Islam and Hamas: YHVH’s Instrument to Bring His People to Repentance and Spiritual Revival

The Ancestry of Modern Arabs

The conflict between the Jews (and Christians) and the Arabs has ancient roots. In Genesis 32, Esau (the father of  many of the modern Palestinians) and his army stood in the way preventing Jacob (the father of Jews and Israelites) and his descendants from returning to their homeland—the land YHVH had promised to them. This historical event is prophetic of what will happen in the end times as the Jews and the rest of the Israelites endeavor to receive their promised inheritance and the kingdom of Elohim. 

Not only that, YHVH used Esau to test Jacob, who had grown overly self-confident due to his business acumen, wealth and his ability to produce a large family clan. In the ancient world and in a tribal sense, he had reached the pinnacle of wealth and power. However, what mattered to YHVH more than these things was the character of a man. Would Jacob have faith in his Creator, or would he trust in his own abilities to outwit his adversaries and come out on top as he had done twice previously with his brother Esau and Uncle Laban? Jacob’s confrontation with his brother at the threshold of the land of Israel and his wrestling with the Messenger from heaven were the two tests that he had to pass. The Bible calls this Jacob’s Trouble and prophesies that something similar will occur in the end times to Jacob’s descendants(Jer 30:7).

As we read in Genesis 32, Jacob divided his wives and children into two camps (Gen 32:1, 7). This was prophetic of what would eventually occur to the nation of Israel after the death of King Solomon. The one nation of Israel became two houses or kingdoms—the Northern Kingdom of Israel (Judah) and the Southern Kingdom of Israel (or the northern ten tribes). The descendants of these two kingdoms are presently—loosely speaking—the Jews and the Christians (we have discussed and proven this point biblically elsewhere). But who are the descendants of Esau historically and, more importantly, today, and why is it important to know?

Many, if not most of the modern Moslems (especially the Arabs) trace their lineage back if not biologically then spiritually to Ishmael, the son of Abraham by Hagar. Islam in its religious book, the Koran, claims that it was Abraham and Ishmael who founded the religion of Islam and built the Kaaba, which is the small building containing a stone that supposedly fell from heaven. This shrine is located in the midst of the great mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Of Ishmael and his descendents, the Bible prophesies in Genesis 16:11–12, 

The Messenger of YHVH said to her further, “Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son; and you shall call his name Ishmael, because YHVH has given heed to your affliction. And he will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him; and he will live to the east of all his brothers.”

The Koran has further twisted the biblical account to declare that the biblical patriarchs were Muslims, and that Abraham gave the birthright blessing to Ishmael instead Isaac. Both Israelites and Arabs, therefore, believe that they have a right to the Promised Land of Canaan, which is the roots of the modern Arab-Israeli conflict.

We now need to add another player into this biblical drama. The Bible records that Esau (or Edom), the disinherited son of Isaac, also had ought against his brother Jacob, who, in a sense, stole the birthright promise from him. Furthermore, Esau married the daughter of Ishmael (Gen 28:9). Thus, some of Ishmael’s and Esau’s descendants intermarried becoming a people-group who had a jealous feud with the sons of Jacob or Israel. Again, this ancient family feud has continued in one form or another to the present day.

The Bible has more to say prophetically about the descendants of Esau, who scripturally are referred to as Edom (Esau’s alternative name, Gen 25:30; 36:1, 8) than about those of Ishmael. Edom is portrayed as an aggressive and bloodthirsty people who are opposed to Israel at every step. We will discover what the Scriptures have to say about this below.

In the mean time, let’s take a closer look at Edom.

