COVID Mandates—Where do we go and what do we do?

It seems that almost everyday, I’m either receiving emails, watching videos, reading news reports, listening to news podcasts or hearing directly from folks about people’s fears concerning government imposed mandates with regard to COVID restrictions being placed on them. These restrictions are often questionable legally if not outright illegal and go against our, often our constitutionally guaranteed, civil rights. What ware we do do about this when it affects our ability to work and provide for our families as well as move about in order to buy food and so on? The following short essay are my thoughts on this.

With regard to State imposed COVID mandates, many of us are watching our governments go rogue and illegal in their march toward tyrannical control over their constituents for the purpose of power and money and to advance various satanic agendas. This has great implications as to how it affects our lives, so what are we to do?

In more and more instances, it seems that the ruling authorities no longer care  about the rule of law, and will do whatever necessary, legal or illegal, to advance their genocidal and demonic schemes. For them, the ends justify the means, and this has always been the main rule from their playbook.

The fact is that we are marching irrevocably toward the Babylon the Great new world order just as the book of Revelation predicts would happen in the end times.

As the need for and survival tactic of civil disobedience becomes more and more apparent, we will need to pray for YHVH’s strategic gameplan on how to fight those edicts that are against his word and limit or prevent us from accomplishing his will for each of us. May he give us the wisdom and discernment on how to act, what to say and to know when and how to do it such that we are in his perfect will, so that he will fight our battles for us and glorify his name through us in the process.

Our greatest hour when we can shine the brightest in the darkness of this world is just around the corner. We must hang on to this hope and truth as we go forward.

Yes, to be sure, our lifestyles will change and our civil rights and freedoms abridged, but in the process, our YHVH Elohim will open doors and avenues for us to go through and in which to operate heretofore unknown and invisible to us that will allow us to survive and flourish despite it all. This is our only hope, and we must cling to it for life, or else our faith is mere talk and is in vain. And if that be the case, then as Solomon the wise Preacher declared, as did Paul the apostle, we may as well eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die, for that is all there is.

But no, this is not our fate. On the contrary, it is now time to start thinking outside of the box of the limitations of our own thinking and self-imposed paradigms as we move forward into this uncharted territory that none of us have been in before. After all, YHVH lives outside of our boxes and thus has ways, means and resources at his disposal of which we know nothing about; therefore, we must boldly step forward in faith, trusting in him and praying for wisdom from above, while taking each step carefully under his watchful guidance. He will show each of us the way, and when one door shuts behind us, he will open another in front of us, and we will find the blessing from heaven above in it all if we look for it. Amein.


Could a COVID Passport Be Preparing Us for the Mark of the Beast?

Could the COVID passport that some politicians are saying will not come, yet that is slowly and steadily being forced onto the lives of more citizens in more countries actually be a blessing in disguise for the saints? I believe that it could be. What do I mean by this?

The following is not a discussion about the merits or demerits of vaccines COVID or otherwise. That is another discussion for another time. Rather, this is about the implications of a COVID passport that may well determine who can do what, when and where or not. Such a passport would be about separating people into classes­—the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Why does this matter and how does it affect you should the requirements of a COVID passport come knocking on your door?

Likely all those reading this believe in the veracity of the Bible, and the fact that Scripture predicts that certain events will happen before the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah. One of these prophesied events is the famous mark of the beast of Revelation 13 in the Bible. According to Scripture, only those who have the mark of the beast will be permitted by the State or the powers that be to buy and sell. In other words, to survive in a modern world in a somewhat normal fashion, it will be mandated that everyone takes the mark. Probably a few who live off the land in a self-sufficient manner and are off grid somewhere far away from others will not be too negatively affected by the mark of the beast, but this will be a small minority of people. For the rest of us whose lives are urban and depend on others for survival, not being able to buy or sell could be a real problem—even a life threatening one.

So at some point in the end times, as per Revelation 13:16–17, the world will be divided into two classes of people: those who take the mark and are able to buy and sell (i.e. survive in a contemporary culture), and those who refuse to take it. By now, it should not hard to see where I am going with this line of thought.

For the record, I do not for one second believe that either the COVID shot, or jab as it is being called, or the COVID passport are the mark of the beast. Neither one fits the biblical criteria for the mark. However, are these things conditioning people to eventually accept the infamous mark?

