The Top Seven Reasons Why Yeshua Couldn’t Have Died for Your Sins REFUTED

Have you seen this meme making the rounds? Someone sent it  to me and asked how I would answer it. Like most of the lies from the evil one, these arguments seem convincing on the surface, but in reality they are easy to answer. For those who know the Scriptures, it can be done blindfolded with both tied behind the back, while hanging upside-down and eating an ice cream cone!

No Need

  1. Liars and deceivers often will take one scripture verse out of context and try to make a doctrine out of it, while ignoring many other verses on the same subject. Those who are novices in understanding the Scriptures will often fall for this ploy. Don’t be a novice, but study the Word of Elohim daily, and sit under Bible teachers who aren’t themselves novices! To understand what the Bible is really saying, you have to read all the verses on a subject. In this case, the author ignores all the verses that speak of a ram or a bull being offered up as an atonement for sin, which prophetically points to the salvific death of Yeshua (e.g., Gen 15:19; 22:13; Exod 29:15–31; 29:36; Lev 4:3–21; 5:16, 18; Lev 16:11 and  about 50 other verses as well that I could give!)
  2. This argument so ridiculous that it defies common logic. The Torah stipulates that a sin offering had to be free of injury or blemish BEFORE being sacrificed, not while being sacrificed. How do you sacrifice something without injuring it? Give me a break!
  3. Same answer as #2.
  4. Yes, Yeshua was killed outside the city walls of Jerusalem, yet his blood was sprinkled or spilled inside of Jerusalem near the temple when the Romans scourged him and placed the crown of thorns on his head. Not only that, the writer of Hebrews likens Yeshua’s death to the that of the red heifer which was killed OUTSIDE the Tabernacle of Moses and later outside of Jerusalem. As I have stated numerous times before in my studies on the tabernacle, the red heifer speaks of Yeshua’s initial death for sinners on cross, while the sacrifices that occurred inside the tabernacle speak of our need, once initially redeemed, of having to stay under the blood of Yeshua by continually repenting of the sins we commit subsequent to our initial salvation.
  5. Again, the idiocy and deception of the arguments of those who speak against the death of Yeshua! Yeshua’s death wasn’t human sacrifice! He gave his life up willingly by his choice as a ransom or atonement for sin. The Romans weren’t looking at his death as a human sacrifice, but as capital punishment. That’s like saying that every time the government kills a criminal it is human sacrifice, or that when the Torah stipulates capital punishment for certain crimes, it’s human sacrifice. The Bible condemns human sacrifice, since it involves doing so in the worship of pagan deities. Furthermore, to call Yeshua’s death human sacrifice is to accuse Yeshua’s Father—YHVH Elohim—of murder and human sacrifice. This is blasphemy! May it never be so!!
  6. Yes, no man can die for another man—only for himself because a life is only worth a life. But Yeshua was no ordinary man. The Scriptures reveal that he was the Creator—the one who created all men, and that he was Elohim/God in the flesh. This means that his life was worth more than all that of all humans  combined, which is why he could die for everyone. This cannot be said of any ordinary human.
  7. Yes, everyone is accountable for his own sins, but Yeshua was different than any ordinary man. First, he never sinned, so he never came under the death penalty for sin like all normal men have. Second, he willingly chose to lay down his life for sinners (that you and me) as a sin offering in our place to pay for the death penalty we all have incurred for our sins. Because he was sinless, and because, was the Creator, and because his life was worth more than all the humans he had created, he was in a position, by his choice, to pay the price (the death penalty) for all of men’s sins.

It took me about 15 minutes to answer these questions! That’s how easy they are to debunk.

Don’t fall for the lies of the evil one, and don’t let them shake your faith!


16 thoughts on “The Top Seven Reasons Why Yeshua Couldn’t Have Died for Your Sins REFUTED

  1. these lies exist to lead us back to the truth which is the WORD…always go back to the WORD for clarity. let all men be liars but let God be true Who is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE…the WAY so you won’t be lost, the TRUTH so you won’t be deceived and the LIFE (the resurrection and the life) so you can never really die. Amen and hallelu-YAH!!

