Part 2 — Revelation, the Fall Feasts and the Second Coming

This video correlates Matthew 24, the Book of Revelation and the fall biblical feasts as they relate to the seocnd coming of Yeshua the Messiah, the resurrection of the saints, the tribulation, great tribulation and wrath of Elohim in the end times.


New Video: The Book of Revelation, the Fall Feasts and the Second Coming (pt 1)

This video correlates Matthew 24, the Book of Revelation and the fall biblical feasts as they relate to the seocnd coming of Yeshua the Messiah, the resurrection of the saints, the tribulation, great tribulation and wrath of Elohim in the end times.


Some thoughts on Revelation 13 (from my Bible commentary)

Revelation 13:1, The beast. The beast of Revelation 13 that rises up out of the sea is the end times New World Order, anti-Christ system comprised of the kings of the earth and their armies (see Rev 19:19). This beast is the political and economic branch of the Babylon the Great New World Order system. The metaphor of the sea is a Hebraism for the seas of humanity. This could be a reference to all the oceans of the earth or just to the Mediterranean Sea. Since all the kings of the earth follows this beast (v. 3), and “all the world” worshipped the dragon who gives authority to the beast (v. 4), it seems that seas is likely a reference to all the seas or oceans of the earth. This beast seems to correspond with the fourth beast of Daniel’s four beast vision (Dan 7:7ff).

Revelation 13:1, Seven heads and ten horns. The seven heads appear to the seven “world”-ruling manifestations of this Babylonian beast down through the ages to the present time (i.e., Babylon one, Egypt, Babylon two, Persia, Greece, Rome and end times Babylon the Great comprised of all nations (the New World Order). The ten horns are likely ten global semiautonomous regional governments, which, when combined, comprise all the nations of the earth and make up Babylon the Great. This may be what Daniel saw in the ten toes of the great image of Daniel 2. Perhaps the two legs of that image represent apostate Christianity and Islam — the two great religions of the world, which are in nearly every nation — united in some way. The two legs could also represent the first Roman Empire and an end times revived Roman Empire that is birthed out of Europe and which becomes the New World Order, which is the head of Babylon the Great. The fourth beast of Daniel’s four beast vision also had ten horns (Dan 7:7). Daniel speaks of a little horn coming up in the midst of the ten horns, which plucked three of the first horns up by the roots (Dan 7:8). This same horn speaks pompously (Dan 7:8, 11) and makes war against the saints (Dan 7:21, 22, 25) and prevails against them until Yeshua destroys it at his second coming (Dan 7:11, 21, 22). John uses similar language to describe the political and economic beast of Revelation 13:1. This beast also makes war against the saints and overcomes them (Rev 13:7).

Revelation 13:2, The dragon gave him his power. This is the ultimate end-times antichrist system.

Revelation 13:7–8, Every tribe, tongue and nation…all who dwell on the earth. Does this beast have authority over every single heathen on earth, and every last heathen on earth will worship him? In the Scriptures, all and every are sometimes used as hyperbole where exaggeration is used to emphasize a point. (For a discussion of this, see notes at 2 Sam 16:22 and Zech 14:2.)

Revelation 13:8, Whose names. This states that some names aren’t written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. This seems to fly in the face of the idea that all humanity’s names are written in the Book of Life, only to be erased when they fail to receive the salvation of the Lamb.

Revelation 13:11, Another beast. This beast is the religious leg of the Babylon the Great New World Order. This beast comes out of the earth (probably the European or Eurasian continent), since this would be the perspective of the John, the writer.

Two horns. The religious branch of Babylon has two horns — one that speaks like a lamb and one that speaks like a dragon. Could this be a reference to an ecumenical uniting of apostate Catholic Christianity (with her apostate daughters) and Islam?

Revelation 13:16, He. This is a reference to the religious beast. It is this beast who causes all humans to take a mark on their head or hand, in order that they might buy or sell. In other words, the religious beast component of Babylon the Great uses its miraculous power and spiritual deceptions to entice humanity to worship the image of the first or political and economic beast (a cloak for Satanic worship). This false religion beast is behind the effort to kill all those who refuse to worship the image of the beast.

Revelation 13:18, The number of the beast. Which beast is being referred to here — the first or second beast? The first beast would be political figure, while the second beast would be a religious figure.