Let’s get real. Do you really think that all those folks who are promoting either the jab or the passport are knowing agents of the devil intent on helping to fulfill biblical prophecy so that Yeshua can return? Of course not. They are simply doing what they think is best for themselves and for humanity. Yes, of course, there are sinister elements, even demonic evil doers at the top who have their new world order, globalistic and Luciferian agendas. But there have always been and there always will be these type of people seeking world dominion at the expense of the rest of us. It all goes back to the snake in the tree in the garden, who from the beginning was intent on thwarting the will of the Creator. Nothing has changed since then. Satan is the god of this world, and he is opposed to all that is good, and he has his human agents that are helping to fulfill his nefarious purposes whether they know it or not. These people are his useful idiots.

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Antifa throws flash bombs at children, injures pastor at Christian prayer event in Portland

Natan’s comments:

The story below is very alarming and only the beginning of what is to come. 

I live 20 minutes from this park. In the past, I have preached the gospel there.

What is the sickest part of it all is that the police did not show up to protect the Christians from the lawless Satanists. In the past when we street preached in Portland, the police were there to help keep the peace. The leftist thugs have now replaced the police. These Antifa goons have become the SA Brownshirts warlords in control of the Portland streets, and no one, not even the police, are able to stand up to them or stop them. This is because the politicians have defanged the police and rendered them impotent. 

The church is largely impotent to do anything as well. I used to preach to skinhead gangs and the like in downtown Portland. The anointing of Elohim was all over us when we did it. When the gangs and Satanist came against me, I’d lift up the name of Yeshua and they’d back off. They couldn’t touch me. We saw miracle after miracle. Now all the Christians do is stand around with their fingers in their mouth and say “peace in the name of Jesus” as the thugs mace them and toss their sound equipment in the river.

Moreover, where are the preachers to preach sin and repentance at that moment to these Satanist? Signs and wonders follow the preaching of the gospel, not thumb sucking and Kumbaya singing Christians. That’s what we used to do and YHVH was there to protect us. Now all these impotent Christians can do is stand there with their fingers in their mouths and sing Kumbaya. Sick and sad how the church as devolved. 

YHVH bless any Christians that may not have been in the videos who stood up and preached the gospel as Yeshua commissioned us to do.

And what’s with the sissy pastor standing in his slick suit off to the side looking all dapper, but saying and doing nothing? As I’ve said many times, as long as the pastors are behind their acrylic pulpits in the safety of their churches standing behind their security detail, they’re powerful “men of God.” But get them out into the streets, and they wilt like the real pansies that most of them are. I stood behind a pulpit for 18 years, and I also spent years on the streets preaching the gospel, so I know what I’m talking about. — Natan


By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor | Monday, August 09, 2021FacebookTwitterEmailPrintMenuComment158

Antifa members assaulting a prayer and worship event in downtown Portland, Oregon. | YouTube/Mary Todd

Dozens of black-clad Antifa militants carrying shields and melee weapons on Saturday assaulted Christians, including children, who were attending a prayer and worship event in downtown Portland, Oregon, featuring Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski.

Portland police looked on as Antifa bear-sprayed Christians and their children, lobbed “flash bombs” into the crowd, and reportedly threw the sound equipment being used for the prayer event into the Willamette River, PJ Media reported.

In black bloc and riot gear, armed Antifa could be seen in a video physically confronting the Christian attendees. One of the members sprayed a congregant with what appeared to be pepper spray. The attendees stepped back to evade the assault, The Post Millennial reported.

“Where is your God now?” one of the Antifa members can be heard shouting in the video.

A woman attending the prayer event described the group as “ruthless.”

“Antifa just rolled in like an angry mob, started throwing flash bombs at everybody, macing everybody … rotten eggs,” CBN News quoted her as saying. “They threw a flash bomb into a group of kids that were out there from 4 months old to like 10.”

Pawlowski, who serves as pastor of Street Church and Cave of Adullam Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has been seen in viral videos documenting his encounters with law enforcement over COVID-19 restrictions, was also sprayed in the face with mace.

An attendee who helped the pastor was quoted as saying, “Walked up to ask them to stop throwing things at the children. There’s kids down there. I mean, they’re toddlers and they sprayed me too.”

“Welcome to Portland. You won’t like it here, pastor,” tweeted an Antifa member, who identifies herself as Melissa Lewis on Twitter.

In an earlier interview with The Christian Post, Pawlowski spoke about his interactions with authorities over the past year and doubled down on his characterization of local law enforcement as Nazis and communists.

Pawlowski has compared the measures taken by law enforcement officials to enforce novel coronavirus restrictions on churches to the actions taken by authorities in his native Poland when it was under communist rule.

