Retirement Is a Non-Biblical Concept

Deuteronomy 34:5, So Moses… died. Even at age 120, Moses never retired; he died with his boots on continuing in the spiritual mission that YHVH had given him. Retirement, as in sitting around doing little or nothing productive once one has reached a certain age, is not a biblical concept. Yeshua instructed his saints were to occupy until he returns (Luke 19:13). Elsewhere, Paul tells the followers of Yeshua to stand (not sit) as they battle against the forces of darkness (Eph 6:14). Moreover, the Bible characterizes the spiritual journey heavenward of the child of Elohim as a walk, not sit and do little or nothing. The concept of retirement as it is commonly meant in our modern culture is a recent one, and not a biblical one as I discuss in the article below.

Where is retirement mentioned in the Bible?

Here is a challenge. Show me in the Bible where the word retirement or the concept is even mentioned? Retirement as it is commonly understood to mean ceasing to work and doing little or nothing after a certain age is not to be found from one end of the Bible to the other. What the word of Elohim teaches, however, it that we are to work six days each week and to rest on the seventh day (the Sabbath or Shabbat, Exod 20:8–11). Moreover, it is clearly evident that because of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, the Creator told us that the “free lunch” had ended and we had to get to work (Gen 3:17–19). What does this mean for you and me if we claim to be Bible followers—especially after we reach the age where due to health and age regular physical work may be a challenge?

Only in our overindulgent, materialistic and wealthy western society is retirement an option.

For many who are lacking in a spiritual faith and who have no concept of biblical truth, retirement has become their “heaven on earth.” Retirement, in fact, is a sort of humanists’ heaven on earth until one dies and goes back into the soil.

Admittedly, as one becomes elderly, the body doesn’t function as it once did. But that doesn’t mean one has to resort to a life of inert, non-productive inactivity. For example, in ancient Israel, when the Levites reached the age of fifty, they presumably took on more of an advisory role in helping to train the next generation of Levites (Num 8:25). This rule didn’t, however, apply to those in the priesthood who served until death. The kings and prophets and prophets of Israel served until their death as well. Moses never retired and served YHVH and the Israelites until age 120! Neither did Joshua, David or the apostles retire from the ministry. As they grew older, they likely slowed down, but they never retired to life on a golf course, or sitting in front of the television watching old re-runs of Western movies or the daytime soap operas and game shows. No! They all died with their boots on doing YHVH’s work. 

Once we reach a certain age where hard physical labor becomes impractical or even impossible, we are faced with two choices: we can rust out or burn out. Like an automobile or piece of equipment, it can sit there rust away inactively, or it can be used until the engine wears out. Wouldn’t you rather burn out then rust out? Similarly, Yeshua commended the wise servants in the Parable of the Talents for being profitable with the talents the master had given them while he was away in a far country. Conversely, the master sternly rebuked the servant who did nothing but bury his talents in the soil (Luke 19:11–27).

Moreover, the elders (wise and older people) were to serve as leaders of the congregational assembly in the New Testament era. To be sure, the older generation was busy during their so-called retirement years.

These things being the case, why is it that so many Bible followers and even supposedly Torah-obedient individuals don’t work six days a week, but stop working when they reach a certain age and acquiesce to the concept of what our humanistic society calls “retirement age”? Similarly, why do so many woman support their husbands, who proudly laud their new status as “house husbands”? Why are there so many men on welfare feigning a disability, so they can collect a check from the government, when, for many of them, there is something they could do to help support their families, but instead, they proudly live off the labors of others? In reality they’re lazy  bums—thieves! This is hardly a godly virtue. Unless is bed-ridden due to severe health issues, there is something everyone can do to be a profitable servant rather than a lazy couch potato bum.

Even those who have worked hard and have the financial resources to be able to “retire” at a certain age, is it biblical to resort to a life of laziness and self-indulgent ease? Hardly! The biblical model is for the older folks to be using their resources including their time, knowledge and wisdom to help others—especially the younger generation. Kudos to those who are doing so. Shame on those who aren’t!

Sadly, we have become a society of lazy bums all too often living off of the labor of and resources of others. Is this something to be proud of? If this is our lifestyle, do we really think we will hear YHVH’s words on the day of judgment, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”?


