We’re all a lot like Lot (and his wife)!

Almost every year, I post my commentary on Lot and his famous pillar-of-salt wife. Why? Is because I’ve run out of commentary articles to post? YHVH knows this isn’t the case. I have several thousand pages of commentary notes and articles that I have written on the Bible. There is no possible way I can publish this all on this blog! No. The reason I keep publishing this article each year is because the longer I live, the more I realize that I am a lot like Lot and his wife—and so are you if you’re honest. You see, both of these biblical characters are symbolic of the human condition including the struggles against the influences of the world, the flesh and the devil that we face daily. That’s why we need to be constantly reminded of this story, for in it, again if we’re honest, we will gain a better perspective on the true nature of our own spiritual condition, and in so doing, perhaps it will help us to be better overcomers. — Natan

Genesis 19:1ff, Lot sat in the gate of Sodom. In the end times, YHVH tells his saints to flee spiritual Babylon (Rev 18:4) in order to escape the plagues that will come upon her because of her sin. Lot was secure in wicked Sodom to the point that he had become a city leader (he sat in the gate of the city) and was now trying to appease his friends, the Sodomites, by giving them his virgin daughters for sexual exploitation. There is peril in complacent security. Lot barely escaped Sodom with his life from the fires of Elohim’s judgment. His wife did not make it. What can we learn from Sodom and could there ever come a time when we will have to flee the spiritual Sodom in which we find ourselves? Is it possible to flee our “Sodom” without physically leaving it?

Genesis 19:2, No.The lamed in lo (no) contains a small dagesh, which implies a harsh, rather than gentle, manner of speech. The angel was irritated and snapped harshly (not courteously), “No!” to Lot’s request for them to come to his home. Lot not being totally righteous did not merit such dignified visitors to come under his roof. But by their refusal and his persistence, he increased his merit and righteousness in Elohom’s eyes, such that was deemed to be a righteous man in the eyes of the apostolic writers (2 Pet 2:7).

Genesis 19:14, Sons-in-law. If Lot had three sons-in-law, then with the his married daughter and his two daughters and wife at home there would have been ten possible righteous people in Sodom, thus preventing divine judgment from falling on that wicked city as per Abraham’s request. The fact that Lot’s married daughters refused to leave Sodom with him possibly speaks to his failure in properly raising them in the fear of YHVH and his standards of righteousness. Lot had already set them a bad example of spiritual compromise and acquiescing to the world for personal and financial gain, and his children followed this example of spiritual compromise to the point where they had little or no faith in Elohim whatsoever. Though Scripture later calls Lot a righteous man, he was only righteous compared to the wicked inhabitants of Sodom, which may or may not be saying much. 

Genesis 19:17, In the plain. Not only was the city destroyed, but the area around it as well. To this day, the entire area around where ancient Sodom was is barren, desolate and covered in gypsum (hydrated calcium sulfate) and sulfur balls. Verse 28 mentions “all the land of the plain” being destroyed as well.

Genesis 19:23, Then YHVH rained brimstone…from YHVH out of heaven. YHVH in heaven is the Father and YHVH on earth was the Son — the preincarnate Yeshua. At Yeshua’s second coming, he will bring judgment on the earth in accordance with the will of his Father in heaven.

Genesis 19:33, The word is to be understood as if the letter were not there. The dot over the vav in uvkumah (complete spelling for her getting up) as opposed to the vav missing in v. 35 (defective spelling of the same word) indicates that Lot was somewhat blameworthy the second night in that he knew that his drunkenness had led him down the wrong path and that he shouldn’t have allowed himself to drink wine the next day (Tikkun, p. 39).

“Remember Lot’s Wife!”—A Man Called Lot: What We Can Learn from His Life

In Luke 17 32, Yeshua warns end times believers to “Remember Lot’s wife.” What did he mean by this pointed warning? Is Lot not a picture of the typical Western saint whether Christian or Hebraic roots oriented saint? I believe so. In saying this, as a pastor and having been a watchman on the spiritual wall for many years, I see very little if any difference (broadly speaking) between Christians and most Torah-keepers, for the spiritual condition of both groups is fundamentally the same. 

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“Remember Lot’s Wife!”

A Man Called Lot: What We Can Learn from His Life

In Luke 17 32, Yeshua warns end times believers to “Remember Lot’s wife.” What did he mean by this pointed warning? Is Lot not a picture of the typical Western saint whether Christian or Messianic? I believe so. In saying this, as a pastor and having been a watchman on the spiritual wall for many years, I see very little if any differentiation (broadly speaking) between Christians and most Messianics, for the spiritual condition of both groups is fundamentally the same. 

