Shabbat Shalom…Back from Hells Canyon Jet Boat Trip

Yesterday, Sandi and I returned yesterday from a 64 mile (round trip) jet boat trip up North America’s deepest canyon (8000 feet deep—yes, it’s substantially deeper than the Grand Canyon and almost as wide) on the Snake River in Hells Canyon on the border between Oregon and Idaho. It has many class 3 to 4 rapids!

Here are several photos.

Stay tuned for the video.

YHVH’s outdoor wonders never cease to amaze me and I’ve seen a lot!

Having a biblical worldview and a faith in YHVH Elohim only heightens the awe and wonder for the natural beauty, splendor and grandiosity of  nature. I can’t imagine that an evolutionist, atheist or agnostic person could even remotely experience the same joy, awe, wonderment and excitement that a person of faith has when beholding these spectacles as they realize that Elohim created this for our enjoyment as a testament of his great power and glory. It was a worshipful experience!


3 thoughts on “Shabbat Shalom…Back from Hells Canyon Jet Boat Trip

  1. Yes indeed, absolutely beautiful His creation. Thank you for sharing and certainly can’t wait to see the video. Before coming to know Him personally, I loved being in the outdoors and was just in Awe of the places I’d go back home in NY and always believed in my heart that someone greater had to had created this beauty. Shalom, shalom and blessings

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