In March 2020, he was informed that Street Church would have to “shut down and stop taking care of the poor.” Pawlowski refused to obey that order, concluding that by issuing “orders to stop feeding them [and] giving them necessities of life, they were sentencing them to death. [And] some of them did die.”

“All of those people wandering the streets, if I don’t feed them or someone like me does not feed them … they’re going to attack your house or break into your car,” he added. “You got to provide people with food if they cannot get it on their own for whatever reason. … Addictions or mental illness or whatever it is, those people will eat this way or that way. I prefer to feed them instead of letting them go and hurt other people to get what they need.”

The Saturday prayer and worship event in Portland was announced a month ago, which gave Antifa enough time to plan the attack.

Antifa has also attacked several churches in Portland.

For more video on Antifa violence against Christians in Oregon, go to:


Sen. Rand Paul: Mask mandates and lockdowns from petty tyrants? No, not again. Choose freedom

Resist. They can’t arrest us all. They can’t keep all your kids home from school

Sen. Rand Paul

 By Sen. Rand Paul| Fox News (

Rand Paul says he is against vaccine mandates because he believes in a free society


They can’t arrest us all. They can’t keep all your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed – although I’ve got a long list of ones they should.

We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and feckless bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again. 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi — you will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs. We have all either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the vaccine. We will make our own health choices. We will not show you a passport, we will not wear a mask, we will not be forced into random screening and testing so you can continue your drunk with power rein over the Capitol. 

President Biden — we will not accept your agencies’ mandates or your reported moves toward a lockdown. No one should follow the CDC’s anti-science mask mandates. And if you want to shutdown federal agencies again — some of which aren’t even back to work fully — I will stop every bill coming through the Senate with an amendment to cut their funding if they don’t come to work. 

No more.

Local bureaucrats and union bosses — we will not allow you to do more harm to our children again this year. Children are not at any more risk from COVID than they are for the seasonal flu. Every adult who works in schools has either had the vaccine or had their chance to. There is no reason for mask mandates, part time schools, or any lockdown measures.

Children are falling behind in school, and are being harmed physically and psychologically by the tactics you have used to keep them from the classroom last year. We won’t allow it again.

If a school system attempts to keep the children from full-time, in-person school, I will hold up every bill with two amendments. One to defund them, and another to allow parents the choice of where the money goes for their child’s education.


Do I sound fed up to you? That’s because I am. 

I’m not a career politician. I’ve practiced medicine for 33 years. I graduated from Duke Medical School, worked in emergency rooms, studied immunology and virology, and ultimately chose to become a surgeon. 

 We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children?

I have been telling everyone for a year now that Dr. Anthony Fauci and other public health officials were NOT following science, and I’ve been proven right time and time again. 

But I’m not the only one who is fed up. I can’t go anywhere these days — from work, to events, to airports and Ubers, restaurants and stores, without people coming up to me thanking me for standing up for them.

For standing up for actual science. For standing up for freedom. For standing against mandates, lockdowns, and bureaucratic power grabs.

I think the tide has turned, and more and more people are willing to stand up. I see stories from across the country of parents standing up to teacher unions and school boards.

I see members of Congress refusing to comply with Petty Tyrant Pelosi. 

We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children?

Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not. Not this time. I choose freedom. 


Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans



‘Good doctors are doing unthinkable things’ …They ‘appear to be under a spell’

Dr. Peter McCullough

The most highly cited physician on the early treatment of COVID-19 has come out with an explosive new video that blows the lid off the medical establishment’s complicity in the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.

Dr. Peter McCullough said these deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable.

He said COVID was a bioweapon and the vaccines represent “phase two” of that bioweapon.

“As this, in a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out, it was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation,” McCullough said in a June 11 webinar with German attorney Reiner Fuellmich and several other doctors.

He noted:

“Both the respiratory virus and the vaccine delivered to the human body the spike protein, the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.”

Most of McCullough’s comments come in the first 10 minutes of the below video.

[To watch the video, go here:‘whistleblowers’]

He did not hold back in his criticism of his colleagues in the medical community.

“And doctors, good doctors, are doing unthinkable things, like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathological spike protein into pregnant women. I think when the doctors wake up from their trance they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people.”

McCullough is professor of medicine and vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University and also teaches at Texas A&M University. He is an epidemiologist, cardiologist and internist and has testified before the Texas State Senate related to COVID-19 treatments. He holds the distinction of being the most widely cited physician in the treatment of COVID-19 with more than 600 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

In the video, recorded by Oval Media, McCullough said:

“The first wave of the bioterrorism is a respiratory virus that spread across the world, and affected relatively few people—about one percent of many populations—but generated great fear.”

