What I See Coming to the World in the Near Future

What do I see coming in the near future on the world stage that will greatly affect our lives? To be forewarned is to be forearmed, as the saying goes. I do not claim to have any great divine revelation. YHVH has not appeared to me or spoken audibly to be. Therefore, I will not say, “The Lord told me this or that,” as many people are currently doing in order to gain a following or to peddle their products. I have nothing to sell, and not seeking a following and make no self-adulating claims other than the fact that I have simply been a student of the Bible for more than half-a century, a student of world events of history during the same time, a studier of people, and a disciple and follower of Yeshua, the Lamb of Elohim; therefore, In advise you view what is written below with the help of the Spirit of discernment and prove all things and hold fast to that which is good (1 Thess 5:21) based on the Word or Truth of YHVH Elohim as found in the Scriptures. What follows is one man’s opinion, and is what I see coming on the world scene in the next few years based on what I see in the Bible, and what I see as the trajectory of current events often predicated on past historical events, since history often repeats itself.

An Outline of Major World Events Over the Past 100 years.

What is written below is the most cursory overview—a skipping of stone over the tops of the waves—of world events since World War I (1914–1918). Each of these points could be elucidated upon tremendously. Others have done this, so do your own research. The information is all out there.

  • The purpose behind World War I was to destroy four empires (the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Russian Empire, the German Empire and to weaken the fifth—the British Empire). As long as these empires held power over large areas of land, an end times global government as prophesied in Revelation chapters 13, 17 and 18 could not come to pass, and the biblically prophesied Satanic Antichrist figure could not rise to power over all nations and people as also prophesied in the same Bible passages.
  • A result of WW I was the overthrow of Russia and the establishment of the Soviet Union—the first truly communist nation.  
  • After WW I, the idea of a world-ruling government called the League of Nations was introduced to humanity. It failed as a meaningful institution, but the idea of global governance did not die among those who rule the world behind the scenes under Satan’s directions. Do not forget that Satan, the god of this world, is behind all of this. Human beings are merely his useful idiot pawns marching to his orders lured onward by the prospects of power and wealth (and sexual pleasure) whether they are aware of it or not.
  • After WW I, the world experienced the Great Depression. Whatever one believes the causes of this economic crash and the privation that resulted thereof, it introduced socialism into many capitalistic, free enterprise-based nations. The result was the expansion of central government and the rise of the State controlling people’s lives and providing for their needs, and the people looking to the State to meet their needs. This all gave rise to oligarchic capitalism, where a few major corporations in cooperation with the State had the power to strongly influence the lives of the masses and begin to socially engineer the peasant people toward accepting socialistic concepts and more State and corporate control over their lives (along with the diminishment of freedom and civil liberties) as predicted in Revelation 18.
  • WW II, occurring a scant 20 years after the end of WW I, brought more death and destruction to mankind.  Many nations who were wearied by another global war gladly accepted the idea of the United Nations, the  successor to the failed League of Nations. This time the idea took off and the nations of the world signed on to the concept of a quasi-world ruling government to help to establish world peace and end global wars. The seeds of the satanic Babylon the Great, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation, had been planted and took root in the hearts and minds of humanity. 
  • Another consequence of WW II was the expansion of the Soviet Union as well as the rise of communist China along with the puppet states of North Korea and Cuba. Eventually, over the following years, communism would spread to many other nations on multiple continents. 
  • The European Common Market and eventually the European Union (EU) was another experiment in global governance on a regional level in the name of regional peace and prosperity. The United Nations and the EU were all steps toward global governance.