Deuteronomy 26 Ki Tavo—26 Blessings for Torah-Obedience

Good old YouTube is at it again! I’m in their bad boy doghouse because of my video exposing the Satanic Babylon the Great New World Order in light of end Bible prophecy as it pertains to my belief that the COVID injection is psychologically preparing people to take the mark of beast. They are accusing me of violating their medical misinformation policy. (These satanists and their Antichrist big-pharma overlords are determined to kill us off! It’s no wonder, for Yeshua declared that Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy, and Peter informs us that the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.)

By banning videos like mine, the people of YouTube have blood on their hands, and they will answer to YHVH Elohim for their murderous actions as they squelch the truth about the COVID injections.

Interestingly, in their COVID information below, they promise to ban anyone who recommends drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine—drugs that have proven to help in curing COVID in many cases. Can anyone see how these people are under the thumb of the sorcerers of big pharma (read Rev 18:23)? I could go and on, but I’ll stop. I know that I’m preaching to the choir.

Anyway, here’s the link to the video on this week’s Torah portion:

If you’re curious about YouTubes policy and have the stomach to read it, this is what they sent me:

YouTube doesn’t allow content that poses a serious risk of egregious harm by spreading medical misinformation about currently administered vaccines that are approved and confirmed to be safe and effective by local health authorities and by the World Health Organization (WHO).

If I keep violating YouTube’s policies, they threaten to terminate my channel forever.

YouTube goes on to say:

COVID-19 medical misinformation policy

The safety of our creators, viewers, and partners is our highest priority. We look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community. It’s important you understand our Community Guidelines, and the role they play in our shared responsibility to keep YouTube safe. Take the time to carefully read the policy below. You can also check out this page for a full list of our guidelines.

YouTube doesn’t allow content about COVID-19 that poses a serious risk of egregious harm.

YouTube doesn’t allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts local health authorities’ (LHA) or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19. This is limited to content that contradicts WHO or local health authorities’ guidance on:

  • Treatment
  • Prevention
  • Diagnosis
  • Transmission
  • The existence of COVID-19

Note: YouTube’s policies on COVID-19 are subject to change in response to changes to global or local health authorities’ guidance on the virus. There may be a delay between new LHA/WHO guidance and policy updates given the frequency with which this guidance changes, and our policies may not cover all LHA/WHO guidance related to COVID-19.

Our COVID-19 policies were first published on May 20, 2020.

What this policy means for you

If you’re posting content

Don’t post content on YouTube if it includes any of the following:

Treatment misinformation:

  • Content that encourages the use of home remedies, prayer, or rituals in place of medical treatment such as consulting a doctor or going to the hospital
  • Content that claims that there’s a guaranteed cure for COVID-19
  • Content that recommends use of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19
  • Claims that Hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19
  • Categorical claims that Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19
  • Claims that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are safe to use in the prevention of COVID-19
  • Other content that discourages people from consulting a medical professional or seeking medical advice

Prevention misinformation: Content that promotes prevention methods that contradict local health authorities or WHO.

  • Claims that there is a guaranteed prevention method for COVID-19
    • Claims that any medication or vaccination is a guaranteed prevention method for COVID-19
  • Content that recommends use of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine for the prevention of COVID-19
  • Claims that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are safe to use in the prevention of COVID-19
  • Claims about COVID-19 vaccinations that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or WHO
    • Claims that an approved COVID-19 vaccine will cause death, infertility, miscarriage, autism, or contraction of other infectious diseases
    • Claims that an approved COVID-19 vaccine will contain substances that are not on the vaccine ingredient list, such as biological matter from fetuses (e.g. fetal tissue, fetal cell lines) or animal products
    • Claims that an approved COVID-19 vaccine will contain substances or devices meant to track or identify those who’ve received it
    • Claims that COVID-19 vaccines will make people who receive them magnetic
    • Claims that an approved COVID-19 vaccine will alter a person’s genetic makeup
    • Claims that COVID-19 vaccines do not reduce risk of serious illness or death
    • Claims that any vaccine causes contraction of COVID-19
    • Claims that a specific population will be required (by any entity except for a government) to take part in vaccine trials or receive the vaccine first
    • Content that promotes the use of unapproved or homemade COVID-19 vaccines
    • Instructions to counterfeit vaccine certificates, or offers of sale for such documents

Diagnostic misinformation: Content that promotes diagnostic information that contradicts local health authorities or WHO.

