New Video: Why Celebrate the Biblical Feasts?

What’s so important about the biblical feasts? What’s their relevance to the redeemed believer in Yeshua the Messiah? Why are they crucial to your spiritual walk, to understanding the whole Bible, to your relationship with Yeshua, to your eternal spiritual … Continue reading

The 7 and 8 Steps in the Tabernacle as They Relate to Biblical Marriage and the Feasts

The Tabernacle of Moses is a giant gospel tract that explains the entire Bible—YHVH’s plan of salvation from Genesis to Revelation—in a simple child-like way, so that our human pea brains will be able to understand that which is, in … Continue reading

The Leaven of the Early Church Fathers Exposed—From Biblical Truth to Church Tradition

Were the Pharisees the Only Purveyors of Spiritual Leaven? One of the most well-known biblical metaphors is leaven—the chemical agent that makes bread dough to rise. It is a descriptive biblical symbol of sin in one’s life that, like yeast … Continue reading

The Unbiblical “Zadok/Enoch Calendar” & Its Fatal Flaws Exposed

In this video, Nathan Lawrence goes head to head with those who are promoting the so-called Enoch/Zadok priestly calendar, and he exposes the unbiblical and fatal flaws thereof. The promoters of this heretical calendar rely solely on extra-biblical sources to … Continue reading

Natan’s Notes on Matthew 24—Where are we at in end times biblical prophecy?

Today, Shabbat, I have been busy studying and writing in preparation for Yom Teruah—the Day of Shouting or Shofar Blasts. In several days (Thursday, Sept. 9 on the biblical crescent new moon, abib barley calendar), my family and I will … Continue reading

Let My People Think—Rightly Dividing Scripture According to the Hebraic Rules of Biblical Interpretation (part 3)

(Author’s note: This is the updated and rewritten version of an article that I wrote in the early 2000s. The information contained therein is based largely on the booklet entitled, Hermeneutics: How to Understand the Scriptures by James Scott Trimm … Continue reading