Are you ready for the fourth industrial revolution?

Another Way to Come Out of the End Times Babylonian System

We are currently entering the fourth industrial revolution to occur since the 1700s. The first revolution occurred when humans entered the machine age in the late 1700s and early 1800s. The second one occurred  from 1870 to WW1 when huge industries like steel and petroleum took off. The third one was the digital or computer revolution beginning in the early 1980s. With regard to the fourth industrial revolution, Wikipedia says:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution builds on the Digital Revolution, representing new ways in which technology becomes embedded within societies and even the human body.[8] The Fourth Industrial Revolution is marked by emerging technology breakthroughs in a number of fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, The Internet of Things, 3D printing and autonomous vehicles.

In his book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, describes how this fourth revolution is fundamentally different from the previous three, which were characterized mainly by advances in technology. These technologies have great potential to continue to connect billions more people to the web, drastically improve the efficiency of business and organizations and help regenerate the natural environment through better asset management. (

How will you, your children and grandchildren adapt to this fourth industrial revolution? There are many ramifications of this, which we can’t discuss here and now. However, many futurists are predicting that up to 50 percent of the jobs will be replaced by automation of one kind or another. True, jobs will be needed to produced, manage and maintain that automation, but the purpose of automation is to make production of goods and service more efficient and less expensive by reducing or eliminating human involvement. So where does that leave all the people who either don’t have high tech skills, or who aren’t interested in these jobs? The trades! The fourth industrial revolution will not be able to replace plumbers, carpenters, electricians, appliance repairers, painters, arborists, mechanics and the list goes on and on.

Think about it. Tradesmen are often self-employed and run their own businesses. They have a degree of freedom that those working for larger corporations or government entities don’t have. As such, they are freer and more independent. They can work long or short hours. They can take time off when they want. They can earn a lot of money or a little amount depending on their motivation and needs level. This also means that they are free to obey YHVH’s laws without someone telling them what to do. For example they can freely keep the Shabbat and biblical feasts when they want without permission.

Nearly 35 years ago as a college graduate, I made the decision not to use my college degree and a prostitute myself to the corporate system. Remaining faithful to YHVH Elohim and keeping his commandments like the Sabbath and biblical feasts was more important to me than climbing the corporate ladder and becoming rich or famous. Therefore, I chose the small business, tradesmen route. I haven’t gotten rich, but I’ve kept my freedom and independence, and I’ve stayed faithful to YHVH and been free to keep his commandments without anyone telling me what to do or where to go. My conscience is clear.

The choice I made to go into business for myself was prescient. At that time (in the early 1980s)

, we were barely entering the third industrial revolution. The fourth one was unthinkable. No computer or robot will every be able to do my trade. I have job security! Plus I’m free to come and go as I want. This is one aspect of coming out the Babylonian system. Think about it.



Are We Experiencing a Leftist Revolution in America? (part 2)

The raised Antichrist, secular humanist fist of rebellion and defiance against YHVH Elohim

Way back on March 18, 2003 when I had a weekly Hebrew roots teaching program on Christian radio station KKPZ, I put out what I called “A Wake Up Call to the Body of Messiah in America.” That small radio station in Portland, Oregon wasn’t much of a platform to put out such a message, but I used the meager resources YHVH had put at my disposal at that time.

In that message I said,

A righteous remnant of end time spiritual warriors has been fighting an uphill battle against immorality, abortion, rebellion against YHVH’s biblical laws, humanism, Marxism/socialism, Eastern “spirituality”/New Age, and the global takeover by a consortium of political and corporate fascists commonly called the New World Order or biblically known as Babylon the Great. The latest addition to this list is the Antichrist religion of Islam and antisemitism. Both are presently raising their demonic heads in the traditional Judeo-Christian nations of Europe and America. Islam began knocking on the spiritual door of America a few decades ago, and now because of the large numbers of Moslems in this country, Islam has become a threat worth noting. The goal of Islam is definite, for the Koran states it clearly: to take over the world and to dispossess both Christians and Jews of their lands, property and, if necessary, their lives.

