Video: Catherine Austin Fitts Full Interview – Planet Lockdown

The following video was sent to me by one of the readers of this blog. Thank you John from Tasmania! After watching it, I am compelled to share it with you and highly encourage you to watch it. In the video, Catherine Austin Fitts, a Christian, a former investment banker and political insider, connects many dots and ties together in a united and concise way the seeming unrelated subjects of Covid, artificial Intelligence, transhumanism, robotics, the internet of all things, what is behind the recent riots in the US, racial division in the US, the recent US presidential elections, the rise of a global technocratic dictatorship and how all of this ties into the globalists plans to enslave humanity (and to reduce the population) for the benefit of a few power and money hungry globalist “elites” whom she euphemistically refers to as “Mr. Global.”

I have been following the various threads mentioned above for decades, but to date, I have not heard any analysis as thorough as this one where all the dots are connected.

Fitts is no lightweight in the world of business or government as you will see from the links below. Please take time to check them out before watching the video. This understanding will lend credence to what she has to say in the video.

In her video, she even makes a brief reference to the book of Revelation as the prophecies therein relate to the things occurring globally presently.

As a watchman on the wall for many decades, I am very careful as to what I share on this blog. I know a whole lot more about current world conditions and what is going on behind the scenes as it relates to Bible prophecy than I am able to share. On many things I am taking a wait-and-see attitude, since my sense of what is going on is often more based on spiritual discernment than on empirical evidence, which is often scanty and difficult for the humans peons at the lower level like you and me to quantify. And quite frankly, because of the normalcy bias mental paradigm in which most of us live, few people are able to receive the hard cold facts that are hidden in plain sight of what is going on in this world economically, politically and spiritually. It can be frightening and overwhelming to the average person. Despite this, hopefully you will find the following info helpful and enlightening.

No matter what, our main goal should always be to keep our eyes on Yeshua and to stand on his word and promises as the anchor of our faith.

Now for the info on Catherine Austin Fitts.


Judgment Is Upon the Church in America (and elsewhere)!

We continue to read in the news headlines how a few well-known mainstream Christian leaders are decrying the turn of recent political events in the US with respect to the outcome of the recent elections and America’s decided move toward the Antichrist religion of leftism. Sadly, these Christian leaders, when shooting their verbal guns, are still missing the main target.

In the Word of Elohim, we read,

For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of Elohim; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of Elohim? Now “IF THE RIGHTEOUS ONE IS SCARCELY SAVED, WHERE WILL THE UNGODLY AND THE SINNER APPEAR?” (1 Pet 4:17–18, emphasis added)

In the previous quoted Scripture passage, I emphasized the words “for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of Elohim” (i.e. the churches) because the church leaders blindly refuse to lead their sheeple in repentance for their own sins, and instead keep pointing to the sins of the nation as the cause of the present divine judgment against this America and other formerly so-called Christian nations. Well, I see judgment definitely coming on the Christian church right now in several areas. Here are is a list:

A) For many years, YHVH has allowed the lid to the taken of the garbage can of many Christian leaders’ lives to reveal their sexual sins. The leftist mainstream news media continue to gleefully splash their headlines with these salacious reports.

B) For many years, YHVH has allowed the lid to the taken of the garbage can of many Christian leaders’ private lives to reveal their covetous greed when it comes to money and material possessions including their lavish lifestyles and how they have innovatively and habitually conned countless people out of vast sums of money in the name of “God”.

C) Now Covid has been unleashed upon the world, and the political forces of Antichrist are hellbent on keeping churches from meeting along with family gatherings, holiday gatherings, weddings and funerals, while at the same time allowing riots and demonstrations, sex shops, drug shops, homo shops, porn shops and the like to operate largely unhindered. 

The closing of churches has had a profound negative impact on the finances of most churches such that many are in danger of closing their doors because people have reduced or stopped their financial giving—the church’s financial gravy train.

Financial issues wouldn’t be a problem to the pastors, churches, denominations and ministries if the leaders of these corporate companies masquerading as churches and religious organizations had regular secular jobs or trades like the rest of us. If they were tent-makers like Paul, they wouldn’t need to always have their hand out begging for donations, and they wouldn’t always be trying to peddle the gospel (in the form of videos, books, speaking honorariums, conferences, religious trinkets etc., etc.) to make a buck. Can’t you see how YHVH is using Covid to dry up the funds of these greedy, sheep-fleecing hierlings (John 10:11–13), who are (to use the exact biblical language for them) dumb and greedy dogs (Isa 56:10–11, also see Ezek 34 where Elohim further denounces them)?

