The Top Seven Reasons Why Yeshua Couldn’t Have Died for Your Sins REFUTED

Have you seen this meme making the rounds? Someone sent it  to me and asked how I would answer it. Like most of the lies from the evil one, these arguments seem convincing on the surface, but in reality they are easy to answer. For those who know the Scriptures, it can be done blindfolded with both tied behind the back, while hanging upside-down and eating an ice cream cone!

No Need

  1. Liars and deceivers often will take one scripture verse out of context and try to make a doctrine out of it, while ignoring many other verses on the same subject. Those who are novices in understanding the Scriptures will often fall for this ploy. Don’t be a novice, but study the Word of Elohim daily, and sit under Bible teachers who aren’t themselves novices! To understand what the Bible is really saying, you have to read all the verses on a subject. In this case, the author ignores all the verses that speak of a ram or a bull being offered up as an atonement for sin, which prophetically points to the salvific death of Yeshua (e.g., Gen 15:19; 22:13; Exod 29:15–31; 29:36; Lev 4:3–21; 5:16, 18; Lev 16:11 and  about 50 other verses as well that I could give!)
  2. This argument so ridiculous that it defies common logic. The Torah stipulates that a sin offering had to be free of injury or blemish BEFORE being sacrificed, not while being sacrificed. How do you sacrifice something without injuring it? Give me a break!
  3. Same answer as #2.
  4. Yes, Yeshua was killed outside the city walls of Jerusalem, yet his blood was sprinkled or spilled inside of Jerusalem near the temple when the Romans scourged him and placed the crown of thorns on his head. Not only that, the writer of Hebrews likens Yeshua’s death to the that of the red heifer which was killed OUTSIDE the Tabernacle of Moses and later outside of Jerusalem. As I have stated numerous times before in my studies on the tabernacle, the red heifer speaks of Yeshua’s initial death for sinners on cross, while the sacrifices that occurred inside the tabernacle speak of our need, once initially redeemed, of having to stay under the blood of Yeshua by continually repenting of the sins we commit subsequent to our initial salvation.
  5. Again, the idiocy and deception of the arguments of those who speak against the death of Yeshua! Yeshua’s death wasn’t human sacrifice! He gave his life up willingly by his choice as a ransom or atonement for sin. The Romans weren’t looking at his death as a human sacrifice, but as capital punishment. That’s like saying that every time the government kills a criminal it is human sacrifice, or that when the Torah stipulates capital punishment for certain crimes, it’s human sacrifice. The Bible condemns human sacrifice, since it involves doing so in the worship of pagan deities. Furthermore, to call Yeshua’s death human sacrifice is to accuse Yeshua’s Father—YHVH Elohim—of murder and human sacrifice. This is blasphemy! May it never be so!!
  6. Yes, no man can die for another man—only for himself because a life is only worth a life. But Yeshua was no ordinary man. The Scriptures reveal that he was the Creator—the one who created all men, and that he was Elohim/God in the flesh. This means that his life was worth more than all that of all humans  combined, which is why he could die for everyone. This cannot be said of any ordinary human.
  7. Yes, everyone is accountable for his own sins, but Yeshua was different than any ordinary man. First, he never sinned, so he never came under the death penalty for sin like all normal men have. Second, he willingly chose to lay down his life for sinners (that you and me) as a sin offering in our place to pay for the death penalty we all have incurred for our sins. Because he was sinless, and because, was the Creator, and because his life was worth more than all the humans he had created, he was in a position, by his choice, to pay the price (the death penalty) for all of men’s sins.

It took me about 15 minutes to answer these questions! That’s how easy they are to debunk.

Don’t fall for the lies of the evil one, and don’t let them shake your faith!


The Christians are almost right about who Yeshua is!

Please note: When I first posted this article, I titled it, “The Christians are right about who Yeshua is!” Then I had a second thought, and changed the title to “The Christians are ALMOST right about who Yeshua is!” Here’s why I added the word “almost”:

The Christians are right about the deity, incarnation, virgin birth and his atonement death on the cross. They aren’t right, however, in recognizing him to the the “God” of the Old Testament who gave the Torah-law to the Israelites. Most believe that this was the Father.

When I wrote the first title, I was thinking about the first part of what I say above. When I changed the title adding the word “almost” I was thinking about the second part of what I say above.   Natan

John 1:1, The Word was Elohim. Is Yeshua or the Father the God (Elohim) of the Old Testament (Tanakh)? For many believers in Yeshua, there is confusion as to who it was in the Godhead who interacted with the Israelites in the Tankah. Was it the Father or the Son? In the minds of the apostolic writers, there was no confusion about this. Yeshua, in his preincarnate state, was the One that YHVH Elohim the Father used to both create (John 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb 11:3), and then to interact with mankind. He was the Word of YHVH Elohim, the Father, who become flesh and dwelt among men (verse 14). This truth is easily confirmed in several passages in the Testimony of Yeshua (New Testament).

