Blood on the Mercy Seat…Facing Mount of Olives

Leviticus 16:14, Mercy seat eastward. What possibly could be the significance of YHVH’s command to specifically sprinkle the blood of the sacrificed animal on the east side of the mercy seat? Simply this. If one has ever had the privilege of standing on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, it all makes sense. The east side of the mercy seat faces directly toward the Mount of Olives, where the altar of the red heifer was located. It was likely near this exact spot that Yeshua was crucified just outside of the Jerusalem city gates (Heb 13:12), and where he sprinkled his blood as an atonement for men’s sins (Heb 11:24).

View of the Mount of Olives taken from the Dome of the Spirits on the Temple Mount. Some scholars believe this was the location of the holy of holies in the original Temple of  Solomon.

View of the Mount of Olives taken from the Dome of the Spirits on the Temple Mount. Some scholars believe this was the location of the holy of holies in the original Temple of Solomon.

At this same spot, one had a full frontal view of the temple, which is why those attending Yeshua’s crucifixion were able to see the rent veil in the temple from the spot where he was crucified (Matt 27:51 cp. 54).

Therefore, the high priest sprinkling the blood of the bull and goat sin offering on the east side of the mercy seat on Yom Kippur was a prophetic act pointing to what would take place some fifteen hundred years later on the Mount of Olives.

Yeshua’s shedding of his blood there as an atonement for men’s sins was a fulfillment of the high priest sprinkling blood on the mercy seat on Yom Kippur. When Yeshua was crucified, although his cross faced the mercy seat in the temple, the holy of holies no longer contained that item. To this day, no one knows what became of it.

The sprinkling of blood on the east side of the mercy seat is a small detail that’s easily overlooked in the Scriptures, but it has profound spiritual and prophetic significance. This detail meshes with other seemingly insignificant details found elsewhere in the Scriptures. When these puzzle pieces are placed together, they form another picture of Messiah’s work. This is another proof that only the hand of YHVH Elohim could have inspired the writing of the Bible. May your faith in the divine origination of the Scriptures be strengthened to the glory of Elohim!


13 thoughts on “Blood on the Mercy Seat…Facing Mount of Olives

    • Actually, the Bible records that the high priest sprinkled the blood on the east (not west) side of the mercy seat in the holy holies on the day of Atonement (Lev 16:14). As the temple was situated on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, this would have been on the side of the mercy seat facing the Kidron Valley on the other side of which is the Mount of Olives.

      This is the only scripture I can find that mentions sprinkling the blood in a specific direction in relationship to anything. I can find no scripture that even mentions the west and the blood.

    • See Ron Wyatt’s videos and writings on his search and discoveries regarding the Ark. He (now deceased) is one of the most humble Christ-followers I’ve ever seen. His claims are earth-shattering (if true) and surprisingly little known.

      • I’m glad you mentioned, “if true.” I hope Wyatt’s claims are true, but since he’s the only one who saw this, we can’t be sure. The Bible says to let every word be established in the mouth of two are three witnesses. Until we hear from a second witness, Wyatt’s claims are still on the proverbial shelf for me.

      • thank you for mentioning this Brother Dick. and Brother Lawrence, make note of this. Ron Wyatt was told not to share his findings.. can you imagine how the ark and the tables of stone would have been desecrated!! had it be shown? When Ron found it, he was told to take the table of stone out.. the angels held the mercy seat, and place on a shelf, along with his video recorder to be shown one day.. and one day it will be shown..all the 10 laws will be shown in God’s time. and also, he first found the crucifixion spot, and a crack from the 2 earthquakes, one before his death and one after… in bible… and his blood was also proven to be HIS at a lab in Jerusalem! I cry when I think or read anything about this. like this morning.. Blessings to you who make time to concentrate on His sacrifice for us all

  1. The bible is so amazing. There is a reason we should study the word instead of just reading. Thank you for your insight.

  2. To add to what’s been said Ron Wyatt claimed to find the Arc of the Covenant in 1979. It was located 20 feet under the crucifixion site in Jeremiah’s cave. Human blood was found on the west side of the Mercy seat. ‘The ground shook and the rock was rent’. With the earth split apart Christ blood fell down into the chamber and anointed the Arc, forming a new covenant. To add to this Ron shared this with authorities. The Temple Institute says on their website the Arc’s location is known, That was Ron’s find. God told him where to look. Blessed be Jesus, blessed be his most holy name.

    • A word to the wise: The Scripture instructs us to verify everything in the mouth of two or three witnesses before making a righteous judgment. Ron Wyatt was but one witness. He is the only one to purportedly have seen the ark. Until more actual eye witnesses come forth, we must put this story on a shelf and wait.

  3. A short note, their is a overwhelming abundance of evidences of Bro. Wyatt locating the Ark. With connecting all these dots it only takes a small leap of faith to belief. I Do.

    • Yes, Sir, 100%. I find it interesting that so many will immediately question Ron’s authenticity when the man’s character was beyond refute. I, too, believe. Personally, it makes the entire prophecy fulfilled completely clear. How else would jewish people call on the name of Yehoshua as the messiah? They would be shown the mercy seat, with Yehoshua’s blood sprinkled on it, fulfilling the blood sacrifice in the Old Testament. It would then prove that Yehoshua needed to come once for the blood sacrifice, and then again as the Lion of Judah. May G-d bless you for sticking with your comments in this post. Thank you.

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