  • Esau and Edom (meaning “red”) are synonymous names biblically. In other words, Edom was Esau’s nickname (see Gen 25:25,  30; 36:1,  8–9,  19,  43). 
  • Esau intermarried with the descendants of Ishmael (Gen 28:9). 
  • Seir is another name for the land of Edom (Gen 32:3; 33:16; 36:8).
  • Esau intermarried with the people of Canaan (Gen 36:2). He intermarried with the Hittites, the Hivites, as well as the Ishmaelites.
  • His descendants included the Amalekites (Gen 36:12, 16) who fought against the children of Israel upon leaving Egypt and as soon as they had entered the wilderness en route to the Promised Land (Exod 17:1).
  • Esau’s sons were dukes or chieftains (leaders of clans) and kings (Gen 36:15–16,  40–43).
  • Although Esau’s direct lineage was confined to the area of the traditional land of Edom, it is clear from the biblical record that he and his descendants intermarried with many of the neighboring nations, so that his descendants were scattered far and wide over the region that later became known as the Holy Land and Palestine.

The entire one-chapter Book of Obadiahis a prophecy against Edom. Let’s note several key points in this prophecy that might help us to understand who Edom is in the end-times. This will in turn help us to understand end-time world politics as prophesied in the Bible some 2500 years ago! Let’s now analyze some key verses in Obadiah to discover who the modern players are in this drama.

Verse 2, The descendants of Edom are greatly despised (scorned, held in contempt, disdained).

Verse 3, They dwell in the clefts (places of concealment, retreats) of the rocks (tunnels or caves in the rocks), and they are proud and view themselves as invincible.

Verse 4, YHVH promises to bring Edom down.

Verse 7, Edom has a confederacy (league, alliance) of nations, which include many of the modern Moslem nations.

 Verse 10, Regarding Edom, this verse speaks of his violence against his brother Jacob. Interestingly, the Hebrew word for violence is khawmawce or hamas, which ironically is the names of the terrorist organization that rules the Gaza Strip and is an archenemy of the nation of Israel. The word khawmawce can also mean “wrong, cruelty, injustice, false, injustice, oppressor or unrighteous.”

Verse 11, Edom’s eyes are on Jerusalem. Edom along with his foreign allies will cast lots for  possession or control of Jerusalem.

Verse 13, Edom has entered into the gates of the land of Israel in the day of her calamity or disaster.

Verse 14, Edom will kill Jewish refugees trying to escape the land of Israel in her time of distress.

Verse 15, The time-frame of the fulfillment of these prophecies is “near” the day of YHVH, when he will judge Edom and the other heathen nations. 

Verse 16, Edom will be drinking (celebrating?) on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem or YHVH’s “holy mountain,” and as a result, they shall drink the cup of YHVH’s wrath. When this prophecy was written, the Jews controlled the Temple Mount. Now the Muslims control it.

Verse 17, The house of Jacob will get the Temple Mount back.

Obadiah’s description of Edom contains many striking descriptions of the modern Palestinian and other Islamic terrorists who hate the Jews and want the land of Israel for themselves. What other people-group could possibly fit this description than the Moslems? Not only do the Moslems want the land of the Jews, they want the land of the Christians as well, and they’ve made public their intent on conquering these nations. 

In end-times Bible prophecy, Jacob is a prophetic archetype or picture of those who physically and spiritually descended from him, namely, the Jews and the Christians, or as the Koran puts it, “the people of the book”—a reference to the Bible. Edom or the modern-day Moslems are the arch-enemy of Jacob’s descendants, who YHVH will use to test and discipline the Jews and the Christians because they have turned away from him and put their trust in themselves. Until they pass this test, repent of their backsliding ways and put their faith in YHVH Elohim, they, like Jacob of old, will not be able to enter into their promised spiritual inheritance—the kingdom of Elohim. This test will be happening in the end times before the coming of the Messiah.

Edom Has a Perpetual Hatred for Jacob (Judah and Ephraim)

As we have noted, Edom’s hatred for Israel has its roots in the antagonism between Ishmael and Isaac, and then afterwards between Esau and Jacob. The murderous hatred that Esau had for Israel has been passed on down to successive generations of Edomites to the very end times. Let’s review some other biblical prophecies that speak of this.