  • Claims that approved COVID-19 tests are dangerous or cause negative physical health effects
  • Claims that approved COVID-19 tests cannot diagnose COVID-19

Transmission misinformation: Content that promotes transmission information that contradicts local health authorities or WHO.

  • Content that claims that COVID-19 is not caused by a viral infection
  • Content that claims COVID-19 is not contagious
  • Content that claims that COVID-19 cannot spread in certain climates or geographies
  • Content that claims that any group or individual has immunity to the virus or cannot transmit the virus

Content that denies the existence of COVID-19:

  • Denial that COVID-19 exists
  • Claims that people have not died or gotten sick from COVID-19
  • Claims that the death rate of COVID-19 is equal to or less than that of the common cold or seasonal flu
  • Claims that COVID-19 is equal to or less transmissible than the common cold or seasonal flu
  • Claims that the symptoms of COVID-19 are never severe

This policy applies to videos, video descriptions, comments, live streams, and any other YouTube product or feature. Keep in mind that this isn’t a complete list. Please note these policies also apply to external links in your content. This can include clickable URLs, verbally directing users to other sites in video, as well as other forms.


Here are some examples of content that’s not allowed on YouTube:

  • Denial that COVID-19 exists
  • Claims that people have not died from COVID-19
  • Claims that any vaccine is a guaranteed prevention method for COVID-19
  • Claims that a specific treatment or medicine is a guaranteed cure for COVID-19
  • Claims that hydroxychloroquine saves people from COVID-19
  • Promotion of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) for the treatment of COVID-19
  • Claims that certain people have immunity to COVID-19 due to their race or nationality
  • Encouraging taking home remedies instead of getting medical treatment when sick
  • Discouraging people from consulting a medical professional if they’re sick
  • Content that claims that holding your breath can be used as a diagnostic test for COVID-19
  • Videos alleging that if you avoid Asian food, you won’t get the coronavirus
  • Videos alleging that setting off fireworks can clean the air of the virus and will prevent the spread of the virus
  • Claims that COVID-19 is caused by radiation from 5G networks
  • Videos alleging that the COVID-19 test is the cause of the virus
  • Claims that countries with hot climates will not experience the spread of the virus
  • Claims that COVID-19 vaccines kill people who receive them
  • Claims that COVID-19 vaccines are a means of population reduction
  • Videos claiming that COVID-19 vaccines contain fetal tissue
  • Claims that the flu vaccine causes contraction of COVID-19
  • Claims that the flu is more contagious than COVID-19
  • Claims that COVID-19 vaccines cause contraction of other infectious diseases or makes people more vulnerable to contraction of other infectious diseases
  • Claims that COVID-19 vaccines contain a microchip or tracking device
  • Claims that achieving herd immunity through natural infection is safer than vaccinating the population
  • Claims that COVID-19 never causes serious symptoms or hospitalization
  • Claims that the death rate from the seasonal flu is higher than the death rate of COVID-19
  • Claims that people are immune to the virus based on their race
  • Claims that children cannot or do not contract COVID-19
  • Claims that there have not been cases or deaths in countries where cases or deaths have been confirmed by local health authorities or the WHO

Educational, documentary, scientific or artistic content

We may allow content that violates the misinformation policies noted on this page if that content includes additional context in the video, audio, title, or description. This is not a pass to promote misinformation. Additional context may include countervailing views from local health authorities or medical experts. We may also make exceptions if the purpose of the content is to condemn, dispute, or satirize misinformation that violates our policies. We may also make exceptions for content showing an open public forum, like a protest or public hearing, provided the content does not aim to promote misinformation that violates our policies.

What happens if content violates this policy

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We may terminate your channel or account for repeated violations of the Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. We may also terminate your channel or account after a single case of severe abuse, or when the channel is dedicated to a policy violation. You can learn more about channel or account terminations here.