Primarily what differentiates the two groups is the religious jargons and nomenclatures each group uses in addition to the outward religious trapping or externals each uses to identify itself. What about Torah, you may ask? Don’t Messianics obey the Torah and Christians do not? My response is that there is not a huge difference between the two—at least not from the Creator’s perspective. YHVH looks at hearts, and not merely the superficiality of outward appearances and the religious trappings by which people identify themselves. 

In reality, both born-again Christians and born-again Messianics follow Torah principles to one degree or another. The only difference is that the former group does not claim to follow Torah, but teaches that it was “done away with.” In reality, to a certain degree, many serious Christians do follow the “moral” principles of the Torah along with tithing. On the other hand, a majority of Messianics profess loudly and proudly their Torah-obedience, but largely, in practice (except for an often half-hearted adherence to the observance of the Sabbath, the biblical feasts and the biblical dietary laws) they don’t. If so, they do so only Continue reading


Lot and Sodom’s Liberation—A Severe Warning to Us All!

Genesis 14:14, Three hundred and eighteen trained servants. This was a venerable fighting force for a nomadic chieftain to possess. If each of these soldier-servants had a wife and two children, this would have represented more than 1200 people associated with Abram’s army alone. No doubt Abram’s entourage could have been much larger considering those soldiers who had larger families as well as elderly people.

The size of Abram’s personal community along with his wealth is likely why the sons of Heth referred to Abram as “mighty prince [Heb. nasiy meaning “one lifted up, chief, captain or leader”]” (Gen 23:6). This would have been true especially in consideration of the fact that Abram’s personal army probably marched about four hundred miles round trip to defeat the six Babylonian kings in his rescue of Lot (Gen 14:14–16). This was a tremendous feat for a local chieftain-warlord to accomplish. This accomplishment likely made Abram into a legend among the local Canaanites who would have greatly feared and respected him.

Abram’s rescue of Lot and the residents Sodom from the six Babylonian kings brings to remembrance YHVH’s later promise to Israel that he would put the fear of YHVH into the hearts of their enemies and that one Israelite would put a thousand of their enemies to flight and two would put ten thousand to flight (Deut 32:30 cp. Lev 26:8).

This promise is exemplified in the story of Gideon’s defeat of the Midianites by his band of three hundred men—a similar number to that Abram’s army. May YHVH’s servants in our day be walking in such righteousness and holiness before YHVH as to warrant this kind of favor from the Almighty to receive the same blessing when they go up against their enemies!

Not only was the freeing of Lot and the other Sodomites a specular and miraculous feat—a testimony of the power of the Elohim of Abraham, but it was a testimony to these people of Elohim’s grace and mercy in that he rescued the Sodomites despite their wickedness. In spite Elohim’s warnings and grace, they still refused to turn from the wicked ways necessitating Elohim’s later judgment and destruction of that wicked city. The lesson is this. Elohim as a just and righteous judge warns people first by bringing upon them judgments onto repentance before imposing upon them his severe and ultimate judgments unto death. The problem is that most sinners are willingly oblivious to the initial warning signs, which if heeded, would bring them to repentance, thus sparing them Elohim’s ultimate and most severe judgments.

YHVH’s methodologies don’t change; he is the same yesterday, today and forever. He warns people, gives them space to repent before judging them; he is not an unjust judge. Be assured, those wicked rebels who at the end of the millennial age will pass before Elohim’s white throne of judgment and who he will deem worthy to be cast into the lake of fire will have had plenty of warning and time for repentance (Rev 20:11–15). The fiery destruction of Sodom in the Dead Sea Valley, the lowest place on earth, is a prophetic picture of the final lake of fire judgment and should be a lesson to all humanity of what is to come if they fail to submit to Almighty YHVH.


“Remember Lot’s Wife!”

A Man Called Lot: What We Can Learn from His Life

In Luke 17 32, Yeshua warns end times believers to “Remember Lot’s wife.” What did he mean by this pointed warning? Is Lot not a picture of the typical Western saint whether Christian or Messianic? I believe so. In saying this, as a pastor and having been a watchman on the spiritual wall for many years, I see very little if any differentiation (broadly speaking) between Christians and most Messianics, for the spiritual condition of both groups is fundamentally the same.

Primarily what differentiates the two groups is the religious jargons and nomenclatures each group uses in addition to the outward religious trapping or externals each uses to identify itself. What about Torah, you may ask? Don’t Messianics obey the Torah and Christians do not? My response is that there is not a huge difference between the two—at least not from the Creator’s perspective. YHVH looks at hearts, and not merely the superficiality of outward appearances and the religious trappings by which people identify themselves.