Ezekiel chapters 35 and 36 also speak about the conflict between end-times Edom and end-times Israel. In verse two of chapter 36, we see that the enemies of Israel have regarded the “ancient high [or declared, promised] places” of Israel as “ours in possession.” This is a clear reference to the holy places in Israel (e.g., the Temple Mount for the Jews and Bethlehem for the Christians both of which the Muslims control).

Furthermore, Ezekiel not only identifies Edom as Israel’s main antagonist, but he prophesies against Edom. In verses four through five of chapter 35, we see that end-time Edom will be devastated because of its perpetual hatred for the children of Israel. They have killed their enemies by the power of the sword. This is a main way that Islam has traditionally spread, that is, by the curved scimitar sword. History is full of examples of advancing Moslem armies forcing its captives to leave, covert or die. According to verse five, this is to be occurring at the time of the punishment (of the children of Israel?) at the time of the end (NAS) or during the end of times (lit. Hebrew). This is another example of YHVH’s using Edom (Esau) to bring the two kingdoms of Jacob’s descendants (the Jews and the Christians) to their knees and back to him in the time of the end.

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Edom (the Muslims) Exposed

Many, if not most of the modern Moslems or Muslims (especially the Arabs) trace their lineage back if not biologically then spiritually to Ishmael, the son of Abraham by Hagar. Islam in its religious book, the Koran, claims that it was Abraham and Ishmael who built the Kaaba (The Koran, Sura 2: 121 or 127, depending on the version.), which is the small building containing a stone that supposedly fell from heaven. This shrine is located in the midst of great mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. 

In Genesis 16:11–12 YHVH prophesied the following concerning Ishmael and his descendants:

The angel of YHVH said to her further, “Behold, you are with child, And you shall bear a son; and you shall call his name Ishmael, because YHVH has given heed to your affliction. And he will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him; and he will live to the east of all his brothers.”

The modern Moslems have twisted the biblical account of Abraham’s giving the birthright blessing to Isaac and believe instead that Ishmael was the promised son of blessing. Both Israelites and Arabs, therefore, believe that they have a right to the Promised Land of Canaan, and, hence, this disagreement is at the roots of the modern Arab-Israeli conflict.

Scripture further records that Esau, the disinherited son of Isaac, also had a jealous anger against his brother Jacob, who received the birthright promise instead of him. Scripture further records that Esau married the daughter of Ishmael (Gen 28:9). Thus in some of Esau’s descendants (he had more than one wife), the lineage of Esau and Ishmael were combined and both men had a jealous feud with the sons of Jacob, which has been passed down generationally to this day.

The Bible has more to say prophetically about the descendants of Edom (another name for Esau, Gen 31:6, 8)than about those of Ishmael. Edom is portrayed as an aggressive and bloodthirsty people who are opposed to Israel at every step. We will discover what Scripture has to say about this below.

In the mean time, let’s take a closer look at Edom.

Edom (meaning “red”) was Esau’s nickname (see Gen 25:25, 30; 36:1, 8–9, 19, 43). 

Esau intermarried with the descendants of Ishmael (Gen 28:9). 

  • Seir is another name for the land of Edom (Gen 32:3; 33:16; 36:8).
  • Esau intermarried with the people of Canaan (Gen 36:2). He intermarried with the Hittites, the Hivites, as well as the Ishmaelites.
  • His descendants included the Amalekites (Gen 36:12, 16) who fought against the children of Israel upon leaving Egypt and as soon as they had entered the wilderness en route to the Promised Land (Exod 17:1).
  • Esau’s sons were dukes or chieftains (leaders of clans) and kings (Gen 36:15–16, 40–43).
  • Although Esau’s direct lineage was confined to the area of the traditional land of Edom, in modern-day Jordan, it is clear from the biblical record that he and his descendants intermarried with many of the neighboring nations, so that his descendants were scattered far and wide over the region that later became known as the Holy Land.
  • The entire one-chapter Book of Obadiahis a prophecy against Edom. Let’s note several key points in this prophecy that might help us to understand some things about Edom in light of end-time Bible prophecy and how this relates to the end-times Arab-Israeli conflict. When you think of Edom, think of the modern day Palestinians.

