In my many years as a Torah-minded disciple of Yeshua, I have observed a most destructive attitude among those of us who view the Bible from a more Hebraic perspective including valuing the Torah as a lifestyle guide. It is this: to view others (especially those who are still in the mainstream Christian church) as inferior spiritually to us. This is not a good thing, and is contrary to the teachings of Yeshua, as you will see from the following study.
When I was a pastor, I continually warned people against this attitude. An “us versus them” mentality creates pride, Phariseeism, strife, division, self-righteousness and a whole host of other evils. Yeshua warned his disciples against this, and continually admonished them to be humble and grateful, and not arrogant about the truths they had been given.
As you can see from the following study, sectarianism is a most destructive mindset and attitude that needs to be uprooted from of our thinking and repented of. It not only hinders us in our spiritual growth, but prevents us from reaching out in love to our brothers and sisters (the lost sheep of the house of Israel) and from gathering them in, as Yeshua commanded his disciples (and us) to do.
Mark 9:38–41, Yeshua forbids sectarianism.What can we learn from Yeshua’s instructions in this passage? Simply this. Though another person may not be in our particular spiritual camp, if they are doing good and are not against us, we’re to give them credit for the good that they are doing. This is the high road of love, mercy and grace that Yeshua expects his disciples to follow in regards to those of other congregations, denominations, sects or ministries.
Mark 9:38–50, Avoid strife and contention. This is a very enigmatic passage that commentators struggle with trying to explain, since Yeshua links together so many seemingly disparate concepts. I say “seemingly,” since there is nothing average about the Master’s intellect, or his deep and insightful knowledge and understanding of spiritual Truth. Our inability to comprehend his sayings should only spur us onward to dig all the more into their heights and depths of meaning, thus uncovering the nuggets of truth from within the transcendent intellect of our Master and Creator!
Yeshua the Master begins his discourse by discouraging sectarianism. “Those who aren’t against us are for us.” He then promises rewards to those who are kind to his disciples, implying that his disciples should in turn be kind to others who, though they may not be a part of your particular group, they may not necessarily be working against you, for they may also be kingdom workers but with a different assignment than yours (vv. 38–41).
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