The 32 Blessings and Benefits of Obeying YHVH’s Torah-Law

The Scriptures reveal that the Torah is much more than a list of dos and don’ts as many people have been led to believe, and is therefore, in their mind, a negative thing. Deuteronomy 4:6 says that the Torah is our wisdom and understanding before the nations of the world. In Deuteronomy 11:8, we learn that the Torah makes us strong. The word strong in Hebrew is chazaq meaning “to be strong, grow strong, to prevail, to be firm, be caught fast, be secure, to grow stout, grow rigid, to restore to strength, give strength, sustain, encourage, make bold, encourage, to repair or to withstand.” This sounds like a good thing! 

Sadly, most Christians have been told again and again ad infinitum and ad nauseam that the law of Moses or God’s Torah-law is against us, that we are not under it, that it was nailed to the cross or done away with. Nothing could be further from the truth as we shall see below.

Contrary to what most people have been told, YHVH’s Torah is not against man; rather, it might be said that God’s (Elohim’s) Torah-law itself is neutral; neither positive nor negative. In reality, it is like a mirror that simply reflects the image portrayed in it. Torah reacts according to human action. Those who obey it are blessed and those who disobey it are cursed. For example, just as the law of gravity is also neutral. Even as it benefits humans by keeping them from floating off to a certain death in outer space, so the same law is against us should we choose to jump off a bridge, a high building or a cliff; the results are death. Again, Elohim’s Torah-law, like his law of gravity is neutral. It can be for or against us depending on whether we acknowledge, respect and then obey it or not. To ignore it is called sin and results in death, for the wages of sin (i.e., the violation of Torah; 1 John 3:4) is death (Ezek 18:4; Rom 6:23). 

The following lists delineate the few aspects of the YHVH Elohim’s Torah-law that are “against” us (that is, against sinners), and them the many aspects of YHVH’s Torah-law that are for man’s blessing and benefit.

On the negative side, when we disobey the Torah…

1) The Torah has the capacity to stir up sin in an individual. This is not the fault of YHVH’s instructions in righteousness or Torah-law, but our fault because we have chosen to go against YHVH’s life-giving commandments. A healthy person thrives in an environment deadly to someone who is ill; likewise, the Torah is beneficial to a righteous person who is living by it and in loving obedience to Yeshua as guided by his Set-Apart or Holy Spirit. Other hand, the Torah is an instrument of death to those who are controlled by their sinful nature.

2) YHVH’s Torah-law acts as a guide to man’s inner spirit or conscience and produces guilt feelings and shame when we violate it, that is, when we sin. The remedy for the guilt and shame that sin brings on is once-and-for-all trust in Yeshua the Messiah’s final atonement for sin (Rom 3:21–26), followed by ongoing confession of and repentance from sins (1 John 1:9).

3) The Torah also provides a framework of justice by which Elohim, the Just Judge of the universe, will judge the actions of men to determine both their level of punishment for its violation and their level of reward for obedience to it.

4) The Torah sets out righteous standards for the sinner to follow, and it points out the fact that they have sinned and how far they have fallen short of the glory of YHVH (Rom 3:23) and hence their need for a Savior or Redeemer. The Torah actually leads us to Yeshua as Paul points out in his epistle to the Galatians (Gal 3:25).

5) The Torah delineates the curses that automatically come as a cause-and-effect judgment against a person or a group of people (e.g., a family, nation or the whole earth) when they fail to live up to its righteous standards (Deut 28:15–68; Ps 119:21) and, instead, give into the negative influences of their fallen sin nature or the influences of the world and the devil. The law of gravity, like YHVH’s Torah, does not harm us until we choose to ignore it and jump off a cliff. It is only then that we feel its negative effect. Until then, gravity keeps us grounded to the earth, so we don’t float off into space. Similarly, the Torah keeps us on YHVH’s straight and narrow path of righteousness and life so that we don’t float off into all sorts of weird notions and beliefs that cause us to sin resulting in death.

On the positive side, when we obey the Torah…

1) YHVH’s Torah shows us what the Truth is (Ps 119:142, 151).

2) The Torah defines YHVH’s standards of righteousness—what YHVH expects from his people (Ps 119:172; Deut 10:12).

3) The Torah defines what sin (1 John 3:4) and righteousness are (Ps 119:172).