In reality, both born-again Christians and born-again Messianics follow Torah principles to one degree or another. The only difference is that the former group does not claim to follow Torah, but teaches that it was “done away with.” In reality, to a certain degree, many serious Christians do follow the “moral” principles of the Torah along with tithing. On the other hand, a majority of Messianics profess loudly and proudly their Torah-obedience, but largely, in practice (except for an often half-hearted adherence to the observance of the Sabbath, the biblical feasts and the biblical dietary laws) they don’t. If so, they do so only in a way that is copacetic and convenient to the secular, post-Christian society and lifestyle Continue reading


“Remember Lot’s Wife!” What We Can Learn from Lot’s Life

Lot had a lot, and cast in his lot with the lot of them and ended up losing a lot.

Is Lot a picture of the typical modern born-again believer whether Christian or Messianic? I believe so. In saying this, as a pastor and having been a watchman on the spiritual wall for many years, I see very little if any differentiation (broadly speaking) between Christians and most Messianics, for the spiritual condition of both groups is fundamentally the same.


Primarily what differentiates the two groups is the religious jargons and nomenclatures each group uses in addition to the outward religious trapping or externals each uses to identify itself. What about Torah, you may ask? Don’t Messianics obey the Torah and Christians do not? My response is that there is not a huge difference between the two—at least not from the Creator’s perspective. YHVH looks at hearts, and not merely the superficiality of outward appearances and the religious trappings by which people identify themselves.

In reality, both born-again Christians and born-again Messianics follow Torah principles to one degree or another. The only difference is that the former group does not claim to follow Torah, but teaches that it was “done away with.” In reality, to a certain degree, many serious Christians do follow the “moral” principles of the Torah along with tithing. On the other hand, a majority of Messianics profess loudly and proudly their Torah-obedience, but largely, in practice (except for an often half-hearted adherence to the Continue reading


What are you still holding on to that’s keeping you from moving forward?

Genesis 12:1, Get thee out of thy country. Did Abram immediately leave his father’s house and go directly to the country that YHVH would show him, or did he fulfill YHVH’s will for his life in incremental steps? (Compare Gen 11:31 with 12:1.) Did Abram leave his father’s house completely, or take part of his father’s house with him including his father and nephew? Haran is located in northern Mesopotamia and is nowhere near Canaan. When Abram finally made his way to Canaan minus his father, did he still have part of his kindred with him, something YHVH instructed him to leave behind (Gen 12:1)? Did his nephew Lot prove to be a help or a hindrance to Abram in fulfilling YHVH’s mission for his life in a new land?

What lessons can we learn from this account? First, YHVH is gracious to us even when we don’t obey him completely and immediately. Scripture still refers to Abraham as the father of the faithful or faithfulness (Rom 4:12, 16). Second, Abram was a man of prominence in Babylon (or Chaldea), was recognized as a mighty prince (Gen 23:6), and was 75 years old when YHVH asked him to leave the comforts of life in Babylon to trek across the desert to the backwoods region of Canaan. No doubt, this was not an easy move for Abram for the reasons stated above.

What did Yeshua tell his disciples about the sacrifices that would need to be made to be a follower of YHVH? (Matt 10:35–39). What did Yeshua say would be the eternal rewards of those, who like our father Abraham, set out in faith for a new spiritual destiny? (Matt 19:29) What physical obstacles stand in your way of fulfilling YHVH’s spiritual calling, mission and destiny for your life?


Are You a “Lot’s Wife?”

Genesis 19, The story of Lot and us. Is Lot a picture of the typical modern born-again believer whether Christian or Messianic Israelite? I believe so. In saying this, as a pastor and having been a watchman on the spiritual wall for many years, I see very little if any differentiation (broadly speaking) between Christians and most Messianics, for the spiritual condition of both groups is fundamentally the same.

Primarily what differentiates the two groups is the nomenclatures each group uses and the outward religious trapping or externals each uses to identify itself. What about Torah, you may ask? Don’t Messianics obey the Torah and Christians do not? My response is that there is not a huge difference between the two—at least not from the Creator’s perspective who looks at hearts, and not merely superficiality of outward appearances and religious trappings.

In reality, both born-again Christians and born-again Messianics follow Torah principles to one degree or another. The only difference is that the former group does not claim to follow Torah, but teaches that it was “done away with,” but in fact, to a certain degree, Christians do follow the “moral” principles of the Torah and tithing. On the other hand, Continue reading