Who is the liar? Elohim or the mainstream church?

Numbers 23:19, El is not a man that he should lie. Read the rest of this verse, which speaks about the immutable character of Elohim. (Also see Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8.) From the beginning in the Garden of Eden (thanks to the lies of Satan the serpent, see Gen 3:1–4), man has been under the spiritual delusion that Elohim changes his word, laws or commandments and that he doesn’t really mean what he says. That is to say, when YHVH gives a command, later on he may change his mind and his commands are no longer applicable to subsequent generations or people-groups.


Down through the ages, church leaders have bought in to this lie of the enemy with regard to validity of the Torah as pertaining to the life of the redeemed believer. But by saying that the Torah is “done away with,” “has been nailed to the cross” “has been fulfilled in Jesus” meaning “he did it for us so that we don’t have to do it,” isn’t this really calling Elohim a liar?

Consider the numerous places throughout the Bible, the Word of Elohim, where the Torah is revealed as YHVH’s unalterable standard of righteousness for all time and for all people everywhere. (In this regard, read the following scriptures: Ps 119:44, 142, 144, 160, 172; Matt 4:4; 5:18–19; Rom 3:31; 7:12.)


Yeshua’s Bride Vs Lukewarm, Harlot Church Goers

Do you know how to differentiate between the holy and the profane? Those who will have the highest level of rewards in Yeshua’s kingdom will know this. Who is the bride of Yeshua and what are her characteristics? The Book of Revelation along with the Old Testament prophets tell us. When Yeshua returns, he’s coming back to marry a spotless bride, not a lukewarm or Laodicean one. His bride will be a holy kingdom of priests who will rule with him during the Millennium. Not every born again believer in Yeshua will achieve that level of reward in Yeshua’s kingdom. Presently, Yeshua is cleansing his spiritual temple, for as the Bible says, judgment begins first at the house of Elohim. Watch this video to learn about these important subjects that affects you and your eternal destiny.


The Golden Calf Incident: A Prophetic Picture of the Church

Exodus 32

On Shavuot (the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost), at Mount Sinai, YHVH entered into a marriage covenant with the children of Israel, but they were not ready to live up to the terms of that covenant. Those terms, simply stated, involved the Israelites being faithful and obedient only to YHVH, Israel’s Elohim (God) and spiritual husband, and to follow his instruction in righteousness, the Torah. This Israel quickly demonstrated they were not willing to do, for they had hardly said “I do” to their marriage vows (Exod 24:3, 7) when they turned their hearts away from YHVH and began worshipping the golden calf—a pagan deity from Egypt. After the golden calf incident and up until Yom Teruah (the Day of Trumpets or Shofar Blasts) when Moses received the second tablets of stone from YHVH containing the Ten Commandments, the children of Israel, the bride of YHVH, prepared herself not only to receive YHVH’s instructions again, but this time to be faithful to her marriage vows. This Israel did. She remained faithful to YHVH for approximately 38 years while trekking through the wilderness of Sinai, after which she entered the Promised Land and “stayed the course” until after the death of Joshua.

Golden Calf 6 21409020Sadly, the cycles of history often repeat themselves. This time, it involved the descendants of the children of Israel who were at Mount Sinai. In the early first century a.d.,  the redeemed Israelite followers of Yeshua received the Torah written on the fleshly tablets of their hearts by the finger of the Spirit of Elohim on the Day of Pentecost (Shavuot) as recorded in Acts 2. But starting at about a.d. 70 with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and continuing up through the Second Jewish Revolt of a.d. 135 until the time of Emperor Constantine (in the fourth century), the first-century spiritual bride of Messiah had, to a large extent, abandoned YHVH’s Torah-commandments and turned, to one degree or another, to a mixed form of worship (of which ancient Israel’s worship at the golden calif was a prophetic foreshadow) where some pagan practices were assimilated into the early churches’ belief system (most notably, Sunday replaced the Sabbath, and Christmas, Easter and other paganistic holidays replaced the biblical feasts).

Moses’ descent of Mount Sinai on Yom Teruah with the second set of tablets containing Continue reading


Would Balaam have been content in mainstream Christianity?

Numbers 22:5, Pethor … by the river. Balaam was from the land of Pethor, which is “by the River.” This is a reference to the Euphrates River, the great river of Babylon (The ArtScroll Stone Edition Chumash, p. 857). Thus Balaam was a Babylonian, although he may have been a transplanted Edomite according to some Jewish scholars (see The ArtScroll Bereishis/Genesis Commentary on Gen 36:32).

Balaam's ass 3

One of the aspects of Babylon of the last days is her religious system (Rev 13:11ff) the head of which is the false prophet (Rev 16:13; 19:20; 20:10). The Babylonish religious system of the end days is a blend of both good and evil (reminiscent of the tree by that name in Eden from which the serpent beguiled Adam and Eve away from YHVH’s path of truth and righteousness into a false religious system).

In the last days, YHVH is calling his people out of that false religious system (Rev 18:4) with its false prophets who prophesy a mixture of good and evil. What religious system is this scripture referring to that YHVH’s people are caught up in? Reflect on the implications of this. To what degree have you heeded YHVH’s call to “come out of her”—namely, any man-made religious or church systems that has components that are contrary to the Word of Elohim?