4) The Torah provides a framework of grace in which one can live. YHVH’s people are to live within the framework of  Torah, so that they will not come under the penalty of Torah as a consequence of violating it. YHVH’s giving of the Torah was in itself an act of grace that the Testimony of Yeshua compares with his sending of  Yeshua (John 1:17 cp. Rom 10:1–13).

5) YHVH’s Torah functions as a protective border for the people of Elohim in that the Torah save us from much harm (Ps 119:146, 170). It’s like a fence around a flock of sheep that keeps predators out and from attacking the sheep as well as keeping the sheep from straying into dangerous areas outside of the safe confines of the sheep pasture. The Torah is also like the guardrail on a mountain road that protects motorists from veering to their death over a steep embankment or cliff. 

6) The Torah, as written in man’s heart and in union with faith in Messiah, produces love (Rom 13:8–10; 1 John 2:3–6; 5:3), joy (Pss 19:8; 119:24, 47, 70, 77, 82; 14, 174), peace and hope (Pss 119:81, 114; 130:5–6) resulting in an abundant life. Paul declared that he “was under the law toward Messiah” or literally “in/subject to the law toward Messiah,” (2 Cor 9:21), and this is an aspect of the gospel message of salvation (vv. 22–23).

7) Obeying the Torah brings us physical blessing in this life (Deut 28:1–14; Ps 119:50) as well as eternal rewards (not eternal life, which is by grace through faith alone, see Eph 2:8) in the world to come (Matt 5:19).

8) Obeying the Torah helps deepen our loving and intimate relationship with YHVH-Yeshua and helps us to abide in Yeshua (John 14:15; 1 John 2:3–6).

9) Obeying the Torah helps us to maintain a loving and civil relationship with Elohim (Mark 12:29–30; 1 John 2:3; 5:3) our fellow man, for it shows us how to love one another as ourselves (Mark 12:31; Rom 13:8–10; 1 John 3:23).

10) Obeying the Torah helps to keeps our ways clean (Ps 119:9) by keeping us from sinning (Ps 119:133), for sin is the violation of the Torah (1 John 3:4).

11) Obeying the Torah helps us to stay spiritually pure (1 John 3:3–6).

12) Obeying the Torah protects us from the influence of the devil (1 John 3:8).

10) Obeying the Torah-Word of YHVH helps to perfect YHVH-Yeshua’s love in us (1 John 3:6).

13) Torah-obedience strengthen’s man’s spiritual immune system to protects us from the lethal spiritual disease called sin.

14) YHVH’s Torah-Word acts as the rails to keep a train on its track, or like the rudder of a ship to keep it on course, or like a compass  or map to guide an explorer or traveler to his intended destination, or like the radar system on a ship or plane to help it through the fog and to keep it from smashing into the rocks or crash landing, or like a flashlight to reveal one’s path through the darkness of the night (Ps 119:105).

15) The Torah reveals to man how to know Elohim intimately (1 John 2:3), for the Torah is a reflection of the heart, mind, will and character of our Creator. It shows us how to abide in him (1 John 3:24

16) The Torah unifies both the Old and New Testaments (1 John 2:2, 7).

15) The Torah keeps YHVH’s people in the light of Truth (Pss 19:8 119:129–130; Prov 6:23; 1 John 2:9).

17) Obeying YHVH’s Torah helps to insure that our prayers are answered (1 John 3:22).

18) The Torah makes us wiser than our teachers and the ancient sages and philosophers (Ps 119:98–100).

19) Obedience to YHVH’s gives us greater wealth than any money or material possessions can give (Ps 119:14, 72, 127). 

20) Torah obedience revives us spiritually (Pss 19:10; 119:40; Prov 3:13–14; 8:10–11; 16:16 cp. Matt 13:44–46).

21) Our Torah-obedience is a spiritual light to those around us, for they will see us as a wise and understanding people, and perhaps, thanks to our good example, that will draw into or least toward the kingdom of Elohim (Deut 4:6–8).

22 The Torah unifies or binds YHVH’s people together relationally (Ps 119:63).

23) YHVH’S Torah shows his servants how to outwit their enemies (PS 119:98).

24) The Torah helps us to have compassion for those who are unsaved, who do not have the light of YHVH’s Torah-Truth (Ps 119:136).

25) The Torah provides a framework or basis for YHVH’s divine justice or judgment (Deut 17:11; John 12:48; Heb 4:12 cp. Rev 1:16; 2:16; 18:15, 21).

