Psalm 133:1–2, Good…pleasant…oil. The whole message of the Bible is about reconciliation—first between YHVH Elohim and man, second between men. Sin is what has split vertical and horizontal relationships apart. The plan of redemption and salvation that YHVH has laid out for man to follow is the path man must walk for broken relationships to be healed—reconciled.
It is a good and pleasant thing when humans are individually and collectively reconciled and come together, when brethren dwell together in unity because their sins have been forgiven, because they are all worshiping the same Elohim and follow his ways of truth and righteousness. This brings people together.
The Tabernacle of Moses in which the high priest and his subordinates ministered exemplified in symbolic ways Elohim’s process for man to be reconciled to his Creator and to his fellow man by dealing with the sin issue. When this process is complete, humans are brought into the presence of Elohim, which is symbolized by the holy of holies in the tabernacle.
Oil in Scripture is a picture of the anointing of Elohim brought on by the presence of the Set-Apart Spirit—his divine presence resting on and filling humans. It is heaven’s accepting kiss upon humans who are walking unity and in accordance with the divine will of Elohim, which in turn brings humans into unity with each other. When this occurs, people are carried to a higher level in their spiritual walk and are brought together in worship of and service to their Creator. This is like warm anointing oil poured out upon the head and running down a person’s body. Sometimes this spiritual phenomenon can be felt physically upon the human body. This is truly a glorious occurrence when heaven and earth meet and kiss each other. It’s a good and pleasant thing and helps to cement relationships.
Psalm 133:3, Dew…Hermon. The work of the Spirt in a person’s life, which brings on the anointing, is likened to gentle dew or to rain (Deut 32:2), which gently waters the dry ground. When this happens, the ground is revivified and rejuvenated resulting in fruitfulness. Mount Hermon is the highest peak in Holy Land and its name (from the Heb. word charam) signifies something that is devoted for a holy use. It is a picture of heaven. Therefore, the dew of Hermon that descends upon the mountains of Zion is the anointing of heaven that comes upon YHVH’s people. It is precious and holy and only to be used for a divine purpose—not for selfish gratification.