  2. Thanks for setting the record straight. The enemy is working double time in these last days to get believers to fall from grace. If you as a believer don’t read the scriptures for yourself you will never understand how to defend yourself when the enemy comes to attack. Remember the evil one is the author of CONFUSION and doubt. Shalom and blessings.

  3. Hey Natan,I am just wondering if you ever read any of my comment so????!.
    I have just discovered how the 1367 BC date for the beginning of the count of the Jubilees began.I can say That I am not too surprised that it was just plucked out of the air to suit someone’s ideas . E R Thiele & W F Albright were just another couple of dopes trying to figure things out,& Ussher did not have a clue.
    Abraham’s birth was when TERAH was aged 70 in 1948 AM (2052BC),& his death at 175 was in 2123AM (1877BC).
    The sojourning was of ” ABRAHAM’s SEED”,which Genesis had as 400 years ——A ” Ballpark” figure…..The Definitive was Exodus 12:40 ,which was 430 years ,TO THE SELFSAME DAY……ergo,2553 AM (1447BC)..
    Thus,the entry into The Promised Land ,was in 2593AM (1407 BC).
    The falsification of the true birth year of Abram/ Abraham by pseudo-historians & ‘bible experts’ is the reason why a TRUE BIBLE TIMELINES. /. CALENDAR was never constructed .
    Selecting a year to suit a concocted JUBILEE is hardly Scholarly ,& besides, neither Thiele, Albright or Ussher was anywhere near the true Chronology of the Kings of Ephraim/ Israel & Judah,which Thiele refers to as The Hebrew Kings..
    The ISRAELITES were only a part of the Hebrew People .,& such descriptions are totally misleading ..
    I have already given you much info about the true Chronology ,in which Judah ceased to be a Kingdom in 583BC (3417AM)’& thus the “Captivity” of many JEWS was only from that year to 534BC (3466AM), while DANIEL’s time as a Captive was 70 Years !, from Jehoiakim’s 3rd year 604BC (3396AM)
    Thus the fakery & falsification of the elapsed times ,using Pagan ‘calendars’ has resulted in an error of at least 4 years in most cases.
    The Temple rebuild was completed in the 6th year of Darius The Great of Persia ,513 BC (3487AM ).
    Artaxerxes ‘ 7th year was 453Bc (3547AM),which placed MESSIAH at 69 X 7 weeks / 483 years from that time …ergo 4030AM (30AD) —— YEHOSHUA Ha MESHIACH / Y’Shua of Nazareth,being revealed public ally at the wedding in Cana,Galilee.
    Y’Shua was crucified & speared to death on Wednesday ,14th Nisan 4034AM (34 AD).
    The ‘2nd’ Temple & the City of Jerusalem was destroyed in 4074AM (74AD).
    Ergo,…..2016 Julian- Gregorian is really 6020AM. (2020AD) as of the 1st of Nisan .,NOT 5776AM as the falsified ‘Jewish calendar’ has it.
    A falsification of 240 years off actual elapsed time since THE REFURBISHMENT of PLANET EARTH ,in 4000BC. (1AM)…..After millions of years laying TOHU & BOHU ,following the Angelic Rebellion & war throughout the Universe,which caused the condition .
    The initial Creation of the Physical Universe (The HEAVEN of Genesis 1: ) was possibly 14 Billion ? Plus? Years BC ,AS MANY Scientists believe ,& Genesis1: allowed

    for,which was some time after John 1: ,Which was FROM ETERNITY !.
    TWO. ” ELOH ” are clearly being referred to ,one of whom had a Title , ” THE WORD”/ Executive Creator ,in a TWO PERSONAGE Deity / Entity. / God ( ELOHIM, – plural), A K A. ” THE CREATOR”.
    Colossians 1: &. Genesis 1: Reveals that ” ELOHIM ” Created all things & The NAME of that GOD ,was revealed to Moses atMount Horeb ,as being ” YEHOVAH ELOHIM”

    • I read all the comments on this blog. I only respond to the ones that the Ruach leads me to do so.

