Okay, let’s be realistic. If end times Bible prophecy is true, and it is, and we are living in the end times, then it is going to get extremely dark before King Yeshua sets foot on this earth once again. The forces of evil are in an epic battle to prevent the inevitable and unstopable advance and ultimate establishment of King Yeshua’s millennial kingdom on earth. However, before this occurs, Scripture tells us that the forces of antichrist will take over the world, and a shroud of satanic darkness will descend on this planet. Despite it all, this is not the time for the saints of the Most High Elohim to shrink back in fear! Yeshua not only instructed his disciples to watch and pray, but to occupy until he comes! How can we do this? Here is a list of helpful suggestions.
- Be the most holy and righteous person you can be. The example of your life may be the only Bible that some people will ever read.
- In all areas of your life, be salt and light. Let your light shine. Be friendly and happy. Spread love, peace, joy, hope and good will everywhere you go.
- Be a river of life to those around you. In every way possible, point them to Yeshua and his Torah-Truth.
- Meet people at their point of need, and then share the gospel.
- Pray for the sick and everyone else who is in need. Everyone has a need that Yeshua can fulfill.
- Feed the hungry physically and spiritually.
- Cloth the naked physically and spiritually.
- Share the Word of Elohim with people—the hope of the gospel message.
- Have lots of children and teach them YHVH’s ways.
- Be the educators of your children as the Torah in the Shema passage commands. Don’t leave their education in the hands of the secular, humanistic, antichrist State schools. Homeschool your children.
- Teach your children the Bible. For example, you can use Hoshana Rabbah’s free online Torah Explorers year-long study program as a homeschool curriculum.
- Start a Bible study, prayer group or home fellowship.
- Use social media to influence as many people as possible for the kingdom. Always keep Yeshua and the hope of the gospel message at the center of your outreach efforts. Don’t use social media to pass on fear-porn, weirdness, actual conspiracy theories or silly nonsense. When sharing news items, deal only with reputable sources and provable facts and then point people to the Bible and to Yeshua through it. This can include being a social influencer through having a YouTube channel, a blog, a website, and Facebook page or the like.
- If you have a social platform, position of authority or sphere of influence, use them to share the gospel. Platforms can include…
- Being a family leader (parent or grandparent)
- Being a business owner or leader.
- Being in ministry leadership position (pastor, Bible teacher).
- Being in a position of social or civil leadership.
- Being in a professional position of influence (doctor, teacher, professor, counselor, scientist, lawyer, politician).
- Being a social media influencer (start a blog, a podcast, an online video channel, create memes, a social media page).
- Be a prayer warrior or intercessor.
- If YHVH has blessed you with financial resources, use it to help spread the gospel or to support those who are doing so.
- Stand up for truth and righteousness wherever and however you can. Be outspoken. Talk to others. Let your voice be heard.
- Ask YHVH for ministry assignments such as putting people in your path to whom you can minister, for opportunities to come your way to help advance his kingdom.
These are all ways to occupy until King Yeshua returns. This is how YOU can be salt and light, a menorah on a hill, to those around you, and to help make the world a better thus fulfilling the great commission of Yeshua to “preach” the good news of the kingdom of heaven everywhere to everyone.
What suggestions can you add to the list above? Please share them in the comments section of this article.
I have been thinking along the same lines about wirting something to those on my e-mail list. Instead….I will forward your post!
*If you have the opportunity to study Hebrew for free then grab it. *Be healthy & strong to stay in Mission for YHVH. *Prepare physically & most especially spiritually. *Weekly Parasha Readings & from it you can have sermons based on the Torah.
What job do you have for an ‘old sheep dog’?
Blessings John