  • The Cold War was an engineered conflict between the so-called communist bloc and the capitalistic nations. Both sides have been funded by the same monied interests for purpose of using conflict to control the masses. This is called the Hegelian Dialectic where one causes the problem then creates the answer the problem, or otherwise known as thesis-antitheses-synthesis or problem-solution. In this way, the nations of the world have been gradually moved into accepting a socialistic paradigm yet retaining some vestiges of capitalism. Again, this is the system we see  ruling the world in the end time when we study the prophesies of Revelation 13 and 18.
  • The fall of the Soviet Union occurred in the late 1980s and it moved toward capitalistic free market system, while retaining a strong central government. The same thing happened later with communist China as it moved more toward free market capitalism. Again, in both nations, we see the rise of oligarchic capitalism where a strong State is in league with powerful business interests that do its bidding, while, at the same time, basically enslaving the people to work the government-business factories. Go read Revelation 18; it has all been predicted.
  • Then September 11, 2001 now euphemistically referred to simply as “911” occurred. The US was the major obstacle in the road toward a one-world government with its freedom and gun loving people.  Americans had to be driven into fear mode to allow more government overreach into their lives and diminishment of civil liberties and freedoms. 911 helped to bring that about with more government  surveillance on private citizens and biometrics, and travel checkpoints. Gun control became the big issue too. An armed citizenry cannot be easily controlled and manipulated by government tyrants.
  • 911 also led to America’s military involvement in Middle East causing chaos and mayhem wherever it went. Governments fell, destruction occurred and Muslims populations were displaced. Many displaced people from those nations immigrated to Europe and North America—traditionally Christians nations. The influx of Muslims in these nations has accomplished several things. It has helped to undermine the already weak Christian culture of those nations, and it brought many terrorists into those countries inducing more fear thus requiring more government control in an attempt to assuage the peoples’ fear. The result was more stringent State controls over its people to “protect” them from the terrorists.  
  • At the same time, America’s borders have been opened, thus allowing floods of illegal aliens to swarm into this country. The endless wars in the Middle East along with the illegal aliens have taxed America’s economy the social welfare program thus weakening this nation economically and socially. Public and private debt are soaring and fueling a future economic collapse thus necessitating a currency reset of some sort. The dollar must fail in order to give way to a global currency—likely a digital one that the State will control. This will pave the way for the famous mark of the beast system as just predicted two thousand years ago in the Bible in Revelation 13.
  • With the economic uncertainties in America coupled by the social unrest brought on by illegal aliens, and leftist anarchists, America and Europe are tinder  boxes waiting to ignite into major civil unrest and potential anarchy. 
  • Satan, the ruler of this world, is behind everything discussed so far above. The Bible tells us that he comes to kill, steal and destroy and to devour as a roaring lion all that is good. His chief target continues to be Bible believers (Jews and Christians) as well as anything remotely associated with biblical values including the family unit, traditional marriage, children, masculine and female gender, the church, male headship of the family, and basic law and order the basics of which are delineated in the Ten Commandments. With these foundations stones of society removed, a society will weaken and eventually collapse, since it is now vulnerable to overthrow by satanic forces. With the rising up from within traditional Western Christian nations as well as the invasion from without of those who hold non-biblical satanic and anarchistic ideologies, it is only a matter of time before there will be major social unrest, civil war or other socio-economic problems and chaos necessitating a major shifting or resetting of governmental and economic systems in response. Out of this chaotic crisis, the people will demand peace and order. The wise Satan-inspired strategists will then insinuate their new order of things along non-biblical, Antichrist, Luciferian lines, again as predicted in the prophecies of the Bible. The majority of the unknowing populace will all too gladly exchange the fearful uncertainty of chaos for the certain security of peace no matter what freedoms and civil liberties they have to give up. This will be Satan’s grand