Verse 2, The descendants of Edom are greatly despised (scorned, held in contempt, disdained).

Verse 3, Though they dwell in the clefts (places of concealment, retreats) of the rocks, they are proud and view themselves as invincible.

Verse 4, YHVH promises to bring Edom down.

Verse 7, Esau has a confederacy (league, alliance) of nations, which include many of the modern Moslem and Arab nations.

Verse 11, Edom’s eyes are on Jerusalem. Edom among other foreigners will cast lots for Jerusalem (seek to divide it among the nations or religions of the world as an international city under the control of the United Nations?).

Verse 13, Edom has entered into the gates of the land of Israel in the day of her calamity or disaster.

Verse 14, Edom will kill Jewish refugees trying to escape the land of Israel in her time of distress.

Verse 15, The time frame of the fulfillment of these prophecies is “near” the day of YHVH, when he will judge Edom and the other heathen nations. 

Verse 16, Edom will be drinking (celebrating?) on the Temple Mount which is YHVH’s “holy mountain,” and as a result, they shall drink the cup of YHVH’s wrath.

Verse 17, The house of Jacob will get the Temple Mount back!

How many descriptions of the modern Palestinian and other Islamo-terrorists do we see in Obadiah? What other people-group fits this description? Is Esau a picture of many modern-day Palestinians and their Moslem backers who hate the Jews, the state of Israel and America? 

We have learned who Jacob represents in end-time prophecy. Now we learn who Jacob’s descendants’ arch-enemy will be and who will attempt to prevent them from returning to the land of Israel. This will happen in the end times before the coming of the Messiah. We will learn more about this later.

As we noted, Edom’s hatred for Israel has its roots in the antagonism between Ishmael and Isaac, and then afterwards between Esau and Jacob. The hatred that Esau had for Israel has been passed on down to successive generations of Edomites. The biblical prophets discusses this murderous antagonism on Edom’s part as being carried down generation to generation to the very end times. Let’s review some of these biblical prophecies.

Ezekiel 36 speaks about the conflict between end-time Edom and end-time Israel. In verse two, we see that the enemies of Israel have regarded the “ancient high [or declared, promised] places” of Israel as “ours in possession.” This is a clear reference to the holy places in Israel (e.g., the Temple Mount for the Jews and Bethlehem for the Christians—only in recent years have the Palestinians taken Bethlehem and forced—out of persecution and intimidation—the majority of the large Christian population of that city to leave). “High places” can also refer to the militarily strategic high places such as the Golan Heights and the ridges surrounding the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee.

Next, let’s look at Ezekiel 35, which is a prophecy against Edom. In verses four through five, we see that end-time Edom will be devastated because of its perpetual hatred for the children of Israel. They have killed their enemies by the power of the sword. This is how Muslim’s have traditionally spread their religion—by their curved scimitar sword. Advancing Moslem armies force its captives to leave, covert or die. According to verse five, this is to be occurring at the time of the punishment (of the children of Israel?) at the time of the end (NAS) or the end of time (lit. Hebrew). This is another example of YHVH’s using Edom (Esau) to bring Ephraim and Judah to its knees in the time of the end.

In verses six through nine of the same chapter, we see that YHVH will punish Edom for its blood-thirstiness against Israel and will devastate its cities and slay large numbers of its people. Other biblical prophecies indicate that the militaries of Judah and Ephraim will be the means by which YHVH accomplishes this.

Finally, in verse 10, Edom (Islam) wants to take over or possess the two countries or lands (Heb. eretz) of Israel or those of Judah and Ephraim (or the Jews and Christians), even though YHVH was there (in the lands of his people). Their anger and hatred against Israel is based on envy or jealousy (verse 11) of Israel.

The Koran, the religious book of Islam, has taken the historic and prophesied hatred of Edom and formed a religion around it. The Koran was written by Mohammed, a Jew and Christian hater, more than one thousand years after the prophecies of Ezekiel and Obadiah. Here are some quotes from the Koran that confirm the prophecies of the Bible with regard to Edom.