26) The Torah forms the basis for the jurisprudence system of civil government (Deut 17:11).

27) The Torah is heaven’s revelation of divine grace. It reveals how sinful man can be reconciled to a righteous Elohim; it reveals the path of redemption or salvation from slavery to sin through the idea of substitutionary sacrifice. This all points to Yeshua the Messiah, the Redeemer or Savior of the world.

28) The Torah reveals the concept of covenant between YHVH and man involving YHVH’s chosen people—the nation of Israel. Only through covenantal relationship with the Elohim of Israel and by being grafted into the Israel of Elohim can one have eternal life (Eph 2:11–19). 

29) The Torah—both the Written Torah and Yeshua the Living Torah-Word of Elohim in flesh—is our light in a dark world; the answer to life’s questions and dilemmas (Ps 119:99, 105; Prov 6:23).

31) Obeying the Torah-Word of YHVH helps to perfect YHVH-Yeshua’s love in us (1 John 3:6).

32) The Torah convicts man of sin or lawlessness and brings us to Yeshua by way of the cross (Gal 3:24).YHVH’s Torah points us to Yeshua who is  our salvation (Ps 119:174; the word salvation in this verse is the Hebrew word Yeshua).


Bechukotai—Curses Upon the Disobedient: Terror, Pestilence & Famine

It’s time to wake up and face reality! When we obey the Creator’s laws we are blessed, and when we disobey his commandments we are cursed. The rise of national and global terrorism, rampant diseases and the threat of famines, even in the first world nations, is the consequence of our sinning against the Creator, of breaking his laws, and is a fulfillment of end time biblical prophecy. There is no need to be confused, frightened or alarmed by the crazy events going on around us if we are living righteously. In this video, we identify the problem, its root cause and the solution.


Jeremiah chapters 17–23 Commentary

Jeremiah 17

Jeremiah 17:1, The hearts of Gentile-Israelites have become hardened by the sinful traditions they have inherited from their fathers. What was your response when someone began sharing with you about the pagan origins of many sacred cow Christian traditions such as Sunday observance, Christmas and Easter? Once your eyes were opened, were you excited to share the truth with family and friends? What was their reaction?

Jeremiah 17:2, Wooden images…green trees.In ancient times, sacred tree-like poles (like obelisks called asherah poles) and green trees were set up near pagan altars for the worship of the Babylonian and Canaanite sex goddess, Astarte (or Ishtar from which the Christian festival Easter derives its name).

In Exodus 34:13, YHVH commands the Israelites to destroy the pagan sex worship symbols that the NIV Study Bible describes as wooden poles, or carved images, that were set up in honor of this pagan goddess at pagan worship sites. The International Bible Encyclopedia (vol. 1, p. 317) states that a tree trunk with branches in honor of this pagan deity was often placed next to the altar of YHVH—something YHVH abhorred! (Deut 16:21; Judg 6:25, 28, 30; 2 Kgs 23:6). In Deuteronomy 16:21, YHVH forbids his people from placing wooden images or trees next to their altars. 

You shall not plant for yourself any tree, as a wooden image, near the altar which you build for yourself to the YHVH your Elohim. 

Today, at Christmas time, contrary to the Written Word of Elohim, Christian churches place trees next to their altars of worship.

Jeremiah’s description of such a tree in chapter 10 is eerily reminiscent of our modern Christmas tree, which finds itself placed in significant places where people gather whether it be in Christian churches and in homes. Sometimes this pagan deity was represented by a tree, sometimes by an obelisk type pole. The asherah pole is related to the matstebah, which is defined as “image, pillar, stump, tree or altar.”This type of pagan representation made its way into the religious system of ancient Israel, something YHVH forbad and something he expected righteous leaders to destroy (e.g. 2 Kgs 10:25–27). Have you ever wondered about the origins of the church steeple and about its striking resemblance to the ancient Egyptian obelisk, which was associated with phallic and sun god worship?

Jeremiah 17:5–8, Two trees are mentioned in these verses. Both are in the wilderness and subjected to the heat and drought thereof, yet one does not flourish and “will not see when good comes,” while the other is fazed neither by the heat nor the drought of the desert. If these trees represent two types of people going through the same wilderness experience called life, then what is the fundamental difference between them? Relate this back to verse five and ahead to verses nine and ten.

