New Video: When Is the Second or Greater Exodus?

The Bible speaks about an end times, greater or second exodus of YHVH’s people from spiritual Babylon where they’ve been held captive economically, politically and religiously. What is the second exodus and when does it occur? This is part two of a two part series. Part one answers the question, “What is the greater or second exodus?”


Are You An Eloi or a Morlock?

I hope you find this article thought provoking.


By David Hodges
April 30, 2014 –

Are you an Eloi or a Morlock? Are you the hunter or the hunted? Are awake, or brainwashed? This article will identify the dichotomy that the citizens of this country exist under.

As Americans, we live in an unparalleled and an unprecedented time in American history. The historical American character has been one of resisting tyranny and meeting force with force. This is best exemplified by the fact that our Founding Fathers rebelled, in part, over a mere 2% tax on tea. Our Founding Fathers also rebelled against the Quartering Act, unreasonable search and seizure, violation of due process rights and the denial of the right to trial by a jury of one’s peers. Unfortunately, today, It feels like America simply accepts this kind of abusive treatment from their government as the cost of living in the system which we have had imposed upon us.

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Is YHVH Raising Up Modern Day Jeremiah’s?

Jeremiah 1–2

Jeremiah the prophet received a direct call from YHVH Elohim to warn the nation of Judah, YHVH’s people, of impending judgment if they would not repent and return to his Torah. YHVH commissioned the prophet to warn and to rebuke those at all levels of society: kings, princes, priests and people (1:18). Is it likely that YHVH will raise up a prophet or prophets in the last days prior to the return of Yeshua the Messiah who will be doing the same thing as Jeremiah?

Prophet 25341417

Jeremiah did not feel adequate to the job (1:6), yet YHVH assured him that he was, for YHVH personally had called and empowered him to do what seemed to be an impossible task: for one man, as YHVH’s representative, to set his face against an entire nation and to survive the resulting wrath of the wicked against that righteous man of YHVH (1:7–10; 18–19).

In the end times, will there yet arise true prophets in which the Word of YHVH is shut up like fire in their bones (Jer 20:9) who will utter forth the fiery oracles of YHVH, which like a hammer will smash to pieces the rock-hard hearts of YHVH’s obstinate, rebellious and sinful people (Jer 23:29)?

Yeshua prophesied that in the last days false prophets would arise, and if possible, would deceive the very elect (Matt 24:11, 24). If Satan the adversary has his false prophets on the scene just prior to Yeshua’s return attempting to deceive YHVH’s people, will not YHVH have his true prophets likewise on the scene to warn, rebuke, provoke, incite, encourage, and give spiritual direction to his people?

Some Christian teachers through their unbiblical teachings on the subject of prophets and prophecy are inoculating YHVH’s people against believing that Jeremiah-type prophets will Continue reading


New Video: What Is the Second or Greater Exodus?

The Bible talks about an end times exodus of God’s people that will make the first exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt look small and forgettable. This will be an exodus from enslavement to the Babylon the Great world system and will be the greatest spiritual revival in the history of the world to bring Elohim’s people back to him and back to their promised inheritance in the land of Israel. In this video, learn how this event relates to the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah.


What Is the Second Exodus & When Does It Occur?

The children of Israel left Egypt on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and crossed through the Red Sea on the last or seventh day of this feast. This was the first exodus. But there’s more!

The biblical prophets speak of a greater or second exodus to occur in the last days where YHVH’s people who’ve been scattered throughout the nations of the world will be set free from their spiritual, economic and political enslavement in the nations, which are under the control of Babylon the Great. There is much to learn on this subject, and it’s an important subject to study, since it affects your spiritual destiny.

The following article is a comprehensive analysis of this topic, which explores all the biblical scriptures on the subject of the second exodus. It’s a long one article, but try to stay with it and read it to the end. It will help you to understand end times Bible prophecy in a way that only a privileged and enlightened few do. You have never read anything like this before. It will help you to understand where you personally fit into end times Bible prophecy!

A Look at End-Times Bible Prophecies Relating to the Second Exodus

By Ya’acov Natan Lawrence

The Issue in People’s Hearts

The Bible clearly teaches that the ten tribes of the ancient northern kingdom of Israel (known biblically by various names such as the house of Israel, Samaria or Ephraim) were exiled among the nations of the world because of sin (1). At the same time, the biblical prophets and Jewish sages over the past 2000 years have predicted that in the end times (at the coming of the Messiah), through a series of supernatural events, these tribes will be regathered and return to the land of Israel to be reunited with their Jewish brethren who are descended from the southern kingdom of Judah (2). Furthermore, there is clear biblical and historical evidence that the ten northern tribes of Israel collectively known as Ephraim are largely to be found among the Christian peoples scattered across the earth. I have attempted to prove this point from biblical, linguistic, archeological, historical and rabbinic Jewish sources in a previous work (3)) .

In these last days before Messiah’s second coming, more and more redeemed believers in Yeshua (the Hebrew name for Jesus) are discovering a new-found love for the Jewish people and the land of Israel. At the same time, they are awakening to the need to return to the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith by adhering to a more Torah-centered lifestyle and spiritual walk. It then follows that some are coming to the fundamental truth taught Continue reading


New Video: Are We on the Brink of World War 3?

In this video, I discuss the Gog-Magog war (Ezek 38–39) in light of current world events and show where Obama’s name is mentioned in this biblical prophecy, and show where America is referred to in Bible prophecy. I also talk about biblical end time prophecies relating to the destruction of Damascus, the Palestinian conflict, Matthew 24, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the seven seals, the blood red moons, and I show where we’re currently at on the biblical prophetic timeline.