What I See Coming to the World in the Near Future

What do I see coming in the near future on the world stage that will greatly affect our lives? To be forewarned is to be forearmed, as the saying goes. I do not claim to have any great divine revelation. … Continue reading

The Biblical Feasts and Yeshua’s Wedding Prophesied in the Tabernacle of Moses

Welcome to the World of the Tabernacle of Moses If you were the Creator of the universe, what means would you use to communicate with those that you had created through love in your likeness and image? In a remote … Continue reading

A Tour of the Tabernacle of Moses—Revealing the Way to YHVH Elohim in Heaven

The Tabernacle of Moses was literally a three-dimensional gospel message tract. It is the visual demonstration of the whole message of the Bible in a building—the blueprint of the plan of redemption of wayward man. It was a functioning masterpiece … Continue reading

Have YOU Fallen for the Church’s BIG Lie?

For certain, you will never hear this message preached in your church, but your salvation and eternal depends on knowing the truth of what the Bible calls “the lie”. If you fall for this BIG LIE, it can damn you … Continue reading

The Tabernacle of Moses: Fast Facts & a Quick Tour

Fast Facts About the Tabernacle of Moses The tabernacle (Heb. mishkan)was constructed circa 1450 b.c. at the foot of Mount Sinai. It took about a year to build. Hebrew Names for the Tabernacle Mishkan means “tabernacle, dwelling or habitation.” Mishkan … Continue reading