Make war upon those to whom the Scriptures have been given as believe not in God [Allah]…and who forbid not that which God and His Apostle [Mohammed] have forbidden, and who profess not the profession of the truth, until they pay tribute out of hand, and they be humbled. The Jews say, “Ezra is a son of God”; and the Christians say, “The Messiah is a son of God.” Such sayings in their mouths. They resemble the sayings of the infidels of old! God do battle with them! How they are misguided! (Sura 9:29–30)

When thy Lord spake unto the angels, “I will be with you: therefore stablish ye the faithful I will cast a dread into the heart of the infidels.” Strike off their heads then, and strike off from them every finger-tip. (Sura 8:12)

“O people of the Book!…Can I announce to you any retribution worse than that which awaiteth them with God? They whom God hath cursed and with whom He hath been angry—some of them hath he changed into apes and swine; and they who worship Thagout are in evil plight, and have gone far astray from the right path. (Sura 5:64–65)

Only recompense of those who war against God and His Apostle, and go about to commit disorders on the earth, shall be that they shall be slain and crucified, or have their alternate hands and feet cut off, or be banished from the land…(Sura 5:37) (All quotes are from The Koran; Ivy/Ballentine Books, New York, 1993)


Are you an Esau or a Jacob-type person?

Genesis 25:27–28, Esau vs. Jacob. There are only two types of people on this earth: Esaus and Jacobs. Please reflect on this for a moment. The evidence of this fact is illustrated by those who hung on either side of Yeshua at his crucifixion. Let’s explore this idea.

Hanging on either side of Yeshua on the cross, spiritually speaking, there was a “Jacob” and an “Esau” (Matt 24:39–41; Luke 23:39–43). One of the sinners repented and accepted Yeshua as his Savior, and was blessed for it. The other thief only mocked and scorned Yeshua and, hence, died in his sins condemned spiritually forever.

So what type of person was Esau? He was described as a cunning hunter. Nimrod was the only other person in Scripture termed “a hunter.” What kind of person would a hunter have been then compared to the typical farmer or herdsman of the day like Isaac and Jacob? Think wild, violent, uncivilized and savage versus civilized and domesticated. 

We are given a clue to Esau’s character when Scripture reveals that Esau was “a man of the field.” Field in Scripture is a metaphor for the world (see Matt 13:38). Esau was a profane (unhallowed, worldly, ungodly) man (Heb 12:16). He had no esteem for things of spiritual and eternal value. That is why he sold his birthright. He lived for the moment and had no eye for, hope in, or faith toward the future. He sought instant gratification of his sensual nature. That’s why he sold his birthright for a bowl of lentils; his god was his belly and he lived for the moment, for instant gratification without thinking of the future consequences of his actions. In so doing, he disdained and dishonored his family heritage and those things that were highly esteemed by his father and grandfather. 

Moreover, in Genesis 26:34–35, we see, to the great grief of his parents, that Esau married one of the local heathen Canaanite girls. He did not honor his parents or respect their wishes and marry inside of the faith. 

Do these traits describe some unbelievers that you know, and even some believers or their children who have abandoned the biblical faith in which they were raised instead preferring to follow the heathen and unbiblical values of the world around them? Perhaps you were even like this before you were saved. 

Truly Esau was a prodigal son, who unlike the wayward son in Yeshua’s parable, sadly, never returned to his father’s house and to the ways of righteousness.

Genesis 25:32, I am about to die. The implication here is not that Esau was about to die of hunger, but that he would die before seeing the fulfillment of the promises YHVH had made to Isaac and Abraham regarding possessing the land of Canaan. So what good would his birthright be? He would see no material gain from it in his lifetime. 

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Dealing With Crazy Family Members

Deuteronomy 2:2–9, Edom. Edom (another name for Esau, brother of Jacob) and Moab and Ammon (sons of Lot) were blood relatives of the Israelites. Often those of our own family will stand in our way as we go in to possess our ­spiritual, Elohim-given inheritance and destiny.

