with the parties involved.  What utter foolishness and nonsense! These leaders are so deluded by their own self importance that they are blinded to the fact that nothing they can do will change the hatred Edom has for Israel.  That will not change until Edom is destroyed prior to and at Yeshua’s second coming as prophesied in the Bible.

While in the area of Sderot, we also saw the once used border crossing checkpoint into Gaza near Gush Katif and the adjacent internment camp for those terrorist captured at that once active border crossing.  The Doberman dogs still roam freely within its barbed wire metal walls.

After that, we left the area and headed back to Jerusalem.  In the outskirts of the city we stopped at a kosher McDonalds.  I haven’t eaten at a McDonalds in 15 years but, I got a hamburger just for the fun of it.  No cheese on the burger because of the rabbinical koshur rules that forbid the mixing of dairy and meat!  It just wasn’t the same without the cheese.  At the counter there is a wall that divides the meat products from the dairy ones. Those silly rabbis!!  They take themselves and the unbiblical traditions so seriously.


What Is the Second Exodus & When Does It Occur?

The children of Israel left Egypt on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and crossed through the Red Sea on the last or seventh day of this feast. This was the first exodus. But there’s more!

The biblical prophets speak of a greater or second exodus to occur in the last days where YHVH’s people who’ve been scattered throughout the nations of the world will be set free from their spiritual, economic and political enslavement in the nations, which are under the control of Babylon the Great. There is much to learn on this subject, and it’s an important subject to study, since it affects your spiritual destiny.

The following article is a comprehensive analysis of this topic, which explores all the biblical scriptures on the subject of the second exodus. It’s a long one article, but try to stay with it and read it to the end. It will help you to understand end times Bible prophecy in a way that only a privileged and enlightened few do. You have never read anything like this before. It will help you to understand where you personally fit into end times Bible prophecy!

A Look at End-Times Bible Prophecies Relating to the Second Exodus

By Ya’acov Natan Lawrence

The Issue in People’s Hearts

The Bible clearly teaches that the ten tribes of the ancient northern kingdom of Israel (known biblically by various names such as the house of Israel, Samaria or Ephraim) were exiled among the nations of the world because of sin (1). At the same time, the biblical prophets and Jewish sages over the past 2000 years have predicted that in the end times (at the coming of the Messiah), through a series of supernatural events, these tribes will be regathered and return to the land of Israel to be reunited with their Jewish brethren who are descended from the southern kingdom of Judah (2). Furthermore, there is clear biblical and historical evidence that the ten northern tribes of Israel collectively known as Ephraim are largely to be found among the Christian peoples scattered across the earth. I have attempted to prove this point from biblical, linguistic, archeological, historical and rabbinic Jewish sources in a previous work (3)) .

In these last days before Messiah’s second coming, more and more redeemed believers in Yeshua (the Hebrew name for Jesus) are discovering a new-found love for the Jewish people and the land of Israel. At the same time, they are awakening to the need to return to the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith by adhering to a more Torah-centered lifestyle and spiritual walk. It then follows that some are coming to the fundamental truth taught Continue reading