As a nation, we find ourselves in this situation because we turned our back on Elohim, and have failed to repent of the sins. Now the judgment of Islam and along with the illegal alien invasion is coming against us (as allowed by Elohim) to hopefully wake us up and drive us to our knees before our Father in heaven. These curses are coming against America because of its moral and spiritual weakness. Like biological pathogens, these threats to America are feeding on the physical and spiritual body politic of this nation because its spiritual immune system has been seriously compromised due to moral and spiritual declension due to its weak, hireling and apostate spiritual leaders.

I then went on to issue a wake up call to America’s Christian leaders and laity, and I identified the specific sins that would bring Elohim’s judgment on America.

Then in September 2007 at our annual Feast of Tabernacles gathering on the southern Oregon coast before about 120 people, I gave out my teaching entitled, “Is America in End-Time Bible Prophecy? What Scripture Prophesies Will Happen to America Economically, Politically, Militarily and Spiritually Just Prior to the Second Coming.” In that teaching, the written form of which I published and has been on the front page of our ministry website ever since (, I warned and predicted that Edom (the Moslems) and its Marxists, leftist sympathizers and allies would attempt to take over America because of apostasy and lukewarmness in the Christian church. I predicted, based on my understanding of the Scriptures, that Elohim would use Edom/Islam et al as a giant paddle to spank America (and other western formerly Christian nations as well) for turning away from him. These would be judgments unto repentance. Most, I predicted would remain asleep, but some would wake up spiritually and that there would be a small, remnant spiritual revival, to one degree or another. I even predicted, again based on my understanding of the Scriptures, that, on a limited scale, there might even be some nuclear bombs that would be lobbed into the U.S. by its Edomite enemies or their allies. This was well before nations like Iran and North Korea had the atomic bomb! At this time, Hillary Clinton was running for president against the relatively unknown Barak Hussein Obama. It looked as if Clinton would definitely win the Democratic Party nomination and go on to become the president of the U.S. In my teaching at the Feast of Tabernacles, I predicted that if Obama  won (a long shot), it would fulfill Bible prophecy, since Edom would now be in the White House as a judgment against backslid “Christian America.” Well, Obama did win, and the rest, as they say, is history. Now the predominant daily headlines in the news either pertains to LGBTQ or Moslem Continue reading


Are We Experiencing a Leftist Revolution in America?

Are we currently witnessing a leftist revolution to take over America? If so, is this part of YHVH’s judgment against the United States for turning away from him spiritually? If so, what must we as the body of Yeshua do to prepare for the events to unfold and the new America that will emerge subsequent to this revolution?

I don’t use the term revolution flippantly. As an ardent student of history for 50 years, I have studied, in depth, several revolutions where societal minorities eventually gained power and influence and up-ended a nations social structure fundamentally changing them forever. This especially includes the American, French, Soviet, Fascist-Nazi, Chinese and Cuban revolutions.

There are revolutions that have had moral, Christian principles, more or less, driving them like the American Revolution. Then there are those revolutions that have been motivated by hatred of biblical values like the other revolutions mentioned. If a revolution is presently happening in America, its provocateurs are certainly not being motivated by a love for Elohim or the Bible—quite the contrary!

In the past, revolutions have been driven forward by small bands of rabble rousing agents of strife. Now they’re called community organizers. These thugs work overtime to stir up conflict between people, causing division and animus between various segments of society, and then use the conflict to their advantage to further the goals of their revolution.

The promulgation of propaganda plays a major role in revolutions. Many, if not most, of our major media outlets are pumping out much fake news, propaganda, innuendo, assumptions, biased opinions or even attempting to create news and calling it news in an attempt to sway public opinion toward the left. I can tell you as a former journalist (I studied journalism in high school and at two universities and was a reporter-writer for six newspapers including Oregon’s largest daily for a brief time), what passes for news today is, to a large degree, anything but fair, balanced and unbiased journalism as we were taught in J-school in my day.

