Sabbath Walk in the Forest With My Bride—Reflections

My wife, Sandi, and I took a walk down by the river this Shabbat afternoon. It was a beautiful day—mild for this time of the year, and after spending most of the day indoors  reading the Bible, writing, studying and praying, I needed to get out for some fresh air and to connect with the Creator through his creation. This is part Elohim’s the river of life I need to get into regularly. It’s part of my personal “God bubble” in which I live. Please enjoy.  Natan

I like photography and I love my iPhone because I can snap quality pictures wherever I go. Every day in our haste, we simply walk by beautiful pictures. One has to have an eye and a love for  beauty as one is walking down the path of life. All around us are beautiful scenes waiting to be seen and appreciated. They are opportunities to stop and pray, to reflect and to worship Elohim. Let’s work hard not to miss these opportunities.  We must learn to extract the precious from the mundane, and sometimes even from the vile. May YHVH, give us the eyes and heart to find the beauty and blessing in everything and everyone around us, and use it as a trigger to move into praise and worship of him for it.

Even a rotton log has its own beauty with the peeling bark, moss and vines growing on it and the  dead leaves. This log has value. In its death, it provides life-giving nutrition for the next generation of plants and animals. It will eventually become precious topsoil out of which everything grows. Life comes out of death. Death of loved ones, death of dreams, death of innocence,  death of hopes, death of finances, death of health or death of relationships. When one door closes, another door opens taking us into new vistas, experiences, opportunities and possibilities. May Yah, help us to wrap our brain around this reality and to embrace life-giving death with these things in mind.

There is a river of life out there. We have to find it. When we do, the light of YHVH’s Presence will shine on it encouraging us and guiding us into his perfect will for our lives.

Follow the path of life that leads to the light of truth. Yeshua is the Light of the world and the Sun of righteousness. Yah, help us to follow the Lamb of Elohim wherever he goes.

YHVH has not called the great and mighty people of this world, but the ordinary, foolish ones that he will use  to confound the wise for his glory. May we be such a people that he can use.

Like these trees that are wading out into the river, we too must get into YHVH’s river of life. The psalmist says that a wise man plants himself next to the river like a tree from which it gains nourishment. But sometimes, like Ezekiel, we have to actually get into that river—even get in over our heads. That’s called passion and zeal.

It’s good to feel small. It keeps life in perspective—that we’re not as great or as big as we think we are. Maybe then YHVH can actually use us for big things—for his divine plans and purposes.


I’m back…! No, I didn’t die

Shalom everyone! Sandi and I just got back from a four day trailer camping trip up in the high mountains of south central Oregon that stretched into a five day, then into an eight day trip.

Usually when I’m gone, I pre-schedule blog posts to fit with the scripture for the day according to our Bible reading schedule. However, I decided to give myself and you a break this time.

You see, keeping this blog up requires a lot of time and effort—many hours each week. Sometimes we all need a break. It is my privilege to do serve the body of Yeshua through this blog, and YHVH Elohim commissioned me many years ago to “feed his sheep.” This is a responsibility I take very seriously, and dereliction of duty is not something that pleases him. However, he does allow his servants breaks once in a while, so they can recoup, get energized in him and hopefully come back refreshed and ready to serve him with intensified vigor. This we did when we parked our travel trailer by a 5,100 foot elevation mountain lake for the past week and just chilled. More on all of this later, but in the mean time here are several photos. Enjoy!

The view from our trailer.

The view from our trailer.

The view of the lake from our campfire.

The view of the lake from our campfire.

Sandi poking her head out from our home on wheels.

Sandi poking her head out from our home on wheels.

The ever changing moods of Diamond Lake—a veritable movie screen as viewed from our front door!

The ever changing moods of Diamond Lake—a veritable movie screen as viewed from our front door!

Natan cooking dinner over the campfire.

Natan cooking dinner over the campfire.

We made a quick trip to nearby Crater Lake National Park.

We made a quick trip to nearby Crater Lake National Park.

Diamond Lake early in the morning.

Diamond Lake early in the morning.


Shabbat Shalom from Oregon!

Shabbat shalom to all the many brothers and sisters in Yeshua scattered across this earth who read this blog in about 120 nations each month! May your Sabbath be filled with the love, joy and peace of Yeshua the Messiah through the Comforter that surpasses all understanding!

No matter how tough things are going for you, take a moment to count your blessings and give a prayer of thanks to the Almighty Creator who made you in his image, and loved you so much that he sent Yeshua to die for your sins that you might have eternal life with him forever. Find the blessing in everything that happens no matter how difficult or trying the circumstances. Through Yeshua, you have the victory now and forever. Never forget that.

Here are a few photos I took last Shabbat on the Oregon coast at a place called Cape Kiwanda at Pacific City. We were having an elders weekend retreat, and in between our meetings, the rain stopped and Dr. Joseph Dombek, my associate pastor, and I went for little walk along the beach.

I wonder why Oregon has been the number one state in the U.S. that people are moving to for the last three years?

Enjoy the photos:








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