He said the virus targeted primarily people over 50 with multiple medical conditions. It poses almost no risk to children.

He said 85 percent of the more than 600,000 U.S. deaths could have been prevented with a multi-drug treatment given in the early to mid-point of the disease.

Instead, people were told to stay home and not return to the hospital unless their symptoms got worse, such as severe breathing problems. By then it was too late for many. They were placed on ventilators and died.

The vast majority of doctors jumped in lockstep to follow these erroneous “guidelines” handed down by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Those guidelines neglected to place any focus on the treatment of sick patients and, from the beginning, as early as April 2020, started emphasizing the need for a vaccine as the only real hope of beating back the virus.

The federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS] logged 5,993 reports of deaths of people injected with the COVID vaccine between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 11, 2021. That’s more than all the deaths reported to VAERS from all other vaccines combined over the last 22 years.

But these numbers, as shocking as they are, don’t scratch the surface of the actual number of dead Americans, said McCullough.

“We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC. We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It’s basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection.”

McCullough added that “every single thing that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made it worse.”

He said the suppression of early COVID treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine and especially Ivermectin, “was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine.”

Without the suppression of the already-available treatments, the government would not have been able to legally grant Emergency Use Authorization to the three vaccines rushed to market by Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson.

In the case of Moderna, the U.S. government is co-patent holder through the National Institutes of Health, a clear conflict of interest.

“I published basically the only two papers that teach doctors how to treat COVID-19 at home to prevent hospitalization and death…If treated early, it results in an 85 percent reduction in hospitalizations and death,” McCullough said.

So not only were the vaccines rolled out unnecessarily by suppressing already available, effective treatments, but the FDA and CDC are now covering up tragic numbers of deaths caused by their experimental mRNA injections.

McCullough said he has organized groups around the world that emphasize early treatment.

“Governments have actually tried to block early treatment of COVID patients, so we created a home patient guide,” he said.

“We broke through to the people, and the people who got sick with COVID called in to get medications from mail-order distribution pharmacies. So without the government even knowing what went on, we crushed the epidemic here in the United States towards the end of December and January. We basically took care of the pandemic with about 500 doctors and telemedicine services. And to this day we treat about 25 percent of the US COVID-19 population that actually are at high risk, over age 50 with medical problems or present with severe symptoms. And we basically handled the pandemic, and at the same time we’ve tried to keep ourselves above the political fray.”

McCullough said his focus has recently turned to the unnecessary and dangerous injections.

“We are working to change the public view of the vaccine. The public initially accepted the vaccine and we had to kind of slowly turn the ship. Now, in the U.S. the rates of vaccination have been dropping since April 8. Most of the vaccination centers are empty.”

“We have a lot going on in the United States. We are engaging more and more attorneys.”


Update on the Corona/Covid-19 Virus—Please watch and pray

Are the following Scriptures prophetic references to the current “pandemic” or something similar? Watch and pray…

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences [Greek: plagues], and earthquakes in various places. (Matt 24:7)

Compare Matthew 24:7 to Revelation 6:7.

So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades [i.e. spiritual and physical death] followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth [or “beasts of the field,” which is an Old Testament Hebraism referring “to evil men”]. (Rev 6:7)


Update on Natan’s Mother’s Condition

Thank you for your prayers for my 84 year-old mother. She is not doing well.

She was taken to the hospital the other day where she was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. We just found out that the cancer is also in her lungs and stomach.

She has no pain, but is extremely weak. She is conscious, and cognitive, but due to the weakness in her body is sleeping most of the time. Shortly, she will be moved into a care facility where she will be receiving end of life care.

Her spirits are good, her faith is strong and thankfully she is not suffering—an answer to prayer and a gift from heaven for a woman who has loved and served YHVH Elohim all of her life.

I am still dazed and in a state of disbelieving shock at Mom’s current condition considering her excellent health and her all natural and organic lifestyle including following the biblical dietary laws since she was a child. It all seems so surreal to me. Her health was such that she visited a medical doctor only twice in her long life—once in the 1940s when she had a broken arm, and two years ago when she suddenly came down with a medical condition that we now suspect was the precursor to her present condition. Because of the advanced stage of the cancer that is currently ravaging her body, it is unlikely that she will live much longer.

Mom has been the closest thing to the virtuous woman as delineated in Proverbs 31 that I know, and because of her, and my father, I am what I am today.

My parents just celebrated their sixty-second anniversary of marriage last month.

Again, thank you for your prayers for my mother and family.