Add to this the bands of masked street thug agitators (remember Hitler’s SA and Brown Shirts, the Bolsheviks, and let’s not forget about the French Revolution’s Committee for Public Safety that helped to enforce that revolution’s Reign of Terror where tens of thousands were murdered?) inciting riots and promoting violence, which is prevalent in all revolutions. Furthermore, who can not see the left pulling out all the stops to discredit and then to topple the presidency of of the US? How about the stifling of free speech (anything that doesn’t agree with the left is called hate speech) including the rewriting of history (toppling of statues—the modern day version of book burning). I could go on.

In all the revolutions mentioned above, a small minority of idealogues backed by their street thug enforcers with the help of the propagandists were successful in slowly and subversively turning the ship of state in their direction and then  commandeering it entirely. This is a matter of historical record. The nations the leftists have taken over have never been the same since. With the exception of the American Revolution, every one has been driving by a satanic spirit of Antichrist and has been the enemy of the church.

In the article I wrote about ten years ago entitled, “Is America in End-Times Bible Prophecy?” (, I predicted, based on my study of Bible prophecy, that a revolution would happen in America (and other western, formally Christian, nations) prior to the second coming of the Messiah. These events would be a result of our turning our back on Elohim and his Word—the Bible. This would be the Almighty spanking us spiritually to bring us back to him. I even foresaw the hand of Edom—the Islamists—role in this. Moreover, a couple years ago, I made a video saying that the Islamization of America and the West is Elohim’s judgment against the apostate church. Not only is Islam at the forefront of the move to revolutionize America (and the West), but the left has joined forces with Edom against anything that remains of Christianity in our nation. My predictions seemed far-fetched ten years ago, but not so now.

About four years ago, I made a video that predicted that the remnant church in America would be driven underground because of persecution. (I’ll put a link to it below.) That may have seemed like a far-fetched idea then, but not so much now.

America and the west is so asleep—if not dead spiritually (and this includes the church)—that only the greatest of persecutions will shock it out of its death sleep. Is it beginning to happen in front of our eyes? I’m wondering.

The great and innumerable multitude of Revelations 7:14 that comes out of the Great Tribulation has to come from somewhere! Am I saying that American and the West will have a major spiritual revival? Not exactly, but there will be those who will awaken spiritually out of it as a result. Perhaps this is the trial by fire that Yeshua refers to that the lukewarm believers of Laodicea have to go through to help awaken them spiritually (Rev 3:18).

If what I’m suggesting is true, this begs the question: So what’s next? What must we do to prepare?

You tell me. This watchman has been standing shouting on the wall for years to prepare in every way possible. What more is there to say?

This I know. As Winston Churchill said at the beginning of Britain’s war against Germany in his first speech to parliament in June, 1940 in his famous, “This was their finest hour” speech, will this be our finest hour?

Part of me wants to take my family and flee to Alaska and camp out when the you-know-what hits the fan. That’s the flesh in me. The spirit man in me realizes that faith must rise up. To live is Messiah; to die is gain, as Paul said. We must not love our lives unto death, as Yeshua said in Revelation 12. The gospel message is the thing the forces of Satan hate the most, and it’s our greatest weapon. Now is the time to get armed and dangerous for Yeshua! Now is the time to begin to pray for emboldened faith and to prepare our hearts and minds to be preachers of the gospel. You say “No I can’t.” I say, “Yes you can through Yeshua who will strengthen you and through whom all things are possible—the One who takes our weaknesses and turns them into strengths.” Your survival will depend on it! So now is the time for us all to gird up our loins and focus on Yeshua like never before and on becoming a dangerous and radical disciple—something we should have been doing all along anyway.


Shabbat Shalom…Back from Hells Canyon Jet Boat Trip

Yesterday, Sandi and I returned yesterday from a 64 mile (round trip) jet boat trip up North America’s deepest canyon (8000 feet deep—yes, it’s substantially deeper than the Grand Canyon and almost as wide) on the Snake River in Hells Canyon on the border between Oregon and Idaho. It has many class 3 to 4 rapids!

Here are several photos.

Stay tuned for the video.

YHVH’s outdoor wonders never cease to amaze me and I’ve seen a lot!