What is the lesson from this passage of scripture on how to deal with less-than-cooperative family members who fail to recognize the calling on your life? Are we to make war with them? Are we in any way to be beholden to or dependent on them for our physical needs? If we became dependent upon them could this help or hinder our chances of entering our own spiritual destiny or “Promised Land” that YHVH has for us? Does YHVH desire our families to be saved? (See Acts 16:31; 2 Pet 3:9.) How can we be a light to our families if we are fighting and attempting to destroy those who would spiritually stand in our way? These aren’t easy questions to answer. One thing is certain though. We must put serving and obeying YHVH Yeshua above allegiance to our families. Yeshua had some pretty hard words in this regard (see Matt 10:34–39).

This passage also teaches us to avoid conflicts with family members at all costs. No good can come from such confrontations. How does verse 5 start out? Now go on to read verse 6. YHVH instructed the Israelites to treat their cousins with respect and civility—almost in a business-like manner. Nowhere does Scripture tell us that we have to like our heathen family members. But neither are we to act offensively toward them. Like the Israelites when forced to encounter long lost relatives, sometimes it is best to smile, be nice, but keep moving on! 

Another lesson to be learned from these verses is this: Choose your battles carefully. Avoid conflicts with others if possible. Go to battle only when YHVH tells you to. Only then will you come out victoriously, for then he will be fighting on your side and not against you. Latter in this chapter, we see that YHVH instructed the Israelites to engage certain nations and defeat them. When Israel obeyed him and fought only his battles, what was the outcome? (Read 2:24–3:11 cp. 3:22.)


Are We Experiencing a Leftist Revolution in America? (part 2)

The raised Antichrist, secular humanist fist of rebellion and defiance against YHVH Elohim

Way back on March 18, 2003 when I had a weekly Hebrew roots teaching program on Christian radio station KKPZ, I put out what I called “A Wake Up Call to the Body of Messiah in America.” That small radio station in Portland, Oregon wasn’t much of a platform to put out such a message, but I used the meager resources YHVH had put at my disposal at that time.

In that message I said,

A righteous remnant of end time spiritual warriors has been fighting an uphill battle against immorality, abortion, rebellion against YHVH’s biblical laws, humanism, Marxism/socialism, Eastern “spirituality”/New Age, and the global takeover by a consortium of political and corporate fascists commonly called the New World Order or biblically known as Babylon the Great. The latest addition to this list is the Antichrist religion of Islam and antisemitism. Both are presently raising their demonic heads in the traditional Judeo-Christian nations of Europe and America. Islam began knocking on the spiritual door of America a few decades ago, and now because of the large numbers of Moslems in this country, Islam has become a threat worth noting. The goal of Islam is definite, for the Koran states it clearly: to take over the world and to dispossess both Christians and Jews of their lands, property and, if necessary, their lives.

As a nation, we find ourselves in this situation because we turned our back on Elohim, and have failed to repent of the sins. Now the judgment of Islam and along with the illegal alien invasion is coming against us (as allowed by Elohim) to hopefully wake us up and drive us to our knees before our Father in heaven. These curses are coming against America because of its moral and spiritual weakness. Like biological pathogens, these threats to America are feeding on the physical and spiritual body politic of this nation because its spiritual immune system has been seriously compromised due to moral and spiritual declension due to its weak, hireling and apostate spiritual leaders.

I then went on to issue a wake up call to America’s Christian leaders and laity, and I identified the specific sins that would bring Elohim’s judgment on America.