Glorification and Adoption as Sons of Elohim

Revelation 3:9, Worship/bow down before your feet. This scripture has puzzled many. Who are these saints before which those who are of the synagogue of Satan will at some time in the future bow down in worship? Who are those who are of the synagogue of Satan? First, the saints are wearing crowns (verse 11) and they have the name of Elohim written upon them (verse 12). We know that a group of saints will be ruling with Yeshua in his millennial kingdom (Rev 1:6; 5:10). These same will be part of the first resurrection (Rev 20:6), which occurs at Yeshua’s second coming. Not all saints will be kings and priests. There are levels of rewards (and responsibilities) in YHVH’s kingdom depending on how obedient one has been to his Torah-commandments. This Yeshua teaches in Matthew 5:19. Some saints will be the least in his eternal kingdom, while some will be the greatest depending on their level of Torah-obedience. Similarly, Yeshua identifies two groups in his Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matt 25:1–13). The wise virgins will go into the wedding supper of Yeshua, and presumably will become his bride. In Revelation chapter three, Yeshua further identifies two groups of believers: those who are spiritually lukewarm and those who are spiritually hot (Rev 3:14–22). It is not a stretch to connect those who are spiritually on fire in Laodicea with those in Philadelphia who have been faithful to his commands, who will be given a crown and who will be worshipped.

Can we further identify these faithful saints who will be worshipped (or before whom the knees of lower order saints will bend) in Yeshua’s kingdom? They have crowns and are thus ruling as kings and have the name of Elohim written on them. Similarly, the 144 thousand have the seal of YHVH’s name on them (Rev 7:3–4 and 14:1), and they keep his Torah commandments and have the testimony or faith of Yeshua (Rev 14:12). These are the likely candidates for being those Yeshua describes in Matthew 5:19 who will be the greatest in the kingdom of Elohim, and who others will worship (Rev 3:9).

Why would people be worshipping (or bending the knee before) these glorified, resurrected and kingly saints? There are several possible explanations here. First, the bride of Yeshua will be ruling and reigning with Yeshua as a queen (in ancient Jewish thought) or like a king (under Yeshua, who is the King of kings, as presented in the Book of Revelation). Second, Paul teaches us that those saints who will be resurrected will be literally adopted (Rom 8:15, 23; 9:4; Gal 4:5; Eph 1:5) into the family of Elohim as sons of YHVH Elohim.

In Galatians, Paul speaks of redeemed believers being both Abraham’s seed and being adopted as sons of Elohim (Gal 3:29; 4:5). Elsewhere where the term adoption is used in the Testimony of Yeshua, it is in reference to our relationship with our Heavenly Father, not with our earthly father, Abraham. The redeemed are therefore, sons or the seed of Abraham, yet adopted into the family of Elohim as spiritual sons (Rom 8:15, 23; Eph 1:5). In other words, the saints are literal sons or seed (physically) of Abraham, yet adopted sons (spiritually) of YHVH. This adoption will be finalized or completed at the resurrection when the saints receive their spiritual bodies (Rom 8:23), for then they will be like him for they shall see him as he is (1 John 3:2).

Elohim is a plural word in Hebrew and can mean many things, and has many usages in the Scriptures. It is used to refer to the Creator, YHVH Elohim, as well as to angels, kings, judges and humans in authoritative capacities. When the saints are resurrected, they will be as Elohim and will be part of the family of Elohim, though they will not be Elohim, who has existed forever and is the Creator of all things. It appears that these saints will be worshipped, not as YHVH Elohim, but as his created sons who have been elevated through the process of redemption, sanctification, glorification and adoption into members of the family of Elohim.


Introduction to the Book of Revelation

The Koine Greek name for the Book of Revelation is apokalupsis from which our English word apocalypse derives, is a word that in the minds of most people conjures up visions of horrific and cataclysmic events in which there is war, political and environmental upheaval involving mass death and destruction. This idea is a misnomer however. Though the Book of Revelation indeed foretells of a cataclysmic end times scenario, the Greek word apokalupsis literally means “laying bear, making naked; a disclosure of truth, instruction concerning things before unknown, manifestation, appearance,” and hence our English name for this book: Revelation. This meaning is made clear in the first verse of this same book.

Revelation 1

The Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah, which Elohim gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.

