Dynamic Faith to Overcome the Tyrannical Power of the New World Order

The following is an email question that I recently received and will then answer below:

I’m asking this tough question for myself but also on behalf others out there. The world ID and money system, or at least part of it, has already been launched and is growing fast. 

Q: Which point of view should we have, A or B?

a) It is staunchly against Elohim to take part in this, because it’s the front door to or an early stage of the mark of the beast system and all its surveillance and eventual tyrannical control.

We should instead get out of Babylon and trust in YHVH and refuse to sign up for a system that represents evil globalist tyrants and their world government system which will be used to enslave us, 


b) This is not the mark of the beast per se. No under the skin mark is presently a requirement of joining or being able to buy or sell using the system. Until that’s the case, there’s no moral or biblical prohibition against signing up for or partaking of the new WorldID system, giving an iris scan, etc. YHVH understands if sooner or later we sign up and become involved in this WorldID/money system.  If regular fiat currencies become worthless, we will still have to eat, pay the rent, and buy the necessities of life.

Nathan’s Response

This is a timely question in light of current world events as they relate to end times Bible prophecy. However, the answer to this question is not as simple as the either…or answer suggested above. As we shall see, my answer is much more nuanced, since there are some deeper spiritual implications that we need to consider before determining a course of action vis-à-vis the mark of the beast (Rev 13:15–18). Thusly, in answering this relevant question, we will take this discussion in a different direction than expected. Let’s step outside the paradigmatic box of our natural thinking and step into a different realm and reality—that of the Spirit and the supernatural. As begotten sons and daughters of the Most High Elohim, is not this spiritual dimension our destiny—the higher goal and level to which we are all aspiring? Is not our physical life merely a proving ground, a place to be refined, a school to graduate from and a stepping stone to the blessed higher level or our ultimate existence? Yes! So let’s now explore how we can overcome this satanic world as we appropriate the victory that Yeshua our Messiah experienced when he led the way for us as he overcame all evil to ascend to the right hand of the Power in heaven.

To start with, in several places, the Bible informs us that the just or righteous person shall walk by faith, not by sight. That is to say, our faith ultimately must be in YHVH, not in anything else including the events we see transpiring around us, or other people, ourselves, or what we think we have to do to protect our physical lives.

What is faith? Faith is trusting YHVH to work things out for our ultimate good, regardless of what the physical circumstances around us appear to be. Why is such trusting faith important. The Bible gives many reasons. But for our discussion here, it is because no one knows exactly what will happen in the future, so it is impossible to game our perfectly what to do. Think about this: Look back over the last 40, 30, 20, 10 or even five years of you life. Did everything go exactly as you planned or expected it to go? Probably not. So what makes you think that you will be able to figure out the future including what to do when it comes to your exact course of action in response to preparing not to take the mark of the beast or how you will survive outside the New World Order’s mark of the beast system? Prepare? Yes. Know the exact details? No. This is where faith in YHVH comes in. He knows the end from the beginning, so we must look to him for our future provision and security as to how we will survive without taking the satanic mark. Several scriptures give us guidelines in this regard.

Trust in YHVH with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Prov 3:5–6)

Trust in YHVH, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in YHVH; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto YHVH; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.…Rest in YHVH, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.… YHVH knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.… For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off. The steps of a good man are ordered by YHVH: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for YHVH upholdeth him with his hand. I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.…Wait on YHVH, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.… But the salvation of the righteous is of YHVH: he is their strength in the time of trouble. And YHVH shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him. (Ps 37:3–5, 7, 18–19, 22–25, 34, 39–40).

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if Elohim so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of Elohim, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. (Matt 6:25–34)

In light of these Bible truths, ask yourself this: Since you have been a redeemed believer, during the past 40, 30, 20, 10 or even five years did you ever starve? Go naked? Live homeless? Have to beg for food or shelter? Likely not. YHVH provided. Therefore, have faith that he will take care of you in the future. As the saying goes, prepare as if it were up to us, and pray as if it were up to Elohim.