When we talk of greedy pastors, Bible teachers and other religious leaders, we cannot turn a blind eye to the majority of major “Messianic” and “Hebrew roots” teachers who have also learned well the art of money grubbing from their Christians and religious Jewish mentors. Shame on all of them! You cannot give me a single verse of Scripture to justify your shameful behavior. Neither the Levites, prophets nor Yeshua and nor any of his apostles acted as you have acted and are acting. In this, you are worhshipping the god of mammon, not the Elohim of the Bible.

This I can say about myself, as Paul said of himself,

For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of Elohim; but as of sincerity, but as from Elohim, we speak in the sight of Elohim in Messiah. (1 Cor 12:17)

D) In recent times, YHVH has raised up the so-called Messianic or Hebrew roots movement, for all of its flaws and shortcomings, as a judgment against the mainstream Christian church for abandoning its biblical Hebraic roots back in the second century A.D. The Hebraic, biblical foundations, biblical truth movement or whatever label you choose, is shining a giant spotlight exposing many areas of fraud and lies that have existed unchallenged and unexposed in the mainstream church. It it fixing a spotlight on many important biblical truths (including the importance of the Torah) that the church has been overlooking and teaching lies about, as well as the numerous unbiblical traditions and manmade doctrines that have cleverly crept into so-called normative, mainstream Christianity.

So far, most, if not all, current major mainstream church leaders are ignoring this divinely inspired and orchestrated move of the Spirit of Elohim to restore truth in the last days as Peter predicted must occur before Yeshua the Messiah can return (it’s not good for the business of religion to preach the whole Truth, now is it?):

Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send Yeshua the Messiah, who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which Elohim has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began. (Acts 3:19–21, emphasis added)

It is high time for the mainstream church leaders to wake up from their spiritual sleep and to repent for the right things instead of pointing fingers at others and conveniently letting themselves off the hook all the way to the bank.


The US’s Descent Into Idolatrous Baalism: The Coming “Woke” American Theocracy



Authored by Simon Black via,

Over a two day period in late March of 1979, the people of Iran held a groundbreaking referendum to turn their country into a theocratic Islamic Republic where the religious leaders ruled supreme.

According to the wholeheartedly honest and incorruptible officials who counted the votes, 99.3% of the ballots were cast in favor of becoming an Islamic Republic.

(This bears a striking resemblance to Kim Jong Un winning a 2014 ‘election’ in North Korea with 100% of the vote, or when Saddam Hussein won re-election in Iraq back in 2002 with 11.4 million votes in favor, and 0 against.)

Within months, a new constitution was drafted, and Iran became a theocracy.

In a theocracy, the rules and rituals of the official state religion become pervasive in everything– politics, education, business, news, entertainment, and even your daily routine– regardless of whether or not you’re a believer… if you’re even allowed to be a non-believer.

In its own way, the United States (and much of the West) is rapidly becoming a theocracy where the woke leftist religion similarly pervades our daily lives.

We can already see it.

Just look at the education system, where schools and universities are indoctrinating young people into the virtues of Marxism, Critical Race Theory, and other woke pseudoscience topics.

Children are taught to view themselves as oppressors or victims, and to judge themselves (and others) not based on the content of their character, but on the color of their skin.

And even basic subjects are being radicalized.

The United States was founded in 1619. Biology is intolerant. 2 + 2 = 4 “reeks of white supremacist patriarchy”.

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Will this or something like it be the mark of the beast?


He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16–17)

From the Jerusalem Post at

Edelstein confirms: Coronavirus ‘green passports’ on their way

Health Minister Yuli Edelstein confirmed on Wednesday that coronavirusgreen passports are on their way.”Two weeks after the second shot, a person who was vaccinated will receive a green passport,” he said during a Labor, Welfare and Health Committee meeting on Wednesday, speaking of the document which is intended to prove that its holder has been vaccinated and will give those who have it certain benefits and freedoms.

Edelstein said that while he could not yet give all the details of how the passports would work, he could confirm that “it will free people from isolation [requirement]” and it would “allow [people] to enter places that will still be restricted to other populations.” “It will be a difficult logistical operation,” he added. MK Ophir Sofer said that the green passport would be an excellent tool for encouraging the population to get vaccinated.


Dealing With Our Last Days Enemies

In these last days, the enemies of Elohim are crawling out of their caves and lairs, and from under the rocks where they have been hiding. This is because Satan knowns that his time as the god of this age is short, and he is pulling out all of the proverbial stops to make his last stand against the saints of the Mose High, and ultimately against the soon-coming Conquering King Yeshua our Messiah.