Having a biblical worldview and a faith in YHVH Elohim only heightens the awe and wonder for the natural beauty, splendor and grandiosity of  nature. I can’t imagine that an evolutionist, atheist or agnostic person could even remotely experience the same joy, awe, wonderment and excitement that a person of faith has when beholding these spectacles as they realize that Elohim created this for our enjoyment as a testament of his great power and glory. It was a worshipful experience!


So-Called “Progressivism” Is Actually Regressive

Today, on the comments section of this blog, a lengthy comment was posted from a “Progressive” taking exception with President Trump and “Conservatives.” He called all politicians “moral” and found it hard to understand why anyone would hold to conservative values.

Here is my response to him:

Thank you for your comments although they’re too lengthy for the comments section of a typical blog including this one.

Even though your comments are contrary to main philosophical tenets of this blog and grossly mischaracterize my philosophical views, I am not opposed to counterpoints when presented intelligently and respectfully as you have done. As the Bible wisely states, iron sharpens iron, and when our beliefs are challenged, as you have done, this opens the channels for dialog allowing, hopefully, the advancement of truth.

This blog is primarily a Bible study blog, and it’s from this perspective and worldview that we operate. Thus I will answer you accordingly. I will be brief and to the point. The older I get, the more I see the value in saying more with fewer words.

The God/Elohim of the Bible isn’t sectarian. He is neither a Democrat or Republican, a progressive or a conservative, a socialist or a capitalist. He is on the side of truth—his truth. Therefore he can’t be pigeon-holed into labels. As a follower of him neither can I. Truth as the Bible defines it can be found in many areas. In the political arena, the so-called Progressives have some truth as do the Conservatives. In determine who to follow, the questions to ask are these: What is truth? Who determines it? Who enforces it thus legitimizing it? How much truth does a person or group have? One can have one percent truth and 99 percent lives, or vice versa. Which is better? Who determines this?

The idea that “all politics is moral” quite frankly is laughable. That presumes that all men are moral. If that were the case, then why are there politicians in jail convicted of crimes? Was Mao, Stalin, Hitler, et al moral? They were politicians.

The problem here is that the social evolutionist presumes that man is evolving upward and improving morally. If that were the case, then why, when left to themselves, do things in the physical world naturally go from a state of order to disorder? That law of physics alone disproves the evolutionary model right there. This is true of humans as well. At this point, I’m reminded of the book and movie, “The Lord of the Flies.”

Next, your thesis presume that man is innately good. This is the typical foundation upon which cosmic or secular humanists base their beliefs. This is neither a biblical worldview and nor logical one. If man is innately good, then why all the problems, sin, disease, pollution, war, criminality, misery, suffering, etc. on the earth? The secular humanist and Marxist models blame this on man’s environment and how they were raised (i.e. nature and nurture). If they can just manipulate (called social engineering) the environment (political, economic and social systems) and destroy religion, then we’ll have paradise on earth. Hmm?! Show me where that’s ever worked? Castro, Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, Hugo Chavez, etc., etc. have all failed miserably!

The Bible, on the other hand, teaches that men are innately sinful and morally debased. He needs redemption, deliverance and to be brought to a higher level through divine intervention. He needs a hand up, not a hand out. Elohim provides the former, governments of men the latter. The former improves a person from the inside out; the latter enslaves and often debases a person!

You see, the political progressive looks to government to supply all of its needs and to fix all of its problems. Government has become their god. This is called the religion of statism. This seems to be the ladder you have leaned your ladder up against. The problem is that government is run by sinful men who are not always moral. Therefore, putting one’s faith in government is regressive, not progressive. That’s why I view Progressivism largely as a joke. It’s not working in Europe. Why do you think it will work in America? A wise man learns from other people’s mistakes (and from history), so he doesn’t have to make them himself.

Over the history of the world governments have come and gone. There is nothing new under the sun. Men still have the same social ills they always have. So why should I trust government? Usually it’s the source of the problem, not the solution. Government enslaves, not liberates.

I could go on and on. And I have only made it to the fourth paragraph of your rather lengthy comment. I shall stop here.