I Closed My Eyes & Picked Random Bible Topics

In this video, I closed my eyes and opened the Bible and taught on the Scriptures where my finger landed. I first opened my Bible to Proverbs 7:1–9 (on how YHVH’s Torah-law will protect us from evil), then to Hebrews 1:1–10 (on how Yeshua was the God of the Old Testament), and finally to Joshua 22:43–45 (on the rest of YHVH and how it relates to salvation, the kingdom of Elohim, the seventh day Sabbath and the Millennium). And I have a special treat for you at the end of this video. Please enjoy and be blessed as the Word of Elohim edifies you.


Chag Sameach Shavuot

Joyous Shavuot (the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost) to everyone everywhere who loves YHVH Elohim the Father and YHVH-Yeshua the Son by keeping his commandments (John 14:15, 21).

My wife and I will be celebrating this day in our home with a few family members and several of our close Hebraic-minded friends who are part of greater Israel.

Shalom to all!


Bha’alatkah—The Menorah & Pentecost in the Tabernacle

In this video, we tie together the seven-branched, the importance of Shavuot or the biblical Feast of Pentecost in the context of the Tabernacle of Moses as it relates to the seven steps in the biblical plan of salvation. That’s a mouthful, but we inter-relate these seemingly disparate pieces of the puzzle to form a beautiful picture as it relates to new covenant followers of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Please enjoy this brief, power-packed presentation. For more intriguing information on the Tabernacle of Moses as it relates to YHVH’s plan of salvation, go to https://www.hoshanarabbah.org/teaching.html#tabernacle and https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5EzE5DQnrHdQZElQKo70hpY9b4a4dqOb, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9z1y-RI-sY&list=PL5EzE5DQnrHdQZElQKo70hpY9b4a4dqOb&index=2.