coup d’état to bringing in his Novus Ordo Seclorum or New World Order that the Bible refers to as Mystery Babylon the Great. This has been these Satanists’ plan for a long time. For example, pull a U.S. one dollar bill out of your wallet and look at the reverse side. What do you see? It is the Great Seal of the United States of America adopted in 1782. What is on the back of that seal? A pyramid with the an eye above it. This is the all-seeing eye of Lucifer (Isa 14:12), the light bringer, who purports to bring spiritual enlightenment and knowledge to his followers. This is the same promise he made to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in Genesis chapter three. The all-seeing eye is an ancient occult symbol that has been appropriated by the Freemasons and Hindus among others.
  • These things have all been planned and preordained. Is this simply a so-called “conspiracy theory” to be debunked and cast aside? It is only if you believe that the prophecies of the Bible predicting these things all are lies.
  • Then in late 2019, a virus escaped from a Chinese bio-lab and quickly swept around the world become a pandemic. This virus was named COVID-19 or the Coronavirus. Millions of people have died from this pestilence and many countless millions more have been injured because of it. Does the Bible predict this? Yes. Go read Matthew 24:7 and Revelation 6:7–8. At its onset, hhis pandemic was recognized by some of the global “elites” as a perfect opportunity for “a great global reset” (their words), to move the world toward “a new (economic) world order” (again, their words). Even the president of the U.S. publicly declared this in a recent speech (March 2022). We all know what COVID brought to the world, for we have all lived through it. This includes the diminishment or elimination of many of our freedoms and civil liberties, lock downs (house arrest, if you will), curtailment of freedom of speech, censorship of news and communications, travel restrictions, closures of businesses, forced vaccinations, seizure of bank accounts, arrests and imprisonment in concentration camps, and the list of nightmarish government mandates goes on and on. Out of all of this hellish fiasco, many governments have floated the idea of a COVID passport. Though largely not implemented globally, a few nations have played around with the concept and Guinea-pigged their citizens with such a passport that allows them to buy, sell, travel and to enjoy certain privileges. Does this sound like a precursor to the mark of the beast of Revelation 13? Though not fully implemented globally, the idea of a passport that allows one to function “normally” in society is now in the collective consciousness of the people of the world. The next time a world-threatening crisis occurs, it is likely that the majority of people will more readily accept the idea of “a passport”that allows one to buy and sell. The idea will be advertised a solution to the current crises, whatever that may be, and people will be encouraged to obtain the “passport” for their own good, safety, protection, convenience, and so on. Most will fall for the lie. The devil always over-promises and under-delivers.
  • Then America was defeated militarily in Afghanistan in 2021 by a gaggle of cave dwelling goat herders and poppy growers with small arms weapons. This had several consequences. This was a huge public relations disaster for America on the world stage—the surrender of world’s great military and economic superpower. This telegraphed to the world that the U.S. is no longer the nation to be feared and respected. It is weak and its leaders are effete and feckless. Several top leaders are even somewhat senile. America has to be weakened for the new world order to be imposed on the world. America’s defeat is also divine judgment on a nation that has largely turned its back on Elohim and the godly values that made it great.
  • Moreover, since the U.S. left behind approximately $78 billion worth of military equipment when retreating from Afghanistan, America has, in effect, armed the Taliban and their allies as a major fighting force in the Middle East. With China, Russia and Iran as Afghanistan’s chief allies, it is quite possible that the stage has been set for the biblically prophesied end times Gog-Magog or the Edom-greater-Israel conflict (see Ezek 38 and 39).
  • Whatever conflict will ensue out of this scenario, the Bible predicts that greater Israel will be punished in the last days for turning away from Elohim. This includes the so-called State of Israel as well as Christian nations which are, to one degree or another, contain many remnants  of dispersed Israel.
