Golden Calf Worship Among YHVH’s People Today

Are YHVH’s people still prone to golden calf worship today?

Some things never change, since human nature is still the same today as it was thousands of years ago when the children off Israel worshipped the golden calf.

So let’s explore this question.

Let’s look at the series of events that occurred as the children of Israel were leaving Egypt, which have major relevance to what is occurring in mainstream Christianity in our day. If we fail to learn the lessons of history, we’ll likely repeat the mistakes of history. It has to do with golden calf worship.

YHVH redeemed the children of Israel out of Egypt and set the slaves free. He blessed them not only by giving them their freedom, but by giving them the wealth (gold and silver) of Egypt as well. We read that the Israelites exited of Egypt with a high hand. They were victorious, free and wealthy.

YHVH led them into the wilderness en route to the Promised Land—normally an eleven day journey. They had some difficulties: Pharaoh tried to kill them at the Red Sea, they lacked clean drinking water, and they had food issues, but YHVH provided them deliverance from Pharaoh, gave them clean water, manna and meat, and they overcame these trials.

Next, YHVH led the Israelites to the foot of Mount Sinai, and on Shavuot he made a covenantal agreement with them and gave them his Torah as their national constitution. They agreed to obey him and to keep his commandments. He promised to bless them if they remained faithful to him.

Moses went up to Mount Sinai to receive the Torah-covenant on two tablets of stone. While he was gone for 40 days, the people grew worried and anxious and become weary of waiting for Moses to return.  This was a test they had to pass of their faithfulness. Would they be faithful to YHVH and keep his commandments, or would they stray spiritually from the path of righteousness YHVH had given them and they had agreed to follow?

The Israelites got tired of waiting, and took the gold from Egypt and turned it into a golden calf, and then they rose up to play (to party). They even called their revelry a feast to YHVH! They used religious verbiage like “YHVH” and “feast” to add legitimacy to their Continue reading


Lessons from the Rich Young Ruler

Mark 10:21, Sell…follow me. What Yeshua is telling the young man is this. Get rid of anything in your life that is hindering you from following me. Such is an idol and needs to be removed from your life. In the young man’s case, it was his riches and likely those things that consumed his time and energies to maintain his riches (e.g. caring for his business and investment interests), and which prevented him from pursuing the true spiritual riches. Idols such as riches and materialism make it difficult for a person to enter the kingdom of heaven as Yeshua goes on to say in verses 23–25.

Mark 10:26–27, Who then can be saved? This was a legitimate question of Yeshua’s disciples. But in the next verse, Yeshua seems to imply that YHVH in his sovereignty can save anyone he chooses. If YHVH chooses to save someone, does this violate man’s free will? Not at all. YHVH can pour out his Spirit on anyone he chooses, call them and draw them to himself like an irresistible magnet, so that it’s virtually impossible for the person to refuse YHVH’s love and grace. This being the case, the person still has to choose to follow YHVH, even though the Sovereign Creator makes it all but impossible for a man to resist the call.


The Garbage Can Lid Is Coming Off—Repent America!

YHVH Elohim is currently taking the garbage can lid off of many human institutions in the United States in which modern secular-minded people have put their faith and trust instead of in him. These, in part, are the false gods that the heathen and many deceived religious folks worship instead of the one true Elohim of Bible.

The Almighty Creator, who alone is worthy of all praise, worship and glory, is exposing these false societal gods of to the light of truth. Those wicked and hideous things that have been done under the cover of darkness and under the umbrella of societal acceptability are being revealed for what they really are: They are merely stinking, filthy gilded garbage cans filled with every kind of evil and demonic deed!  Will men repent and turn to him or go back to their “drug” induced intoxicated sleep?

As a result of these revelations, some people will plunge deeper into that darkness while shaking their fists at Elohim. At the same time, others will awaken and begin returning to him. The vast majority of people, however, will look around in confused bewilderment wondering what is going on and then simply return to their mind-numbing daily secular routines and opiate-like pleasure inducing entertainments.

YHVH’s exposing judgments started falling some years back with the mainstream church (judgment begins first at the house of Elohim, 1 Pet 4:17). More recently, Elohim has been exposing those things going on in the darkness of major societal institutions, as well, for all the world to see.

Here are some of the gilded garbage cans whose lids are coming off for all to see the filth, wretchedness and ungodliness that lies within.