Powerful Healing Vortex

First, Yeshua himself claims to be YHVH or the I Am of the burning bush (see John 8:58 cp. Exod 3:14). The Jews viewed Yeshua’s claim to be deity as blasphemous, which is why they picked up stones to kill him (John 8:59). Next, Yeshua in declaring to the Jewish religious leaders that “I send you prophets, wise men and scribes: some you will kill…” (Matt 23:34), he is claiming the rights and prerogatives of YHVH — a right and role that Continue reading


The Gospel of Yeshua in the Sanctuary of the Tabernacle of Moses

In this video, Natan begins to decode the mysteries of the Tabernacle of Moses and shows how YHVH’s plan of salvation and the gospel message of Yeshua are encrypted within the tabernacle’s ceremonies and furnishings. The focus of this teaching is on the tabernacle sanctuary. A free study guide is available at Be sure to check out our other videos on the Tabernacle of Moses.


The Gospel Message in the Tabernacle of Moses — The Courtyard

In this video, Natan begins to decode the mysteries of the Tabernacle of Moses and shows how YHVH’s plan of salvation and the gospel message of Yeshua are encrypted within the tabernacle’s ceremonies and furnishings. The focus of this teaching is on the outer courtyard. A free study guide is available at Check out Natan’s other videos on the Tabernacle of Moses.


A Gift for Yeshua: Why I Love Him — Reflections on His Nativity

In December, many people think of the birth of Jesus (Yeshua). Most people who are knowledgable know that he wasn’t born in December, but in the early fall. But nine months before the actual time of his birth puts us at the end of December when Yeshua was conceived — when the life of our Savior began in Mary’s womb. It was at this time that the heaven-sent Yeshua, miraculously pierced the spiritual darkness of the this world at the darkest time of the year. This divine spark of life in the womb of a woman would become the spiritual light of this world to lead men out of the darkness of sin and evil and to the supernal light of his Father, Elohim, and to eternal life.

Angelic Star over Bethlehem

Whether you celebrate the birth of the babe in the manger in December or in the fall, Yeshua’s arrival is still heaven’s ultimate love gift to humanity as John 3:16 says. “For Elohim so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Please stop for a moment and quiet your heart and mind to reflect on the significance of this momentous event that occurred in the tiny town of Bethlehem some 2000 years ago.

For years since I was a child, my mind fully believed what the Bible tells us about the birth of Yeshua. But it wasn’t until years later, as an adult, that, while I was alone one night and Continue reading


Woe be to a false religious and economic system that are in bed together!

Matthew 21:12, Temple of Elohim…money changers. With the same violence that Yeshua threw out those who loved money from YHVH’s temple, we must cleanse the temple of our spirits by expelling from our souls the love of money, which is the root of all evil (1 Tim 6:10).

At his second coming, Yeshua will destroy the fruitless, end times whore system of banking and religion.

At his second coming, Yeshua will destroy the fruitless, end times whore system of banking and religion.

In this event, Yeshua is coming against the rapacious banking system of the nation of Israel, which was centered around the temple, which was the storehouse of the nation’s wealth. This evil banking system continues to this day and is run by a cabal of global elitists who control the governments and economies of this world for their own benefit. Often the religious and banking systems are united at some level, since both are motivated by the love of money and power. At the highest levels, neither care for the welfare or well-being of the common man — especially the poor and helpless who have little power, wealth, voice and influence. At Yeshua’s second coming, he will suddenly come to his Continue reading


Five Old Testament Scriptures That Specifically Prophesy That Yeshua Is the Messiah

Matthew 16:16, The Son of the living Elohim. One day, Yeshua asked his disciples who they thought he was. Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. (Matt 16:15–16) How did Peter know this? Were there any hints in the Tanakh (Old Testament) that the Messiah would be the Son of Elohim, since these were the only Scriptures Peter had?

Their are numerous prophecies in the Tanakh about the Messiah. Here is a list of scriptures that prophesy specifically that he would be the Son of Elohim with some brief comments following.

Therefore Adonai himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel [Heb. God with us]. (Isaiah 7:14)

Many Bible prophecies have double meanings or fulfillments. Such is the case with this prophecy. It was partially fulfilled in Isaiah’s life (Isa 8:3), but not completely. Isaiah’s son was neither deity nor was he known as “God with us.” Yeshua the Messiah was (Matt 1:23).

He shall cry unto me, “You are my father, my El [God], and the rock of my salvation.” Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. (Psalm 89:26, 27)

Again, this prophecy has a double fulfillment. It was partially fulfilled by David and his sons, but not completely. Only Yeshua, who also was from David’s lineage, fulfilled the superlative aspects of this prophecy. Not only Continue reading