  • At the same time, the U.S. military (in reality, the New World Order’s global police force) is being systematically weakened by so-called leftist WOKE ideologies including the imposition on its members of Critical Race Theory (or CRT, which is racism against white people), the concept white privilege, acceptance of transgenderism, the promotion of gay and lesbian lifestyles and many other concepts that are weakening the moral and fighting abilities of its military forces. The term woke (according to Wikipedia) refers to “an awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for left-wing ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans”.
  • All of these scenarios and conflicts on the world stage are signs pointing to the very hard “spanking” that YHVH will give his apostate, backslid and lukewarm people resulting in many repenting of their sins and coming back to him (Rev 7:9–17 cp. Rev 3:18–19). This will result in a great spiritual revival “out of great tribulation” (Rev 7:14) at the end of the age and continuing into the millennial reign of Yeshua the Messiah. The Bible predicts that this revival will continue as the regathering of the dispersed and scattered tribes of Israel occurs in fulfillment of countless Old Testament biblical prophecies, as well as the fulfillment of the as to yet many unfulfilled promises in the Abrahamic Covenant. 
  • The current conflict between Russia and Ukraine seems to be setting the stage for a new world economic order. Global leaders like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Joe Biden and Larry Fink (CEO of Black Rock) and others are openly talking about this “new world order” to be brought on by “a global economic reset”. The West’s economic sanctions against Russia and that country’s response seem to be pushing the world toward a new currency system—likely a (fiat) digital currency to eventually replace the current fiat paper currency systems.
  • It is inevitable that the world moves to global trackable digital currency tied to an ESG (or environmental, social justice and governance) social credit score system. Already, Communist China is experimenting with a social credit score enforced by millions of facial recognition cameras. This system helps to keep people “in line” by rewarding them when they follow government mandates that define “political correctness”, and by penalizing people when they go against those mandates. This is a form of crowd control and a social engineering tactic initiated by government leaders to force its masses into accepted forms of behavior that will serves the power-hungry and greedy interest of these so-called ruling “elites”. If and when this type of system spreads worldwide, this along with a trackable global digital currency will make it much easier for the new world order, Babylon the Great system to impose the mark of the beast upon the people of the world, even as the Book of Revelation predicted nearly two thousand years ago (Rev 13:16–18). Those who go along with the system will be rewarded for “good behavior”, while those who do not will be penalized into submission or totally excluded from the system and be forced to somehow survive without being able to work, buy, sell, travel, pay their bills­—or basically live. You say this system is not coming, that this is all silly talk, that it is a long way off? Well, then you believe the Bible is a lie. As proof of what I am saying, and the Bible prophesies will happen in the end times, simply listen to what global leaders are now openly saying about their coming new world order. Moreover, some of the pieces of this systems are already being tried here and there in various countries as we speak. The populations of these nations are the Guinea pigs unknowingly being experimented on. Of course, the major media outlets are hardly reporting on this, so in the minds of most people, it is not happening. But thanks to alternative media sources and social media, those who are awake can see what is happening and what is coming. For example, the current cryptocurrency craze seems to be conditioning many—especially younger—people into accepting a digital currency as an alternative to current big banker controlled or manipulated fiat paper money system. The only problem is that a cryptocurrency digital currency system is also a fiat money system that is backed by zero tangible assets and is totally based on the faith and confidence that those who use it place in it. So what happens when governments impose regulations on the crytocurrencies, attempt to regulate them out of existence, or attempt to replace them with their own currencies? Or worse yet, what happens if the electrical system goes down (due to sabotage, terrorist hacking or other malevolent forces or entities beyond one’s control), and you cannot get access to your digital currency for a week or two or three or longer? These are all question to which no one know the answers, but that need to be asked. At the very least, these are causes for concern.