  • Mainstream Christian Church Leaders: The greed, hypocrisy and licentious lifestyles of some televangelists and other big-name Christian leaders started being exposed in the 1980s and 1990s. This should have been a wake up call to all Christians to stop blindly following their leaders.
  • Roman Catholic Church Leaders: Widespread pedophilia among some priests in the Roman Catholic Church, and the ecumenical and unbiblical globalistic, socialistic agendas of some past popes and the current one began to be exposed many years ago. This should be wake up call to all Catholics to stop blindly following their leaders.
  • Political Leaders: In the past couple of years, YHVH has taken the lid off the garbage can of our political system by exposing to the light what goes on in the secret lives of many of our political leaders and behind the scenes in the government they oversee. Never in recent history has there been more exposure of scandals, criminality, traitorous actions, moral failings, lies, duplicity, hypocrisy than now. On a daily basis, the media is reporting multiple scandals all at the same time. The terms “the deep state,” the dark state,” and “the shadow government” are now common currency in our society as an expression of the hidden agendas going on behind the scenes that are contrary to the will and benefits of the people.
  • International Banking Elite: The rapacious fraud and thievery of the international bankers and banking system has been exposed as never before. The exposure started in 2007 and continues to now.
  • The New World Order: Back in 1990, President George H. W. Bush first mentioned publicly the term, “the New World Order.” Now people are openly taking about it as it applies to globalism and global governance. Additionally, terms like “the shadow government,” “the deep state,” and “the dark state” are commonly bandied about as many people are awaking to the fact that those they elect to political office aren’t really the ones who govern nations and the world. They are simply taking their orders, to one degree or another, from shadowy power and monied elites who really call the shots and whose political, economic and religious agendas are being imposed on the people they govern without their consent through schemes of social engineering that are shifting if not totally destroying the bedrock foundations and traditional biblical-based mores of society.
  • The Mainstream Media: Now called “the Media Industrial Complex” by some who are awake, the major media is being exposed for the propagandists they largely have become as they promote a globalistic, progressive, anti-biblical agendas and the views of the monied elite who own them. The term “fake news” is now common currency from the president on down. The viewership and ratings of the mainstream media is plummeting as more distrusting people look to alternative sources for their news and information.
  • Hollywood: The moral and spiritual cesspool that Hollywood has always been is being exposed. Movie viewership is plummeting.
  • Professional Sports: The lid is being taken off the garbage can of football, which sits at the pinnacle of the idolatry of American sports. This all-American icon, which for many is treated like a religion, is now being politicized and riddled with scandal, the occult and unpatriotism such that Americans are abandoning football stadiums and their television sports by the droves.
  • Educational Institutions: Every day in the news we read about teachers sex scandals involving their students. Now add to this the lie that a college education guarantees one a higher paying career, which is no longer true. The garbage can lid of education is now being removed as more people are losing faith in traditional educational institutions and are looking for alternatives such as home schooling. Most who go to college are graduating with massive financial debts that are putting young people into bondage without delivering on the promise of better paying jobs as a result of a college degree.
  • Law Enforcement Institutions: Police brutality and illegality and corruption in the FBI, CIA is being exposed like never before such that people are losing faith in those in their law enforcement agencies who are supposedly there to protect them and maintain the rule of law.
  • The United Nations: The last ditch hope of mankind to bring peace and order to a chaotic world is being exposed for its graft, misuse of funds and its lack of general effectiveness. This is something that those with their eyes open have seen for decades, but now notable figures such as the president of the U.S. are now publicly calling them out on it.

What’s coming next? A total financial collapse? Civil war? Foreign military attack? Collapse of our electrical grid? Watch and pray!

America, it is time to repent of idolatry and to stop mindlessly giving your trust, time allegiance to any these institution of man including Christian church leaders and their religious institutions, and to seek YHVH Elohim with all your heart by giving him alone the trust, time and devotion that he deserves. Now is the time to rearrange the priorities of your life around him and in service to him like never before. This involves spending more time seeking him in Bible study and prayer, and in learning how to obey him by walking in his pure ways of light and truth by loving him with our all and our neighbors as ourselves as his word, the Bible, instructs.

YHVH Elohim is taking the garbage can lid off of many of the sacred icons of our modern society, so that we can see how truly evil and ungodly they are in hopes that we will turn back to him. He is graciously bringing judgment unto repentance first, and then will come his judgments unto death. Now is the time to repent of sin before he pours out his wrath!


Mystery Babylon and the Rise of Neo-Baalism in the End Times

A  Normalcy Bias

For those of us living in prosperous and relatively stable societies, it’s easy to forget the words of  Yeshua’s apostle in 2 Peter 3:1–18,

1 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Master and Savior, 3 knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of Elohim the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water.

7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with YHVH one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?

13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

14 Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; 15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Master is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, 16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.

17 You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Master and Savior Yeshua the Messiah. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amein.