The Book of Revelation is just that—a revelation of things to come to pass, which Yeshua is making known to his servants (plural). This includes you and me.

Although, I don’t claim to have all or even much understanding pertaining to this book, I here share with you what I enlightenment I have been given to this point on several key topic. This is simply my understanding to this point until YHVH by his Spirit gives us more understanding. Until then, may we remain as little children, pale in hand, on the seashore of the vast ocean of YHVH’s unfathomable wisdom and knowledge in faith waiting for him to fill our buckets with more of his divine revelation.

What Should Be Our Perspective on the Book of Revelation?

On another note, there are those who champion the view that events of the Book of Revelation are primarily in the past tense. That is to say, Revelation records the events leading up to and following the destruction of the Jewish temple and Continue reading


The Destruction of Society Through Drugs …Prophesied!

The book of Revelation says of the end-times Babylon the Great worldwide antichrist system,

…for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. (Rev 18:23)

The Greek word for sorceries is pharmakeia from which we get the English word pharmacy and pharmaceuticals. This verse in Revelation is foretelling the emergence of pharmaceutical drug companies and drug cartels that would control the behaviors and mental status of many people on the earth in the last day.


Below is an article I just read today on this subject that I want to share. My prayer is that YHVH’s people will find physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing through the power of the Word, Spirit and Blood of Yeshua to be set free from manmade drugs of all kind. It is my firm belief that if one has a vibrant faith in and relationship with Yeshua the Messiah as elucidated by the gospel message, and that if one loves him by observing his Torah-commands, this will keep one in YHVH’s spiritual river of life, so that we won’t need drugs of any kind (except for those rare emergencies) to keep us healthy.

Now here’s the eye-opening article:

19 Statistics About The Drugging Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

 By Michael Snyder, on February 10th, 2014

The American people are the most drugged people in the history of the planet.  Illegal drugs get most of the headlines, but the truth is that the number of Americans that are addicted to legal drugs is far greater than the number of Americans that are addicted to illegal drugs.  As you will see below, close to 70 percent of all Americans are currently on at least one prescription drug.  In addition, there are 60 million Americans that “abuse alcohol” and 22 million Americans that use illegal drugs.  What that means is that almost everyone that you meet is going to be on something.  That sounds absolutely crazy but it is true.  We are literally being drugged out of our minds.  In fact, as you will read about below, there are 70 million Americans that are taking “mind-altering drugs” right now.  If it seems like most people cannot think clearly these days, it is because they can’t.  We love Continue reading


Who Is the Revelation 12 Woman?

The Bride of Yeshua in the Wilderness 

Who is the woman that is mentioned in Revelation 12 that is taken into the wilderness for three-and-one-half years (Rev 12:14), which occurs just before the second coming of Yeshua? I believe that is a reference to the end times saints who are the bride of Yeshua. (Not all saints are the bride of Yeshua. Some are foolish virgins [Matt 25:1–13], or lukewarm believers who will have to go through fiery trials to become approved of YHVH [Rev 3:14–21]. Some are still rebels in respect to his Torah [Ezek 20:37]. The end times bride will be Torah submissive [see Rev 12:17; 14:12].) Let’s explore some answers to this question.

When the Scriptures speaks of the wilderness (Heb. midbar), it is referring to anywhere outside of the land of Israel.


Ezekiel 20:33–41 says that YHVH will bring the house of Israel out of their captive nations with an outstretched arm and with fury poured out (in a time of YHVH’s judgments) (vv. 33–34, as when he brought them out of Egypt). YHVH will bring his people into “a wilderness of the people.” This could be a literal wilderness as with the children of Israel, or a spiritual wilderness in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation in which Israel is called to live and be a light. There he will plead with Israel face-to-face like he did in the wilderness of Sinai (vv. 35–36). This seems to be another reference to the second exodus (v. 36). In that wilderness, YHVH will purge out those who are rebels and those who transgress (or sin; i.e., violate his Torah, see 1 John 3:4) against YHVH (v. 38). This YHVH did with ancient Israel for 40 years. During this time of testing and purging, the house of Israel will not be returning to the land of Israel (v. 38) until they have put away their idols (v. 40), then all the house of Israel will be acceptable to YHVH and will serve him on his holy mountain (v. 40–41). Israel not to return until they loath their spiritual pollution (v. 42-44). Continue reading