Jeremiah 17:9, The heart is deceitful above all thing. 

The Utter Depravity of Sinful Man

The Bible is a big book. It contains more than 1500 pages of divine instructions on countless subjects from numerous authors written over a period of more than 1500 years! Within the plethora of subjects contained therein, it is easy to overlook certain ones that are less complimentary to man, but that he nevertheless needs to be reminded of if he is to come into a right relationship with YHVH Elohim (the Creator and ultimate Author of the Bible).

One of these biblical themes pertains to the utter depravity of man in his spiritually unregenerate state. The Bible has a lot to say about this subject, and it’s not a pleasant one. And even after man is regenerated by the Spirit of Elohim, he still struggles with his base, carnal, godless, rebellious, anti-Elohim and sin-bent nature.

Like taking a strong medicinal tonic, from time to time, it is imperative that the redeemed of YHVH review the Scriptures in the Bible that discuss the subject of man’s depravity. As forgetful humans who have the prideful tendency to gloss over our sins (this too is an aspect of man’s depraved and sin-inclined nature), we need to hold the mirror of truth up to our faces to see ourselves as we really are. When we behold this reality, perhaps it will drive us back to the cross of Yeshua in repentance of our sin, and cause us to fall down in contriteness before the mercy seat of Elohim’s throne begging for mercy. Perhaps the fear of Elohim will be perfected in us, and he will be exalted in our sin-stained hearts and minds in the beauty of his absolute righteousness and spiritual perfection. As this occurs, proper spiritual order will be restored in the universe and in our lives as we assume our rightful position on our faces before his throne of mercy. Only then will we find right relationship with the Creator of the universe resulting in true peace, joy, happiness and eternal life and peace on earth among men as we recognize our utter depravity and at the same time the beauty and glory of Elohim’s sublime perfection and holiness. 

Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one. (Job 14:4)

What is man, that he should be clean, and he which is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? Behold, he puts no trust in his saints; yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight. How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinks iniquity like water? (Job 15:14–16)

Behold, I was shaped in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Ps 51:5) 

Elohim looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek Elohim. Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that does good, no, not one. (Ps 53:2–30)

Frowardness is in his heart, he devises mischief continually; he sows discord. (Prov 6:14)

This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead. (Eccl 9:3)

Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. (Isa 6:5)

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and YHVH has laid on him the iniquity of us all. (Isa 53:6)

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness is as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. (Isa 64:6)

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jer 17:9)

And he said, That which comes out of the man, that defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and defile the man. (Mark 7:21–23)

As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understands, there is none that seeks after Elohim. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that does good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood: destruction and misery are in their ways: and the way of peace have they not known. There is no fear of Elohim before their eyes. (Rom 3:10–18)

For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwells in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwells no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwells in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of Elohim after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? (Rom 7:14–24)

Because the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim: for it is not subject to the law of Elohim, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please Elohim. (Rom 8:7–8)

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envy, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of Elohim. (Gal 5:19–21)

And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: (Eph 2:1–2)

What should be our response before YHVH Elohim to the truth of who we are before him? Let us learn from the wisdom of Job.

Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. (Job 42:6)

And said, O my Elohim, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my Elohim: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens. (Ezra 9:6)

The sacrifices of Elohim are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O Elohim, thou wilt not despise. (Ps 51:17)

Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations. (Ezek 36:31)

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Messiah Yeshua came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. (1Tim 1:15)

Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of YHVH, and he shall lift you up. (Jas 4:10)

Now in conclusion of the matter, be encouraged by reading the following Bible passages: Psalms 51:1–17; 103:1–18; 1 John 1:9

Jeremiah 17:14, Heal me, O YHVH.This is a plea to YHVH, the Great Physician. Only he can heal the hardness (17:1) and crooked deceitfulness or weakness (17:9) of Israel’s heart. Various prophets link the concept of healing to that of the two houses of Israel being reunited, being restored to their promised land and spiritual inheritance, returning to Torah and the establishment of a Messianic kingdom on earth. Here are some thoughts on these things:

The Breech Will Be Repaired 

Those who are returning to the Sabbath in its full spiritual sense and are returning to the “old (ancient, everlasting) paths” (Jer 6:16) are called “repairers of the breach” (Isa 58:12; Amos 9:11).

