“Remember Lot’s Wife!” What We Can Learn from Lot’s Life

Lot had a lot, and cast in his lot with the lot of them and ended up losing a lot.

Is Lot a picture of the typical modern born-again believer whether Christian or Messianic? I believe so. In saying this, as a pastor and having been a watchman on the spiritual wall for many years, I see very little if any differentiation (broadly speaking) between Christians and most Messianics, for the spiritual condition of both groups is fundamentally the same.


Primarily what differentiates the two groups is the religious jargons and nomenclatures each group uses in addition to the outward religious trapping or externals each uses to identify itself. What about Torah, you may ask? Don’t Messianics obey the Torah and Christians do not? My response is that there is not a huge difference between the two—at least not from the Creator’s perspective. YHVH looks at hearts, and not merely the superficiality of outward appearances and the religious trappings by which people identify themselves.

In reality, both born-again Christians and born-again Messianics follow Torah principles to one degree or another. The only difference is that the former group does not claim to follow Torah, but teaches that it was “done away with.” In reality, to a certain degree, many serious Christians do follow the “moral” principles of the Torah along with tithing. On the other hand, a majority of Messianics profess loudly and proudly their Torah-obedience, but largely, in practice (except for an often half-hearted adherence to the Continue reading


Yeshua’s Bride Vs Lukewarm, Harlot Church Goers

Do you know how to differentiate between the holy and the profane? Those who will have the highest level of rewards in Yeshua’s kingdom will know this. Who is the bride of Yeshua and what are her characteristics? The Book of Revelation along with the Old Testament prophets tell us. When Yeshua returns, he’s coming back to marry a spotless bride, not a lukewarm or Laodicean one. His bride will be a holy kingdom of priests who will rule with him during the Millennium. Not every born again believer in Yeshua will achieve that level of reward in Yeshua’s kingdom. Presently, Yeshua is cleansing his spiritual temple, for as the Bible says, judgment begins first at the house of Elohim. Watch this video to learn about these important subjects that affects you and your eternal destiny.