Until then, Satan has commissioned and empowered the biblically prophesied spirit of Antichrist to rise up against the saints all across the globe. All of this is against the backdrop of and partially empowered by the weakness of a lukewarm, apostate, largely money-driven corporate Christian church to stand against these evil forces.

The year 2020 has been especially a hot year in regard to the rising up of satanic forces. Satan is the author of confusion, fear and is out to kill, steal and destroy. This is occurring globally through the disease “pandemics” manipulated to bring earth’s population under the physical and psychological control of globalist tyrannical government as well as the modern sorcerers of the drug cartels, who make billions peddling their pharamaceia, while enslaving their drug-addicted cliental (Rev 9:21 and 18:23).

In the U.S., for example, there has been an unprecedented uprising of leftist, Marxists and anarchist criminal elements and the failure of supportive acquiescing morally weak and left-leaning political leaders to apply the rule of law against them. Moreover, we have witnessed the likely manifestation of a fraudulent presidential election that has given rise to leftist and criminal elements taking the reins of control over this nation. Through it all, the lives and businesses of millions are being ravaged and destroyed as the leftist leaders impose onerous restrictions and soft-martial law, civil liberty edicts in many areas across the country. Fear, uncertainty and hopelessness reigns as food lines, even in prosperous areas, lengthen, jobless rates soar and one-third of Americans, for example, are in danger of losing their homes unable to pay their mortgages and rent due to job loss.

Where do we go from here? Thousands of years ago, the Bible prophesied that these things would occur in the last days. Why should those who are awake, alert and or the Son’s of the Light who do not exist in spiritual darkness be surprised? Many of us have seen these days coming for a long time and have prepared ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for them. Beyond that, our trust is in YHVH Elohim the promises of his Word to protect and provide for his saints. Trials and persecutions will occur. Some will even be martyred (a spiritual promotion). In the mean time, we stand against evil in the name and power of the resurrected Messiah, occupying until he comes, while being about our Father’s business of helping to spread the good news of the kingdom of heaven.

In conclusion, please keep this one thing in mind: The best and safest place to be in both good and bad times is in the center of YHVH’s perfect will for your life. Find it and rest in it trusting in YHVH to lead, lead and protect you as he is forming and shaping each of us into the perfect image of Yeshua!

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. (Rom 8:28–29)

Are the Imprecatory Psalms at Odds With Yeshua’s Command to Love One’s Enemies?

Psalm 58 like many of the other imprecatory (from imprecation meaning “a spoken curse”) psalms expresses the extreme and overwhelming frustration, nay, the animus or antipathy that the righteous child of Elohim often viscerally feels toward the wicked evildoers that surround him, and the strong and yearning desire that one has for heaven to render judgment against those who hate all that is good. Is it a bad thing for righteous people to hate wickedness? Is it sinful for YHVH’s saints to desire justice from the heavenly courts for the wrongs committed against them by their wicked, evil-doing and God-hating enemies? More importantly, are the imprecatory psalms opposed to Yeshua’s teaching to love one’s enemy? While this may appear to be the case, and many Christian Bible teaches aver this to be so, we will answer these questions, and upon closer examination, see that these imprecatory psalms express some deeper spiritual truths that are consistent with the totality of Scripture and are actually in line with the teachings of Yeshua. In analyzing this subject, we will use Psalm 58 as our launch pad into examining a larger subject suggested by the imprecatory verbiage found in biblical psalmic literature.

At the outset of this discussion, let’s establish one important fact. The author of the fifty-eighth psalm knows a basic Bible truth that is found in both the Old and New Testaments. It is that judgment against one’s enemies is ultimately in the hands of Elohim (Deut 32:35, 43; Ps 94:1–2; Rom 12:19; Heb 10:30); it is the Almighty who will arise and tread down and scatter one’s enemies (Ps 60:12; 68:1). In the mean time, however, while waiting for Elohim to act, the earth reels and struggles under the heavy and constant attacks of the wicked, and the psalmist cries out to Elohim to render judgment against the ungodly (Ps 58:6), which Elohim will eventually do. At that time, the righteous will rejoice (Ps 58:10). The time when heaven will balance the scales of justice cannot come soon enough for the oft persecuted and downtrodden saints, for it will be then when YHVH will reward the righteous and judge the wicked when he comes from on high (Ps 58:11). 

At that time when the scales of justice are finally balanced, the righteous will awaken at the resurrection to everlasting life and will shine like the stars, while the wicked will be condemned to everlasting shame and contempt (Dan 12:2–3 cp. Matt 13:43). 

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