How to Prepare for What Is Coming

What does this all mean for YHVH Elohim’s end time Torah and Yeshua loving Bible believing saints? I have nothing new to say on this subject except what I have been preaching for years.

  • Trust in YHVH to protect you. There are many promises in the Bible where YHVH will protect his people during hard times. Despite that, there will still be persecution of the saints, and some will even by martyred. It has happened before and continues to happen. As tough as this may be endure, it is for the greater good of the spiritual refinement of the saints, and YHVH promises to walk with his people through the valley of the shadow of death (Ps 23) and lead them through the floods and fires of adversity (Isa 43:2). Moreover, he promises to deliver his saints from his ultimate wrath that he will pour out on this earth as a judgment against wicked and unrepentant sinners (1 Thess ). This does not mean that the saints will not experience the wrath of evil, Satan-inspired men leading up to the final wrath of Elohim just before the second coming of Messiah.
  • Do spiritual house cleaning and repent of sin. Get your spiritual house in order and walk in the fear of Elohim, not men. In my many years of pastoring and other ministry involvements, I have observed that the majority of people are sayers and not doers when it comes to biblical obedience issues. Of those who are actually doers to one degree or another, they either lack love, or are extremely prideful and are often severely judgmental of others. Often they are hypocrites, who are quick to find fault in others for the same sins of which they themselves are guilty. Another way to say this is that they fit the biblical model of the Laodicean church (Rev 3:14–21). This is not the time to point fingers, to judge others or to walk in arrogant self-righteousness. This is the time to take a long, hard look in the mirror and to repent of sin and to cry out to YHVH for mercy for yourself!
  • Draw near to Yeshua. This is the time to keep your eyes Yeshua at all times and in all situations like never before. Too many people look first to the government, money, doctors, themselves others to meet their needs instead of Yeshua. The name Yeshua means “salvation,”  that is, salvation from everything including sin and death. When are we going to really start believing that he is our Savior?
  • Become more self-reliant. Stop looking to others (e.g. the State, banks, doctors, grocery stores, and the like) to meet all of your needs. This means get out of debt and become as self-sufficient as possible. The Bible teaches that debt is a curse, not a blessing, and that the borrower is a slave to the lender. Those who are in debt are under bondage and fear, and their survival is too dependent on others. Moreover, start preparing for hard times by stocking up on the necessities of life. The Bible teaches that if you do all that you can to prepare for hard times, then YHVH Elohim will miraculously provide for you beyond that if you have faith and trust in him and abide in Yeshua.
  • Lower your lifestyle standard of living, so that you will be acclimated to tightening your belt when forced to do so.
  • Form spiritual community. Love others and maintain spiritual relationships with those around you. In times of social and economic upheaval, no man will be an island unto himself. You will need to find other like-minded people who can form mutually supporting communities. Your survival may even depend on this.

12 thoughts on “What I See Coming to the World in the Near Future

    • A quick search of the phrase “fear not” in the NKJV and “fear ye not” in the KJV reveals that there aren’t anywhere near the number you suggest, but your admonition is well taken. I’m reminded of a couple of well-known verses in this regard:

      For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.(2 Tim 1:7)

      There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18)


  1. Excellent Post Natan.. Only recently I was reading a short summary of World Government and Digital Currency announced : 01 April 2022.

    There was an explanatory video On RUMBLE- by a person named Mark Matheny – 24 mins in all. explaining everything that the globalists are planning etc. and evidence of what was spoken @ the globalists meeting.(March 29th @ the World Government Summit
    The Elites announced their Agenda by asking? Are we ready for a New World Order, and stated the current financial system (paper money ) will be abolished and a World Digital Currency Introduced. .

    I cannot remember the time frame they gave ,but will listen to the video again.

    We all need to be prepared. I remember amongst the many other articles videos I saw one other was about the War in Ukraine-Crisis being about the Great Reset. So I think there are quiet a few people who do recognize this current crisis. A “Global Crisis”‘ is the word Klaus Schwab used to bring about the right conditions for the introduction of a new World Order. (Problem, Reaction, Solution. ) so C.-19 crisis was all part of it as well.

  2. Perfect remedy Natan. Know your enemy from a distance so as to not be surprised but know your Saviour with desire & intimacy to be living Life even as death tries to reign over us.

    Blessings to All

    • Excellent info. Thanks for sharing. It’s high time that we all wake up to the realities of what is happening all around us, and what is just ahead. This will effect us all dramatically in life-changing ways. Now is the time to prepare and praypare!!!

  3. Is a man manufacturing a “perfect storm”?
    Remember…the vast majoirty of famines have be politically manufactured.
    20 Facts About The Emerging Global Food Shortage That Should Chill You To The Core

    Egg prices skyrocket 52% in TWO MONTHS as bird flu decimates commercial flocks: As many as 11 million chickens and two million turkeys have died this year…that’ 3% of the nation’s egg layers

  4. Okay, I watched this video and agree with what he is saying, because I’ve been saying the same thing more or less from publicly for years. This is because the book of Revelation predicts what he’s talking about in one way or another.

    However, I request that before directly posting any more videos to the comments section of my blog, that you respect this blog’s rules, and run the video by me first, so I can review it to determine whether it meets my criteria and that of Scripture or not.

    Those who cannot abide by these rules, we are forced to put them on moderated status such that every comment they make in the future must first be approved before it is posted.

    Thank you for understanding, and please respect our rules.


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