Why Celebrate the Passover?

Isn’t your life already busy enough? Who has time for a six-hour Passover Seder commemorating something that happened thousands of years ago? What could this possibly have to do with my life here and now, you may ask? How can … Continue reading

25 Reasons to Celebrate the Biblical Feasts!

The spring biblical feasts are coming up. It’s time to start preparing for their celebration as the Bible commands. We need to know why we keep them to not only strengthen our own faith, but so that we can also help … Continue reading

Golden Calf Worship Among YHVH’s People Today

Let’s look at the series of events that occurred as the children of Israel were leaving Egypt, which have major relevance to what is occurring in mainstream Christianity in our day. If we fail to learn the lessons of history, … Continue reading

The Steps of Redemption Within the Tabernacle

First Step of Eight: One is in a state of separation from his Creator because of sin. One sees the good news, the light of truth, the message of the cross, the multi-colored door and the luminescent walls of the … Continue reading

Three Feasts, Three Rooms and Three Spiritual Levels

Exodus 23:14–19, Three times you shall keep a feast. Conventional Jewish wisdom teaches us that during the three biblical pilgrimage festivals of Passover/Unleavened Bread, Pentecost and Tabernacles all the individuals of the nation are to leave their place of individual … Continue reading

An Overview of YHVH’s Marriage to Israel as Fulfilled in the Lives of Redeemed Believers

Exodus 19–31 and the Marriage of YHVH to Israel—Types and Shadows YHVH married ancient Israel at Mount Sinai. Read Ezekiel 16:1–14 Redeemed believers are preparing to be the spiritual bride of Yeshua. For I am jealous over you with godly … Continue reading

The “Lunar Sabbath” or Saturday Sabbath? Will the Real Sabbath Please Stand Up?

Has the Weekly Cycle Been Altered Since the Time of Yeshua? Many have come to realize that if there is one thing in life that is certain it is that nothing is certain. The few things in life that seem … Continue reading