It is true that YHVH instructs his people to exit Babylon (Rev 18:4). But what exactly does this mean? As far as leaving Babylon goes, is there really any way to leave this global system completely? Realistically, to do so, you would have to leave the planet! The truth is that we will only completely leave Babylon when Yeshua destroys this satanic world order at his second coming and sets the captives free. Think of the children of Israel and their exodus from Egypt. YHVH kept his children safe and protected in the land of Goshen, but they weren’t free to leave Egypt until he brought divine judgment down upon that nation. As Yeshua told his disciples, though we are in the world, we are not of it. That said, YHVH has the sovereign ability to protect his people even in the eye of the proverbial storm.

So let’s now consider the concept of Babylon the Great as the futuristic Book of Revelation presents it. In the past, Babylon was a geographical entity in the Near East—a localized city and a regional empire called Babylonia. Now Babylon is a global technocracy that is run electronically with the help of a power grid, satellites,  computers, artificial intelligence, government surveillance, digital banking, biometric identification, robots and much more. It is difficult to operate outside this system including holding a regular job, traveling, purchasing food and the necessities of life and paying your bills, unless you live in a log cabin off-grid in Alaska or the Yukon territory. If so what are you going to do when you are buried under ten feet of snow for months at a time in 40 degree below zero weather and you lose your ax or survival knife, run out of gun powder or flour? Most likely, you will have to go back into the global system to buy these things. How are you going to pay for them? With gold dust? Assuming the stream next to your cabin contains gold. Get the point?

This said, if you can and it is Elohim’s will for you, in the mean time, consider relocating as far outside of urban areas as possible. Cities are environments where people are more easily controlled and surveilled by tyrannical governmental systems. If you relocate to a rural area, you will likely have more privacy and be able to live somewhat self-sufficiently. But even then, if you want to keep your land, you still have to pay your property taxes with money. So now, we’re back in the world’s economic system again. Regardless of where you live, however, YHVH’s arm is not shortened in his ability to protect and provide for you. How? Don’t know. Again, that is where faith comes in.

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Pentecost Dynamite—The Antidote to New World Order Tyranny (pt. 1)

In this video, Nathan answers the following emailed question:

I’m asking this tough question for myself but also on behalf others out there. The world ID and money system, or at least part of it, has already been launched and is growing fast. 

Q: Which point of view should we have, A or B?

a) It is staunchly against Elohim to take part in this, because it’s the front door to or an early stage of the mark of the beast system and all its surveillance and eventual tyrannical control. We should instead get out of Babylon and trust in YHVH and refuse to sign up for a system that represents evil globalist tyrants and their world government system which will be used to enslave us, 


b) This is not the mark of the beast per se. No under the skin mark is presently a requirement of joining or being able to buy or sell using the system. Until that’s the case, there’s no moral or biblical prohibition against signing up for or partaking of the new WorldID system, giving an iris scan, etc. YHVH understands if sooner or later we sign up and become involved in this WorldID/money system.  If regular fiat currencies become worthless, we will still have to eat, pay the rent, and buy the necessities of life.


What can YOU do to stop the tidal wave of evil coming at you?

Okay, let’s be realistic. If end times Bible prophecy is true, and it is, and we are living in the end times, then it is going to get extremely dark before King Yeshua sets foot on this earth once again. The forces of evil are in an epic battle to prevent the inevitable and unstopable advance and ultimate establishment of King Yeshua’s millennial kingdom on earth. However, before this occurs, Scripture tells us that the forces of antichrist will take over the world, and a shroud of satanic darkness will descend on this planet. Despite it all, this is not the time for the saints of the Most High Elohim to shrink back in fear! Yeshua not only instructed his disciples to watch and pray, but to occupy until he comes! How can we do this? Here is a list of helpful suggestions.

