Who Is the Revelation 12 Woman?

The Bride of Yeshua in the Wilderness 

Who is the woman that is mentioned in Revelation 12 that is taken into the wilderness for three-and-one-half years (Rev 12:14), which occurs just before the second coming of Yeshua? I believe that is a reference to the end times saints who are the bride of Yeshua. (Not all saints are the bride of Yeshua. Some are foolish virgins [Matt 25:1–13], or lukewarm believers who will have to go through fiery trials to become approved of YHVH [Rev 3:14–21]. Some are still rebels in respect to his Torah [Ezek 20:37]. The end times bride will be Torah submissive [see Rev 12:17; 14:12].) Let’s explore some answers to this question.

When the Scriptures speaks of the wilderness (Heb. midbar), it is referring to anywhere outside of the land of Israel.


Ezekiel 20:33–41 says that YHVH will bring the house of Israel out of their captive nations with an outstretched arm and with fury poured out (in a time of YHVH’s judgments) (vv. 33–34, as when he brought them out of Egypt). YHVH will bring his people into “a wilderness of the people.” This could be a literal wilderness as with the children of Israel, or a spiritual wilderness in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation in which Israel is called to live and be a light. There he will plead with Israel face-to-face like he did in the wilderness of Sinai (vv. 35–36). This seems to be another reference to the second exodus (v. 36). In that wilderness, YHVH will purge out those who are rebels and those who transgress (or sin; i.e., violate his Torah, see 1 John 3:4) against YHVH (v. 38). This YHVH did with ancient Israel for 40 years. During this time of testing and purging, the house of Israel will not be returning to the land of Israel (v. 38) until they have put away their idols (v. 40), then all the house of Israel will be acceptable to YHVH and will serve him on his holy mountain (v. 40–41). Israel not to return until they loath their spiritual pollution (v. 42-44).

Hosea 2:14–23 speaks of YHVH alluring Ephraim into a wilderness and speaking kindly to her. After that, YHVH will give her vineyards and the valley of Achor (meaning “trouble”) for a door of hope. Israel will go through a time of (Jacob’s) trouble before entering the Promised Land. It was at Achor that Achan and his family were stoned to death because of their hidden sin. At this Achor, during the wilderness of the people, YHVH will deal with sin in the camp by passing his people under the rod and putting sin out of the camp when he purges out the rebels from Israel and those who are Torahless (i.e., sinners or transgressors, see Ezek 20:37–38). The prophet likens this “second exodus” to the first one when Israel came out of Egypt with joy. This will be a time when Israel will become endeared to YHVH as a wife to her husband and he will take the name of foreign gods out of her mouth. He will make a covenant with Israel and will betroth Israel unto himself forever.

The wilderness of the peoples may find a parallel in Revelation 12:6 when the woman (or bride of Yeshua) flees into the wilderness place of safety for 1260 days (three-and-one-half years) prepared for her by YHVH where he will feed her/care for her out of reach of Satan. Chapter 11:3 speaks of the two witnesses who preach for three-and-one-half years. It appears that Yeshua’s bride will be taken into the wilderness after that first three-and-one-half  years of the wrath of Elohim period, which seems to start at the end of the sixth seal (Rev 6:17). Perhaps these two three-and-one-half year time periods combined to form the final week of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy.

The wilderness of the people may not be a physical wilderness, but a spiritual one resulting when the saints refuse to take the mark of the beast, and are unable to buy and sell. It will be a time of refinement of the faith of the saints as to whether they will trust in YHVH or not — even as the children of Israel had to leave the comforts of Egypt and trust in YHVH for provision, direction and protection. In this desert (Heb. midbar) of spiritual isolation and rejection, they will learn to hear YHVH’s voice and to trust his Word. This will be the time when they will be expelled from spiritual the Babylon the Great New World Order System. Perhaps this marks the beginning of the second exodus.

After the woman is taken into the wilderness, Satan turns his wrath against the remnant of her seed who keep Torah and trust in Yeshua (Rev 12:17). Who are these saints? Perhaps they are the part of the bride of Yeshua who choose to behind to preach YHVH’s last days message of repentance to a rebellious world. Perhaps those who respond to their preaching will be those who wash their robes in great tribulation to become part of the great and innumerable multitude. Perhaps they are lukewarm or apostate Christians who, to this point, have refused to repent of their sins and get right with Elohim.


2 thoughts on “Who Is the Revelation 12 Woman?

  1. The remanent are those who stay the course and are not defiled by the world, keeping the 7th day Sabbath and have their faith in Yeshua. The mark of the beast is Sunday worship, brought in by the Catholic Church, and sad to say most of the world followed after the beast and its image the change of the day from Saturday to Sunday (mark of the beast).

    Indeed those who keep Shabbat will not be able to buy and sell, it will be a time of trouble worse than any generation that ever was, but those who are faithful to the end will be saved. We know the end of the story Yeshua wins!!

    • With all due respect, I have to disagree with you. The idea that Sunday observance is the mark of the beast is a tradition of man popularized by the Seventh Day Adventist church to help keep its members in line, but is not justified in the Scriptures. Rev 12:7 and 14:12 says that the true end time saints keep (all) the commandments of Elohim and have the testimony of Yeshua. It is a fact, to their credit, that the Adventists keep the biblical dietary laws and observe the seventh day Sabbath, but to their discredit and at the same time they teach that other of the biblical commandments have been done away with such as the biblical feasts. We could discuss this issue further, but to say that the Sabbath is the one and only mark of the beast cannot be substantiated from Scripture.

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