Like mainstream Christianity, the Scriptures seems to indicate that Balaam had some knowledge of the truth of YHVH but refused to wholeheartedly submit to YHVH (2 Pet 2:15). Let us not forget Yeshua’s warning about false prophets arising in the last days who might deceive the very elect (Matt 24:24).

Numbers 22:10ff, Carnal men want to be like YHVH’s saints, to be the recipients of the blessings of Israel, and to be numbered among YHVH’s chosen, but few want to walk the walk required to receive these blessings and privileges. Many will “court YHVH” by getting as close to him as possible without actually crossing over (becoming an Ivrit/Hebrew) and surrendering their all to him. The sacrifice of doing so is too great for most.

To cross over to YHVH’s side means that fame and fortune must be laid aside and one must become a servant-slave of YHVH. Balaam couldn’t cross over.

Most people in the mainstream church are like Balaam. How serious are you about serving YHVH? It is said of the end-times saints that they loved not their lives unto death (Rev 12:11).

Paul declares that followers of Yeshua must become “living sacrifices” in service of YHVH (Rom 12:1). Yeshua gave his very life for you. Are you holding back some of your life for him? Do the cares of this world, the desire for pleasures, material goods, entertainments or acclaim still have a grip on your heart? Are they preventing you from moving into your spiritual calling and destiny—to truly walk by faith?


New Video: “Come Out of Spiritual Babylon, My People!”

Are you in a church that’s part of spiritual Babylon the Great—where unbiblical lies are being taught, where doctrines of men and traditions that make the Word of Elohim of non-effect are being lifted up as the truth? Many people are waking up to this sad fact as YHVH is calling them to come out of Babylon as per Revelation 18:4 in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah. Watch this video to learn the vital truth and life-changing facts about this issue.


Don’t Pass the Offering Plate!

Luke 11:33, No one when he has lit a lamp. As Jonah witnessed to Nineveh proclaiming the message of repentance (Luke 11:29–32), even so, Yeshua is teaching us that we must do the same to our generation.

Greedy dogs!

Greedy dogs!

Furthermore, if when proclaiming the gospel message of repentance (turning from sin or Torahlessness and turning to Yeshua) our eye is evil—a Hebraism for greedy or covetous—then our whole message will be compromised or tainted. How is this? If we have been called to preach the good news or gospel of the kingdom of Elohim, and we’re in it to make money, then those hearing our message may view it as suspect because they see behind our preaching potential ulterior motives. Are we preaching the message out of pure altruism and seeking no financial gain or other personal benefit, or do we have a hidden agenda—namely, personal enrichment? If the latter, are people going to believe our message more or less? How is this going to reflect on the message itself—favorably or negatively? Is this going to help bring people into the kingdom of Elohm or keep them out of it?

Sadly, many in the church system have perfected the nefarious art of taking people’s money, while attempting to legitimize it scripturally. Some approaches are more blatant than others, but taking people’s money out of coercion has basically become part of the institution and culture of the church.

For example, you’ve all probably been in churches where the preacher disparages “the law of Moses that was against us. Thank God it was nailed to the cross and done away with,” they’ll opine, “and that Yeshua did it it all for us, so now we don’t have to.” And then they’ll continue, “And now Sister Malarkey will play a piece on the organ as we pass the plate to take up your tithes.” So what’s wrong with this picture? Can you see the logical disconnect here? Simply this. The tithing command is in the Torah-law the preacher just said was done away with! “Away with the Sabbath, the dietary laws, and those terrible Jewish feasts that YHVH hates, but don’t forget to drop your tithes in offering plate as it comes around!”

Not only this, but too many preachers have even learned how to con people into even feeling good about handing over their money to these greedy and misguided ministers. This is the evil eye or dark eye to which Yeshua was referring in this passage.

Because of this unbiblical approach that is rooted in greed and covetousness, many heathens not only want nothing to do with the church and Christians, but since we (i.e., the examples of our lives) may be the only Bible some people will ever read, many spiritually lost folks have rejected the gospel message itself along with the Bible and Yeshua altogether because of us.

People need to be able to give financially into ministries that preach the gospel and to help support those who are doing so, but out of freewill, love and from a willing heart, not due to mental and emotional manipulation by silver-tongued preachers with gold-filled pockets. Giving into YHVH’s ministers is just, righteous and biblically encouraged, but at the same time Yeshua’s disciples must preach the gospel whether they are remunerated for doing so or not. This is our reasonable service—something we owe to Yeshua our Master who bought and paid for our sins with his own blood.

So don’t pass the offering plate! Instead, leave it in the back of the room for those who want to give cheerfully from a willing heart, and not out of compulsion!


Inherited Lies From the Church

Jeremiah 16:19, The prophet Jeremiah speaking of end-times Israel (that’s you and me), who are being regathered out of the Gentile nations, declares,

Surely our fathers have inherited lies…

Lies? What lies (i.e., those things that are contrary to the clear Word of Elohim) were you taught in the church system before coming to an understanding of the biblical, Torah-based Hebraic roots of the Christian faith? Which of these lies that you believed in angered you the most once you found out the truth of the Scriptures?

Please share your thoughts even if your comments are brief.