Tonight is the first day of the seventh month…

The new moon was not spotted in the land of Israel yesterday (Monday, Sept 14), which means tonight (Tuesday, Sept 15) will mark the beginning of the seventh month on the biblical calendar. This day also marks the beginning of … Continue reading

Blog Scripture Readings for 9-13 Through 9-19-15


THIS WEEK’S SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR STUDY AND DISCUSSION: Parashat Vayelekh — Deuteronomy 31:1–30 Haftarah — Hosea 14:2-10; Micah 7:18-20; Joel 2:15-27** Prophets — Nahum 3:1–19; Habakkuk; Zephaniah Writings — 2 Chronicles 16:1 – 22:12 Testimony — Revelation 2:1 – 8:13 Most of this … Continue reading

The Month of Elul and How It Relates to You

Yom Teruah (the Day of Shofar Blasts or Shouting) — the first fall biblical festival — is less than a month away. It falls on the first day of the seventh month on the biblical calendar. Several days ago, the sixth … Continue reading

Will your excuses pass muster with Elohim?

Deuteronomy 16:1ff, Keeping the biblical feasts. How important are YHVH’s feast days (annual set-apart times or moedim) to you? The Israelites and first-century Messianic believers planned their entire year’s schedule around them. That’s how important YHVH’s annual festivals were to … Continue reading

The Overview of the Red Heifer Ceremony and Its Greater Implications

Numbers 19:1–11. The red heifer (Heb. parah adumah). The Jewish sages teach that the commandment (mitzvah) of the red cow is “beyond human understanding.” Like the afikoman (the middle broken matzah that is “buried” and “resurrected,” which is a picture of the death, … Continue reading

Blood on the Mercy Seat…Facing Mount of Olives

Leviticus 16:14, Mercy seat eastward. What possibly could be the significance of YHVH’s command to specifically sprinkle the blood of the sacrificed animal on the east side of the mercy seat? Simply this. If one has ever had the privilege … Continue reading