  • Be the most holy and righteous person you can be. The example of your life may be the only Bible that some people will ever read. 
  • In all areas of your life, be salt and light. Let your light shine. Be friendly and happy. Spread love, peace, joy, hope and good will everywhere you go.
  • Be a river of life to those around you. In every way possible, point them to Yeshua and his Torah-Truth.
  • Meet people at their point of need, and then share the gospel.
  • Pray for the sick and everyone else who is in need. Everyone has a need that Yeshua can fulfill.
  • Feed the hungry physically and spiritually.
  • Cloth the naked physically and spiritually.
  • Share the Word of Elohim with people—the hope of the gospel message.
  • Have lots of children and teach them YHVH’s ways.
  • Be the educators of your children as the Torah in the Shema passage commands. Don’t leave their education in the hands of the secular, humanistic, antichrist State schools. Homeschool your children.
  • Teach your children the Bible. For example, you can use Hoshana Rabbah’s free online Torah Explorers year-long study program as a homeschool curriculum. 
  • Start a Bible study, prayer group or home fellowship.
  • Use social media to influence as many people as possible for the kingdom. Always keep Yeshua and the hope of the gospel message at the center of your outreach efforts. Don’t use social media to pass on fear-porn, weirdness, actual conspiracy theories or silly nonsense. When sharing news items, deal only with reputable sources and provable facts and then point people to the Bible and to Yeshua through it. This can include being a social influencer through having a YouTube channel, a blog,  a website, and Facebook page or the like.
  • If you have a social platform, position of authority or sphere of influence, use them to share the gospel. Platforms can include…
  • Being a family leader (parent or grandparent)
  • Being a business owner or leader.
  • Being in ministry leadership position (pastor, Bible teacher).
  • Being in a position of social or civil leadership.
  • Being in a professional position of influence (doctor, teacher, professor, counselor, scientist, lawyer, politician).
  • Being a social media influencer (start a blog, a podcast, an online video channel, create memes, a social media page).
  • Be a prayer warrior or intercessor.
Yeshua has called his disciples to be spiritual warriors, and not to shrink back in fear when evil comes!
  • If YHVH has blessed you with financial resources, use it to help spread the gospel or to support those who are doing so.
  • Stand up for truth and righteousness wherever and however you can. Be outspoken. Talk to others. Let your voice be heard.
  • Ask YHVH for ministry assignments such as putting people in your path to whom you can minister, for opportunities to come your way to help advance his kingdom.

These are all ways to occupy until King Yeshua returns. This is how YOU can be salt and light, a menorah on a hill, to those around you, and to help make the world a better thus fulfilling the great commission of Yeshua to “preach” the good news of the kingdom of heaven everywhere to everyone.

What suggestions can you add to the list above? Please share them in the comments section of this article.


We’re Back!!!

Nathan thinking about dinner after a weary day of traveling on the French Riviera.

It has been quiet on my blog for the last few weeks. Why? You may ask. Well my bride and I just returned from a little trip to celebrate 32 years together. We visited six countries in the western Mediterranean including putting a foot on the African continent for a day. We traveled by jet, taxi, large and small buses, train, cruise ship, small boat, and we pounded a lot of cobblestone pavement along the way. In fact, I wore out a pair of shoes in Tunis, Tunisia. The soles were flapping by the end of the day like a flat tire.

Along the way, we visited Spain, France, Italy, Tunisia, Andorra and the Vatican. Below are a few pictures out of the several thousand we took. We had four cameras going! I shoot videos, and Sandi does the stills. The pics below are all ones she took.

The highlight of the trip? For me, it was not the Vatican, or the French Riviera or Barcelona. Not Pisa or Florence, Pompeii and Vesuvius or Sicily. Not Andorra or the Pyrenees. Not the Coliseum, the Roman Forum in Rome or the Sistine Chapel or the Vatican Museum or even climbing to the top of the Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. No. As great as these things were, what blessed me the most was slowing the pace down a bit and savoring life in the company of my wife, and experiencing the food and culture of Italy and the exploring the quaint back allies of the Old City and savoring the little things that are often overlooked in the mad pace of life.

Now it’s back to work, and the USA with its mass shootings (been home only a three days and there has been almost one a day so far), pudding eating Biden, the uni-party childishness of the Republicrats and Democans, and constant trans-trope with their alphabet soup of sexual perversions being crammed down our gullets. Oy vey!

Oh well, it is what it is, and may Yah give us the strength to stand firm for him until our ultimate redemption which draweth nigh comes from above with healing in His wings to straighten out this mess below and give rewards to is disciples. HalleluYah!