Then in September 2007 at our annual Feast of Tabernacles gathering on the southern Oregon coast before about 120 people, I gave out my teaching entitled, “Is America in End-Time Bible Prophecy? What Scripture Prophesies Will Happen to America Economically, Politically, Militarily and Spiritually Just Prior to the Second Coming.” In that teaching, the written form of which I published and has been on the front page of our ministry website ever since (, I warned and predicted that Edom (the Moslems) and its Marxists, leftist sympathizers and allies would attempt to take over America because of apostasy and lukewarmness in the Christian church. I predicted, based on my understanding of the Scriptures, that Elohim would use Edom/Islam et al as a giant paddle to spank America (and other western formerly Christian nations as well) for turning away from him. These would be judgments unto repentance. Most, I predicted would remain asleep, but some would wake up spiritually and that there would be a small, remnant spiritual revival, to one degree or another. I even predicted, again based on my understanding of the Scriptures, that, on a limited scale, there might even be some nuclear bombs that would be lobbed into the U.S. by its Edomite enemies or their allies. This was well before nations like Iran and North Korea had the atomic bomb! At this time, Hillary Clinton was running for president against the relatively unknown Barak Hussein Obama. It looked as if Clinton would definitely win the Democratic Party nomination and go on to become the president of the U.S. In my teaching at the Feast of Tabernacles, I predicted that if Obama  won (a long shot), it would fulfill Bible prophecy, since Edom would now be in the White House as a judgment against backslid “Christian America.” Well, Obama did win, and the rest, as they say, is history. Now the predominant daily headlines in the news either pertains to LGBTQ or Moslem Continue reading


The Descendants of Esau Are Ephraim and Judah’s Arch-Enemy in the End Times

The Ancestry of the Modern Arabs

Esau and his army stood in the way preventing Jacob from returning to his homeland. This event is prophetic of what will happen in the end times.

We have already identified who the sons of Jacob are, how they were divided into two camps, or two houses, and two kingdoms (the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Israel). But who are the descendants of Esau?

Many, if not most of the modern Moslems (especially the Arabs) trace their lineage back if not biologically then spiritually to Ishmael, the son of Abraham by Hagar. Islam in its holy book, the Koran, claims that it was Abraham and Ishmael who founded the religion of Islam and built the Kaaba, which is the small building containing a stone that supposedly fell from heaven. This shrine is located in the midst of great mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Of Ishmael and his descendents, the Bible prophesies in Genesis 16:11–12,

The angel of YHVH said to her further, “Behold, you are with child, And you shall bear a son; and you shall call his name Ishmael, because YHVH has given heed to your affliction. And he will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him; and he will live to the east of all his brothers.”

The Koran has further twisted the biblical account to teach declare that the patriarchs were Mulims and that Abraham gave the birthright blessing to Ishamael instead Isaac. Both Israelites and Arabs, therefore, believe that they have a right to the Promised Land of Canaan, and, hence, this disagreement roots of the modern Arab-Israeli conflict.

The Scriptures further record that Esau (Edom), the disinherited son of Isaac, also had ought against his brother Jacob, who, in a sense, stole the birthright promise from him. Furthermore, Esau married the daughter of Ishmael (Gen 28:9). Thus, some of Ishmael’s and Esau’s descendants merged becoming a people-group who had a jealous feud with the sons of Jacob or Israel.

The Bible has more to say prophetically about the descendants of Esau, who scripturally are referred to as Edom (Esau’s alternate name) than about those of Ishmael. Edom is portrayed as an aggressive and bloodthirsty people who are opposed to Israel at every step. We will discover what the Scripture have to say about this below.

In the mean time, let’s take a closer look at Edom. Continue reading


New Video: Gen 32:3–36:43 Parashat Vayishlach

This is a gospel-oriented Torah study guide. Our goal is to connect the good news of Yeshua the Messiah (the gospel message) to its Hebraic, pro-Torah roots or foundations. The information given here is more than head knowledge. Understanding and wisdom (the right application of knowledge that is based on truth) is taught thus making biblical truth practical, relevant and applicable to your daily life. The truths of the Bible not only have the power to transform your life here and now for the better, but eventually to take you past the veil of death and into eternity.

This Torah study is subdivided in sections by topic in a magazine format thus making it easy to watch at several sittings.

May you be blessed as you watch this video.

For a free, printable adult and youth Torah study guide on this Torah portion (parashah), please go to