What is a breach? By dictionary definitiona breach is “an infraction or violation of a law; a broken, ruptured or torn condition; a split, crack or divide between two sides; a break in friendly relations.” This is what occurred when the northern kingdom was torn away from King Rehoboam causing a split in the nation of Israel (1 Kgs 11:13, 29–40; 12:1–20).

The last question the disciples asked Yeshua before his ascension was whether he was about to restore the kingdom to Israel (Acts 1:6). What was Yeshua’s response to them? He told them to preach the gospel everywhere (verse 8). This message of restoration and repairing the breach was the focus of what Paul called the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18) and the middle wall of partition between Jews and non-Jews coming down and the making of one new man out of two through the atoning sacrifice of Yeshua (Eph. 2:11–19).

The “Sick” Will Be Healed

The hireling and self-seeking shepherds of Israel who should have cared for, healed and fed YHVH’s sheep have instead left them in a weakened, sickly and malnourished state (Ezek 34:4, 16). Yeshua came to heal his sick sheep (Ezek 34:8–31).

Spiritual Blindness Will Be Healed

In Hebraic thought, blindness is a metaphor for spiritual blindness, lack of spiritual enlightenment, and especially Torahlessness; that is, it is a reference to those who are blinded to the light of YHVH’s truth (Isa 29:18; 42:7, 16, 18–19; 43:8; Jer 31:8, see also Rom 11:25; Isa 56:10).

Jeremiah 22

Jeremiah 22:3–17, Social justice. Here Jeremiah calls for social justice and reforms that correct inequities among the Israelites’ social classes. He includes in these reforms a return to the Torah (verse 9) to avert the severe judgments of Elohim (verse 11ff).

Jeremiah 23

Jeremiah 23:6, YHVH Our Righteousness. This name is a reference to the coming Messiah. This infers the deity and righteous attributes of Yeshua the Messiah. Additionally, the term righteousness attached to the name YHVH with its prophetic messianic implications boldly declares the validity of the Torah, since Torah defines what YHVH’s standard of righteousness is (Ps 119:172). YHVH himself adheres to this standard, since it’s a reflection of his character. Furthermore, if Yeshua hadn’t followed this standard perfectly he would have been a sinner, and our Savior — the perfect, spotless, sin-free Lamb who died to cover men’s sins.

Jeremiah 23:13, Prophesied by Baal. That is to say, the false prophets prophesied out of the dictates of their hearts, or in accordance with the passions of their lower, depraved nature (in sync with the world, the flesh and the devil), and not in agreement with the will, word and Spirit of YHVH Elohim. (See notes at Num 22:41.) This is the wisdom that is earthly, sensual and devilish that James talks about that descends from below (Jas 3:15).

Jeremiah 23:14, His wickedness. Wickedness is Torahlessness, since YHVH’s Torah defines what sin or wickedness is (1 John 3:4). The false prophets taught against the Torah. What they prophesied was profane or polluted, since it was not based on the Torah’s standard of righteousness (vv. 11, 15). Furthermore, the prophets prophesied according to the dictates of their own hearts (vv. 16, 17), which as noted in the notes on verse 13 is nothing more than Baal worship — something the Israelites had given themselves over to and which the prophet addresses numerous times throughout his writings. All the true biblical prophets (in both the Old and New Testaments) were Torah-obedient and never spoke a word against the Torah. Anyone who claims to be a prophet will follow this pattern, or else they’re not a true prophet of YHVH, since it goes against the biblical model of a true prophet.

Jeremiah 23:22, My words. What are the words of YHVH that the false prophets aren’t causing YHVH’s people to hear? His Torah, which are his words that Moses and the children of Israel literally heard from YHVH’s mouth. 

Jeremiah 23:31, He says. A noted characteristic of a false prophet is the addition of the phrase, “He says,” in other words, “The Lord says,” or “the word of the Lord is…” (vv. 34, 36, 38) to their prophetic pronouncements as if the addition of these words helps legitimize the their false prophesies. YHVH through Jeremiah warns against using such phrases (v. 38).