Please enjoy a few pics hopefully to get our minds on some better things for a moment or two!

Nathan taking a photo of Europe’s largest palm tree located in the Rome Botanical Garden.
Sandi and Nathan in front of the Duomo of Florence, Italy.
When finished, this minor basilica—La Sagrada Familia—will be the second largest church in the world after St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. It will have the tallest tower in the world at 560 feet. They started building the church in 1882 and it’s still not finished. This Barcelona church is Spain’s top tourist attraction.
Inside view of La Sagrada Familia.
Some good Italian food and a Negroni drink in the Trastvere neighborhood of Rome.
Visiting the tiny country Andorra high in the Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain. It is the sixth smallest country in Europe.
Nathan pretending to be Samson and trying to push over the pillars of what’s left of this pagan temple in Carthage, Tunisia in north Africa.
St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, the birthplace of Greco-Roman, Constantine Christianity, but NOT the burial place of Peter.
In Pompeii near Naples, Italy with Mount Vesuvius in the background.
No caption is needed here. Y’all know what this is!

Stay tuned for more pics and videos to follow as time allows. I will also be sharing some spiritual insights I gained while traveling through these five Catholic and one Moslem countries. The dust is still settling from this long trip through more than 3,000 years of history, and the cognitive overload of it all is mind boggling. All the while jet lag is still keeping us up at odd hours of the day and night.

Chiao and shalom!


Get YOUR kids out of the public schools NOW!

California mom confronts school district after 11-year-old changed genders without her knowledge

Aurora Regino says elementary school helped daughter transition under ‘parental secrecy’ policy

From https://www.foxnews.com/media/california-mom-confronts-school-district-11-year-old-changed-genders-knowledge

By Taylor Penley | Fox News

California school district votes to uphold ‘incredibly dangerous’ ‘parental secrecy policy’

Aurora Regino, a concerned mother from California’s Chico Unified School District, weighs in after the school board votes to uphold a ‘parental secrecy policy.’

California mom is outraged after her daughter’s school district upheld a “parental secrecy policy” allowing school officials to offer gender counseling without informing parents.

Aurora Regino said her 11-year-old daughter’s elementary school in the Chico Unified School District helped her transition from female to male during the last school year, but a guidance counselor kept her in the dark during the entire process.

“During one of the meetings, my daughter told the counselor she wanted to tell me about her new identity. They ignored her request and did nothing to support her in letting me know what was going on at school,” she told board members at a meeting last Wednesday.


The board weighed a measure that would allow for “more parental inclusion” but ultimately voted to keep the existing so-called “parental secrecy policy” in place with a 3-2 vote.

“It was a really sad decision that they made, but unfortunately I wasn’t extremely surprised,” Regino told “Fox & Friends First” host Todd Piro on Tuesday.

“This policy that they have in place, to keep these situations a secret from the family, is incredibly damaging. It was extremely damaging in my case with my daughter. She was bullied and she didn’t have the support that she needed from her family and, also, she was outed within the school with other people within the office knowing her new gender and pronouns that she didn’t even tell them, and she had to go through those feelings of wondering how they even knew all on her own.”


California mom Aurora Regino speaks to her daughter's school board ahead of a vote offering more transparency for parents.

California mom Aurora Regino speaks to her daughter’s school board ahead of a vote offering more transparency for parents. (Chico Unified School Board of Education)

Regino, who is suing the district for keeping her in the dark about her daughter’s identity and transition, lambasted the policy as “incredibly dangerous” and said the struggle to advance parental rights in the area had been hard-fought. 

She told Piro her daughter is doing well, but she is determined to speak out on behalf of her family and others with similar experiences, so everyone knows what is taking place in public schools.

“When this originally happened to our family, nobody could’ve ever told me that this was going on, especially at the young age of elementary school,” she said.


The policy that board members voted to uphold, according to Regino, extends to children as young as pre-kindergarten who are approximately five years old and reaches through the 12th grade.

“It’s incredibly damaging that they’re upholding such a crazy policy for such young children,” she continued after a moment, arguing that such a tumultuous time in children and adolescents’ lives is when they need parental guidance the most.