      With regard to your comments, please keep them apropos to the blog post they are posted under. Your last two comments had nothing to do the blog post, which makes it appear as if you’re using this blog as your personal pulpit. That’s against the rules of this blog. The purpose of this blog is to either respond to the posts that I put up, or to discuss the scriptures in this week’s Scripture reading schedule.

      If one has a message to share with others and feels the need to preach, then I suggest that one procures their own website for that purpose.

      I ask all commenters on this blog to respect these rules.

      Thank you.

    • As a belated reply, yes I have, nita. In 2015 I did an indepth review on that book’s many errors (logical, factual and scriptural).

      Natan, good job refuting the “why” arguments! You may be interested in our research that shows how even respected Jewish sages would have refuted them.

    • Isaiah 53 (this passage actually starts in Isa 52:13) refers to the Suffering Servant Messiah—a singular individual who is the Arm of YHVH (Isa 53:1) on whom YHVH laid all the sins of humanity and died as a sin offering for many. It teaches that this individual also was resurrected from the dead (see and understand the poetic metaphorical language of v. 11 as recorded in the LXX Translation, Dead Sea Scrolls Isaiah, and the NIV marginal notes). Only one person in the history of the world has fulfilled this passage. His name is Yeshua the Messiah!

    • I’ve never said or even implied this ever. Paul was totally in line with the Torah or else he was a liar and the Bible is a lie. Period. Truth is truth and never changes and man can’t change truth.

  4. You talked about context reading and not thowing scripture out of context! Please consider takeing a look at the whole matter in context to this verse.

    Psalms 49:11-15

    Those who trust in their wealth
    And boast in the multitude of their riches,
    7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother,
    Nor give to God a ransom for him—
    8 For the redemption of their souls is costly,
    And it shall cease forever—
    9 That he should continue to live eternally,
    And not [b]see the Pit.
    10 For he sees wise men die;
    Likewise the fool and the senseless person perish,
    And leave their wealth to others.
    11 [c]Their inner thought is that their houses will last forever,
    Their dwelling places to all generations;
    They call their lands after their own names.
    12 Nevertheless man, though in honor, does not [d]remain;
    He is like the beasts that perish.
    13 This is the way of those who are foolish,
    And of their posterity who approve their sayings. Selah
    14 Like sheep they are laid in the grave;
    Death shall feed on them;
    The upright shall have dominion over them in the morning;
    And their beauty shall be consumed in [e]the grave, far from their dwelling.
    15 But God will redeem my soul from the power of [f]the grave,
    For He shall receive me. Selah

    As you look at the verse in context it is talking about no man of wealth earthly riches has enough money on earth to redeem himself from the pit. But as we see in verse 15 , God will reedem our soul from the pit from the sting of death in the grave. The question you need to ask is what way has he made to be saved and delivered from death?

    • You ask, “The question you need to ask is what way has he made to be saved and delivered from death?” You must be new to this blog if you don’t think I don’t know the answer to this question. To find my answer, just go to this blog’s front page and in the search box type in the key words, “gospel,” salvation,” or “Yeshua.” Dozens if not a few hundred of my articles will pop up that answer this question. Happy reading!

  5. This is a minor note, but could you possibly list the objections immediately before each of your refutations? The way it is formatted, it forces the reader to constantly scroll up and down so they know the argument being responded to.

    • I wish I could, but since this meme doesn’t allow me to copy and paste the text because it’s a graphic, I didn’t feel like taking the time to type the text, so that I could put each point ahead of my refutation. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it is what it is. Hopefully, despite this, you found the info helpful. Blessings.

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