It’s only natural for each of us to think that we’re pretty okay spiritually. This is our normal mental default mode. So did the Laodiceans in Rev 3. But what really matters is what YHVH thinks about us. He’s the Lawgiver and the Righteous Judge. That’s the  most important thing, since he’s the one to whom every knee will ultimately bow. He’s the only one who can grant eternal life.

The prophecies of the Bible will come to pass…sometime. There will be a generation that will see them fulfilled. This includes all the less popular prophecies! It’s safe to say that when these prophecies begin to come to pass, most people will be so caught up in the day to day affairs of life that they will be oblivious to them. This is the normal state of things. In the days of Noah, it was life as usual, until the flood came and washed them all away. The same thing will happen in the last days (Luke 17:26). Most people will be blind to what is really happening spiritually around them. This is because their time is consumed with raising their families, building their careers, preparing for retirement or their next vacation. The saints, on the other hand, are called to be children of the light, not darkness (1 Thess 5:1–9). Light is a biblical metaphor for YHVH’s divinely revealed truth including his Torah instructions in righteousness and following and obeying Yeshua who is the Living Torah Word of Elohim and the spiritual light of the world.

Because most people are living in spiritual darkness, the Mystery Babylon the Great world-ruling system is currently coming upon them unawares. This is why the Bible calls a mystery. It’s hidden, yet at the same time it’s in plain sight. Only those who eyes are spiritually open will see it. This global antichrist system will rise up slowly, imperceptibly and Continue reading


Are You “Rising Up to Play” on the Weekly Shabbat?

Exodus 32:4–5, Your gods…a feast to YHVH. This is the first example in the Scriptures of YHVH’s peoplemixing pagan practices (i.e. evil) with the truth of Elohim (i.e. good). We see that Satan the deceiving serpent was the first entity to defile good with evil when he questioned Elohim and tempted the first humans (Gen 2:9 cp. 3:1–6). The Hebrew word babel or Babylon means “confusion or mixture.” It is the mixing of evil with good, error with truth, darkness with light, death with life. In the end times, the saints must first recognize such mixture by knowing the difference between the holy and the profane and then be able to separate the two, and then come away from that which is evil or part of Babylon (Exek 22:26; 44:23; Rev 18:4; 2 Cor 6:14–17.) Though mainstream Christianity and Judaism are biblically-based religious systems, both have allowed pagan traditions, celebrations belief systems to insinuate themselves into their religious practices. In these end times, YHVH is calling his people away from everything that is unholy and unbiblical (Rev 18:4).

Exodus 32:5, A feast. Hebrew chag meaning “festival, feast, festival-gathering, pilgrim-feast or a festival sacrifice.” In the Torah (e.g. Lev 23; Deut 16:16), only three of the seven biblical holidays are referred to as a chag. They are the pilgrimage festivals (e.g. Ps 42:4) called the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks or Harvest of First Fruits, and the Feast of Tabernacles or Ingathering. Chag can also refer to a pagan festival as is the case in Exod 32:5 at the golden calf, or to the feast instituted by Jeroboam I to replace the Feast of Tabernacles (1 Kgs 12:32–33; The TWOT).

The verb chaggag, the root of chag, means “to hold a feast, hold a festival, make pilgrimage, keep a pilgrim-feast, celebrate, dance, stagger, to keep a pilgrim-feast, to reel.” Chagag primarily refers to celebrating the three biblical pilgrimage feasts, but can also refer to a pagan festival (1 Sam 30:16), or to sailers reeling to and fro on a ship as if drunk (Ps 107:27; ibid.).

Now let’s discuss the feast or chag that the Israelites made in honor of the gold calf. There is a strong likelihood that the day the Israelites dedicated to the worship of the golden calf was on the weekly Sabbath. The reasons to believe it was the Shabbat are as follows. Let us first assume that the Israelites received the ten commandments on Shavuot, which many of us believe was on a Sunday (i.e. 50 days after the morrow or day of the weekly Shabbat; see Lev 23:15–16). The next day—a Monday—(Exod 24:4), Moses built an altar and ratified the covenant with the Israelites (vv. 4–8). After that, Moses celebrated with the elders at the base of Mount Sinai (vv. 9–11). Next, Moses went up onto Mount Sinai to receive the tablets of stone (vv. 12–15). It had been six days since the glory of YHVH had been resting on the mountain (from Sunday to Saturday). On the seventh day or the weekly Shabbat, YHVH called Moses to enter the glory cloud where he remained with YHVH until his descent from Sinai. Moses was on the mountain from sometime Monday until Shabbat, when he entered the glory cloud. All total, Moses was on the mountain for forty days (vv. 16–18). At the end of 40 days, YHVH informed Moses of the people’s sin (Exod 32:7). If Moses ascended the mountain sometime on Monday, then the same time on Tuesday would have been day one. Forty days later was the weekly Shabbat. Moses descended the mountain after YHVH informed him of the people’s sin, and after forty days. This means that Moses descended on a Sunday. This also means that the people made a pagan feast to the golden calf on the Shabbat. Although the Bible never calls the Shabbat a chag, nevertheless, as we have seen above, the Bible refers to pagan celebrations as a chag. This is because pagan festivals were not solemn, but were often raucous, lewd, bacchanalian events—hence the term chag to indicate the festive nature of the event, though in a pejorative way.

Exodus 32:6, Play. Heb. tsachaq means “to laugh, mock, play, to laugh, to jest, to sport, make sport, toy with, make a toy of.” In this verse, the verb tsachaq is in its piel (intensive active form) and means “to jest, to sport, play, make sport, toy with, make a toy of” (The TWOT). If the Israelite’s festival dedicated to worship of the golden calf was on the weekly Shabbat (see notes above on v. 5), then YHVH’s displeasure against the Israelites was not only for their idolatry, but for their profaning his holy Sabbath by using it as a time for partying and for carnal sporting activities. They were mocking, making light of, toying with YHVH’s Shabbat, and were seeking their own sensual and carnal, if not, illicit pleasures on his day! This something that Scripture forbids (see Isa 58:13; 56:6).

Some reading this will justify themselves for their profaning the Sabbath by doing “their own pleasure” on that day as having nothing to do with golden calf worship. In reality, the golden calf was a form of or metaphor for Baal or self-worship—i.e., doing our own will or pleasure over that of Elohim’s. Make no mistake about it folks, this is the biblical definition of idolatry!

The Word of Elohim must be the final determiner of what we do or don’t do when it comes to our walk of righteousness—not our own carnal feelings and desires, which are heavily influenced by our fallen, carnal natures as well as the influence of the world and the devil and are thus antithetical to and rebellious against the will and Word of Elohim. It is the Word of Elohim that will judge us. Personal excuses and self-justifications will not pass muster before the throne of the Almighty and Righteous Judge of the universe on judgment day!


Are You Feeding from the Tree of Knowledge (through your “smart phone”)?


Are you addicted to your smart phone (and computer)? Think about it for a minute. Maybe, in reality, you’re addicted to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Everywhere I go I see it…and so do you. People walking down sidewalks, smart phone in hand, hunched over their device. Just the other day, I saw four mom’s crossing a busy street on their way to pick up their kids from school. The eyes of three of the four were glued to their smart phones. They didn’t even look up see if traffic was coming!

“Smart  phone” may be the oxymoronic label of the day…don’t you think?

At our finger tips, we have all the knowledge of the world—both good and evil. Sounds like the biblical tree of the knowledge of good and evil to me.

Remember the tree in the Garden of Eden that Elohim told Adam and Eve not to eat from? The same tree that the serpent hid in and lured the first humans into eating from?

We don’t know what kind of fruit it was. The Bible doesn’t tell us. Tradition tells us, however, that it was an apple. Hmm. Apple. The most popular “smart” phone on the planet has as its logo an apple with a bite out of it. Now connect the dots.

Look, I love my Apple I-Phone, my Apple I-Pad and my Apple computer. I don’t exactly live in a cave and grunt my way through life. But do these things master us or do we master them? Do you spend time with your electronic devices that you should be spending with YHVH? Are you spending more time feeding from the tree of knowledge or the tree of life?

I know, no one reading this is guilty of the concerns I’m positing. Each of us has a myriad justifications why the shoe doesn’t fit me. We’re all right in our own eyes. But what does YHVH think about it? We can’t fool him. He sees through our human machinations and excuses.

When Adam and Eve disobeyed YHVH and ate from the tree of knowledge instead of being faithful to his instructions in righteousness, they sinned. This was their first step on the proverbial downward spiral, slippery slope away from the Creator. Do you really think the devil has stopped attempting to deceive humans away from Elohim? Do you really think that in these modern times he’s going to take you to an actual tree that is labeled “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”? Get real. He’s smarter than that. But I can’t think of anything that fits the bill better than a beautiful device you can hold in your hand, that you can get in any color you want, and that has an apple logo on it (or whatever logo it may be) that more qualifies.

When Adam and Eve ate from the wrong tree, they fell into idolatry. Anything we put above Elohim becomes an idol to us. When our phone or laptop becomes more important to us than our Bible—there’s a problem.